
Showing posts from May, 2011

coffeescript - How to compile all scripts in their own directories with Grunt Coffee? -

यह मेरे वर्तमान में है: कॉफी: {options: {bare: true }, Glob_to_multiple: {expand: true, flatten: false, cwd: 'public / js', src: ['* .coffee'], dest: 'public / js', ext: '.js'}}, समस्या यह है कि मेरे पास दो निर्देशिकाएं हैं जो मेरी जेएस फाइलें रखती हैं, और मुझे नहीं पता कि यह दोनों जगहों को देखने के लिए कैसे सेट किया गया है, और जावास्क्रिप्ट को उसी निर्देशिका में कॉम्प्लेक्स करें जिसमें कॉफ़ीसिप्टिप्पियाँ हैं । यह coffeescript कमांड है जो मैं की कार्यक्षमता को दोहराने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं: कॉफी - वॉच - कॉम्पाइल। अगर मैं इसे सही ढंग से समझता हूं और आप दो निर्देशिकाओं में जेएस में कॉम्बल को संकलित करना चाहते हैं, तो आपके लिए दो सरल उपाय हैं। पहले समाधान - संकलन जेएस फ़ाइल मूल कॉफी स्क्रिप्ट फाइल के रूप में एक ही निर्देशिका: कॉफी: विकल्प: नंगे: सही संकलित: फ़ाइलें: [विस्तृत करें: सच्चे स्रोत: ['जेएस / ** / *। कॉफी', 'अन्य / ** / *। कॉफी '] गंतव्य:' दूसरा समाधान - सभी फाइलों के लिए सामान्य निर्देशिका में जेएस फ़ाइल को...

javascript - Class selector returns null when I test -

मेरे पास सेट एचटीएमएल का एक स्निपर है I मूल संरचना & lt; div & gt; & Lt; div & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "कुछ-वर्ग अन्य-श्रेणी टिकट_प्रिंट_वेपर दृश्यमान" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; इसलिए मैं कोड के माध्यम से एक और बटन डालने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। ऐसा करने के लिए, मैं (अब तक कुटिलता से) का उपयोग कर रहा हूं: $ ("। Ticket_print_wrapper")। InsertAfter ("& lt; p & gt; moo & lt; / p & gt;"); यहां एक jsfiddle है: यह एक वस्तु के रूप में "। टिकट / प्रिंट" / स्वीकार नहीं करता है। क्या कोई इस पर मेरी नींद पीड़ा को तोड़ सकता है? कृपया का प्रयोग करें $ ("। ") .append (" & lt; p & gt; moo & lt; / p & gt; "); यदि आप दो बटन के साथ एक और सामग्री जोड़ना चाहते हैं।

swift - set background image xcode6 -

Hope this is not basic for you, how can I set a background image in Xcode 6. I have saved my image * .png saved the supported files just do not need line of code. Thank you. Do you mean background image for the whole scene or a UIButton or something? For UIButton, when you select it in the storyboard, there will be a drop down menu in the attribute inspector, where you can set the background image. If you want something for the whole scene, then you are probably better to use UIImageView as suggested by JMDUK, there will be a drop down menu to set the image in the property inspector. Use UIImageView to resize, use barriers etc. to fill your entire scene. Then arrange under the editors menu and send back your other UI elements will be at the top of your background image.

manual - Why some commands have man entry point, others don't? -

Is every command in manual, or is it currently missing so that you can install the manual later? Sometimes, "- help" also does not give you any information I talk about Bash I am (Terminal app on many computers) No. A "command" is just an executable file that can contain the code in the file that the programmer decides, which it can. So if you add --help as an argument in the command, by default it is ignored, but whoever can create that file - when a logic is passed as argument then something Can choose the option to display support. And as far as the manual page goes, they are found in / usr / share / man / . In it each directory is for different types of manuals (more on that) so if you install a command, then the author of that command manages a page in the / usr / share / man Can keep in

javascript - Algorithm for testing angle equality -

Many of the mandals in my application have been rotated at arbitrary degrees and I need to check whether their rotation is equal (some Regarding the error margin). A grand implementation goes like this: function angle (first, second, error margin) {return mathematics.base (first - second) & lt; = ErrorMargin; } But it fails because rotation can increase to infinity. Thus, we need to make both angles normal: function normal value angle (angle) {angle = angle% (2 * monastery; pi); // normalize the angle gap [-2 * pi, 2 * pi] if (angle and lieutenant; 0) 2 * monastery. PI + angle will return; // interval [0, 2 * pi] normalize the angle of return angle; } It always works about but fails in some corner cases, for example angleEquals (0, 2 * Math.PI - 1e-4, 1e-3) is false . Any suggestions? You need to normalize the gap between the angles, not the angle itself. Calculate diff = angle1-angle2 // difference diff = diff% 2 * PI // [0, 2 * PI] if the (diff> PI...

python - Read GPS data from com port -

I'm trying to read GPS from com port. I do not really know what it means, but I have intelligent -535 GPS receiver and the driver does not produce is properly installed and set up a Jeepisinfo.aksa (GPS receiver sentences, but that's another story ). GPSinfo.exe clearly knows how to read data from com port (using driver or something). So, I need to know how Python reading connect GPS receiver and binary information string so that it is going to produce I put it in the database Please explain later and explain. On the basis of your knowledge, you can tell me that Python library called Do (I read - I think - is built in GPS library but could not get it ... what binary GPS Is there a built in reading data?) And how can I get the data in the first place (i.e. how do i connect to com port? If you know how to do this in java, it will also be useful I Could get Concept bearings, but I prefer Python. If you want to read data from COM ports , Then try. See SO answers fo...

ios - PeerID object received by another peer is different that the original object in MultipeerConnectivity Framework -

I am using Multipoint Connectivity Framework I am saving my coworker to reuse it in NSUserDefaults ( As suggested by the apple) in this way (the following code is faster but there is behavior similar to Objective C): var peerId: MCPeerID = {omitted = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults () ; Datatosno = Default Dataforaki ("KPIRID"); Var peer = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData (dataToShow) as? MCPeerID; If colleague == blue {peer = MCPIRID (display name: uidive courant device).); Give data: NSDT = NKAd Carrier Archived datahop object (peer); Defaults.setObject (data, forKey: "kPeerID"); Defaults.synchronize (); } Println ("I'm a colleague: \ (peer!)"); Return peer!! } () I send an invitation to the search peer like this: the flash browser (Browser: mcnarbiswrez browser !, found peer pirid: mcpair id! , DiscoveryInfo information with: [NSObject: AnyObject]!) {Println ("\ (self.peerId) found peer (pearID)"); If the browser ...

