
Showing posts from August, 2014

c# - ScheduledTaskAgent not working for updating tiles in Windows Phone -

I am working on a Windows Phone 7 app and try to implement features such as detailed tiles of Windows 8 phones I am doing I had achieved it with reflection, but when I wanted to update the tile using a scheduled agent for a periodic task, the tile is not ready. Scheduled Agent OnInvoke Code looks like this Protected Override Zero Onewoke (Scheduled Task Jobs) {// TODO: Add code to complete your work in the background ( Work is Periodic Task) {// Scheduled Task UpdateTileForWindowsPhone.CreateWideTile () Update the tile; } NotifyComplete (); } I created the tile using this code public class CreateTileForWindowsPhone {Private Stable Version Targeted Version = New Version (7, 10, 8858); Public Static Bull iitized warsen {met {return environment. OSVERSION.Version & gt; = Targeted version; }} Public Static Zero CreateWideTile () {if (IsTargetedVersion) {try {// Get New FlipTileData Type Type FlipTilData Type = Type Gettype (" Shell.FlipTilData, Micros...

indexing - MongoDB - shard collection by hashed index on custom _id field -

Issue: How can the collection be hidden by the Handed Index on the Custom _id field? Problem details: Add me url = & gt; My_value in mogodibi The URL must be unique I will execute a lot of queries to check if I already have the document with this URL {_id: md5 (url_to_check) } The collection will be very large (billions of yuan => billions of my_value), so I want to push it through the URL. Li> : My_value I do not create an index _id indexed by default Question: I by _id The key to Hashed's share will be perfect, but do I have to make a haired shard key or can I just break through the regular _ID key? I already calculate MD5 myself. _id What do you think about storage and query by non-hash URL? I will use less space (stored MD5 (url)), but index and index will be on large string (greater than 32 people in normal URL) on big text field What is the problem What is the best way to solve? Ask me better questions and use it as less space ...

java - How to iterate through an ArrayList of Objects of ArrayList of Objects? -

उदाहरण का उपयोग करना: मान लें कि मेरे पास एक क्लास कॉल है गन । मेरे पास एक और क्लास कॉल है बुलेट । वर्ग बंदूक में बुलेट का एक सरणी सूची है। बंदूक की आरेखित सूची के माध्यम से पुनरावृति करने के लिए .. ऐसा करने के लिए: ArrayList & gt; बंदूक & gt; बंदूक सूची = नए अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; बंदूक & gt; (); के लिए (int x = 0; x & lt; gunList.size (); x ++) System.out.println (gunList.get (x)); हम केवल बंदूक की ArrayList के माध्यम से इसे फिर से दोहरा सकते हैं: के लिए (गन जी: बंदूक सूची) System.out .println (छ); अब, मैं अपने तीसरे बंदूक ऑब्जेक्ट के बुलेट को पुनरावृत्त करना और प्रिंट करना चाहता हूं: के लिए (int x = 0; x & lt; gunList.get (2) .getBullet ()। आकार (); x ++) // getBullet बुलेट सिस्टम की सरणी परत करने के लिए सिर्फ एक एक्सेसर विधि है। आउट.प्रिंटलाइन (गनलिस्ट। मिल (2) .getBullet () (x))। अब मेरा सवाल है: के लिए पारंपरिक लूप का उपयोग करने के बजाय, मैं कैसे बंदूक वस्तुओं की सूची ArrayList चलना का उपयोग कर मुद्रित कर सकता हूं? ...

Powershell XML: Attributes present, or not, changes how to get the Value -

I am using PowerShell 3.0, on Windows 8 PC. I have a simple XML file with such content (without the fobar part, which comes later): Now, I am removing all the versions in one array: [xml] $ FileData = Get-content \ Thefile.xml [array] $ theVersions = $ FileData.MyData.Version | | Everyone is working fine, by then I have added foobar = "1" to the XML file - I have dug a bit of everything that seems to break, and # Tried things related to text and intertext: [array] $ theVersions = $ FileData.MyData.version | % {$ _. '# Text'} But it only works with one piece with the phone; The second two are invisible Naturally, I can add some (any) attribute to all the data in the file, but this is not a practical solution. My question: is a feature that has or not a value (or #text, or intertext, whatever you call it from those XML nodes To read) in a consistent way is current? Actually, the presence or absence of any attribute should be consider...

