
Showing posts from January, 2013

excel - filter for specific name, if not present skip to next line of code -

I wrote a column in the name of a person last week to copy the active cells and give them a new Paste in work sheet as person name, it was great as long as the person name was no longer in the data set. Is there a way to keep a list of names and if those names are not in existence, then go ahead? The bulk of this macro was recorded. Aktivevindokskrollklumn = 2 ActiveWindowkskrollklumn = 3 ActiveWindowkskrollklumn = 4 ActiveWindowkskrollklumn = 5 ActiveWindowkskrollklumn = 6 ActiveWindowkskrollklumn = 7 ActiveSheet. Range ("$ A $ 1: $ U $ 188") Autofilter field: = 13, criterion1: = _ "Sober Justin" category ("M32"). Choose active window. Scroll column = 8 active window Scroll column = 9 active window. Scroll column = 10 ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 11 ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 12 ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 13 ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 14 ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 15 range ( "U1") Choose Range (selection, selection. Finally (xlDown)) S...

android - Parse SDK SignUp and Login through single API call -

In Pars SDK we have two different APIs for signup and login, but my In the case, I wanted to show a simple login form with the username and password where the user could sign up on the signup / signin button, when the user clicks on the signup / signin button, the pars backed should be aware that the user already exists And whether or not the parsuser object And in the customer side, we will use the ParseUser.isNew () method to determine whether the user has signed up or signed in. To do this, just call a single API? You will need to make a signed call, and check your error handler error and instead Try signing up. For most users it will be a single API call, which are new, they will be two API calls.

huge difference between the running time of the same SQL query in java and mysql -

मेरे पास फ़ंक्शन के रूप में एक फ़ंक्शन है: सार्वजनिक स्थिर ArrayList & lt; Article & gt; GetNewsList (डेटाबेस डीबी, तिथि प्रारंभ, दिनांक समाप्ति, int nextNth, int सीमा, स्ट्रिंग तालिकानाम, स्ट्रिंग एंटिटीकी, स्ट्रिंग विषयक सीक्व्यू) SQLException फेंकता {लंबे समय से एक = System.currentTimeMillis (); ArrayList & LT; अनुच्छेद & gt; YouTube = नए अर्रे सूची & lt; अनुच्छेद & gt; (); System.out.println ("प्रारंभ समय है:" + a + ""); कनेक्शन conn = db.getConnection (); "+ टेबलनाम +" से "एन +" नाम से "एन + "En.dataitemid = जहां en.dataitemtype = 1 और दिनांक के बीच में जोड़ा गया? और?" + एंटिटी + + "+ विषय + +" सीमा ","; "); Stmt.setDate (1, प्रारंभ); Stmt.setDate (2, अंत); Stmt.setLong (3, अगले nth); Stmt.setLong (4, सीमा); परिणामसेट rset = stmt.executeQuery (); जबकि ( ()) {आलेख nw = नया अनुच्छेद (); nw.setTitle (rset.getString (1)); nw.setLink (rset.getString (2)); nw.setD...

c# - Common factor with radio button/textbox/combobox/datetimepicker -

I have many controls, each control with a different number of controls. I control the "value" of each control name And want to serial the XML with the control "state". This will be textbox for a textbox. Text, there will be radioactivity for a radio explosion. Check, for a datetime picture, this will be a date-time picture. The original Is there any general factor or "state" in a different way to get these different words in no ordinary way? It is not so, and for good reason - all those data values ​​are different types, And defined by the child class (hence they are not defined by a common interface). For the argument, suppose that is one way to get that value (say, as a function: object getValue (control control) ). If you want to use the return value of this function, you have to use a case statement to get the type and use it correctly! Just a case statement

javascript - AngularJS {{}} placeholder Not Working Within Iframe Tag -

I'm a stranger in a strange country .... In my source, why does This: Video URL: {{Exercise. Deployed [0] .url}} Working by showing the URL for the video ... but: & lt; Iframe src = "{{exercise.videos[k].url}}" & gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt; Only '{{exercise.videos [0] .url}}' and does not have the same information as the other? Because src has not been evaluated by AngularJS but Ng-source is : & lt; Iframe ng- src = "{{exercise.videos [0] .url}}" & gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt;

javascript - Change statically positioned image with scroll -

I am trying to change the source of a statically illustrated image based on the window's scroll position. Actually, I want to cycle through MRI scan images, where the viewport is relative to the page. I want to get all 100+ images compared to the length of the page. This length will change, so I am trying to work to make it proportional. I believe that I am new to coding, so instead of trying the code, it is best to use the pseudocode: window.image1position == ( 1 / [#images]) * document.totalheight window.image2position == (2 / [#images]) * document.totalheight ... if window.scrollposition = = Window.image1position set image.src = image1.png elseif window .scrollposition == window.image2position set image.src = image2.png ... Would anyone be able to help me with this idea? Any input will be greatly appreciated. Allen Since you did not specify whether jQuery was acceptable, I Throwing something quickly to do this using plain javascript. Instead of first setting...

javascript - jQuery select on div content -

I am creating a small text editor, and for this, I would like the same effect when a user selects some text here Will: I was thinking about using the jQuery selection event, but I can not seem to work on the same divs on the input field itself. & lt ;! - - & lt; Input type = "text" class = "writing area" value = "foo bar" & gt; - & gt; & Lt; Div class = "writing area" & gt; Foo bar & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; $ ("Writing area"). Select (function () {warning ("text marked!");}); & Lt; / Script & gt; You can see a demo here: Sophisticated HTML works just fine, but the DV version does not. What am I doing wrong? Select can not be used on Divs? For the MDN reference, say that the HTML5 device only selects the defined input and the event for the software.