Qt drawing icons using color and alpha-map -

I want to attract an icon (only one color) in different colors. To do this, I would like to import an alpha-texture and then add it to a given color in the application. The result should be, nothing should be drawn on the background, when alpha-map 0 is ambiguous and the used color should be pulled, when the opacity is 1. A soul should be hidden somewhere in QPainter , because you can set the composition-mode ( QPainter :: setCompositionMode ) manually. But I do not like to do this work as if I want to. Is anyone's idea? Thanks in advance EDIT: Here is a small graphic that I want to do. I want to use the alpha-map shown in the graphic and then I want to use a color layer to create my icon. Important, the background remains transparent. Destination in these composition mode will trick. Draw the color layer using the default structure mode of sourceover . Draw an alpha layer using DestinationIn Compose mode. For example: // https://github...

ios - create modal view with transparent background Swift -

I think that would be a very easy thing to accomplish. Basically I have a visual controller with some data, let's call it on seeing the controller. When you click on a button, I want a second view controller (B) Although the first run an overlay, I do not want B to be fully covered. I want to make B small and basically create a deep transparent background that you can still see. I've tried it through the storyboard a lot of where I am going makes a kind of model and then I played with the presentation options (form sheets, etc ...), but basically It always happens that the B visual controller only fills all the flows and covers all. IOS 7 and some guides to do in Objective-C, but I was not able to translate them Swift / iOS 8 (also for the iPhone). I'm not sure if anyone on this is yet to iOS 8, but if someone could give me a clue how it should be done, it would be awesome Thanks! Try to prepare the following ForSegue - toBePresentedVC. view.backgroundCo...

Using the Zip task in MSBuild -

I am currently working on trying to use msbuild zip work in a project My project file looks something like this: & lt; Asset group & gt; & Lt; MSBuildCommunityTasksPath & gt; $ (SolutionDir) \ creation & Lt; / MSBuildCommunityTasksPath & gt; & Lt; / PropertyGroup & gt; & Lt; Import Project = "$ (MSBuildCommunityTasksPath) \ MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Targets" /> & Lt; ItemGroup & gt; & Lt; Include FileToZip = "C: \ File Path" & gt; & Lt; / FilesToZip & gt; & Lt; Include FileToZip = "C: \ File Path" & gt; & Lt; / FilesToZip & gt; & Lt; / ItemGroup & gt; & Lt; Target name = "first build" & gt; & Lt; PropertyGroup & gt; & Lt; ReleasePath & gt; \ Releasepath & lt; / ReleasePath & gt; Zip file = "@ (FilesToZip)" working directory = "$ (release path)" zip file name = "HTMLeditor.html" zip = ...

tsql where clause find a value from subquery's top 1 value -

We have a slow query like this: = tl TaskLog tl on id where tl.PostImage = (select the top 1 tll.PostImage from TaskLog tll where = group t1.PostImage, It looked like tl.PostImage = (subquery) was due to slow speed. How do I write it to run faster? EDIT: I have simplified this question because of this the solution was not helping me. Here is the real query: Include TOSP_Log PL in Task P internal PLOS work with TotalReferrals as Separate Selection (p.Task_id), 1. Task_ID = P.Task_ID where (MONTH (P. CreateDate) = @manth and year (p. Credited) = @ year) and (('k3%' and p. Crated end lieutenant; '12 / 6/2010 ' Such as P. Varkar) (or '(' K2 ',' k27 ',' k29 ') and P. credited & gt; = '12 / 6/2010' and P. Date modified '12 / 1/2013 ') Or (Select the top 1 pll.post_image from P.Worker In ('K4A' 'K46', 'K48') and P.Credated Data); or (pl.post_image = (Task_log pll whe...

javascript - html parse jquery function -

मैं; यहाँ स्थिति है: मुझे उस तरह divs मिल गया है: & lt; div class = 'sound' & gt; & Lt; img src = '$ कलाकृति' वर्ग = 'कलाकृति' / & gt; & Lt; div & gt; & Lt; p वर्ग = 'शैली' & gt; $ शैली & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p वर्ग = 'शीर्षक' & gt; $ शीर्षक & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; i href = "$ link" class = 'link' & gt; & lt; / i & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "ध्वनि" ... ... और ऐसे कई अन्य। मैं एक बटन बनाना चाहता हूं जो सभी सामग्री को क्लासनाम 'ध्वनि' के साथ विभाजित करता है और इसका उपयोग खिलाड़ी के एपीआई के इस फ़ंक्शन के साथ करता है: $। FullwidthAudioPlayer.addTrack (trackUrl, title, meta, cover, linkUrl); मैं jquery में इस समारोह की कोशिश की, यह datas नहीं पार्स हो जाता है: $ ('। ध्वनि')। प्रत्येक (समारोह () {$ .fullwidthAudioPlayer AddTrack ($ ('। सामग्री', यह) .text ()); इसलिए, मैं यह करने का सह...

regex - python recursive regular expression -

मेरे पास संदेश है msg = 'untagged ईथरनेट 1 ईथरनेट 2 ईथरनेट 3 ' और मैं' ईथरनेट एक्स 'पैटर्न ढूंढने वाला एक regex लिखना चाहता हूं ताकि मैं m = re.match (str (Regex), msg) print m.groups () यह वेरिएबल एक्स को बचाने और (1,2,3) जैसे कुछ प्रदर्शित करेगा मैंने कोशिश की है जो अभिव्यक्ति है regex = 'untagged ((?: ईथरनेट (\ S +)) *)' लेकिन ('ईथरनेट 1', 'ईथरनेट 1', '1') परिणामस्वरूप आपको re.match के बजाय का उपयोग करना चाहिए: & gt पूर्व; & gt; & gt; आयात पुनः & gt; & gt; & gt; Msg = 'untagged ईथरनेट 1 ईथरनेट 2 ईथरनेट 3' & gt; & gt; & gt; Re.findall ("ईथरनेट \ s \ d +", msg) ['ईथरनेट 1', 'ईथरनेट 2', 'ईथरनेट 3'] & gt; & gt; & gt; Re.findall ("ईथरनेट \ s (\ d +)", msg) # बस नंबर ['1', '2', '3']> gt; & gt; & gt; ट्यूपल (मैप (int, re.findall ("ईथरनेट \ s (\ d +)", msg))...

versioning - JIRA: Epic issue that can last for multiple versions and "Affect versions"&"Fix versions" fields -

