
Showing posts from July, 2011

php - Get most popular videos of a channel by its name -

I am trying to list the most popular (or latest) video of a channel using the YouTube 3.0 API. I have already implemented it, just not sure that this is the right way to do this, therefore advice is needed. First of all, I get the Channel ID by name (for example, instead of TEDxTalks> {Channel_name} ): https: // www / youtube / v3 / search? Part = snippet & type = channel & amp; q = {channel_name} & amp; ; Key = {API_KEY} Then I get a video of this channel ID, which is ordered by viewCount (or date ) The list of videos that is completely: {channel_id} and command = viewcount & Amp; Type = Video & amp; Key = {API_KEY} How reliable is the first request? If the name is the exact match of the channel URL slug or username (such as tdstalk), will he always bring this channel back? Or is there a more reliable way to get Channel ID by its name? Thank you. ...

sql - mySql equivalent Sqlserver statement with COUNT -

I am not looking for ways to convert the following Sqlserver statement to MySQL. I am using paging logic to view that data: from Selection COUNT (*), select from CN, ID, date of time (Seal, tap) MzMesDb.SysLog where deleted = 'F' order according to ARD serious LIMIT 0,3; This idea is obtained from a table with 1000 rows where the deleted 'F': cn id date time 1000 1 data 1000 2 data 1000 3 data Therefore, it will return the total number of rows and 3 selected rows. Thanks for the help. Maybe I'm missing something, but the following will not solve it: SELECT (select cn, id, date time) as per the 'f' order ID SECL LIMIT 0,3 by COUNT (*) MzMesDb.SysLog)

html - Same CSS but different results for Chrome and Safari -

I have the search element widget on the main page of my site that contains different tabs within the widget that represent the search criteria We do. This issue looks different in Chrome and Safari for these internal search tabs. I am adding screenshots for both Chrome and Safari versions. Chrome version (preferred version) Safari version (looks like it looks in Chrome) I tried to play it around but all my hacks broke it and made it worse. It can be changed at any time in the Safari. HTML does not have much to do for CSS code, so I do not really know why it works in Safari. Here is the public link to the site: Any help and suggestion Thank you. Is every search criteria dropped down? The image that replaces the criterion's text can be set to vertical-align: bottom , or it may have an effect on another type of image.

c# - Lambda expression gives error while sending parameters while creating a new Task -

मैंने निम्न कोड लिखा है: int n1 = 5 कार्य & lt; int & gt; MyTask = नया कार्य & lt; int & gt; (n1 = & gt; बीबी। मल्टीप्लीनम्बर टाइम्स 2 (एन 1)); myTask.Wait (); कंसोल.प्रकाश रेखा ("परिणाम है" + myTask.Result.ToString ()); मैं इसे क्या करना चाहता हूं, इसके बारे में कोड विवरण: मुझे यह उम्मीद थी कि माई टास्क नामक एक नई कार्य शुरू होगी, जो एन 1 चर चर को स्वीकार करेगा और यह, यह lib.MultipleNumerTimes2 विधि चलाएगा। फिर इसे पूरा करने के लिए इंतजार करने के बाद, मैं कार्य परिणाम को स्क्रीन पर मेरे टास्क के साथ मुद्रित करूंगा। रिस्पॉटल स्टेटमेंट। लेकिन दृश्य स्टूडियो मेरे ऊपर दिए गए कोड की पंक्ति 2 पर एक त्रुटि दिखाता है, गोटो से पहले n1 को रेखांकित करता है ऑपरेटर (= & gt;) कह रहा है: इस संदर्भ में 'n1' नामक एक स्थानीय चर घोषित नहीं किया जा सकता, क्योंकि यह 'n1' के लिए एक अलग अर्थ देगा जो पहले से ही ' माता-पिता या वर्तमान 'गुंजाइश, कुछ और को निरूपित करने के लिए मैं यह अपने लैम्ब्डा अभिव्यक्ति सींतक्स में एक गलती लगा रहा... - how to handle the return of a javascript function with nested Parse.Promises inside -

मेरे पास यह फ़ंक्शन है: फ़ंक्शन doCalculateStopBefore (thisD, lastD) {thisD.attributes .start.fetch ()। फिर (फ़ंक्शन () {lastD.attributes.end.fetch ();})। फिर (फ़ंक्शन () {// इस सामग्री का उपयोग करके कुछ सामान की गणना करें.उत्पादों। प्रारंभ और अंतिम D.attributes। इस डीसेट को बंद करें ('प्रॉपर्टी', मान); // & lt; --- महत्वपूर्ण; thisd को अपडेट करें!}); इस डी वापसी; // & lt; --- !!! यह पंक्ति वादों श्रृंखला के लिए नहीं चाहता है! } thisD और lastD हैं पार्स.ऑब्जेक्ट । मुझे इस 2 क्षेत्र (संकेतों को एक अन्य पार्स कक्षा) लाने की ज़रूरत है, फिर इस मान के साथ कुछ सामान की गणना करें और thisD को अपडेट करें। फिर मैं फ़ंक्शन समाप्त करना चाहता हूं ... फ़ंक्शन को _ में बुलाया जा रहा है। प्रत्येक लूप इस तरह से: _.each (myCollection.models, फ़ंक्शन (यह डी, इंडेक्स) {if (index == 0) {// उपयोगकर्ता की पहली प्रविष्टि / कुछ भी नहीं करते।} Else {// thisD = doCalculateStopBefore (thisD, myCollection.models [सूचकांक 1]); // उपरोक्त यह है कि कैसे मैं इसे पहले किया था। //...

template programming vectors C++ -

टेम्पलेट & lt; क्लास टी, क्लास आलोक = ऑलोकेटर & lt; T & gt; & Gt; वर्ग वेक्टर; // जेनेरिक टेम्पलेट वेक्टर वर्ग के लिए टेम्पलेट ऊपर वर्णित है कुछ शोध के बाद, क्लास आलोक का उपयोग स्मृति भंडारण मॉडल को पहचानने के लिए किया जाता है। संभावित मूल्य क्या हैं जो मैं इसे पास कर सकता हूं, अर्थात्: हैं vector & lt; int, double & gt; V1; या vector & lt; int, int & gt; अनुमत? आप किसी भी श्रेणी का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।

regex - Match Strings with Variable Left/Right Delimiters -

The problem is quite simple. At the beginning I want to match anything between some stars and between the stars in the end. In the end, the strings must initially match the appropriate strings . Let's say I want to match everything between [ and ] or { and } . The first regular expression that can be used: /[{\[ }(.*)[} ​​elseother/gmu However this is a problem. When the subject is: {AT} Verifyiu [AB] wrewre [ac} would also be [AC} But it should not be. It can be easily changed by: / \ [(. *) \] | \ {(. *) \} / Gmu And the problem is resolved. But what if (. *) were more complex and examples for beginning and ending 10 and they would be a bit more complicated (not a character but many)? Then using the entire rule, the whole (. *) should be repeated twice and it will be unclear. Is there any way to end the match with the beginning? For example, I want to use the same syntax as / (aa | bb) (. *) (Cc | ddd) / gmu to indicate that the ma...