Convert VB.NET Linq to C# Linq code -

I am converting to C some VB.Net code # and I'm stuck on this linq query: (to Join query dtx.WebQueries _ wt wt.TaskReportCategory equal dtx.WebTasks query.QueryCategory _ where wt.TaskKey = taskKey _ // legacy code to the bottom of select thekey query re-use, Thekey query = .QueryKey Order query.QueryTitle _ where (Join in qry dtx.WebQueries in dtx.WebPermissions on _ qg qg.QueryKey Join equal dtx.WebQueryGroups on qry.QueryKey _ WP qg.QueryGroupNameKey Equal wp.TaskGroupNameKey Add _wugn.dtx.WebUserGroupNames wp.UserGroupNameKey at wugn.UserGroupNameKey Join _wug add to dtx.WebUserGroups at wugn.UserGroupNameKey wug.UserGroupNameKey _txt wt.TaskReportCategory qt on wt.TaskReportCart in wt. Wt.TaskReportCategory. user category _ where wp.ResourceKey = 4 _ and wt.TaskKey = taskKey _ and wug.UserKey = userKey _ // here they reuse thekey and I choose not specify how it is sure qry.QueryKey. I all but a small piece of code is changed: (Ditiaks query. Web queries Ditiaks i...

bash - Docker: Cronjob is not working -

I am trying to run a cron job on the Docker Container. I have the container running (Fedora 20). I also installed the cron package in the container and to run the Crown Daemon explicitly. I also checked the cron.deny file, it is empty and the file named cron.allow is not under / etc / directory. Whenever I tried to set the cronjob by using cronab -e or trying to use Crontab -l for the list of cron jobs I'm getting the following error Bash- 4.2 # crontab -l You are not allowed to access (crontab) due to the PAM configuration Bash-4.2 # crontab -e due to spam configuration you are not allowed to access (the root) (cronat) I have also entered the /etc/pam.d/crond file, on which this The entry is bash-4.2 # vi /etc/pam.d/crond/ P> # # PAM configuration file for the cron daemon # # # No PAM authentication is called No need of the Oathum module, account required the password-authentication session is required in the account session contains ...

html - Path to image within multiple directories -

I am having trouble linking one image with one file in a sub-directory. The main theme / parts / share / header.php .. The main theme / I logo.png image Want to link to & lt; Img src = "picture / logo.png" /> I have tried every option that I can think of .. / It would mean climbing with header.php, but it can not work what I should do because they always very high jumping main Theme and Edit , because you have mentioned that you are using WordPress: & lt; Img src = "& lt ;? php bloginfo ('template_directory') ;;> /images/logo.png" /> I believe this is the correct way to handle within WordPress. It has the advantage of using a full path, but when you go from a local host to a live domain you will automatically adjust.

android - Google Glass - Handling arbitrary voice commands -

I have a Google Glass Immersion that uses CardScrollView to display a series of cards I have created a PanelMenu that uses relevant voice commands by following Google, I am capable of jumping on a specific card using voice commands as in one Is described. The problem is that I can only do this by creating a unique menu item for each card, such as: // Voice active menu: go to card 1 Go to card 2 Go to card 3 ... It is good for proof of concept but in any real situation it is impractical. When I say an arbitrary number, can I get glass to recognize it? This ideally means having a single "go to card" command in my menu and leaving it clutter-free for example: // Voice-active menu: Go to Card X where X can be an integer 1,2,3. Put all together, I I want to interaction to go this way: 1) The app opens, the card displays 1, 2) the user "OK ​​glass" 3) the panel menu opens, it's an item Displays: 'Go to card' 4) Users say "go to ...

objective c - Creating a delegate and dataSource for UIPickerView -

I am trying to create a rep and a data source for a UIPickerView in a separate file. I have in ViewController: - (zero) viewDidoadload {[Super Viewedload]; UIPickerView * myPickerView = [[UIPickerView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (0, 200, 320, 200)]; Month Picture * Month Picture = [[Month Picker Alok] Init]; MyPickerView.delegate = monthPicker; MyPickerView.dataSource = monthPicker; MyPickerView.showsSelectionIndicator = Yes; [Self.view addSubview: myPickerView]; } MonthPicker.h #import & lt; UIKit / UIKit.h & gt; @interface monthPicker: NSobes & lt; UIPickerViewDelegate, UIPickerViewDataSource & gt; @end MonthPicker.m #import "MonthPicker.h" @implementation MonthPicker - (NSInteger) pickerView: (UIPickerView *) pickerView numberOfRowsInComponent :( NSInteger) component {return 7; } - (NSInteger) numberOfComponentsInPickerView: (UIPickerView *) Pickbackview {return1; } - (NSString *) pickerView: (UIPickerView *) pickerView titleForRow: ...