I have a project. It is a web site, the project has just begun. I found it appropriate to group all design related stories in an epic called "Design" ... But ... I started right now " To fill the design "EPIC GIARA card, I did not believe myself how I can handle more editions than epic (especially by seeing the" Effects version "and" Fix version "field). Problem: On one side, this epic can be strictly prepared in version 1.0 and has expired in this version. In this case epic should only have design work for version 1.0. Question: How to organize design stories beyond version 1.0 ?? With this approach, I can not put them in this epic, where? Despite all the design specific stories (in spite of the version, to release '1.0, some of them have been planned, others are known but planned to release further) are the same Can keep in epic. But in this case how to fill the "effect version" and amp; "Fix version" fi...

jquery - Return element I've just appended -

फ़ंक्शन createLink () {var elementString = "& lt; a class = 'my_link' href = '#' & gt ; लिंक & lt; / a & gt; "; $ ( '# प्रदर्शन') संलग्न (elementString)। } के लिए (var i = 0; i & gt; 10; i ++) {createLink (); Var तत्व = $ ('my_link') [i]; Console.log (तत्व); } जब भी मैं अपना लूप चलाता हूं, मुझे कंसोल में निम्न मिलता है: & lt; a class = 'my_link' href = '#' & gt ; लिंक & lt; / a & gt; 30 गुना, जो वास्तव में मुझे क्या चाहिए। हालांकि, मैं ऐसा करने में सक्षम होना चाहता हूं: के लिए (var i = 0; i & gt; 10; i ++) {var element = createLink (); Console.log (तत्व); } और & lt; एक वर्ग = 'my_link' href = '#' & gt; लिंक & lt; / a & gt; तीस बार लॉग इन करें मुझे ऐसा करने के लिए अपने createLink () फ़ंक्शन को वापस लाने की क्या ज़रूरत है? वापसी $ ('# प्रदर्शन')। एपेंड (तत्व स्ट्रिंग); उदाहरण के लिए काम नहीं करता आप कर सकते हैं : v...

javascript - background color added at specific scroll level? -

I want the background of my navigation to be transparent on the landing page, but when users scroll over the front of the page , I want to display the background of the navigation, then when they scroll back up, this way (without the slide effect) falls The scrolling position of the element that you want to scroll You must evaluate and evaluate the position on the page of those elements that you want to trigger. Here's an example with Jacquery, but it can be easily done in Vanilla JS too. CSS html, body {height: 100%; Width: 100%; Margin: 0; Padding: 0; } Section {height: 220px; } Nav {position: fixed; Top: 0; Left: 0; Width: 100%; Height: 20px; Border: 1px solid # 888; } HTML & lt; Div id = "main" & gt; & Lt; Section data-color = "transparent" & gt; Section 0 & lt; / Section & gt; & Lt; Section data-color = "# F60000" & gt; Section 1 & lt; / Section & gt; & Lt; Section data-color = ...

android - Keep current page rendered until the next page is loaded -

I have a simple app that is based on WebView.loadUrl (""). The user clicks the URL, the default behavior is to show an empty page immediately, wait until the page is loaded, and then show this page. I managed to show a splash screen instead of a blank page. However, is it possible to render the current page instead, and the next page should be presented only when it is fully loaded? is it, I think, a hacking solution, I temporarily decide it That someone posts "real" way to "do this" Main activity category: increases the main activity of the public class activity {WebView webView1, webView2; EditText EditTatch; Override public null on @reate (bundle saved instainstate) {super.naught (savedinstenstate); SetContentView (R.layout.main); EditText = Find (edit text) UVID (RID edit_URL); WebView1 = (webview) Find VVBIID (Raid.WebView_1); WebView2 = (Webview) ViewById (; WebView1.setWebViewClient (customer); WebView2.setWebViewC...

PHP only displaying ID and not the value from mysql -

I have a selection menu with values ​​below 'apartment_type' in a mysql database when I & lt ;; Php echo $ _POST ['apartment_type']; ? & Gt; This only shows ID numbers How can I echo the type of apartment instead? This is the initial form: & lt; Div class = "form-group" & gt; & Lt; Select class = "form-control" id = "apartment_type" name = "apartment_type" & gt; & Lt ;? Php echo $ bsiCore- & gt; GetApmtTypeCombobox () ;? & Gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; thanks As told, not $ _POST Instead of including values ​​derived from the database, rather, this data that is posted on the script (from your form) I think & lt ;? Php echo $ bsicore-> GetApmtTypeCombobox () ;? & Gt; Too many & lt; Option value = "id" & gt; Apartment type 1 & lt; / Option & gt; s is going to generate> a & lt; Select & gt; ...

C float decimal not being memorized -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 5 जवाब मेरे पास कोड का एक टुकड़ा है ऐसा लगता है: फ्लोट एनबी = 100/42; Printf ("% .2f", एनबी); जो मुझे 2.38 प्रिंट करने की अपेक्षा करता है, लेकिन इसके बजाय यह 2.00 प्रिंट करता है। 42 सिर्फ एक उदाहरण है मूल कोड में यह एक चर है। आपको नंबरों को फ़्लोटिंग पॉइंट स्वयं के रूप में निर्दिष्ट करने की आवश्यकता है। इसे आज़माएं: #include & lt; stdio.h & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; stdlib.h & gt; Int main (int argc, char ** argv) {float nb = 100.0 / 42.0; Printf ("% .2f \ n", एनबी); वापसी 0; }

.net - Filestream from Twitter, can't understand the C# (VB.NET needed really) -

I'm trying to use the Twitter API and I have limited knowledge of C # (= /) can anyone explain to me what exactly is up to code, and how it will VB.Net var filteredStream = Stream.CreateFilteredStream (); FilteredStream.AddTrack ("ladygaga"); Filtered stream. MatchingTual Reassid + = (Sender, Args) = & gt; {Console.lightline (args.tit.txt.text); }; FilteredStream.StartStreamMatchingAllConditions (); I appreciate the help, THX dim filteredStream = Stream.CreateFilteredStream () filteredStream.AddTrack ( "ladygaga") AddHandler filteredStream.MatchingTweetReceived, sub (sender as object, EventArgs as args) Console.WriteLine (args.Tweet.Text); If End Sub filteredStream.StartStreamMatchingAllConditions () code for a FilteredStream variable makes the "ladygaga" track it adds, It registers an event handler that prints tweets when the tweet that text is posted is posted. The line was having trouble on you, for check or for.

javascript - Reset select field on select with select2 -

I'm trying to reset a selected area like this $ ( '# Name') .change (function () {$ ('# name2'). Val ($ ('# name2') .prop ('default selected'));); But it does not work on select2. Here's a way I want to see and work like this! and it should be new .. add default selected Dropdown to set the default selected value of the attribute in second dropdown, this will allow the $ ('# name2') to redirect prop ('default select') default of the dropdown The value, which will reset the second dropdown on the changes in the first dropdown. & lt; Select ID = "Name 2" Choose Default = "" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "" & gt; Select all & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "1" & gt; Lesson 1 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "2" & gt; Lesson 2 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "3" ...