Using Lambda Expression within MapBox TileMill Teaser -

मेरे पास निम्न टाइलमिल टीज़र परिभाषित है: फ़ोन: {{{PHONE}} } फोन डेटा 10 अंकीय फोन नंबर के साथ संख्यात्मक है। मैं इसे लैम्ब्डा अभिव्यक्ति का उपयोग करते हुए इस पर-फ्लाईट को प्रारूपित करना चाहता हूं: फ़ोन: {{#formatPhone}} {{PHONE}} {{/ formatPhone}} एक हैश में, मुझे पता है कि प्रारूप को फोन के रूप में परिभाषित किया जा सकता है: "formatPhone": function () {return function (phone) {// Do not formatting here .. वापस फोन; }} मुझे पता नहीं है कि टाइलमिल टीज़र इंटरफ़ेस के अंदर लाम्बडा फ़ंक्शन को कैसे परिभाषित किया जाए। कोई भी सहायता काफी सराहना की जाती है। धन्यवाद मुझे नहीं पता है कि लैम्ब्डा फ़ंक्शन को कैसे परिभाषित किया जा सकता है टाइलमिल टीज़र इंटरफ़ेस। लैम्ब्डा भाव समर्थित नहीं हैं, क्योंकि वे जावास्क्रिप्ट हैं अगर हम जावास्क्रिप्ट को अनुमति देना चाहते थे, तो यह एक आसान हमला वेक्टर एक्सएसएस और अन्य हमलों होगा। यदि आप यह स्वयं करना चाहते हैं, तो आप निचले-स्तर L.mapbox.gridlayer API का उपयोग कर सकते हैं और अपने स्वयं के एकीकरण में जावास्क्रिप्ट म...

javascript - How do I convert API supplied date/time string into readable format? -

I am working with a Python backend API that gives me the date / time in the string such as: What is this format, and how can I use javascript in that amber app so that the string can be made human readable? Format? Good, just: var string_date = '2014-07 -21t16: 50: 34.144Z 'var date = new date (string_date); Date.getDate () // returns 21 - & gt; The day's date .getMonth () // 6 gives, note that this is starting from 0, so is 0 January. : for more information

c# - How do i filter the tables i do not need when I use "include"? -

My EF Nightmare is on. I saw that when I use the eager add to be used in my application, then for example, 3 table / POCOs like 1, POCO and I just 2 I want to retrieve the tables, but when I generate T-SQL, all 3 tables will be received, how do I remove Table 3? Poko Public class table A {Public Virtual Ilkonak & lt; TableB & gt; B {received; Set; }} Public class TableB {Public virtual icon & lt; TableC & gt; C {Receive; Set; }} Public class TableC {} LINQ var rs = (from context.A.Include to Family (" B ") Select Family) .SingleOrDefault (); If you want properly grain control, which the institutions are full, then its Use: db.configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false; Note that for each example of your DbContext, you can get lazy loading or loading curious. You should not try to use both at the same example.

winapi - What API does Task Manager use to Dump a process -

Can anyone tell me what Windows Inbuilt Task Manager dumps to choose the process? If I am right then this is not a minidamprite dump, if it is not so, what? Thanks a lot! A short answer, it uses MiniDumpWriteDump . Description (Some unnecessary details were omitted): In the Windows 7 version, the Task Manager executable has some cover function called with the process ID and executable name. Is, like Foo.exe , whenever you want to dump a process. This handles the process by using OpenProcess and stores it in some structure allocated in the heap by using HeapAlloc This obtains a temporary directory in some local variables by using the GetTempPathW , for example the executable name, such as foo.exe , PathAppendW Using and delete foo without .exe extensions by using PathRemoveExtension and then add a To find out if the path has not been used, use the new extension or foo (2) such as PathAddExtensionW , and call PathYetAnotherMakeUniqueName Generate a...

Multithreading in C++, only check if semaphore is locked -

I'm trying to solve a problem, I'm using C ++ on windows. Assume that I have the thread ABC , and the thread is sending data to an application via the ABC and Z all sockets Z . But when Z is transferring data, I want to wait for AB and CZ, start over again, start over again. ABC application concurrent I am trying to use Mutex to prevent ABC from running on jade, but I came to know that whenever Z is not happening, then due to that Mute X ABC Are not walking with. So my question is finally, is there a way in C ++ which allows me to check that the Mute X is locked and if it is locked, then unlock Mute X Wait for, but no lock Mute X? I do not want anytime, A, B and C to lock Mute X Only Z should lock the Mute X. Any help would be appreciated. There is a type of lock that can solve your problem. Its purpose is for the purpose where there may be many concurrent readers, but at the same time only one writer (and the author locks the readers). It looks lik...

Android Studio SDK Manager -

I am getting this error: SDK platform equipment component is missing when I will run: & gt; Ant-clean debug is following the setup steps for the Android project and I'm very new to Android. I am looking for that I should be able to click the SDK icon in the toolbar, which I see but it is disabled. I am assuming that the SDK library is missing or some configuration is pointing to the wrong place. This is because I am not using Eclipse. Ant is not included with SDK, and you will need to get it separately. Check the thread here:

java - Spring @PathVariable without ending slash (String with IP address) -

यह मेरे नियंत्रक का हिस्सा है: @RequestMapping (value = "/ json / GetPCs / {serverAddress} ", विधि = RequestMethod.GET) सार्वजनिक @ResponseBody सूची & lt; पीसी & gt; GetPCForServerJSON (@PathVariable स्ट्रिंग सर्वर पता) { ("सर्वर पता:" + सर्वर पता); वापसी PCManager.findByServer (serverManager.findByAddress (serverAddress)); } ब्राउज़र में मैं URL http: // localhost: 8080 / test / pc / json / getPCs / पर जाएं लॉग में मैं देख रहा हूँ: INFO: net.example.test.PCController - सर्वर प्रविष्टियाँ: 1 9 82.1200 अगर मैं यूआरएल Http: // localhost: 8080 / test / pc / json / getPCs / / अंत में स्लैश के साथ यह ठीक है: जानकारी: net.example.test पीसीकंट्रोलर - सर्वर शामिल: क्यों? मैं स्लैश को समाप्त किए बिना यूआरएल का उपयोग करना चाहूंगा। अपनी RequestMappingHandlerMapping @ ओवरराइड सार्वजनिक अनुरोध मेपिंगहैंडलर मैपिंग अनुरोध मैपिंगहाँडलर मैपिंग () {RequestMappingHandlerMappi...