AngularJS - cancel previous $resource $promises if there is a new request -

I have a form with 2 fields: username and password. When changing my username model, I make a request for the API to do some investigation. When I separate X calls into a factory by T milliseconds, then I would like to know that: In my controller, done by the last receiving user Be consistent with the final input. The last promises will be canceled. I tried to find a way to emulate delays on my API call (because I am working locally and every response is immediate) but only for service Examples can be found. Here's a JSFDial to highlight this issue: HTML & lt; Div ng-app = "myApp" & gt; & Lt; Form ng-controller = "loginCtrl" & gt; Username: {{User Name}} & lt; Br> Password: {{password}} & lt; Br> & Lt; Input name = "user name" placeholder = "enter your username" type = "text" ng-model = "user name" ng-change = "check user name ()" & gt; & Lt; Inpu...

html5 - Dropdown Problems on Navbar -

Sorry if this is so easy, but I'm having problems with my navbar which I am making. I have problems when hovering over ul of the dropdown menu li is not set as active and another issue is that when you ul , the link is pushed on the right side. If you want to see an example here If any of these require Jquery or regular JS, which I do not think it does, then I would reply here. I am This is my code. HTML & lt; Div class = "navbar" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" class = "brand" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "img / shattered.png" / & gt; Test & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Ul class = "navbar-nav" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "container" & gt; & Lt; Li class = "active" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Active & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Hover & lt; / A & gt...

c# - MVC 4 DropDownList can't add to model -

Hi, I'm new to MVC 4 and went into an error while using Html.DropDownList. This is my current code. Model for jobs: Namespace payroll.CORE {Public class jobs {Public Entove Job ID; Set; } Public String JobTitle {get; Set; } Public virtual iconging & lt; Employee & gt; Employee {receive; Set; }}} Model for Employee: Public Ent Amplifier {get; Set; } Public string name {get; Set; } Public string aliases {get; Set; } Receive public int phone number { Set; } Receive public et al. Set; } Public String Address1 {get; Set; } Public string address 2 {get; Set; } Public String City {Received; Set; } Public int postcode {get; Set; } Receive public string {name}; Set; } Public Int Bank Account Number {Received; Set; } Get the public string peinterval { Set; } Public Double Normal Rate {get; Set; } Public Double Overtime Rate {get; Set; } {Get Public Double Sethors; Set; } Public System DateTime Date Offoffing {Received; Set; } Public Systems Datetime Last Payment Receiv...

linux - Makefile 'ifneq' syntax error, Broadcom BCM43142 -

I am trying to install the driver for Broadcom BCM43142 on push 1.1. I am trying to follow this guide. My laptop (Sony Vio Flip SVF14N13CXB ) has Intel i5, 64-bit processor, so I downloaded files from Linux to Broadcom website for Linux. I get a Makefile and Lib and src / Strong> folders found. I chmod + x / Makefile then . / Makefile went . Here I have got back ./ Makefile: Line 21: Syntax error near unexpected token `$ () KERNELRELEASE './Makefile: Line 21:` ifneq ($ () KERNELRELEASE) ' There is some concrete from the makefile ifneq ($ (kernelleae),) linuxx_goodFOR_CFG80211 = $ (palette $ (shell \ if ["$ ( Version "2" one "$" ("Patchlevel") - Ge "6" one "$ (sublevel)" -ge "32" -o "$ (version)" -ge "3"]; then \ right Echo; \ left \ echo wrong; \ fi \)) Any thoughts? Thank you. Och! Makefile is a description file that rules are given in a program called ...

html - Google chrome bug? -

When I click on an option from a selection tag, the other div becomes the hover state. It's only happening with Windows 8, 7 and XP under Google Chrome. This is a good thing in Chrome for Mac. Firefox, Safari and IE in Windows ... even in IE8! & lt; Div class = "wrapper" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "menu" & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; One square = "hide" href = "" & gt; Menu 1 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; One class = "hide" & gt; Menu 2 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; One class = "hide" & gt; Sub menu 1 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "" & gt; Sub-item 1 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "" & gt; Sub-item 3 & lt; / A ...

c# - Post-Build $(RemoteMachine) Fails to Resolve VS 2012 -

So, I should have something wrong because it sounds so easy so far it is not working. I have referred all the construction macros As I have understood that I went into the project properties, the debug tab was found there under the working directory "Use Remote Machine", I checked it and Enter the name of my remote machine. \ FarOut Then I went to build events and added this line: copy / y "$ (target dead) * .pdb" "$ (RemoteMachine) assembly \ " There is a shared folder for PDB assembly name on the fart. Whenever I create $ (RemoteMachin) nothing gets resolved ... so I get a build error. copy / y "c: \ user \ ... \ bin \ debug \ * .pdb" "assembly \" what am I doing Am I Thanks What is I doing wrong? MSDN article which you do not have to read closely related $ $ (RemoteMachine) property is present only in C ++ projects C # IDE has no knowledge of it and does not use it is. You will not get any errors, you...

Why Unity3d can not find Java for Android SDK -

In today's days, I'm getting the error with Unity 3D v4. 3.2f1 jdk1.8.0_11 Android SDK v0.8 Error creating player: Unity Express: Find the appropriate JDK Unable to install Please make sure you have a suitable jdk installation. Android development requires at least JDK 6 (1.6). Latest JDK can be obtained from Oracle I'm just trying to get all kinds of ideas to work on every site. Anyone should know how to fix it properly. I have messed up with Environmental Wars (Path, Java Om, JDK-HOEM), stupid with Fond_Java.bat in the Android SDK Android Tools folder again. JDK / JRE reinstated 32 bit and 64 bit, 64 bit (twice) removed Android SDK is fully detected when PathWars is set correctly but some Unity will not create Android players for reasons. Is it because I am using Android Beta SDK instead of Eclipse ADT with Android SDK? Set up the JAVA_HOME variable here is:

c++ - What is "for (x : y)"? -

So I was looking at threads on the interwab and I came to discuss a blog / tutorial about threads, But I was confused for this line they have used (Auto and Thread: thread) Actually it is not certain that this What does - there is a link to the blog here. I am talking about this - whoever answers this question for me You can also give me a reference so that I can read what he does and other related things that are blind to looking for me. C ++11 started a new trend statement, so called loop this is different from the general for loop, because it only gives you access to members of the category, without To give the name of the boundary and not the proxy iterator In particular, you do not want to change the category during the repetition, so this new loop documents the intent of "viewing each category element" and does nothing complicated with the range. The syntax is: For (declared X: R) {/ * body * /} , where declare is for some declaration and r is an ar...