Hibernate One-To-Many and Many-to-One mapping -

I know that this topic has already been discussed. But I still have problems. I have two tables - person and account . The PERSON_ID person is the primary key in the table and the child is the foreign key in the table accounts. There is a screen on my web app that helps to maintain the person table . Now on the second screen-account , I'm facing a problem with mapping. I believe that I have the right annotation in my parents and child classes. But when I try to insert a new account to person_id then the second screen is inserted into "table" in the form of a "tap" followed by An update statement is removed on the same account table. Make sure why these two problems are happening. Thanks I am explaining the scenario account * --- The person model will be like a hibernate mapping & Lt; One-to-many classes = "account" /> & Lt; / Set & gt; & Lt; / Square & gt; & Lt; / Hibernate-mapping & gt; ...

visualizing the depth map in matlab and get the depth of an object in mm -

What is the best way to see a depth map in MATLAB to find the depth of the object in millimeters? I am using the formula to calculate the depth from inequality. Now I want to measure the depth of an object in the depth map. All the units are in mm. Map of my inequality is 786 * 1126 alone My depth map is the same size. I am planning to use them in ISL at MATLAB. But it does not give me any idea at the depth of any object. Any help is appreciated. You can convert a map of depth into a 3D digit set, and then use 3 To plot points in D, plot3 () or scatter3 () if you want to assign color to numbers by the picture, then this additional work will be done. Have a look at this.

jquery - JS: Run a keyboard command from JavaScript -

I was trying to create an order that bookmarked a webpage; I read somewhere that we did not get it from Javascript Because Google wants to make it even more secure Is there a way to run a keyboard command from javascript? Like a JavaScript function that runs Ctrl + S or any such key combination. The relatively new JS, I'm talking about this about Chrome extension. You do not trigger a native action associated with a keyboard shortcut Can be a normal chrome extension. For your specific situation, you can use XMLHttpRequest (HTML-only) or (full page including all external resources) to save the web page using the API by adding a bookmark. If you want to trigger an action that is implemented in a web page, you can use syntax to create synthetic events using one of the event constructs (like) and to use the artificial incidence method Please.

java - Conversion to Dalvik format failed eclipse android-suport-v4.jar error -

एक्लिप्से में स्चिल्ब्स वॉलेट का निर्माण विंडोज 7 वॉलेट 3.53 एक्शन-बार-शेरलॉक 4.1.0 मेवेन 3.0.5 चींटी 1.9.4 ग्रहण केप्लर मैं ग्रहण में एक स्वच्छ बिल्ड चलाता हूं: कंसोल लॉग: [2014-07-24 12:54:42 - बटुआ] डीएक्स परेशान लेखन उत्पादन: पहले से ही तैयार [2014-07-24 12:54:43 - डेक्स लोडर] डेक्स निष्पादित करने में असमर्थ: एकाधिक डेक्स फाइलें लैंड्रोइड / समर्थन / v4 / app / _ActionBarSherlockTrojanHorse $ OnCreateOptionsMenuListener परिभाषित ; [2014-07-24 12:54:43 - वॉलेट] डेल्विक स्वरूप में रूपांतरण असफल हुआ: डेक्स निष्पादित करने में असमर्थ: एकाधिक डेक्स फाइलें लैंड्रोइड / सपोर्ट / v4 / app / _ActionBarSherlockTrojanHorse $ OnCreateOptionsMenuListener परिभाषित करते हैं; मैंने बटुआ के .jar पुस्तकालय को अनचेक करने की कोशिश की है, और मेरे एंड्रॉइड- suport-v4.jar फ़ाइल के साथ छेड़छाड़ की है। मैंने एक्शन साइडबार में मेरे livbs फ़ोल्डर को हटाने की कोशिश की है, लेकिन वह भी काम नहीं कर पाई है कोई भी इस मुद्दे को हल करने के लिए कैसे पता है? क्या आप एक्लिप्स ("के...