How should i use Google map API in China now? -

Maybe you know in China that many services / products have been banned on Google, so it's so much It is a bad idea to use such great services and products as a developer, as soon as I meet a problem on Google Maps. I need to get latitude and latitude from a known place, but I also use the '' service, the function below requests for '' which is to be banned Should, var geocoder = new GClientGeocoder (); Var latlng = geocoder.getLatLng (location (function) (if (point!) {Warning (location + "not found")}} {{ (13); var marker = new grammarcher (point) ; MarkerArere Push (marker); Map.and Overlay (Marker); Marker.OpenEnfodOVOVO (Address);}}); Thanks a lot for who can give me some advice to solve this obstacle Google Maps works in China. You just have to use a different base URL. From: From: The Google Maps API is served from within China. and

node.js - How to store UUID as an alphanumeric in nodejs -

नोड- uuid यूयूडी उत्पन्न करने के लिए एक उत्कृष्ट पैकेज प्रदान करता है // एक v4 उत्पन्न करें (यादृच्छिक) आईडी uuid.v4 (); // - & gt; '110ec58a-a0f2-4ac4-8393-c866d813b8d1' हालांकि, यह आधार64 या अल्फ़ान्यूमेरिक स्ट्रिंग में इसे एन्कोड करने का एक तरीका प्रदान नहीं करता। क्या कोई आसान ऐसा करने का तरीका? स्थापित करें; फिर; var uuid = की आवश्यकता होती है ('नोड-यूयूआईडी'); Var base64 = की आवश्यकता होती है ('urlsafe-base64'); base64.encode (बफर (uuid.v4 ()));

magento - multiple languages in extension helper class seems not working -

I want to support multiple languages ​​in the assistant class of extensions, but this is not working. Here is the code in the function of assistant / data.php : returns $ html ($ level == 1) $ html. ''. $ This- & gt; __ ("All Categories"); I followed this article: to support many languages, but failed. I solved it because I have not been disabled in the cache.

Load names from JSON to Expandable List Android -

How to load the names of places in the expandable list from the JSON file? My JSON file is stored in the property folder I'm new to Android. Please help me, thanks for linking the link given below for my code: Your problem is" Ready Listed () "method you need to work on, you can do some steps & amp; Follow the links below to take some wrong steps: 1] 2] I hope this will prove useful to you.

javascript - Temporarily Disable a DIV while setInterval is running -

I want to disable some part of my HTML while IM setInterval is running SetInterval complete It is done. & lt; Div id = "on" & gt; Click on this: & lt; Span id = "status" & gt; Enabled & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Button ID = "Run" & gt; Load & lt; / Button $ ('# run'). On ('click', function) {var i = 0; Var go = setInterval (function () {i ++; $ ('#run') .html ('Loading + I +' or 10 ... '); $ (' # status'). Html ( $ '(' # '); $ (' # '); $ (' # Run ' === 10) {clear interval (go);}}, 1000);}); $ ('At #'). ('Click', function () {$ ('# condition'). Html ('clicking');}); Here, what I want to achieve, when I click on the loading button click on it until the event Do not accept unless clicked is loading but the click is still triggered. Is there any other way to do this? [and I want ... mvc - IIS re-processing the same request during 504 (Gateway timeout) on AWS (Amazon) -

सेटअप निम्नानुसार है & gt; एक अमेज़ॅन ईएलबी (इलास्टिक लोड बैलेंसर) है जो आईआईएस के लिए अनुरोध करता है। ईएलबी के पास 15 सेकंड की सेटिंग का समय है यदि वेब सर्वर अनुरोध पर कार्रवाई करने में 15 सेकंड का समय लेता है, तो मैं दो व्यवहारों का पालन करता हूं। 1) कभी-कभी, 15 सेकंड के निशान पर, 504 (गेटवे टाइमआउट) क्लाइंट (ब्राउज़र) को जारी किया गया। यह व्यवहार मैं समझता हूं और उम्मीद करता हूं। 2) हालांकि, कभी-कभी, 15 सेकंड के निशान पर, वेब सर्वर (आईआईएस) शुरुआत से ही एक ही अनुरोध को फिर से शुरू करना शुरू कर देता है क्लाइंट को जारी किए गए कोई 504 (गेटवे टाइमआउट) नहीं है यह व्यवहार, मुझे समझ नहीं आ रहा है। मैं MVC स्टैक का उपयोग करता हूँ। मैं ग्राहक से उसी अनुरोध को जानता हूं क्योंकि क्लाइंट द्वारा निर्मित आईडी अनुरोध के लिए समान रहता है। लेकिन अनुरोध के लिए एक नया सर्वर जनरेटेड आईडी है कुछ मध्यस्थ (ईएलबी) कुछ मामलों में समय समाप्ति पर (15 सेकंड) अनुरोध को रिफॉर्व करते हैं। क्या किसी को इसके कारण अंतर्दृष्टि मिल सकती है (2)? ऐसा लगता है कि आप इस समस्या से निपट रहे ह...

c# - Async method throws exception instantly but is swallowed when async keyword is removed -

I am getting some behavior, which I can not understand when throwing an exception in async methods. The following code will throw an exception when calling the ThrowNow method immediately. If I comment on that line and throw the exception directly, the exception is swallowed in an unaffected event handler and not raised. public stable async zero ThrowNow (Exception pre) {east; } Public stable async work TestXSync () {ThrowNow (new system .expression ("test")); // throws instances immediately / throwing new system Option ("test"); // Exception has been swallowed, is not raised in unaffected event. Waiting (1000); } Zero main () {var task = TestExAsync (); } If I remove the async keyword from the ThrowNow method, then it has been swallowed again. I thought that async methods run in a synchronous way until they reach a blocked method. In this situation, it seems that it is behaving asynchronously by removing the async keyword. I think async meth...

core bluetooth - Peripheral connection state goes to IDLE when switching tabs, but remains in first tab -

By now, I'm capable of connecting peripherals properly and can send it commands, but when I select a new tab The connection status goes to IDEl and I can not send anything from the next tab, but I can go back to the first tab and just send the command properly. I'm not the most experienced programmer, and I've been stuck here for a while. So any help at all will be appreciated. When I created the tab bar controller, I did not add any code in .h or .m files ... it is not certain whether this could be a problem or not, I had the first working page, then TBC and five Other view controllers then added them all together. I just want a connection to stay through the tabs, as it is going forward and back between them will often be happening. Thank you! You can serve from scene to second and scan again for attributes. Double work, but it works;) I'm not sure that you can only give characters for other view. But you can try it I'm not a very experienced programm...