Drupal How to add .active class in to main menu -

मुख्य मेनू में एक्टिव क्लास को कैसे जोड़ें, जब फ़ंक्शन "theme" _links ___ "name-menu" ? उदाहरण: फ़ंक्शन socialzin_links__footer_menu ($ variables) {$ html = "& lt; ul & gt; \ n"; ($ Link ['title'], $ link ['href'], $ link) "$ l के रूप में $ variables ['links'] $ {$ html}।" & Lt; / li & gt; "; } $ Html। = "& Lt; / ul & gt; \ n"; $ Html लौटाओ; } वास्तव में ड्रुपल विशिष्ट current_path () जो मुझे लगता है कि इस उदाहरण में सही है: यदि ($ link ['href'] == current_path ()) {$ class = "active"} $ html। = " & Lt; li वर्ग = "। $ Class।" & Gt; "l। ($ Link ['title'], $ link ['href'], $ लिंक)।" & Lt; / li & gt; "; यह भी देखें

windows 8.1 - cordova not installing -win8.1 -

I want to use Ionic on win8.1, so I am trying to successfully install Cordova. I have already installed nodes and ionic. First, when installing the Cordoba, errors were being found in every line after the NPM install-G Cordova line at the command prompt, now let me do this npm Cache cleaned up and Cordova installed line edit : NPM tried to install G-Cordova with eonic, well-established, but I still have " Connecting plugins I'm unable to, maybe your version Cordova is too old "error, even AppData / Local / Temp This variable was added to the path in the system variable: C: \ Java \ jdk1.7.0 \ bin; C: \ Windows \ System32 \; C: \ Windows \, ​​C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Wbem Also, add the C: \ System \ apache-ant-1.9.4 \ bin PATH in the system variable in the folder

DNN redirect mobile with dynamic article ID -

I have been using DN77 for my main site and I am The main site uses DN77, but uses mobile MVC. I'm using fifty-fifth to redirect my mobile site. If I have 100 articles and to see a particular article, know this: (where n = 1-100) If someone clicks on this link on any mobile device then Takes them to the mobile site: Because I have set it in the web config file, there is a way of config so that the site will take you to I've heard that you can set the redirect rule in DNN but I'm not sure that it can solve the problem. If you know the answer, please help a lot. Sorry, it's a bit difficult to understand your question is. But I think what you want to do is to redirect mobile devices to the appropriate pages? If so, then: In the block of code that is used to find out whether the device's request is mobile or not, you can implement the following code: Response....

What is the difference between normal browser caching and ASP cache object? How do they differ? -

I am starting for ASP. Net caching concept What is the difference between normal browser caching and ASP cache object? How do they differ? Why do we need to separate the cash? Will not this break the memory overhead? ASP Net is capable of doing so in many ways You can specify that page in the browser or in your application domain to cache. Normal browser caching or page caching refers to caching the object in the browser's cache so that the next request for the same page is locally served by a page browser, proxy server , The application server or many of these can be cached in the request. To set up a page's cacheability, see this article: Where ASP has a cache object, .NET has created a per domain domain. This is an in-memory cache that can be used for archiving sessions or for any other object caching purpose, such as caching data loaded from the database etc. Note that this is an in-memory cache (as hashtable in the program), any data stored in this cache w...

how to increase variable name in Python? -

I am creating a simulation program. I manually list the Python var1 = [mass_a, velocity_a, velocity_a] var2 = [mass_b, velocity_b, velocity_b] ... How to change the number in the variable for the loop before launching the program? Something I tried for category (2): print (var + str (i)) but they do not work always remember if you have ever used the numbers as your example You must consider the name of the variable, you should consider an sequential index worthy data structure like array or list, to create a list in Python, we var = [ [Mass_a, velocity_a, velocity_a], [mass_b, velocity_b, velocity_b]] If you should sometimes name the variable with different suffixes like var_A = [mass_a, velocity_a, velocity_a] var_B = [mass_b, Velocity_b, velocity_b] You should consider a non-sequential index worthy data structure like helmpe or dictionary, the key of this dictionary should be different suffix and Values ​​should be assigned to the correspondi...

php - opening a div when a checkbox is checked and no of checkboxes are coming from database - -वे-डिवेल-चेक-चेकबॉक्स यहां ऊपर दिए गए लिंक में ... एक ऐसा कोड है जहां आप चेकबॉक्स पर क्लिक करते हैं, एक डिव खोला जाता है ... लेकिन चेकबॉक्स होते हैं स्थिर। अब मेरा कोई चेकबॉक्स इस तरह से डेटाबेस से आ रहा है: & lt; php $ sql_activities = "tb_activities से * चुनें '; $ Query_activities = mysql_query ($ sql_activities); $ सक्रिय = 1; जबकि ($ row_activities = mysql_fetch_array ($ query_activities)) {? & Gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "चेकबॉक्स" मान = "& lt;? Php echo $ row_activities ['activity_id'];? & Gt;" नाम = "गतिविधियां & lt;? Php $ सक्रिय सक्रिय करें;? & Gt;" & Gt; & lt;? Php echo ""। $ Row_activities ["activity_name"]; ? & Gt; & Lt;? Php $ सक्रिय = $ सक्रिय + 1; }? & Gt; अब जो मैं चाहता हूँ वह है कि अगर पांच चेकबॉक्स डेटाबेस से आ रहे हैं तो पांच div को खोला जाना चाहिए क्योंकि हम प्रत्...

mysql - Tuleap - SVN url not found on the server -

I am using the latest version of Tuleap, last month I was holding a project status, because I had this project The administrator did not want to look in the dashboard. In the evening I had activated this project for my team, so they can create jobs etc., but I am not able to check that 'svn files in the repository. When I tried to checkout, it was showing the URL shown / svnroot / liferay not found on this server , but I am able to browse; See files through the Tuleap tool. Currently active projects, I checkout & amp; Make files Let me get out of this error because all my updated files are in that repository. Actually "Holding" purifies the data (it has an alias for deleted). Actually your project has gone

c# - Do we need open db whendb is defined in using? -

When I use for connection, I know there is no need to use a pass or settlement. I wonder, do we need open access? Using (var dbSqlConnection = New SqlConnection (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["ConnectionString1"])) {dbSqlConnection.Open (); // It is necessary? } It depends on you what you are doing ... if By manually executing a command using the SqlCommand object you will need to open the connection so that you can execute any command on the command. However, if you are using something like DataAdapter ... you do not need it because it will manage the connection for you. Using SqlCommand object ... (var dbSqlConnection = New SqlConnection (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["ConnectionString1"] )) {Var cmd = New SqlCommand ("Your_Sql_Query", con); DbSqlConnection.Open (); // It is necessary? Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery (); } Using SqlDataAdapter ... using (var dbSqlConnection = New SqlConnection (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettin...