javascript - Passing arguments to ajax within a generic function -

This is making me mad: I can successfully pass arguments in this function, I can also pop the div from the warning ID, if I define values ​​in the function. function getStuff (req, elementid) {// var req = 'slider'; // var elementid = '#slider'; // var req = 'thumbnail'; // var elementid = '# thumbnails'; $ Ajax ({async: false, url: '/ update', contentType: 'text / html', data: {putski: req}, type: 'GET', datatype: "html", success: work (content) {$ (Elementid) .html (stuff); Warning (req + elementid)}, error: function (xhr, position, error) {Warning ("Sorry, there was a problem!"); ("Error:" + Error); Console .log ("position:" + status); console.dir (xhr);}, complete: function (xhr, position) {return false;}}); }; $ (Document) .ready (getStuff ('thumbnail', '# thumbnail')); // Warning thumbnail displays # thumbnails, but div is not populated The following variat...

node.js - Cordova 3.5.0 FileTransfer + NodeJS (multipart/form-data) upload issue -

कॉर्डोबा 3.5.0, फाइल ट्रांसफर प्लगइन एंड्रॉइड जेएस फ़ाइल। var ft = नया फ़ाइल ट्रान्सफर (); Var विकल्प = नया FileUploadOptions (); options.fileKey = "फ़ाइलें"; options.fileName = path.substr (path.lastIndexOf ( '/') + 1); options.mimeType = "वीडियो / mp4"; Options.headers = {कनेक्शन: "बंद करें"}; Options.chunkedMode = false; Options.httpMethod = 'POST'; Ft.onprogress = function (progressEvent) {यदि (progressEvent.lengthComputable) {loadingStatus.setPercentage (प्रगति Event.loaded /; } और {loadingStatus.increment (); } Colsole.log (प्रगति Event.loaded /; }; Ft.upload (पथ, यूरी, जीत, असफल, विकल्प); नोड.जेएस सर्वर एप पोस्ट ('/ अपलोड', फ़ंक्शन (रीक, रिज़) {console.log ('अपलोड अनुरोध:' + Util.inspect (req.files));} Console.log req.files के लिए "अपरिभाषित" देता है। नेटिक एंड्रॉइड कार्यक्रम और वेब अपलोड के साथ ठीक काम करता है। यदि आप ExpressJs का प्रयोग कर रहे ...

sql - average age of different countries -

I have to do a query in which I have to show the average age of all countries. I have a lot of countries in my database, and at least two or three of them are entries I want to find the average age of all countries. Your SQL should look something like this do. If you want the age of the average country, then how many times in the country your table will appear, this will be something like this: (Choose from age, choose age from country); If you want weighted average on the basis of what you are pulling from, then something like this will happen: Selection Average (age) average Countries by average;

javascript - angularjs how to access ng-repeat filtered value outside its scope -

मेरे पास मेरे दायरे में परिभाषित एक जेसन है $ scope.People = [ "[नाम]": "[नाम]": "मछली", "आईडी": 1} "प्रथम नाम": "जॉन", "अंतिम नाम": "डो", "विकल्प": [{"नाम": "रात्रिभोज", "विकल्प" {"नाम": "चिकन", "आईडी": 2}, {"नाम": "बीफ", "आईडी": 3}]}, {"नाम": "दोपहर का भोजन", "विकल्प": [ "नाम": "मैकरोनी", "आईडी": 1}, {"नाम": "पीबी एंड जे", "आईडी": 2}, {"नाम": "मछली", "आईडी": 3}]} ]}, {"प्रथम नाम": "जेन", "अंतिम नाम": "डो"}]; मेरे पास खोज फ़िल्टर है जो खोज नामों पर खोज करता है और उन्हें फ़िल्टर करता है। यह ठीक काम कर रहा है लेकिन मैं सभी एनजी-दोहराने के बाहर फ़िल्टर किए गए परिणाम (कुल परिणाम) की संख्या प्रदर्शित करने की योजना बना रहा हूं। कोड स्निपेट: ...