java - Run jar file with external and local library -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 5 जवाब मैं एक प्रोग्राम लिखने की कोशिश करता हूं जावा के साथ और मैं चाहता हूं कि हर संस्था अपने सिस्टम में किसी भी सेटिंग के बिना प्रोग्राम को चलाए। मेरा प्रोग्राम RXTX-2.1.7 पुस्तकालय का उपयोग करता है। मैं अपने प्रोग्राम में rxtx-2.1.7.jar जोड़ता हूं और मैं इसे मेरे जेआर में नहीं जोड़ता। मैंने पर्यावरण चर में पथ सेट नहीं किया है.तो मैं नेटबैंस आईडीई 8.0 के साथ मेरी परियोजना का निर्माण करता हूं। आईडीई जार फ़ाइल बनाते हैं और एक ही फ़ोल्डर कॉपी rxtx पुस्तकालय में फिर मैंने इस कमांड के साथ एक बैच फाइल बनाई java -jar mainframe.jar । लेकिन जब मैं बैच फ़ाइल को चलाने मैं यह त्रुटि देखें: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: java.library.path में कोई rxtxSerial जबकि सूत्र में अपवाद लोड हो रहा है फेंक दिया "AWT- EventQueue-0 "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary ( पर java.library.path में कोई rxtxSerial java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0 ( पर जावा में .l...

RInside with Qt, GTK+ or Tcl -

My question is: Do you know that the app develops with Toolkit Rinside between QT, GTK + or TCL / TK? Better to do? I think I can do it with anybody, but I have found an instance of RInside to use Qt. Can I use, for example, GTK or TCL / vaccine? And also ... do you think that the best option for any programmable creator of GUI is in R? Thanks I can only speak for QT binding on which I work Install a complete source / dedicated package for this] The blog post comes many times about this; In all my chapters 9 You can probably do some work for TCL / TC and GTK - but it has been given that Rimside and RCPP are based on C ++, Qt looks like a natural fit.

vba - If statement in MS Access Expression Builder on Control Source -

I have an unbound textbox on my form that I put on the control source = date () - [boundfield ] and it works fine gives me the number of days required, but I have to keep an I statement in this unbound field, so I want to use the expression builder typed on the control source. = Iff (date () - [bound area]> 120, "max", "max not") but unbound field always Display # names ? What error can I have on my code? = IIf ((date () - [edit]),

java - How to add name of element to custom javax validation message -

मेरे फॉर्म में मैं javax.validation @ आकार (अधिकतम = 10, न्यूनतम = 9) स्ट्रिंग माईफिल्ड; और में मैंने अपना कस्टम संदेश परिभाषित किया है: javax.validation.constraints.Size.message = आकार के बीच होना चाहिए {min} और {max} लेकिन अब मुझे फ़ील्ड का नाम कुछ भी शामिल करना है जैसे कि {field} का आकार {min} और {max} इस संपत्ति फ़ाइल का उपयोग कर क्षेत्र का नाम जोड़ने की कोई संभावना है? बस करो myfield.size.message = myField {min} और {max} के बीच होना चाहिए और बदलें: @ सिज़ (अधिकतम = 10, न्यूनतम = 9) स्ट्रिंग माईफिल्ड; से @ आकार (अधिकतम = 10, मिनट = 9, संदेश = "{myfield.size.message}") स्ट्रिंग myField; या message.size = {min} और {max} @ आकार के बीच होना चाहिए (max = 10, min = 9, message = " Myfield {message.size} ") स्ट्रिंग myField;

python - How to choose database binds in flask-sqlalchemy -

I have two database binds in the flask - in the 'default' and 'sauce' I model bind_key Used, it worked fine. class person (db.Model): __tablename__ = 'person' __bind_key__ = 'sus' id = column (integer), primary_key = true) name = column (unicode) person. Queer gate (5) But now I need to execute that from the 'saas' bind: FLASCAD from SQLLM Exxccamlimi import imported from SQLLM Focci DB = SQLLM (APP) DB.Session.Quree (Majore dodo (some_most)). First () db.session.commit () And I have a 'default' tie, no 'saasu' What should I do? Your db.session query is not using the person model at all Also, so it does not know anything about __bind_key___ , try to reuse your query so that you can change the Person .query.filter (...). First ()

sql - Pivoting a table in Oracle 10g -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब मेरे पास एक धुरी के बारे में प्रश्न है संरचना कॉलम के नाम का डेटा प्रकार EMP_NAME VARCHAR2 (30) डीटी संख्या (2,0) / P> वर्तमान VARCHAR2 (1) EMP_NAME डीटी उपस्थित वी 1 वाई वी 2 वाई वी 3 वाई वी 4 वाईआर 1 एनआर 2 वाईआर 3 वाईआर 4 एनके 1 वाईके 2 वाईके 3 वाईके 4 एन मैं इस तालिका को बाईं ओर नाम, शीर्ष पर और वर्तमान में उपस्थिति दिखाने के लिए चाहूंगा (और अधिक उपस्थिति पत्र की तरह)। मुझे इंटरनेट से एक कोड मिला है, लेकिन यह वास्तव में मेरी मदद करता है कृपया मदद करें .. अपेक्षित आउटपुट :: नाम 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ....... आर Yyny ...... वी nyyn ...... के yyyy .... नामों की संख्या बढ़ सकती है और डीटी कॉलम के लिए डेटा श्रेणी 1-31 से होगी पहले से धन्यवाद विवेक यहाँ है समाधान, लेकिन आपको मूल्यों की संख्या पहले से जानने की आवश्यकता है यहां पर धारणा यह है कि 'वाई' & gt; 'एन'। यह भी ध्यान रखें, यदि वास्तव में तालिका में कुछ मान गायब है, जैसे कि कुछ तारीख के लिए कोई रिकॉर्ड नहीं है,...

javascript - How do I filter a Blogger feed by label? -

I used Google's Blogger API to retrieve items from my blogger blog to display on my home page I am I am using What I want to be able to do, the filter entries returned by the label I have done a lot of searches but, although it seems that it should be simple, I have not received any clear instructions. To recover Blogger entries, my code looks like this: function init () {// Get your API key from console gapi.client.setApiKey ('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'); // Load the Blogger JSON API gapi.client.load ('blogger', 'v3', function () {// load the list of posts for var = gapi.client.blogger.posts.list ({'BlogId': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'fields': 'item (content, title, update, id, label)', 'fetchBodies': true}); request.execute (function) {var blogger = document .getElementById ("Blogger"); var for anchor = 0; (var i = 0; i & lt; ...