c# - Calling C++ DLLs from ASP.NET 4 -

I am trying to call C + + DLL from ASP.NET 4.0 web application but a DLL import Receiving error - Unable to load Library 'Library Name' . I have read a lot of blogs, where developers experience the same problem and what most people think of working for unmanaged DLLs for the PATH environment variable I did this on the server and double, triple checked that I left the path correctly and in C ++ DLLs that folder, but when I see the application in the browser So I still get the same error I have entered the code and it is definitely coming from the part of the code which calls the unmanaged DLL. IIS 6.0 .NET Framework 4.0 ASP. Net MVC 4.0 C # This works on the Dev Machine if I mimic unmanageable DL C: \ Program Files \ IIS Express Tried to copy C ++ DLL to bin folder, but as far as I understand ASP.NET, in the Inetpub \ wwwroot \ sitename \ bin copies the DLL from bin folder to a dynamic location when this code But unmanaged DLLs are not included in this ...

c# - MVC Web API AutoFac Dependency Injection -

In my setup class, I have the following code (using MVC Web API Template in AutoFac and Visual Studio) builder.RegisterType & lt; CRMUserStore & LT; IdentityUser & gt; & Gt; () In form of. & Lt; IUserLoginStore & LT; IdentityUser & gt; & Gt; () .InstancePerRequest (); Then startup. I have the following in the class. UserManagerFactory = () = & gt; New UserManager & lt; IdentityUser & gt; (DependencyResolver.Current.GetService & lt; IUserLoginStore & lt; IdentityUser & gt; & gt; ()); This returns the tap when I try to do the above instead UserManagerFactory = () = & gt; New User Manager & lt; IdentityUser & gt; (_ Container. Resolve & lt; IUserLoginStore & lt; IdentityUser & gt; & gt; ()); // _ Container is IContainer I get an error saying An exception to the type 'Autofac.Core.DependencyResolutionException' occurred in Autofac.dll but handled in user The code was not ...

c# - TextFile Reader and FileSystemWatcher in Windows Service -

I am trying to read a text file to use FileSystemWatcher such as anything in the Windows service textfile Now I have to face the problem as I should give my FileSystemWatcher code so that I can be called soon as a text file. Do I need to add it to the OnStart () Windows Service method or anywhere. This is my code structure. Protected override zero on start (string [] args) {_thread = new thread (startReadingTextFile); _thread.Start (); } Public Zero StartTextTextFile () {_freader = New Added Content Reader (TextFile Location); } Private Zero Watcher_Changed (Object Sender, FileSystemEventArgs e) {string addedContent = _freader.GetAddedLines (); Please help me. Thank you .. Updated code .. Protected override zero on start (string [] args) {IfLllReadOffset == 0} {_freader = New Added Content Reader (TextFile Location); } // If you saved the last position, when the application was closed, you can use the following // to start from that place like- // freader = new AddCo...

Debugging Pl/SQL code in conjuction with SQL Developer and Oracle HTTP Server -

Anyone has experience about the combination of Oracle HTP server and SQL developer. I have a web app that can get data For example function flists () {var p = new revWindow ("_ chlist", "dialogHight: 450px; dialogue: 650px; resizable: Yes; status: no; book: no; "); Var obj = new object (); Obj.sizer = p; Rs = window.showModalDialog ("! Rev_xxx.getIssueList? _ref =" + frnd () + "& amp; _name = & amp; _code =" + (_issue.value? _issue.value: ""), OBJ, p. Jet ()); If (rs) _issue.value = rs.channel_code; } So when I ! In Rev_xxx.getIssueList breakpoint is set and triggered how can I set up to SQL developer to capture this breakpoint? Thanks It's a little late but just as a suggestion if it There is still one issue: Do not debug but find out the PL / SQL code Just type in a simple logging table Example: Create table logs tab (SS timestamp default current_temstamp, tx varchar2 (2000)); There is a pr...

javascript - Round Values pushed from a JSON with JS -

I'm completely new to JS and I can not tell that I value (round 1 and counter 2) The external files that come with IOCounter.html come with a JSN-structure. I tried to keep math around at different places, which seemed logical to me - but nothing worked. Do I have to define Vera, make these goals and write the result in the label? Thank you for your help. & lt; Script src = "jQuery-2.1.1.min.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Label id = "counter1" & gt; 0 & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Label id = "counter2" & gt; 0 & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ {Document} .ready (function () {$ .ajaxSetup ({cache: false}); set interval (function () {$ .getJSON ("IOCounter.htm", function (result) {$ ('# counter1' ) .text (result ["counter 1"]); $ ('...

javascript - Loading csv data with d3.csv in nvd3 multiBar Chart example (JSON format) -

I am trying to reproduce a nvd3.js multibar chart using my own .csv data . In the past, such questions have been asked, but unable to help me solve this particular issue. In various questions I have seen the use of d3.entries d3.nest and variable construction to reproduce the correct input format, but it is a difficult time to understand how it works. Similar questions: These questions try to reproduce other chart types that expect different JSON data formats. In the nest, I have issues creating the "x" and "y" values ​​in the nest, in the chart example they use a function to create the data and in the function they create x (number of times) and y (real input) value. I want to reproduce this graph: with this CSV data: date, device: power: LGF, device : Power: GF, Equipment: Power: 1, Equipment: Power: 2 Genes, 6726.864146,5648.080727,25 9.773672042.260163 Fab, 6405.0 9 1236,5377.910358,2474.402801,1944.570663 March, 6727.448125,5648.571054,2598.93510...