css - mobile-safari ignoring media query -

My almost finished website. The following media query has been ignored by the browser of my iPad Mini? @ Media all and (max-width: 800px) {# trigger {display: none;} #telephone_leaf {display: none;} #number_leaf {opacity: 1;}} (style.css, line 974) It works on resizing desktop browsers! Actually, this is part of another problem. I can not get a telephone-hover / click-leaf image to work on my iPad. For this reason, I am just trying to fall in the display of God-damn telephone number from the beginning in a certain browser width. But even @ M not working !! go insane. Make sure all your code prefixes! @ Media is still new to CSS3, so make sure it's all prefix! So your code should be: @ - WebKit-media all and (max-width: 800px) { #trigger {display: none;} #telephone_leaf {display: none;} #number_leaf {opacity: 1;}}

javascript - resizing flipclock.js not resizing as expected -

I am using the default clock, all I want to do is set 1 / 3 But for some reason this size is not changing as I expect In the flip clock CSS I changed the following .flip-clock-wrapper ul {Position: relative; Swim left; Margin: 5 px; Width: 20px; Height: 30px; Font-size: 27px; font-weight: bold; Line-height: 29px; Range radius: 6px; Background: # 000; } But the width of each ul is 40px; If someone can point me in the right direction that it will be good .. To fix the problem of size in FlipClock > To fix the problem of size in the FlipClock, I leave a comment for the upcoming questionnaire. .timer {zoom: 0.5; -MOZ-transform: scale (0.5); } The line above will be less than 1/2, if you want smaller size then you can use 0.3 or whatever

function - How to return a valid iterator in C++? -

I am writing a function to find the element in vector and return an element to that element: vector & lt; Int & gt; :: errator circular (vector & lt; int & gt; ivec, int target) {auto it = ivec.begin (); While (this! = Ivec.end ()) {If (* this = target) it returns; Other ++; } Return ivec.end (); } Then I copy the return itator to another iterator. I can correctly determine the iterator: vector & lt; Int & gt; Number {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}; Auto ether = sediment (number, 5); The court's & lt; & Lt; * ITER; Output is 5. But, when I increment / decrease the increment, then something is wrong: - iter; The court's & lt; & Lt; * ITER; // I think the output should be 4 but the output is 134281917! Is the price for search wrong? if (* this = goal) return it; Assigns this target to * it . Since target is 5 , the expression value is also 5 , which is equal to true . Thus, with a nonzero target , your functio...

How to remove console in masm assembly? -

I am new to the assembly and every program I run opens a console (like CMD) in the background anyway Is it annoying to fix this? ' I am using mess assembly, although I am not sure what that means. .386 Model flat, stdcall option Kesap: None included \ masm32 \ include \ windows .inc include \ masm32 \ include \ \ masm32 \ \ includelib \ masm32 \ lib \ user32.lib includelib \ masm32 \ lib \ kernel32.lib .data boxcap db "Close to a simple box", 0 contains the message database & lt; 3 Muddy "from" between 0 db "abortion", starting 0 .code: MessageBox, zero, addr message addr boxcap, MB_ICONERROR or MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE If eax invoke == IDABORT, MessageBox call zero, addr & Abort, addr & Abort, MB_OK .ELSEIF eax == IDRETRY invoke MessageBox, a close to zero, addr between Close to switch to, addr between, MB_OK .ELSEIF eax == IDCANCEL .ENDIF invoke ExitProcess, zero finally start It is sorry for the code, not p...

Issue of exclamation mark in SAS "Program" tag -

I encountered a problem today with my SAS software. In the parallel "log" tag was showing an exclamation mark on my "program" tag. I have not seen it before and if someone can tell me what is the problem in my SAS program At least in SAS Enterprise Guide, a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark is a warning symbol. The warning can be very negligible, such as trying to leave the dataset which is not present or it can be more serious, the way to find out, open the log file and check the warning.

php - finfo_file() returns wrong mime type for some images? -

I allow the image upload on my website and I need to get the file type to upload the file so that I can see Can I see what type is in the whitelist and is allowed to upload. I'm using it using finfo_file () , but it does not work in all cases. Here's my code: // mime type get $ finfo = finfo_open (FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); $ Mime = finfo_file ($ finfo, $ filePath); Echo $ mime; Try the above code on the above image and say that the mime type is application / octet-stream when it is Clearly a JPG file. Why the financefolder () is not working with the test image? Whatever problem can I fix so that I can get the file type correctly? Alternatively, you can use the exif_imagetype () with image_type_to_mime_type () can also be used. Example: function get_mime ($ url) {$ image_type = exif_imagetype ($ url); Return image_type_to_mime_type ($ image_type); } Echo get_mime (''); // image / jpeg

Macros in Excel -

Based on these reactions, there may be a multi-part question, but as of now I try to learn the program With macros in Excel I know that how to use macros to set any cell equal to a hard coded value (like cell (2,3) .value = 3) and I know that cell How to apply a normal equation in (cell (2,3). Formula = "= estext (8,8)") But when I try to add an if statement to the cell using Excel, the machine is flipped out because it can not control the double coat. I have a cell (2,3) Formula = = if (x2 = 1, "you got", "again missed") " What do I need to do to make macro happy? Thanks (For example, in this example things might be a little far away because I am not copying and pasting them from my computer. For example, one of my above equations is called a comma or some others I am missing my job and that is not a problem) Inside a string, you want to turn a double, for example, quotes in double quotes: cells (2,3 ). Remember that if the brac...