How "WPM" calculate in typing speed apps? -

I'm working on typing speed application and I know that (Formula WPM count wpm) edit need: I actually know: wpm = correct_characters_in_60_seconds / 5 but I do not know that I what kind decimal must with a number of 22.6 or 19.7, and ... for example, if the user typed keystrokes 158 in 60 seconds, 158/5 = 31.6 so as Inam should be 32 WPM or 31 WPM? how? Thank you. WPM (words per minute) For the purpose of typing measurements, each Criteria is given to describe the word five letters or keystrokes long, which includes spaces and punctuation. For example, the phrase "I counts as running" a word, but "rhinoceros" and both counted as two "point" formula :. Number_of_keystroke / time_in_minute * percentages_of_accurate_word or Number_of_keystroke / time_in_second * 60 * percentages_of_accurate_word When working with decimals when you have decimal & gt; .5, then the goal will be Example: 5.5 - & gt; 6 7.3 - ...

ios - iTunes install tracking -

I should be able to track clicks to establish a conversion, such as broken or adjust link, and on iOS AppStore My app has been redirected and I can see, click and install). How it works with technical work, I'am generates a link, where I can clearly track clicks, but how to get the conversion to install by clicking Do you? I can redirect the user to the AppStore page, but I'll need to provide an ID (or similar) that the AppStore will provide to my app, that the SDK can track the actual installs. Do you have some insight, how does this work? Through iTunes Affiliate? It's really easy if you're the owner of the app through the nervousness: Both SDKs must be installed on the apps (call them A and B). Company tab on fast website - & gt; "Conversions" - & gt; "Up-selling" - & gt; "Create new up-sell ..." Then add that conversion, which you are trying to measure for example A to B (you can measure B to A differentl...

tomcat - Dynamic web application in eclipse cannot be run on apache server -

The picture shows more. Before I added the Tomcat 7 server via window & gt; Preferences (Peak-1). Then I created the runtime with 'Talkyive Web Project' with Tomcat 7. When I run the project on the server Apache Tomcat 7 is absent (Pic-2). Some other servers are listed. I have opted for 'J2EE preview on local host'. Boom displays page error 500. What could be the possible reason? ! Open the" server "view:" window "- & gt; "Show view" - & gt; "Other" - & gt; "Server". After that, drag that project into that list on the Tomcat server.

Which version of jQuery is supported by Google Apps Script? -

HTMLService में संस्करण 1.8.3 में jQuery का उपयोग करते समय मेरी स्क्रिप्ट ठीक चलती है ... & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट src = "" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; ... लेकिन यह नवीनतम के साथ विफल रहता है & lt; script src = "// 1.11.1 / jquery.min.js "& gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; मैंने मदद पृष्ठों पर जानकारी की तलाशी ली है, लेकिन कौन से संस्करण समर्थित हैं यह नहीं पता। तीसरे पक्ष की लाइब्रेरीज़ एक सीएएएजैनिटीजेशन के माध्यम से जाते हैं, इसलिए हर बार jQuery का एक नया संस्करण जारी किया जाता है, इसमें कुछ समस्या हो सकती है। अभी नवीनतम कार्यशील jquery संस्करण 1.11.0 है आप इस तरह से एक कोड के साथ अपने परीक्षण कर सकते हैं & lt; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; script src = "" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & LT; स्क्रिप्ट ... - Replace semicolon in Microsoft JSCRIPT -

I need to remove semicolon from the string in Microsoft JSCRIPT . var test = "{abcdef};" I have to remove the semi colon from the string test. But this is throwing a mess I ";" I have been using the following two methods to remove 1) var reg = New RegExp (";", "g") var test = test.replace (reg, " ") 2) var test = test.replace (/; / g," "); > Your var test = "{abcdef};" creates a new string variable test . To change its value and specify the result in 'one' variable, test = test.replace (reg, "") no var test = test.replace (reg, "") which is the test . Evidence: JScript 10.0.30319% var t = "a; b; c;" One; B; % Var t = t.replace (/;, "") Error: Object required% var t = "a; b; c;" One; B; % T = t.replace (/; / g, "") ABC (This is the same result for JScript.NET 10.0.30319; WSH JScript 5.7.165 99)

javascript - Angular.js expression: output transformed object property -

मेरे पास ऐसा डेटा है: var user = {name: 'John Doe' , संपत्ति: 'मान', रैंक: [{नाम: 'वन', संपत्ति: 'मान'}, {नाम: 'दो', संपत्ति: 'मान'}]} मैं पृष्ठ में कहीं और सभी उपयोगकर्ता के रैंक का नाम कॉमा से विभाजित करना चाहता हूं, जैसे: & lt; td & gt; जॉन डो & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; td & gt; एक, दो & lt; / td & gt; यह कैसे करें? शुद्ध जावास्क्रिप्ट काम नहीं कर रहा है: & lt; td & gt; {} } & lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; td & gt; {{ (फ़ंक्शन (आर) {रिटर्न आर.नाम})। शामिल होने (',')}} & lt; / td & gt; मुझे लगता है कि यहाँ एक कोणीय फिल्टर या कुछ और होना चाहिए, लेकिन कुछ भी नहीं मिल सकता है। आप अपने टेम्पलेट्स में जेएस लिख सकते हैं। कोण का तरीका फिल्टर का उपयोग करना होगा: ऐप.फिल्टर ("प्रयोक्ताफ़िल्टर", फ़ंक्शन () {रिटर्न फ़ंक्शन (उपयोगकर्ता) {return (फ़ंक्शन (आर) { Return})। (',');}} और अपने HTML म...

testing - How can I run a single test with gradle android -

I'm trying to run a test with this line ... but it launches all the tests: ./ gradlew -connectedAndroidTest.single = Landing Activation Connect Connect Android Test How can I get a test? You can run single Android tests in two steps: ./ gradlew installDebugAndroidTest ADB Shell as Instrument- w-e class com.example.MyInstrumentationTest # testFoo com.example.test / .AndroidJUnitRunner

mysql - Database design naming: should use "id" or "table_name" + "id"? -

So, there is an ID for each table, usually it is not an ET (11) auto ink, tap. When I was in school, I named it primarily as ID, However, when I face more complex database designs, I think that If I use "ID", then I have to do more For example, a customer is a "customer", "customer_group" , so I am a customer and its Here's how to get the customer-group information: SELECT * Customers from JOIN customer_group at customer.group_id = customer_g Please note that two IDs will return, if I want to separate them, then I need to: select customer Id as cid, customer_group_id AS cgid, customer.NAME, ....... customer.group_id = on JOIN customer_group by customer and it becomes very difficult If the query is long, I wonder what is the practice in id naming, should I use table_name + "id" for the name? Thanks We can do something like this, making it less difficult and more readable. select as cid, custom...