html - JavaScript with rails partial -

I am working on a website and I have a very weird bug that I can not seem to find. I have a table and each row is a column with a button when the button is clicked, the tooltip should pop up. This table which is partly given. The problem I am facing now is that the tool tip Not popping for marks in the table, unless there is no additional icon on the webpage that is not in the table. So here's the code where I present partial (this will not show the tooltip on the table): & Lt; / Section & gt; ... & lt; / Div & gt; The code for partial is: & lt; I class = "filter-icon os blue" data-filter-name = "gfilter" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "tooltip-container" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "tooltip tail top" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "tooltip top surfacing center" & gt; Any & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / I & gt; If I present m...

Using %s commands in execute statements (python) in mySQL vs postgreSQL? -

I am currently writing code in Python which works with PostGrace SQL Database, and it looks like the following "" IN.ER (command, id, date, timestamp) in values ​​(id, date, timest): "", (Si (table): This post works fine for GRESQL, but when I do the same thing mySQL server, it does not work that Minister to have an idea why? I think it may have to be done with% s characters, because it works if I hardcode values ​​in the table, id, date, and timestamp. In addition, it gives me the following error: _mysql_exceptions.ProgrammingError: (1064, "There is an error in your SQL syntax; 'Master' is the name of the table used as a variable, and I also saw that the master had two single quotes (such as: "Master"), where only one should be, is it a Can also be a problem? Anyway, thanks for the help! This does not work well in PostgreSQL The table name should either not be parametric. cur.execute ("" "table_name_ h...

single sign on - Docker unable to perform login against SSO / Federation Services via Apache & Shibboleth modules -

I have a private Docker Registry which is sitting behind a safe example of Apache / Ubuntu in Amazon Cloud. Apache handles corporate certification through the CBBolith module (single sign-on). Therefore, using a web browser, there is no problem finding and removing container images in the registry after successful authentication. However, the "Docker login" command, including username, password and email from a different server, is just hanging up and does not answer. Unfortunately, Apache, Docker Registry and Shibblyth logs are also not useful in debug mode. I'm very excited to hear from people who have the experience of getting a private Docker Registry through Epache & amp; Shibblyth where the corporate enterprise ID and the SSO are required. ShebaLath authentication is required through the Apache mod_shib module. Finally your home identifier provider (IDP) After returning, where they will be returned to the service provider (SP) of the application with a val... and Android -

I'm trying to debug the original code in my Android app development and I'm using Required device I search for information for PackageManagerServices and can not get good information in the web. My questions are (1) where receive? (2) How can this service be made available on the device? The package manager is located on the service PackageManagerService is a System service is started at boot time and there is no need to create one more instance of one that is always running. You can use the aosp source code

How to modify the listview content in this situation in android? -

I'm working on an alarm application. The structure is complex anyway, it works like this: The main activity is a fragmenttoobot activity, it has 4 tabs, one piece alarm list. Then, the alarm alarm is triggered by the manager, it first calls the boardcast receiver, there is a service in the receiver, which starts a new activity, shows information in detail. And this is what I want to do, when the user onlaps that new activity, then I want to update the alarm list in that piece. How to get it? Override public null on backpress () {log d. ("Test 1", "Test R1"); Intent = intent ("on_alarm_remove"); LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance (ctx) .sendBroadcast (intent); Super.onBackPressed (); } In the Alarm tab section @ Override public view creatives (LayoutInfleter Inflator, View Group Container, Bundle Saved InstantState } {Ctx = getActivity (); IntentFilter = New intent filter ("on_alarm_remove");

SQL - Oracle - how to select securities from table with top change % -

I need some help in completing a query in SQL-Oracle, from this value (prices) to price 2 Trying to select rows or security / selections with maximum or maximum profit. Here's what I already have when I try to use sub queries in selection or where the section fails ... and I can not even use those questions which are hardly cited because the tables Data will increase from time to time in 1000 Secretaries. Select security, value 1, price 2, ((price 2 - value 1) / value 1) * Percentage from the market by 100 percent , PRICE2 NUMBER (6, 2)); Invest in Market Value ('A', 62, 178); Invest in market prices ('B', 80, 328); INSERT in Market Value ('C', 72, 736); INSERT ('D', 270, 565) in market value; Include in Market Prices ('E', 570, 665); Invest in market values ​​('F', 400, 1640); Include in Market Prices ('G', 800, 3280); COMMIT; There are several ways to do this: Here's a way: Select From (Selec...