php - Setting up PHPMailer with Office365 SMTP -

I am trying to set up PHPMailer so that one of our clients can automatically generate email from their account. I have logged into their Office 365 account, and found that the settings for PHPMailer are as follows: Host: Port: 587 Certification: tls I have applied these settings to PHPMailer, although no email is sent (the function I call works fine for our mail, which is sent from the external server ( Not a server serving web pages). "Host" => " "" "," T "," user name "=" gtc: mediafile = "", "port" => 587, "athe" = & gt; true, "safe" = & gt; Password "= & gt;" Clientpass "," to "= & gt;" Myemail "," from "=>" "," Sannam "=>" Client Name "," Topic => $ Body, "altbody" =...

javascript - AngularJS checkbox checked custom value -

I'm trying to check a box by default with a custom value. Are you ready? & Lt; Input type = "checkbox" ng-model = "checked" ng-init = "check = true" ng-true-value = "make sure" ng-fault-value = "no" & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; TT & gt; {{Check}} & lt; / TT & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; If I do not show anything until I click on the box, is there any way where it can be checked with the default value of something other than the Boolean value? ng-true value = "sure" . Therefore, ng-init = "checked = 'confirm'" code snippet & lt; Input type = "checkbox" ng-model = "checked" ng-init = "check = 'fixed' ng-true-value =" make sure "ng-fault-value =" no "& gt; Plunker -

java - How Hot Code Swapping Works -

I am programming in Java, and I really enjoy Netbeans and other IDE features that make you Allows your program to write an application in Java while debugging without restarting it, which would be beneficial if I can update it on the fly without restarting it. I had the idea of ​​having a second jar that could have been run when I updated, which IDE would be able to do such a thing, but I have no clue how to swap the code. Can someone illuminate me? While using the JDI (Java Debug Interface) IDE like Eclipse when debugging, This is the Java API's Is a collection that allows you to create / attach external Java virtual machines. It can be used in conjunction with a Java agent, which can be used to redefine the classes in the virtual machine. What happens during debug mode, create a new virtual machine with your code running in it. When you do an edit and recompile; To get an eclipse, JVM has been told to redefine the classes that were changed by you. You can read, and put...

Excel - Find a value in an array and return the contents of the corresponding column -

I am trying to find a value within an array and then return a value to a specific row in the respective column. In the example below, I should know what Chevrolet is in the bay: Column A Column C Column D Column e Chevrolet Bay 1 Bay 2 Bay 3 Toyota Ford Saturn Honda Chevrolet Jaguar Ferrari Subaru Lexus Mitsubishi Hyundai BMW I'm writing Chevrolet in C2: E5 once it determines that the Chevrolet is in Column D, So I need to return the value in D1 for this. If this column was in E, I need it to return the value in E1. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much in advance. Try it array formula : = INDEX ($ C $ 1: $ E $ 5,1, SMALL (IF (no (ISERROR (SEARCH (A1, $ C $ 1: $ E $ 5)), column ($ A: $ C) , 99 ^ 99), 1)) Or if you are certain that the search is actually being found in each column, then it can be written as: = Index ($ C $ 1: $ E $ 5.1, small (if ($ C $ 1: $ E $ 5 = A1, column ($ one: $ C), 99 ^ 99), 1)) Ctrl + Shitf + . ...

java - How can we create dependency on several tests in testNg suite.xml -

I am a novice for testNG and have created a suite.xml below: Lt; DOCTYPE Suite System "" & gt; & Lt; Suite name = "test" verbose = "0" allow-return-value = "true" & gt; & Lt; Test name = "test1" preserve-order = "true" & gt; & Lt; Classes & gt; & Lt; Class name = "tests.checkLogin" /> & Lt; / Sections & gt; & Lt; / Test & gt; & Lt; Test name = "test2" preserve-order = "true" & gt; & Lt; Classes & gt; & Lt; Class name = "tests.fetchFromDB" /> & Lt; / Sections & gt; & Lt; / Test & gt; & Lt; / Suits & gt; All tests are written in Java and here, log in and classes are available in the FEMDB check package.Now, my test 1 has failed due to some issue and I fail it For obviously throwing out the runtime exception, this test successfully failed. However, afte...

symfony 2.3 - An error occured when executing the cache:clear --no-warmup” while installing fosuserbundle -

I'm installing fosuserbundle using the composer, but I'm having trouble installing it. [Symfony \ Component \ Debug \ Exception \ ContextErrorException] Alert: Continuous (): Monolog \ Logger :: In Debug / Home / Trainee / Web / Projects / Symfony-Demo / Seller / Symfony / monolog- bundle / symfony could not get / bundle / monolobondale / deprescence injection / monolactation. Clean Catch [Runtime Expption] that has stopped post-update-CMD events with PHP script: "PHP line Sensio \ bundle \" distribution bundle \ composer \ scripthandler :: upstream "An error occurred while executing the cache: clear - no-warmup" 'Command I am using this command is required for php composer.phar friendophosphony / user-bundle --prefer-dist Please A version for a friend Provide the obstacle / user-bundle: Dev-Master Can someone help me? Thanx in advance. For me, I found a solution to my problem, first of all php composer.phar install using composer...