How can I update Gtk.ListBox dynamically? -

तो मेरे पास एक सूचीबैक है: Var listbox = नया Gtk.ListBox (); Var l = नया Watcher.ListItem.NewItem ("शीर्षक", "उपशीर्षक", "आदि"); Listbox.insert (एल, 0); "l" मूल रूप से एक Gtk.ListBoxRow तैयार किए लेबल और सामान के साथ है। मैंने "नया" लेबल वाला एक बटन जोड़ा उद्देश्य सूचीबॉक्स में नए आइटम जोड़ना है। int i = 1; Back_new.clicked.connect ((=) = & gt; {l = नया Watcher.ListItem.NewItem ("title2", "subtitle2", "etc2"); सूचीबॉक्सेक्स। समस्या यह है कि अगर मैं " listbox.get_row_at_index (2) " से जांचता हूं, तो यह दिखाता है कि सूचीबैक में कुछ ऐसा होता है, लेकिन कुछ सूची में GUI अपडेट नहीं किया गया है। यदि आवश्यक है तो पूर्ण कोड यहां है: सूचीबॉक्स्। Show_all () मेरी समस्या को हल करता है।

elasticsearch - How to filter _source before it is returned back from API? -

I have many fields in the indexed document _source . However I have to return the Search Search form Do not need to Now for every document, the complete _source is returned to each _source How can I strengthen specific areas to achieve? In general, to answer your answer, for the version & lt; 1 Usage (in the search request) {"fields": ["the fields you want to receive"]} If the field contains the response, the source is not if the version & gt; = 1 Then, {"_source": ["field to include"]} can be found using source filtering is. Hope it helps.

php - SQL Query using a JOIN to select from two tables -

मुझे PHP में यह SQL क्वेरी है: $ sql = "चुनें * ग्राहक से सी जॉइन commsone_phonelines b जहां b.phone_number '% "पसंद है। $ _ POST [" खोज "]।"%' और "; $ Sql। = " जैसे '%"। $ _ POST ["खोज"]। "%' या"; $ Sql। = "C.forename जैसे '%"। $ _ POST ["खोज"]। "%' या"; " $ Sql। = "C.surname जैसे '%"। $ _ POST ["खोज"]। "%' या"; $ Sql। = "CONCAT_WS ('', c.forename, c.surname) की तरह '%"। $ _ POST ["खोज"]। "%' या"; $ Sql। = " जैसे '%"। $ _ POST ["खोज"]। "%' या"; $ Sql। = "C.accountnumber '%' की तरह। $ _ POST [" खोज "]।"% 'या "; $ Sql। = "C.customerid जैसा '%"। $ _ POST ["खोज"]। "%' या"; $ Sql। = "C.voip_account '%' जैसे। $ _ POST [" खोज "]।"%...

c# - Add event handler during object initialization -

I need a certain type of example (which will be made in this moment) for the method, there are several events in this type Which I would also like to subscribe to, so my code looks like this: var instance = new instance (); Example.OnEvent1 + = (Sender, Args) = & gt; {Do this (;); do that(); } Example.OnEvent2 + = (Sender, Args) = & gt; DoThisToo (); Example: Onewind 3 ... MyMthi (example); Now, it is possible to add handlers during initial time? So I can write something like this: MyMethod (MyType) Example = & gt; {Instance.OnEvent1 + = (Sender, Args) = & gt; {DoThis (); DoThat (); } Example.OnEvent2 ...}); It is desirable because of cosmetic reasons. I would like to shorten my code & amp; Readable. It is not possible now, but according to this plan is planned and may be available in the future. --------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------- | Feature | Example | C # | -------------------------------------------...

javascript - How to add the hover effect to an element taht is nested to an element with hover? -

I have a table that contains a range of 7 columns and rows when I hover a table row , Then the play button appears in column # 2, it is implemented with the help of: .table-hover> Cart & gt; Tr {boundary-left: 4px; Border-left-color: transparent, border-left-style: solid; & Amp ;: Hover {; Border-left-color: @active element color; & Gt; Thtdbackground-color: # f5f5f5} & gt; TD: nth-child (2) {background-image: url (picture / play_con page); Background position: center; Background-repeat: no-repeat}} and it looks like: You can see that the green row has a play button. What I am trying to do - is to apply additional (additional) hover to the button. If this is a link element, then I can just add a pseudo: I can class the link to hover and what do I want But this is not a link, when I click on the play button - the data must be sent to the server. I got the solution here but the problem is that in my case all the images have been added via CSS and Jeffa...

scenebuilder - JavaFX Gridpane out of shape -

It's a problem to add gridpay to an Icon View Builder! The gridpan is completely out of shape as soon as I put it in the window. The real window is the situation where it is considered, but the grid with the rows and columns is displaced. A screenshot shows what I mean: "post-text" itemprop = "text"> reconnect view builder 2.0 or higher and gridpan Or try changing layout settings from USE_COMPUTED_SIZE to constants. Or if it comes to doing this, by adding a gridpan to Java: @FXML Anchran Route; // It will be at the top of the page where you define your class GridPane gridPane = new GridPane (); Root.get Child (). Add (gridpan); // switch Anchor panel for your name I hope this will be helpful.

Unable to move xlib window until app focus is changed -

that I'm making a single xlib window with the related code when I try to move the window, the cursor briefly The grab catches in the cursor and I am unable to drag the window. However, if I change the focus on any other app, then come back to my app, I am able to drag the window. I'm new to xlib, and I do not understand why I can pull the window after creation? ms_display = XOpenDisplay (NULL); Int screen = default squirrel (ms_display); Window Root Window = Root Window (MS-DicePlace, Screen); XSetWindowAttributes windowAttrib; WindowAttrib.background_pixel = 0; WindowAttrib.border_pixel = 0; WindowAttrib.colormap = XCreateColormap (MS-DicePlug, Root Window, M_Visual, Alokone); WindowAttrib.event_mask = ConfigurationCam_cache | Keypress mask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | PointerMotionMask | Focus Changemask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask; Int width = m_displayInfo.m_windowWidth; Int height = m_displayInfo.m_windowHeight; Unsigned long mask = CWBackPixel | CWB...

vba - How do i declare and define a variable of a custom type in one line -

How can I declare and set a custom type in a row? option explicitly type stackoverflow heap string overflow string ending type as sub-workExample () dim example stackoverflow example.stack = "pile" example.overflow = "overflow" msgBox (example.stack + Example.overflow) End Sub Sub NotCompiling () Blame example as stackoverflow = {.stack = "heap", .overflow = "overflow"} MsgBox (example.stack + example.overflow) End Sub In this mini example WorkingExample behavior I want and NotCompiling part shows that I write f John, but I can not. To show, something like this can be written as a line in the form of a dim example Stackoverflow = {.stack = "heap", .overflow = "overflow"} . Text after "div class =" itemprop = "Text"> The colon is a line ending like a carriage return. sub-workExample (): Stackoverflow as a dim example: example.stack = "pile": example.overflow = "over...

android - How to hide/unhide other applications icon? -

I'm developing a small application that means AppHider also includes a list of user-installed applications and their launcher names. The name of the package Now I want to hide / show the application, I was using this code below but it is not working, so nobody can tell, I How to hide / hide application's app icons To hide the app icon PackageManager p = getPackageManager (); Component name component name = new element name (SingleApactivity.This, application); // Activity, which opens in the largest file for the first time, which is & lt; Category is declared as android: name = "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> P.setComponentEnabledSetting (parameter name, PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED, PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP); To turn off the app icon PackageManager p = getPackageManager (); Component name component name = new element name (SingleApactivity.This, application); P.setComponentEnabledSetting (component name, PackageMan...