ios restore state for google maps sdk GMSMapsView -

I have developed an ios7 application with SWRevealViewController which is special for saving and restoring states (see :). Now my app has returned to the state where I left it - very good so far The problem is that I have a Google Map integrated in one of my sub controllers and when I leave the app with the map on the screen, then I crash it while restarting so all other screens are fine but Maps app crashes app with GMSMapView. It crashes 3 times and later starts with the rootview controller. Any ideas?!? Cheers Frederick After I have struggled a lot things I solved I came back to ... Well after all stupid - I forgot to initialize when Google Maps API key: - (BOOL) Application: (UIApplication *) Application WillFinishLaunchingWithOptions: (NSDRIATION *) Launch Option {{GMSAservicePPI: @ "xxx"]; } : (->>)

java - Acess Denied exception while trying to set table clustered in HSQLDB -

text after " I have a table command with a unique index on it - create unique index Idx_Date_States On Orders (Report Debt, CustomerState, VendorState); When I try to create a cluster index on the table, I can use one to deny the exception, even if there is no other connection to the database - java.sql.SQLException: Access statement is denied in org.hsqldb.jdbc.Util.sqlException (unknown source) at org.hsqldb.jdbc.Util.sqlException (at least [on the set table order ( ReportDate, CustomerState, SellerState) cluster] org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCStatement.execute at org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCStatement.fetchResult (unknown source) (unknown source at unknown source) what The Msya be here? "itemprop =" text "> Your table should be a cached table, otherwise it has thrown the exception. If you want specificity for the given columns, instead of creating a primary key or a unique obstacle, rather than an index. An index does not have to be a unique index to ma...

c# - Lambda overload for Skip/Take Missing -

I was running a few simple test codes to see the effect of the constant in linq queries and gave me a P> Lambda surcharges have been mentioned specifically to leave / carry, although I can not seem to find it. From Section 4.2: P> "Especially note that while leaving paging and moving, EF6 has a lambda overload in these methods that effectively performs the cached query The plan makes the reusable because EF can capture these passes in the variable passed and translate them into SQLparameters. " They comply with this code sample: var customer = context. Customer Orderbie (c = & gt; c.LastName); {Var currentCustomer = customers.Skip ((= =) => i My test code: for (int i = 0; i & lt; 100; i ++) {var result = DC Products // (P = & gt; P. Name). Orderbird (p = & gt; p. Name). Skip ((=) = & gt; i. Olilist (); } Error: Lambda expression can not be converted to 'int' because it is not a representative type I failed, or ...

osx - OS X app testing for sandbox violations -

I have tried to convert an OSX app into a sandboxed app. App support 10.5 forward and manual memory management. After converting, I have tested it in Xcode 4.3. The console no longer shows any violation. Is it a conclusion that there is no sandbox infringement in the app, or is there another way to detect sandbox violation before submitting the app in the Mac App Store? Besides, is it OK to leave manual storage management, or should ARC be enabled? Thank you. To check that the app is in the binary sandbox: Codesign -dvvv --entitlements: - Executable_path : Open the console application (available in Applications / Utilities /) and make sure that All messages are selected in the sidebar. In the filter area of ​​the console window, enter sandboxed to display only app sandbox violation. Sandboxed is the name of the Sandbox daemon that reports on a sandbox infringement related message, as it appears in the console, looks like the following Is: You can...

excel vba - VBA for "HTTP GET" request, through an unknown proxy? -

Just keep it, I'm trying to write some Excel VBA code which is a specific task when a web server is notified "Will succeed I am thinking of the easiest way to interface with my web server through the "HTTP GET" request. To accept this fact, I have had some success library "Microsoft WinHTTP Services" However, it does not work through my company's proxy. I am returning to this problem after a few weeks to return to this problem that people will have to forget about it (!) And every step I have tried to regret, but by memory : I have seen where I can specify my proxy settings while using WinHTTP, but whatever I can not work on is how to read my current proxy settings (i.e. in cases where i ' Due to the reason, this tool is to work for a global company: the lack of creating some types of lookup table for proxy settings used in different parts of the world (and its headache Retaining), I need to read the existing proxy settings or use any ...