bigdata - How to load big data in R? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 8 जवाब मेरे पास 16 लाख ग्राहक रिकॉर्ड हैं 100 से अधिक कॉलम के साथ मुझे आर में पूर्ण डेटा लोड करने में दिलचस्पी है और उस पर अपना आर कोड चलाने के लिए चाहते हैं। मैंने आर में डेटा लोड करने के लिए निम्नलिखित का उपयोग किया है: पढ़ा .table ("D: / data.txt", हैडर = TRUE, sep = "¾", skipNul = TRUE, strip.white = TRUE, fill = TRUE, check.names = TRUE, na.string = "NA", उद्धरण = "") हालांकि मेरा सिस्टम लटका हुआ है क्या बड़े डेटा में पढ़ने के लिए कोई प्रभावी और प्रभावी तरीका है? लाइब्रेरी (डेटा योग्य) डीटी & lt; - fread ("D: / data Txt ") यदि आप उस आकार के डेटा के साथ काम कर रहे हैं, तो संभवतः आप data.table का उपयोग करना चाहते हैं;)

knitr - Avoid R output leaking into LaTeX with ggnet -

कृपया निम्न MWE पर विचार करें जो कि मैं knitr के माध्यम से एक। \ documentclass {article} \ start {document} & lt; & lt; echo = FALSE, संदेश = FALSE, चेतावनी = FALSE & gt; & gt; = पुस्तकालय (igraph) लाइब्रेरी (जीजीआईआईएल) पुस्तकालय (नेटवर्क) पुस्तकालय (एसएनए) ) # सेट अप सेट डेटा .seed (123) g & lt; - (1000) # प्लॉट डेटा ggnet (g, weight.method = "indegree") @ \ end {document} जो सम्मिलित करता है \ आरंभ {verbatim} ## 1000 नोड्स, indigree द्वारा भारित ## # # इंडेग्री आउटड्रिजी फ्रीमेन ## 4 4 47 1 48 ## 12 12 37 1 38 ## 3 3 34 1 35 ## 13 13 32 1 33 ## 1 1 23 0 23 ## 11 11 19 1 20 \ अंत {शब्दशः} मेरी .टी.एक्स में। मैं इसे कैसे नियंत्रित कर सकता हूं? कोशिश करें परिणाम = 'छुपाएं' : \ documentclass {आलेख} \ आरंभ {document} & lt; & lt; echo = false, संदेश = गलत, चेतावनी = गलत, परिणाम = 'छिपाएँ' & gt; & gt; = पुस्तकालय (igraph) पुस्तकालय (जीजीआईआई) पुस्तकालय (नेटवर्क) लाइब्रेरी (एसएनए) # सेट ...

php - Real time notification for website -

I am not very good at php because the first time I was making a mobile app, the problem is that nowadays i How can I make time for information? I have been doing a lot of research about comets, voting, web sockets etc. My server proxy for the web socket does not allow me to do this Is there really a lot of resource use for comets? And I always have problems with 500 server interval errors, although I'm using set_time_limit (0). What is the solution to this matter? No comments for voting. So what's the best solution? I think the best solution for you is to use Ajax. You can create functions that get all the notifications from AJAX to php and then this function can be ebry again with setInterval again!

PowerPoint C# - Adding Shape with a Listener -

makes I add, trying in writing, which shall be a new slide in C # for PowerPoint and text boxes Adds when some action is done Now I have an action where it opens Notepad, but I want to call it another function. The current code looks like this: PowerPoint.Shape sendQuestion = slide.Shapes.AddTextbox (Office.MoTextOrentation.msoTextOrientationHorizontal, Slaidvidth - 200, Slaidhit - 50, 200 , 50); SendQuestion.Name = "Submit Questions"; SendQuestion.TextFrame.TextRange.InsertAfter ("Submit Question"); SendQuestion.ActionSettings [PowerPoint.PpMouseActivation.ppMouseClick] .Action = PowerPoint.PpActionType.ppActionRunProgram; SendQuestion.ActionSettings [PowerPoint.PpMouseActivation.ppMouseClick] .Run = @ "C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ notepad.exe"; In this addin-in startup mode, start Application_WindowSelectionChange event handler. public void it Addin_startap (object sender, System.EventArgs e) {this.Application.WindowSelectionChange + = App...

How to authenticate REST web service without displaying any login page or any JSP page in Spring Security -

I want to integrate spring security in REST web services, but when url is killed on the default login page displayed by Spring Security How can I authenticate the REST web service without displaying any login page or any JSP page? You can configure Pre-authorization in @EnableGlobalSecurityMethod ~ By using , spring protection in your application, I think this is annotation. In your restservice, using @PreAuthorization ("& lt; role & gt;") , I think this is annotation. It works very well.

node.js - Errors installing pty.js (node) on OS X -

I have gone into an unnecessary problem when trying to use pty.js node: If I run npm install pty.js I get this error: & gt; Node-jeep result CGX (target) release / ozjetajit / PTI / SCR / UNIX / PTO./src/unix/ error: unauthorized identifier 'OpenTy' returns OpenTytes use Amaster, aslave , Name, (termios *) termp, (winsize *) winp); ^ ../src/unix/pty.ccration33:10: Error: unknown identifier using 'forkpty' return forkpty (amaster, name, (termios *) termp, (winsize *) winp); ^ 2 Generating errors: *** [release / / pty / src / unix / pty.o] Error 1 Gp ERR! Create error gipple ERR! Stack error: `Devo` in exit code failed: 2GIP ERR! Stack in hair process XXit (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/lib/build.jsailand67:23) gyp ERR! Stack on childProcess.emit (events.js: 98: 17) gyp ERR! On Stack Process. Child Process._hand.onexit (child_process.js: 809: 12) gyp ERR! System Darwin 13.3.0 GEP ERR! Command "node"...