javascript - jQuery validation engine won't work with jQuery 1.8+ -

I updated jQuery 1.8.3 stopped working for the latest version and jQuery validation engine . I tested it with 1.8.3+ (any version), but it does not work with js:. $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ("#source") Select2 ({closeOnSelect: false, formatResult: format, formatSelection: format, blurOnChange: true}) ;. . $ ('# Testform') validationEngine ({prettySelect: true, usePrefix: 's2id_', autoPositionUpdate: true});}); Function Format (State) {// Update: This worked by changing "State Element" to $ (state.element). Var Basic Options = $ (State.ment); Basic Orientation Data ('Foo') + "+ state.text;} How do I fix it? In the demo (for jQuery 1.8.3 Changed) Validation worked. Text after "itemprop =" text "> Verify the problem is the use of the method in 2.6 which was. You can update the verify engine or it has been fixed, where is used by

Encode fonts in winansi with GhostPCL in PCL to PDF conversion -

I create a PDF with encoded fonts in the form of custom instead of winansi I'm trying to . The source file is PCL and I use ghostpcl to convert it to a PDF using the pdfwrite device I am Although the PDF has been created successfully, font encoding (when checked with pdffonts ) 'custom' , but I Want to be 'victorious' How can I get this? You almost certainly can not do this, you definitely have no control what pdfwrite Chooses to do with encoding Without seeing the input PCL file I can not comment on why the encoding is not, but I guess that there is not enough information to know what font encoding is in the coming PCL, and So its only option Abuse is a custom encoding. If you are trying to create an editable / searchable PDF file with PCL input, then you can not do this.

c++ - equality check for double : efficency and quality of my test -

I have written this code which allows me to check approximately two doubles: Bool is_equal (double x, double y, double asp_tool = 1e-15, double rel_tol = 1e-15) {double diff (std :: abs (xy)); X = std :: abs (x); Y = std :: abs (y); X = (x> y)? X: y; Return (Diff & Lt; rel_tol * x) || (Diff & lt; abs_tol); / * Has been updated * /} I should know that this is a secure test and what are the "smart" values ​​for abs_tol and rel_tol . I would like to fix thoses values ​​so that it works very small and very big for doubling. Edit Here I have taken my inspiration ... It is unnecessarily disabled You do not need the upper abdomen (X), AB (Y); Choosing one of them would be right. Either X and Y are very close (almost equal), so it does not matter if you compare with stomach (x) or ab (y). Or they are not together, the difference is big, and it does not matter if you compare with stomach (x) or ab (y). Instead of using a Ternary operator, you can...

objective c - NSMenu canelTracking is not working on Mac OSx 10.5 -

To show a list of items, I am using NSSMNO inside NSCMOB. When I select an option in the NSComboBox menu, it should be dismissed. I am canceling to dismiss NSMENU for TrekkingWitut animation, 10.6 and above and it works fine. In case of 10.5, I am using the cancellation but it is not rejecting the NSMNU. I have a carbon API CancelMenuTracking () , menuRef = _NSGetCarbonMenu ( Cancel menu code (root menu in the menufr, boolean in immiatio, UInt32 inDismissalReason) NSMenu menuref To get the _NSGetCarbonMenu.10.5 and CancelMenuTracking (menuRef, YES, 0) for 10.6 and greater Cancel menuctacking (Manoruf, yes, KHIMenuDismissedByCancelMenuTracking);

.net - RadEditor is not working in IE11 -

I am working on the Telerik RadEditor control but it is IE11 Although it is working fine in IE8 . Under the tag, I am using to work with IE9 and IE10 and it works Meta http- Equiv = "X-UA-Compatible" content = "IE = EmulateIE8" /> However, when I use IE11 then RadDeetter is not showing in the proper format. namespace = "telerelic webcontrol" assembly = " 2" can someone tell me, IE11 You can find the upgrade instructions in the following article:.

ios - How to set image only for a certain part of title in UIButton -

I have a UIButton whose title is as a guru see 20. An image that has a background pattern for the button , This image is resized in width and the material mode aspect is fit. So it appears on the full button. My problem: I just need an image for "20" part, not the whole "Guru 20" if you see the iPad calendar you will get the point. How can I do this? Thank you Unless there is a feature string that does not have the functionality of applying a rectangle around it, Create a custom view that handles it: You should have a scene that leaves two strings, one common and one in the rectangle. Then enter a normal label, set text, make the call size tofitt. Then add another label and do the same as before, but in the end it is located next to the first label then add image view to the label regarding label views. Then resize the entire scene to fit all the ideas on it. Now you can add this custom label to a button or anywhere ...

html - Strange rendering issue in Chrome, Opera and Safari -

People amazing me I have created an HTML page that uses CSS animations and some very basic javascript is. Although I am convinced that I have not done it in the best / most effective way (still slightly new), it is very happy for me, but before I get some element in chrome, safari or opera Go with intermittent issue. Live example: Go to "Problem solving skills", go back to "Communication Skills" or "Leadership Skills". The following navigation buttons problem solving skills are still visible. But they are not really ... If I hit Ctrl + A, then they disappear. You can not click on them, they just left there. I tried to do it on some PCs and there was only one problem. Sometimes it does not happen at all, it does not look like it on IE or Firefox. Are these browsers handing over these elements and how to process opacity? Many thanks in advance. Edit: Here's a screen: This is a long shot, But you have blamed HTML on those buttons, tryin...

java - Print a list as a table in jsp -

I have one such list: [[A, 0,1], [A, 0,0], [b1,1], [c, 1,1], [c, 0,1]] and I would like to print it like this In HTML: ------------- | A. 0 | 1 | - - ----- | | | 0 | ------------- | B 0 | 1 | ------------- | C. 1 | 1 | --------- | | 0 | 1 | ------------- Is there a way to do this in JavaScript or is it an easy way to do this in jsp? javascript: source: var arr = [['A', 0,1], ['A', 0,0], ['B', 0,1], ' C ', 1, 1], [' C ', 0,1]]; Calculate the merge depth for each cell: var depth = arr. Map (function (item) {return (function () {return 0;})}} var arrLength = arr.length; (var index = 0; index Results table: var tableHTML = '& lt; Table & gt;' (Var i = 0; i & lt; subArr.length; i ++) {var iDepth = Depth [index ] [I]; + for function (function (all ARR, index) {var str = '& lt; Tr & gt; (IDepth! == -1) {str + = '& lt; Td '+ (iDepth> 0?' ...