Prolog - Chain rule for Step Siblings -

I am a newbie for prologue, and one about "series rule" programming for step-siblings The question is "common parents" In my program, I am assuming that parents (X, Y) claim the fact that X believes that Yi is the mother of Yi. I need a rule series (X, Y, L): If X is the ancestor , then the L list include all ancestors of X, Y and Y, which are descendents of X, which are listed in the descending age sequence ( oldest first ). In other words, my list should include all those people who link to a person with ancestors . Example: If series (Peter, Mary, [Peter, Paul, Sue, Mary]) , then Peter Paul is the guardian of Paul's parents Sue , and Sue Mary Is the guardian of Note: I'm familiar with the relationship with step sibling (A, B) where their relationship is their parents partners (X, Y ) ; Where there is the child of brother A and B their related parents through the relationship children (A, X) and children (...

SDWebImage crash in swift -

It seems that I use "self" in the whole block, it will crash. Self.imageView.sd_setImageWithURL (MYIMAGEURL, placeholder image: zero, option: SDWebImageOptions.RetryFailed, progress: {(Received size: Int!, Expected size: Int!)}}, Completed: {(Image: UIImage ?, Error: NSError ?, Cache Type: SDIJType !, imageURL: NSURL?) If Image {UIView.transitionWithView (self.imageView, Duration: 0.3, Options: UIViewAnimationOptions.AllowUserInteraction | UIViewAnimationOptions. TransitionCrossDissolve, Animation: {}, Completed: {(Finished)}})}} SDWebImageModule is an actively developed open source component. This is a lot better than the developers have already made some releases.

jquery - How reconnect Javascript File -

मेरे पास index.html , Home.html और index.html: यह मेरे पृष्ठ का एक फ्रेम था Home.html: इसमें 1 छवि स्लाइडर है AboutUs.html: इसमें केवल पाठ है। मेरा पृष्ठ index.html से शुरू होता है। लोड करने पर, मैं html के लिए html कोड को jquery के साथ home.html से div करने के लिए डालें। यह काम कर रहा है। और जब मैंने हमारे बारे में क्लिक किया, तो मैं jQuery के बारे में aboutUs.html से div पर html कोड बदल चुका हूं। यह भी काम कर रहा है। लेकिन जब मैं वापस होम मेनू पर क्लिक करता हूं, स्लाइडर काम नहीं कर रहा है। Javascript फ़ाइल डिस्कनेक्ट हो गई है। मैंने index.html पर सभी जावास्क्रिप्ट और सीएसएस फ़ाइल से लिंक किया है। मेरी index.html और Jquery Code & lt ; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; शीर्षक & gt; आइवरी: नमूना वन & lt; / title & gt; & Lt; link rel = "स्टाइलशीट" प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / सीएसएस" href = "css / style.css" & gt; & Lt; link rel = "stylesheet" प्रकार = "text / css" href = "...

c++ - /usr/include won't work as a search path in xcode? -

I have installed Armandil Linear Algebra Library in / usr / include, so in xcode I added this search to the search path: / P> but encode has warned me That weapon file was not found: Then I copied library files to / tmp / arma /, and added it to the search path Enter: More wondrous forms Everything was alright: I'm really really confused. Update Just to confirm that armadillo is actually / usr / include: kaiyin @ kaiyins-mbp 07:30:09 | ~ = & Gt; Cd / usr / include / kaiyin @ kaiyins-mbp 07:30:20 | / Usr / include = & gt; RealPath Armandillo / USR / included / Armandillo Caine @ Caines-MBP 07:30:25 | / Usr / include = & gt; RRR-R-R-R1 Route wheel 20 Q1 Jun 04:44 Armadillo Cain @ Caines-MBP 07:31:24 | / Usr / include = & gt; File Armandillo Armadillo: ASCII C ++ Program Text Cinematic @ Caines-MBP 07:31:29 | / Usr / include = & gt; Head armadillo // Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Conrad Sandron // Copyright (C) 2008-2014 NICTA (www.nicta....