Why won't "git add *" add files that "git status" says are unstaged? -

when I type git add * This works as if there were no files, even when I do git status it shows those files Those who are unstable, I can manually type them by typing the name, as shown in the picture, but it takes a lot of time in the same cases. My question is, in this example, I just add "git add *" volatile files, and how should I fix this? Thank you in advance. This image shows the behavior that I am facing if You want to add all the files, do not use '*' (which is explained by the shell) git add git add -u will add updated files. GIT Add-A combines two. See "" besides "": . This indicates that the command is running, instead of the current working tree, the subdirectory. If you want to know if a file is ignored: git check-ignore -v - yourFile . As explained in "": git add * will add all the paths that Shell extension's * while git add. will tell git to add the current directo...

linux - Why SIGINT can stop bash in terminal but not via kill -INT? -

I have seen that when I am running a hanging process through Bash script like this Sleep 999 If I run it through the command, and press Ctrl + C . / ^ c Sleep will get interrupted. However, when I call it SIGINT ps aux | I'm trying to kill Grep foo kill -INT 12345 # the / bin / bash ./ process Then it looks like bash and ignore the SIGINT and ignore the ON to keep. I wonder if I thought that Ctrl + C is actually sending SIGINT in the process of forwarding, so why such behavior is for Ctrl + C in different terminal and kill -INT? Ctrl c actually SIGINT sends the foreground process to the group (which includes a bash process and a sleep process). To do this with the kill command, send the signal to the process group, such as: kill -INT-12345

hadoop - Trying to load more than 32 hfiles to one family of one region -

I'm importing many files in the Hibiz table, so I decided to use bulk load. I managed to prepare data via MapReduce job, but when I try to full load using the command HBase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.LoadIncrementalHFiles & LT; Src & gt; & Lt; Target_table & gt; I get the following error: error mapreduce.LoadIncrementalHFiles: In the formula start with the key exception of the area's family d to more than 32 hfiles trying to load the "main" an area in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.LoadIncrementalHFiles.doBulkLoad ( on org.apache.hadoop.hbase is trying to load more than 32 hfiles for a family ( ( org. On Su ( org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.LoadIncrementalHFiles.main ( ...

php - Looping that will not be duplicated -

1000 2000 3000 4000 4000 मैं उन्हें पीएचपी में डुप्लिकेट किए बिना प्रतिध्वनित करना चाहता हूं। मुझे लगता है कि यह एक पाशन है आप मेरी सहायता कर सकते हैं इसे आज़माएं $ arr = सरणी (1000,2000,3000,3000,4000,4000,4000); print_r (array_unique ($ आगमन)); जांचें

javascript - JScript for PDF to enter the current date regardless if text-field is full or empty -

I have a small problem with a PDF document. I have a text field called "date", and in this I If I execute the JScript code: if (event.value == "") {event.value = util.printd ("", New Date ())} (Event.value! = "") {Event.value = util.printd ("", New Date ())} Now, it works fine on itself Does it, but it does not work as well as I want. Say, if I opened the document on 01.07 .2014, then the date will be 01.07.2014, then I saved the document, and that was it. Now I open the document on 20.07.2014, the date is still 01.07.2014. I have to reduce at least 1 character of JScript to do my job What am I missing? The problem is that for your scenario, using field events is not the best way (as you have seen). When you want the field to display the document when you have opened the document, you will use the pageon event (in Acrobat XI, it is well hidden: open the thumbnail panel, the related page's S...

excel - Pulling data from a closed workbook macro -

Issues related to dragging data from a closed workbook using macros. The above image is the main workbook In the macro cell A1, which I would like to insert, you can see that a file name is a place - this is the location of the closed secondary workbook, which I would like to draw data. I would like to move the macro to the place that is present in cell A1, in the closed workbook, copied cells A1: J5000, and then in this workbook starting in A7 (i.e. A7: J5007) Paste it. The reason is that the file name exists in the location A1, due to the fact that it will change; However I would always like to take the macro that is shown in A1 (for example, if A1 is to be changed from '... \ test00218_data.csv' to '... \ test00001_data.csv' then I Taking data from new location, test00001) Since then, I've written a macro that I believe that all the sheets called "raw data x" will open and paste essential data into the appropriate fields of the primary shee...

javascript - Hiding DIV if it contains specific text -

I asked a similar question yesterday () Since then I have to customize the code suggested by dystroy Have tried to hide a DIV on the second page This page is HTML: This is the script I used to: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ (".ct_pl_product_price"). Filter (function () {return $ (this) .clone (). ('. Ct_pl_product_link') Remove. () .end () .text () trim () == "0.00"}). Wrap ()}); I think it makes sense (if I have translated the Dastroise code correctly) but it does not appear to work. Any thoughts? In this case you can use the : in the selector: $ ('.ct_pl_product_price: contains ("£ 0.00"). Hide ()

c++ - Disruption in the count for both sides -

With this program I am trying to get an output that looks like something A + B + C = 7 xMin = 3 xMax = 8 3 ---- 10 4 - - 7 ---- 4 ---- 0 5 ---- 0 6-> 0 7 ---- 0 8 ---- 0 It only changes when I do not show all code of xMin or xMax, all the in-bewitens to display. #include "stdafx.h" #include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Semith & gt; using namespace std; Int _tmain (int argc, _TCHAR * argv []) {int x = 0; Double A, B, C, XMIN, XMX; Double y = 0; Cout & lt; & Lt; "# 1 (a):"; Cin & gt; & Gt; a; Cout & lt; & Lt; "\ N # 2 (b):"; Cin & gt; & Gt; B; Cout & lt; & Lt; "\ # 3 (c):"; Cin & gt; & Gt; C; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Submit Exmin" & lt; & Lt; Endl; Cin & gt; & Gt; XMin; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Enter xx" & lt; & Lt; Endl; Cin & gt; & Gt; Xmax; Y = a + b + c + X; (Int calculation = xmin; coun...