java - IPackageFragment not open when trying to get IPackageFragment with pacakge name -

With the code given below, I am trying to get the IPCageFragment element for a given package name. But the toasting of the ipak fragment () is back (not open). When trying to access the methods of all sections in this package, I get the JavaModel exception. Note: I can open and view Java files in this package in Eclipse. Let anyone know what is wrong with this package. Receives private ipafefrazgrag package (name of string) throws an exception {ipafegraphragment root [] root = project.gatealepackagefragmentput (); (Int ii = 0; ii & lt; roots.length; ii ++) (Ipackage fragment piece = root [ii] .getPackageFragment (name); if (piece! = Null & piece. Axis) {Return slice;}} return tap;} navigate to pieces of the package or Before reaching the elements in the package section, you must call open () on the package section.

get name for use in coxph in R language -

I have more than 100 metabolites and some confidential datasets like age, gender, BMI. Now I want to test each single metabolites together with sophists with coxph in a for loop. My problem is the formula and I feel like how can I include metabolite names in the formula? received () works but gives me expression only get (x) . When I only use X, I got an error message "Variable lengths differ" . Here is an example code: x The result is: rho chisq p get (x) -0.06279 6.22e-01 0.4302 SEX-0.07272 7.5 9-01 0.3838 Age -0.02007 6.01e-02 0.8064 BMI 0.01479 3.02e-02 0.8620 If I do this more than 100 times then I Can not differentiate between get (x) in the result file instead of "meta1" or "mate 88" instead of "get (x) Should be the way. I thought it might be cleaner, but it's about the same #sample data dd & lt; -data.frame (a = 1: 10, b = rnorm (10), c = runif (10), y = rpois (10,5)) #get column as the proper ...

javascript - JQgrid data property returns [] on a grid with data -

जब मैं कोशिश करता हूँ: $ (MyGrid) .jqGrid ('getGridParam'); (संबंधित) ग्रिड का पैडमीटर डेटा होल्ड स्थानीय डेटा। यदि आप रिमोट स्रोत ( डेटाटाइप: "जेसन" या डेटाटाइप: "xml" ) का उपयोग करते हैं, तो यह (खाली सरणी से) खाली नहीं होगा loadonce: true विकल्प मामले में jqGrid बस सर्वर से लौटाए गए डेटा के पेज के साथ ग्रिड (HTML तालिका) भरें। मामले में सर्वर केवल डेटा को पकड़ता है और यह सॉर्टिंग, पेजिंग और फ़िल्टरिंग / डेटा की खोज के लिए ज़िम्मेदार है। यदि आपके पास कोई बड़ी डाटासेट नहीं है (कम से कम 1 लाख या कम 10000 पंक्तियों के रूप में) एक का बेहतर प्रदर्शन आमतौर पर loadonce: true विकल्प के उपयोग से होता है मामले में सर्वर केवल सभी आइटम के साथ सॉर्ट किए गए डेटा वापस कर सकता है JqGrid इस तरह के डेटा का पहला पृष्ठ प्रदर्शित करेगा और डेटा और _index पैरामीटर में सर्वर से लौटा सभी डेटा धारण करेगा। पहली लोडिंग के बाद jqGrid डेटाटाइप को "स्थानीय" में बदलता है और बाद में सॉर्टिंग, पेजिंग और डेटा की खोज / फ़िल्टरिंग सर्वर स...

c++ - What is uuid of IVssBackupComponentsEx4? -

क्या है UUID of IVssBackupComponentsEx4 ? मैंने सभी को एमएसडीएन साइट के माध्यम से देखा है और कुछ भी नहीं मिला है, यह दस्तावेज वीएसएस से संबंधित घटकों के बारे में इतना अच्छा नहीं है। सादर। इन प्रकार के COM इंटरफ़ेस नामों के लिए Windows एसडीके शामिल करें निर्देशिका खोजें। आपको कम से कम संस्करण 8.0 की आवश्यकता होगी क्योंकि यह एक इंटरफ़ेस है जिसे विंडोज सर्वर 2012 में जोड़ा गया था। सी: \ प्रोग्राम फ़ाइलें (x 86) \ विंडोज किट \ 8.1 \ शामिल करें \ vs \ vsbackup। ज फ़ाइल मेरी मशीन में: const IID IID_IVssBackupComponentsEx4 = // f434c2fd-b553-4961-a9f9-a8e90b673e53 {0xf434c2fd, 0xb553, 0x4961, {0xa 9, 0xf9, 0xa8, 0xe 9, 0x0b, 0x67 , 0x3e, 0x53}}; अतिरिक्त नोट के साथ आपको ये कोड हार्ड-कोड नहीं करना चाहिए, लेकिन अपने कोड में __ uuidof कीवर्ड का उपयोग करना चाहिए। और यह कि [visual-sourcesafe] के साथ प्रश्न को टैग करना अजीब है, यह एक वॉल्यूम छाया प्रतिलिपि इंटरफ़ेस है।

amazon s3 - TransferManager vs PutRequestObject in AmazonS3 -

I am confused about object single uploads and multipart uploads. Both are consuming. My code below file file = new file ("D: \ Amazon 3s Aves-Java SDK-1.8.3 \ lib \ aws-java-sdk-1.8.3 -javadoc.jar"); FileInputStream fis = New FileInputStream (file); string keyName = System.currentTimeMillis () + "_ aws-java-sdk-1.8.3-javadoc.jar"; Object metadata metadata = new object metadata (); MetaData.addUserMetadata ("test", "test"); // Object Single Upload PutObjectRequest putobejcObjectRequest = New PutObjectRequest (BUCKET_NAME, keyName, fis, metaData); PutobejcObjectRequest.setMetadata (metadata); S3client.putObject (putobejcObjectRequest); // Object Multipurpose Upload Transfer Manager Configuration Configuration = New Transfer Manager Configuration (); Configuration.setMultipartUploadThreshold (5 *; Transfer Manager Transfer Manager = New Transfer Manager (S3 Client); TransferManager.setConfigu...

c# - Passing a string parameter to another layout MvvmCross -

So basically I want to send a string parameter to another view model, but I keep the zero value back. My first view model is the command to call other layouts with this string parameter public icemand report comand {get new MvxCommand ((=) ShowViewModel & Lt; secondViewModel & gt; (new {param = "नमस्ते"}); }} My second viewmodel is Public Zero Init (string value) {string a = val; But I always get a blank value for "val" Why are any thoughts happening? I have an App Output mvx: Diagnostic: 62.54 View column for missing parameter ViewModel - Missing parameter report name - Assuming blank - Failed for these values ​​types It is possible! Mvx: Diagnostic: 62.54 Observing Parameters for Calling ViewModel - Missing Parameter Report Name - Assuming Blank - This value can fail for types! Name In your example by the MvvmCross Match parameter, you should call: ShowViewModel & lt; SecondViewModel & gt; (New {val = "he...