python 3.x - How to get/pass current ScreenManager to button callback function? (no kv file in use) -

The question is simple I have SAP variables in the form of a screen manager, how do I get it, and the screen information in the button callback? Below is the issue part of my code, I have commented on the section that I have to solve: def build (self): def callback_home (dt): # I will work as to how current sreenmanager received such # things sm.switch_to down here (Screenl, direction = "left") app = FloatLayout () # Ui top anchor_top = AnchorLayout (anchor_x = 'center', anchor_y = ' top ') app.add_widget (anchor_top) box_top = BoxLayout (orientation =' horizontal ', size_hint = (1.0, 0.1)) anchor_top.add_widget (box_top) btn_home = button (text =' Home ') btn_home. Tie (on_press = callback_home) #Callback line here btn_add = button (text = add '') btn_upload = button (text = "upload") box_top.add_widget (btn_home) box_top.add_widget (btn_add) box_top.add_widget (btn_upload) # Ui down anchor_bottom = AnchorLayout (ancho...

ruby - alias_method chain issue in application controller -

I'm using magic for login, am I overwriting log-in thieves in my application controller? Method using the alias_method series as follows. alias_method_chain: logged_in ?, magic protection: def logged_in? Sorcery_logged_in? & Amp; & Amp; (Current_user.customer ?? Current_user.activated?) End Finally ends with "Undefined method sorcery_logged_in?" "> You are using alias_method_chain , me It seems that you will try: alias_method_chain: logged_in ?,: sourcery and then logged_in_without_sourcery? and Use the methods of logged_in_with_sourcery? . Check the docs.

c# - Specified cast is not valid (double precision to int) -

यहां मुझे पूर्णांक को दोगुना करने की आवश्यकता है। उदाहरण : obj.DayDifference =! String.IsNullOrEmpty (रीडर ["DateDiff"]। ToString ())? (इंट 32) रीडर ["डेटडीफ"]: 0; प्रकार : दिन का अंतर प्रकार int दिनांकडिफ़ प्रकार दोहरे सटीक में डेटाबेस तालिका । त्रुटि : निर्दिष्ट कलाकार मान्य नहीं है आप क्या कर रहे हैं के बराबर है: वस्तु x = 32.5; Int y = (int) x; आप ऐसा नहीं कर सकते - जब आप अनब्लॉक करते हैं, तो आपको 1 के वास्तविक प्रकार को अनबॉक्स खुलाना होगा। ऐसा आप की आवश्यकता होगी: ऑब्जेक्ट x = 32.5; Int y = (int) (डबल) x; डबल अनबॉक्स को डाली जाती है, और int को डाली डबल को में परिवर्तित करता है > पूर्णांक । आप अपने कोड में ऐसा कर सकते हैं: (Int32) (डबल) रीडर ["दिनांकडिफ़"]: 0; 1 ठीक है, कुछ चीज़ों के लिए मॉड्यूलो। सीएलआर आपको एक int को uint से या एक अंतर्निहित प्रकार के int , आदि के साथ एक एन्यूम प्रकार को अनबॉक्स करने की अनुमति देता है।

MongoDB: Can't canonicalize query: BadValue Projection cannot have a mix of inclusion and exclusion -

I am new to Mongodi with KHPHP. When I write the following questions, then it will be executed very well. db.testData.find () {"_id": ObjectId ("53d1f79db8173a625961ff3d"), "name": "sadikhasan", "created": ISODate ("2014-07-25T06: 22: 21.701Z "}} When I run the following query only to get the name, but this error shows db.testData.find ({}, "Code": 17287} When I run the following query to get names only with _id: 0 db.testData.find ({}, {Name: 1, _id: 0}) {"name": "sadikhasan"} My curation is that when I write created: 0 Thank you for helping in the advancement list. You can not include included and exclusion, only is the exception _id . For example if you have this: If you want "name" and "date of birth", you should do so Required: or this: db.collection.find ({}, {"_id": 0, "created": 0}) But any other op...