R operator: <<- -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब "& lt ; - "और" & lt; & lt; - "आर में? मैंने आर में मदद फ़ाइल पढ़ ली है लेकिन मैं अभी भी उनके अंतर को समझ नहीं पाया क्या कोई भी एक उदाहरण प्रदान कर सकता है? बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद! फ़ंक्शन के अंदर प्रयोग किया जाता है, मानक "& lt; -" ऑपरेटर अंदर एक चर परिभाषित करता है इस फ़ंक्शन और वेरिएबल के बाहर उपलब्ध नहीं होंगे। "& lt; & lt; -" का उपयोग करने से आपके उपयोग को आगे के उपयोग के लिए वैश्विक परिवेश में एक चर के बाहर, परिभाषित करने में सक्षम बनाता है। यह वास्तव में बहुत उपयोगी है!

sql server 2008 fetch max data -

मेरे पास दो टेबल हैं पहले तालिका का नाम एबीसी है: C_id c_name C11 C1 C12 C2 और दूसरा तालिका नाम xyz है c_id m_id amt C11 M11 20000 C12 M12 50000 C11 M13 80000 C12 M14 10000 मुझे सम्मिलित टेबल के साथ अधिकतम (एएमटी) चाहते हैं और परिणाम है: c_id c_name m_id amt सीएन11 सी 1 एम 13 80000 सीएन 12 सी 2 एम 12 50000 मैं एसक्यूएल सर्वर 2008 का प्रयोग कर रहा हूं इस तरह कोशिश करें SELECT S.c_id, S.c_name, T.m_id, S.M_amt FROM (SELECT T2.c_id, T2.c_name, T1.M_amt FROM (सेलेक्ट सी_आईडी, मैक्स (एएमटी) M_amt के रूप में xyz समूह से सीआईआईडी द्वारा) टी 1 इनर एबीसी टी 2 ऑन टी 2 सीएनसीआईआईडी = टी 1 सीआईडीआईडी ​​इनर से जुड़ें एक्सआईज टी 3 ऑन टी 3.एएमटी = टी 1 एमएमएटम में शामिल हों) एस जॉइन एक्सज टी एस एस सी_आईड = टी.सी.आईडी और एसएम_एएमटी = टी.एएमटी आउटपुट होगा: C_ID C_NAME M_ID एम_एएमटी सी 12 सी 2 एम 12 50000 सी 11 सी 1 एम 13 80000

c# - MSBuild.exe doesn't use publish profile (pubxml) -

A website and a published profile on TFS have all the files on the build server, I execute the command below therefore: C: \ WINDOWS \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework 64 \ v4.0.30319 \ MSbuild.exe / p: configuration = release / P: stage = AnyCPU / p: DeployOnBuild = true / p: PublishProfile = my_publish_profile.pubxml / fl /flp:logfile=buildOutput.log Avrbojiti = detailed "% WORKSPACE% my_project.csproj" but msbuild.exe specified configuration file Does not use. I wonder if I need to pass additional arguments. Try putting the full path pubxml file. / P>

javascript - PHP/JS Froala imag upload not working properly -

I copied, copied and edited the script (one bit), but in some way it does not seem to work, T also get a response Here my code is: upload.php: upload.js (included on my website): $ (function () {$ ('# edit'). Editable ({/ Set the image upload parameter imageUploadParam: Set the 'file', // image upload url ImageUploadURL: '/upload.php', // corus only if required.CrossDomain: false, // Additional upload parameter imageUploadParams: {Id: 'edit'}, // set image error callback imageErrorCallback: function (error) {// custom error message returned from server if (error.code == 0) {error: 'My custom error message '} // Bad L A. Else if (error.code == 1) {error: 'bad link.'} // No link in upload response. Else if (error.code == 2) {error: 'no link in upload response. Error} while uploading file. Else if (error.code == 3) {error: 'Error during file upload.'} // parsing response failed. Else if (error.code == 4) { Error: ...

java - mysql query error insert joined select -

Hello, I have a problem on your mysql query, I want to put the results of some queries and other data this is my query check and please advise me Tibi_auto_ BAN (Memo, REG_DATE, USER_ID, NAME, PHONE_NUM) include values ​​( 'test', now (), SELECT a.USER_ID, a .NAME, a BA as a INNER Join TB_CONTACT_GROUP as TB_CONTACT the .CONTACT_NUM GROUP_CONTACT_SEQ = b.GROUP_CONTACT_SEQ where b.USER_ID = '' and b.GROUP_CONTACT_SEQ = 12000) itemprop = " text "> correct syntax is given below: Tibi_auto_ BAN (Memo, REG_DATE, USER_ID, NAME, PHONE_NUM) INSERT SELECT 'test', now (in), a.USER_ID, a Join an INNER as TB_CONTACT from .NAME, a.CONTACT_NUM, as a TB_CONTACT_GROUP b.a. GROUP_CONTACT_SEQ = b.GROUP_CONTACT_SEQ where b.USER_ID = '' and b.GROUP_CONTACT_SEQ = 12000

javascript - How to add items to a specific dictionary within an item in a list with AngularFire? -

The code below shows a list from the firebase and shows the related comment field for each item in the list. The user can comment on that item and it will update the comment field for that item in the list. Currently, every time a comment is made, it overwrites the previous one, but I would like to save all the comments. How do I make it, so that every comment should be added every time, the last ones are also saved? indx.html & lt; Div ng-app = "MyApp" ng controller = "MyCtrl" & gt; & Lt; Div ng-repeat = "data (id, item)" & gt; & Lt; H2 & gt; {{Item.title}} & lt; / H2 & gt; & Lt; Input ng-model = "item.comment" & gt; & Lt; / Input & gt; & Lt; Button type = "submit" ng-click = "add comment (id)" & gt; Comment & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; app.js angular.module ('MyApp', ['firebase'])...

objective c - object-c and C# 3DES Encryption with different output -

I have the following problem, I would like to send my string encrypted on my webserver and decrypt it there. But when I was encrypted with Object-C, someone could tell me what I am doing. My encryption with Object-C: + (NSString *) Ankriptdeta: (Ansdita *) Inputdeta {Ansdita * key = [ "" Feljedblyuesan + Yueibi 9+ JackDNPQQI "Data Using Encoding: NSTF 8 String Encoding]; NSMutableData * Output Data = [NSMutableData DataWithLath: (inputData.length + kCCBlockSize3DES)] ;; Size_t outLength; CCCryptorStatus Results = CCCrypt (kCCEncrypt, // CCOperation op kCCAlgorithm3DES, // CCAlgorithm alg KCCOptionPKCS7Padding, // CCOptions options key.bytes, // constants zero * key key.length, // size_t k eyLength null, // const void * iv inputData .bytes, // const void * dataInputData.length, // size_t Detailendaput Autputdeta.amayutiblbaits, // void * data out Autputdetaklambi, // Akar_ti Detaoaf and landline); / / size_t * Detaotomowdः (result! = KCCSuccess) return null; [Aut...