When Clover's flushPolicy and flushInterval are set, what is impact on memory consumption -

I was googling it but found nothing related to it, so ask here as I think others May be interested. When the flush policy on memory consumption interval or threshed with some value flushInterval ? If short intervals are used, will there be less demand in memory, as the coverage so far will be sold on the disc? Little voting for the use of the real world: Do you use these policies in practice? What interval do you use, and why? There is practically no difference in memory consumption for various flush policies. There is practically no difference in memory consumption for various flush policies. Just saying (*), Clover works like this that it allocates a large long array and keeps it permanently in memory, flipping the dump array contents into a file on a hard drive - distributed to the array (*) There are three separate coverage recorders for global coverage () and available five separate test-testing strategies () What flush policy = interval or flush...

html - JQuery: Toggling hide/show div elements - Is there a more efficient method? -

I have four div elements among which I am toggle between: & lt; ! - Toggle Control - & gt; & Lt; Span id = "todayToggle" & gt; Today & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span id = "toggle for tomorrow" & gt; Yesterday & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span id = "third toggle" & gt; Third day & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span id = "fourth toggle" & gt; On the fourth day & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt ;! - Divisions to hide / show - & gt; & Lt; Div class = "premium" id = "today" & gt; & Lt; H3 & gt; The first day & lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "premium" id = "tomorrow" & gt; & Lt; H3 & gt; The second day & lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "premium" id = "third day" & gt; & Lt; H3 & gt; Third day & lt; / H3 & g...

c++ - Custom literal works with long double but not double, and with pass by value but not pass by reference -

I'm experimenting with C ++ custom literals. I find it strange that when I change type from long double type to double , or when trying to pass from context, then working the normal function below First of all I thought that it had to be done with the use of constexpr but it does not seem that these two works are right because it is not on the code. Operator "" , and constexpr to remove from operator "" not error Removes. Is it well thought out that the specifics in the design of language, or just that the specifics that can not deal with my compiler (GCC 4.8.2)? // conversion function, both long double and double / double, and without reference with or without Constexpr long double to_deg (const long double and degree) {return degree * M_PI / 180.0 ; } // long pass with double passwords, literally and with value, // work fine Constexpr long double operator "" _deg (long double degree) {return degree * M_PI / 180.0; } // Supports cust...

javascript - htaccess rewrite messing with jquery ajax url -

मैंने अपने यूआरएल को से दोबारा लिखे हैं = QUERY_TWO मेरे रूट पर मेरे अजाक्स फ़ाइल है निर्देशिका और जब मैं एक अनुरोध का उपयोग करता हूं जो मैं करता हूं: $। ('Ajax-file.php', पैरामीटर, फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) {}); लेकिन जब कोई व्यक्ति / का दौरा करता है, QUERY_ONE एक निर्देशिका के रूप में कार्य करता है जिसके लिए मेरा एजेक्स अनुरोध काम नहीं करता क्योंकि वे QUERY_ONE डायरेक्टरी में "ajax-file.php" नहीं पा सकते हैं। मैं रूट निर्देशिका में एजेक्स फ़ाइल कैसे रखूं और अभी भी इसे एक्सेस कर सकता हूं? एक / पहले ajax-file.php जोड़ें: $। Get ('/ ajax-file.php', पैरामीटर, फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) {});

css - Sass --compass --watch Error: Cannot load compass -

I am working with sass and compass and trying to use the new syntax feature because Chrome 27 The new method of session is required to show the actual asus file and line number in the Chrome console panel. I am able to run the following sass command sass --sourcemap --watch style.scss: style.css However if I I like the compass argument as the following sass --compass --sourcemap --watch style.scss: style.css I get the following error in the Windows CMD panel Receives: "Error: Compass can not be loaded" I have tried to follow some of the ways that apparently work for some people on a page with jitub issue The methods I have tried are using sass 3.3.0.alpha.177 with the compass 0.12.2 (this productive every time I try the compass gem and execute Currently my setup is as follows: sass 3.3.0.alpha.177 Compass 0.13.alpha.4 Windows 7 Is there a way that I can use mother-in-law Compass and the source map generated for CSS Debugging at the same time? ...

java - Is there a risk in new clazz(this) from Clazz.clone? -

After a build break, a developer had complained that the available Clazz.clone () (not the actual name of the class)) has been removed, Therefore, his call is breaking the clz.clone () on which the author of the clause advises the client code to be new clause (CLJ) to be used . \ What is the risk to implement the method new Clazz (this) to return the clone? What could be wrong? I do not think there is a risk to do this, but it is unnecessary. One of your developers changes their function call. // This is the same var myClazz = thatClazz.clone (); // This var = my new Clazz (thatClazz) as myClazz; The use of the new method is called a copy maker which is clearly in my opinion using the clone. Further, there should be discussion about modifying a code with your development team, which are dependent on other modules. Any manner or quality that is not private, should be checked before the change.

php - PHPExcel: using "getHighestRow" in combination with read filter -

I am currently using PHPExcel to read an Excel file using the reading filter, because the ability to create spreadsheets It's bigger in the future, and I need to make sure that despite the ample memory size it remains free to handle it. As part of the argument, I want to get the number of rows in the sheet, which I can be exposed to as the following: $ file = 'path / to / spreadsheet.xslx'; $ ObjReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory :: createReader ('Excel2007'); $ ObjPHPExcel = $ objReader-> Load ($ file); Return $ objPHPExcel-> GetActiveSheet () - & gt; GetHighestRow (); My question is, is this the reason for running PHP when this file is archived? So in the same way if I use the following with a large file: $ objPHPExcel-> getActiveSheet ( ) - & gt; TooArray (); And if so, is there a way to get the highest line without causing a memory problem when the file gets bigger? I tested it as far as there is a 3 MB file on my local machine, and...

java - Selenium testcase execution speed issues -

I have an issue with Selenium where I can pass a test case, but the problem test is very quick. Is there any way or feature through which I can control the speed of execution? Any time I am facing big time for this problem, any help would be appreciated. Below is my script for reference. Package test. Selenium; Import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; Import org.openqa.selenium.By; Import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; Import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; Import; Import; Import; Import; Import org.testng.annotations.AfterTest; Import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest; Import org.testng.annotations.Test; Public class test {WebDriver driver; Public Traffic Group UPDateTestNG () {} / ** * @throws java.lang.Exception * / @BeforeTest Public Zero Setup () throws exceptions // // Use Internet Explorer an...