scope - How to manage function when use concurrent in livecode? -

itemprop = "text"> I have two graphics These graphics are countdown functions when open cards are started counting these graphics are countdown. These graphics call functions are "refreshing" when reaching the countdown. These graphic call functions are at the same time how to manage it? My code on the card for the graphic usage function is here: If the account is not empty then refresh, then add 1 to the account and enter 0 at the end of the account if Waiting for 300 milliseconds if the message is ecount & gt; = 2 again - Deosomiting () is empty at the earnings end and if the refresh happens update --- refresh = 1 then put it in the account = 1, then add eCount = 2 to the eckount and if eCount = 1 is inserted then - e commanding india () is ekount finally put 0 when the end refreshes When Call Function is "Refresh" at the same time in two graphics call method "--dosomethingOnce ()" What can I do to fix? And here's ...

javascript - Removing previous paths in d3.js with transition to new data -

I am currently running a page that generates a graph with default value on page load. Takes data from a TSV generated from PAP script, is modified by GET parameter. The user can make input options, and update the graph via AAAG. The page is currently working almost, but it is overlay new paths with new data without deleting the old path New data is the same X range and domain , But different y coordination values, sometimes with different numbers. Ideally, I would prefer the old routes with liver transitions. Old Path - How can I make it? I tried to include the relevant code below, sorry for its poor quality, I am very new to D3. ... var line = d3.svg.line (). Interpolate ("base"). Defined (function (d) {Return D. Reset! = 0;}) X (function (D) {Return X (D DETet);}). Y (function (D) {return Y (D. rattleslitt);}); Var svg = ("chart") .attr ("width", width + margin.left + margin.right) .attr ("height", height +

SQL Server table index columns order -

Will I create a column index when I use columns in different order? What is the difference between the id, isValid, created and ID, created, isValid indices? There is a difference in the order of asking more questions? where id = 123 and isValid = 1 were created & lt; Getdate () versus where id = 123 was created & lt; Getdate () and isValid = 1 column type: id [int] , isValid [bit] , created [Datetime] ) Really enter id, isValid, and id, created, isValid index is created? If you always use your all three columns WHERE section - there is no difference. ( As Martin Smith explains in his comment - the parity is not examined since the benchmark, does case ) / P> However: If only N left-most columns (here: n between 1 and 3) are used then only one index can be used So if you have Is a query that only uses id and isValid for queries, then the first index can be Is used - but the second will be used to ensure never . And...

javascript - Angular model does not change(update) after changing url -

समाधान: var deferred2 = $ q.defer (); यह विधि _getSpecificPerson के अंदर होना चाहिए ( ) क्योंकि जब मैं एल्डेई में दूसरे व्यक्ति का वादा करता हूँ इस तरह से मैं हर बार नए आस्थगित वस्तु का निर्माण करता हूं। मेरे पास कुछ सूची है, उदाहरण के लिए व्यक्तियों की सूची अगर मैं विवरण पृष्ठ पर जाता हूं (अलग-अलग दृश्य, अलग नियंत्रक) मेरे पास यूआरएल है: # / PersonDetails / 0c4274ed-ae76-4648-bba4-434a3040b9c5, लेकिन जब कोई रिटर्न और कुछ अन्य व्यक्ति विवरण देखना चाहते हैं तो मुझे एक ही पृष्ठ मिलता है जैसा कि पहले althougt मैं देख सकता हूं कि मैंने पहले ही भेजा है कि दूसरे व्यक्ति को पाने के लिए अनुरोध किया गया है ऐसा लगता है कि कोणीय नए डेटा को अनदेखा करता है, अगर इसमें कुछ डेटा पहले आबादी हो। यदि आवश्यक हो तो यह प्रासंगिक कोड है: व्यक्ति मॉड्यूल.controller ("PersonDetailsController", फ़ंक्शन ($ दायरा, $ http, डेटासेवा, $ मार्ग पाराम) {var आईडी = $ routeParams.PersonId; var myPromise = डेटाएसर्विज़ि.जेटस्पैक्सिज़ेस (आईडी); मायप्रोमिसेज। (फ़ंक्शन (परिणाम) {var लौटा पीर्सन = रिजल्ट;...

optimization - Cheapest way of making a number negative in Javascript -

I'm building a physics engine in JavaScript. I am reading some articles about operational costs in connection with the use of CPU, but I am not getting the answer to this problem. I want to make a "negative" I have come up with two different solutions: a * = -1; or / div> This seems over-optimization. I will go for another because it is small a * = - 1; // 5 a = -a; // 4

meteor - Publishing/subscribing multiple field selection of the same collection -

I have a post archive containing an embedded array of comments, in each post view page, I will have to publish 2 cursors: Some wigs in a witch include all posts without their post field (exhibit) to show in the widget, and the other witch contains the posts selected along with its comments. The server side code looks like this: Meteor.publish ('all posts', function) {return Posts.find ({}, {fields: {'comments':}}}} ) Meteor.publish ('singlepost', function (slug) {return ({slug: slug}}} In the post view template, I subscribe to both of these , But when I use Posts.findOne ({slug: slug}) How can I know that the use of the Witch Publishing Cursor Is done? When I query mail on the client, then I How can I choose? You are asking the union of all active membership on that archive. If you have subscribed Singlepost to that particular slug , you will get the full document. If you do not have it, you will not get the comment. Another...