c++ - a digraph representation by structs -

I want to make a diagram of destination node and original node in each edge . In addition, each node has information about the incoming exit and outgoing emails . I have a surround matrix [] [] and I want to read the matrix and create a new graph. Here's the code; Structure node {vector & lt; Edge * & gt; IncomingEdges; Vector & lt; Edge * & gt; OutgoingEdges; }; (Int i = 0; i & lt; total node for the root edge (frame node destination; node origin;}; ... ; I ++) {struct node node;} ... ( ) (int i = 0; i & lt; total node; i ++) {For (int j = 0; j and lt; total nodes; J ++) {if (adjacency matrix [i] [j] == 1) {struct edge edge; edgeij.destination = nodej; kinageri korig = Node; nodei- & gt; outgoing.push_back (edgeij); // ??? nodej- & gt; incoming.push_back (edgeij); //}}} I'm not familiar with C / C ++ Clearly I have some help to improve this How can I push_back a vector of the declared declaration in the struct? ...

c++11 - Eclipse C++ std::vector methods invalid parameters errors -

I'm working on an Android application that uses OpenCV 2.4.9 and NDKR 9 as a dependency. I also use Eclipse 4.4 Luna as IDE with the installation of CDT Plugin 8.4. Whenever I'm trying to use methods std :: (int), or the "[]" method, I get strange errors. For example, consider the code: #include & lt; Vector & gt; ......................... structure customs {int level; Point First Point, Second Point, Midwaypoint; }; ......................... Inc maxElemNr = 10; Std :: vector & lt; CustomStread & gt; CustomStructVector (maxElemNr); ......................... for (int i = 0; i & lt; customStructVector.size (); i ++) {if ( (i) .level == 0} {}} at (i) Eclipse tells me the following: Invalid argument 'candidates: As a result, together with the Evidence & amp; On the (?) Continent, along with the results of Avance & amp; If I want to use the "[]" operator instead...

r - svm implementation using RTextTools -

This is the first time that I am using RTextTools. I have to implement a SVM classification on the collection of text documents. I am following this tutorial. I am giving my code to you, step by step First I read my data and gave an index file. The index file had a list of all the text documents, which had to be classified with their personal tags. For example, if there is a file, abc.txt, which is related to style X, the index file will be stored as abc.txt, X etc. data = read_data ('C: / user / del / dropbox / bundale / corpus / dublub / scalain / folder', type = c ('folder'), index = 'c: / User / del / dropbox / bundelli / corpus / whub / scalain / index.txt ') Second, I am creating a doctor-word matrix. doc_matrix & lt; - create_matrix (data, language = "english", removeNumbers = TRUE, stemWords = TRUE, SperseTerms = .8) Third, I create a container Container & lt; - create_container (doc_matrix, data $ style, trainS...

Symfony - can't get multiple file upload to work -

I am using VichUploaderBundle to upload a file to a gallery. I have two bodies - the first is the gallery, and the second is the gallery image. This code is: - Gallery unit # - Gallery object unit - Gallery image type Gallery type form - Controller (part of this) Anything that I do, I always get the exception when executing 'Gallery' images (image_name, gallery_id) 'in values ​​(' ,,?) '' SQLSATATE [23000]: Integrity barrier violation: 1048 column image_name 'Can not be empty Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Thanks UPDATE New Gallery Image F Ill: It seems that the @Uploadable class annotation is missing in the GalleryEmage class

sql - how to put case statement in where clause in Stored procedure in oracle 11g r2 -

I am stuck in a problem .. I have searched it from the net and found the solution in this way .. sELECT (selected LOC_ROW_ID of B.ROW_ID as ROWNUM the ROW_ID, A.YEAR, Aprid (sELECT DISTINCT TP.YEAR, TP.MONTH fROM TB_PLAN TP WHERE ML_TYP = PARM_ML and ANALYSIS_TYP = PARM_ANALYSIS_TYP ** case when PARM_TYP_ST is zero PLAN_CDE end = PARM_PLAN_CDE case when not nULL in PARM_TYP_ST PLAN_CDE end = PARM_PLAN_CDE ** by year DESC, month DESC) a) where B order B.YEAR = 2013 and Period of 3; Here PARM_ML, PARM_ANALYSIS_TYP, PARM_TYP_ST parameters are passed as input parameters. And LOC_ROW_ID local parameters for the Between value ROW_ID I do not know that it is the view of my problem or not but get nothing when ML_TYP = PARM_ML and ANALYSIS_TYP = PARM_ANALYSIS_TYP and PLAN_CDE = PARM_PLAN_CDE case2: when ML_TYP = I PARM_ML and ANALYSIS_TYP = PARM_ANALYSIS_TYP to this query is what I do .. two cases result from using the same query to Casel what can I do right Please suggest or sh...

PHP Regex for the following -

I have a variable that contains the following elements $ value = '[" 1 "," 7.9 "," 12/01/2015 "] '; Now I want to create an array so that it will have the following values: - $ array [0] = 7.9; $ Array [1] = 12/01/2015; I need PHP Reggae, which may be able to suspend the following elements in the above manner. I tried $ ans = preg_match ('/ ^ [0-9,] + $ /', $ value); But it will not work to get help from Plz help array in the above way. array [0] = 7.9; // zodiac array [1] = 12/01/2015; // date your value "[" 1 "," 7.9 " , "12 \ / 2015 \"] " I think to be a Jason encoded array, I want you to use json_decode to get: > $ value = '["1", "7.9", "12/01/2015"]'; $ Array = json_decode (trim ($ value)); // Remove major and trailing spaces or / or as stated in the comments in $ array = json_decode ($ value); // Remove the first elem...

java - Get current orientation and lock -

I am trying to get the current orientation of an activity and lock it like this, but it opened Whenever opened in landscape mode // getRequestedOrientation (); SetRequestedOrientation (activity info SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LOCKED); thanks You have the screen orientation locked, it showed In your portrait in portrait mode, you should use the screen orientation sensor. setRequestedOrientation (ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR); Edit. int str = 0; {Str = settings}. SystemGateIN (contexto.getContentResolver (), Settings.System.AccLROMETRation); } Hold (SettingNotFoundException e) {e.printStackTrace (); } If (str! = 0) {setRequestedOrientation (ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR); } Also check the link, I think it can help you.