javascript - Empty object returns false on checking -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 3 जवाब मैं जांचने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ एक div मौजूद है या नहीं DOM में: $ ("# mydiv") // रिटर्न [] $ .isEmptyObject ($ ("# mydiv")) // लौटा झूठी $ .isEmptyObject ([]) // क्या सही हो कोई भी विचार मैं गलत क्यों कर सकता हूं? इसके अलावा, DOM में एक तत्व की अस्तित्व की जाँच करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका क्या है? isEmptyObject ऑब्जेक्ट में अन्य ऑब्जेक्ट्स शामिल हैं या नहीं यह जांचने के लिए उपयोग नहीं किया गया है यह जांचने के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है कि ऑब्जेक्ट के गुण हैं या नहीं। $। IsEmptyObject ($ ("# mydiv")) झूठी झूठी देता है क्योंकि बहुत सारे गुण हैं जो आप कॉल कर सकते हैं इस वस्तु $ ("# mydiv")। Html () $ ("# mydiv")। पाठ () // आदि दूसरों के रूप में ने कहा है, अगर आप यह देखने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं कि वस्तु डोम में मौजूद है, तो लंबाई संपत्ति का उपयोग करें

java - How does polymorphism helps a programmer? -

I am trying to understand the polymorphism concept in java. I fully understand the concept of polymorphis that the method of Subcalss to use an interface object to call. I have been reading an article. Which says: To give Java Virtual Machine, depending on the actual class of method implementation object, how do you feel the full power of polymorphism in your programs? So I understood that jvm is so powerful that it can call the method based on the actual class of the object. But how am I going to be a programmer? In the form I could have made the object of the subclass and could call its method? Why does polymorphism in any way make things easier for a programmer? This is about design practices and design patterns before you understand the depth hiding in these concepts. Examples of design patterns (like this can be an example) read. But by any means, this is a quick rundown: Design practice: Design for an interface Assume that you have a list of the contents of the i...

database - connecting Access DB to VS using C# -

This is the first time I am using C # connection with DB, I do not even use access I just want to know the initial stages needed to connect the DB access to the Visual Studio C # windows application. I have searched the Internet though, it has helped a lot. I can not find my fault in code. I think I am getting some step in establishing relationships with DB. Here is an error that appears when I program '' \ f38910 \ users \ kainat.baig \ Desktop \ AAA \ Database 101 'is not a valid path. Make sure the path name is spelled correctly and you are connected to the server on which the file exists. " CODE: Book OleDBConConation; OLDBI Commands OD DBCMD = New OLEDB Commands (String ConnParam = @" Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data source = \\ f38910 \ user \ kainat.baig \ desktop \ aaa \ database101; Permanent security information = false "; Public form 1 (bookConn = new oraclebankation); InitializeComponent ();} Private Zero Button 1_Click (Object ...

java - Compilation Errors after Maven successfully downloaded Jars -

I'm new to Maven, and am trying to run a tutorial project from the Internet. I have successfully taken Mewen INSTALL but there are still errors in collection in classrooms. Please help me, and tell how to be picked by downloaded JAR classes. Do I need to work in class building? Or it will be automatically raised in some way. I right-click it project & gt; Configure & gt; Convert to Maven Project .

sql server - Using existing database for SSRS -

I am configuring SSRS 2012 on my system. This gives the option of choosing / creating a report server database. If I'm selecting "Existing Reports Server Database" and using it for my application, I get an error "The database you selected is not the report server database ..." Why can not I use my existing database for reporting services? What are the correct steps for configuring SSRS and using my existing database to create reports? The database is asking SSRs that it is not the database where you have data for the report, but the database SSRS keeps the configuration and floating datas. These are the default: If you do not have those 2 databases, setup them for you. You will create a data source in your database, when you will create your first report.

python 2.7 - Remove whitespaces from speciifc part of file -

कोड: खुले (फ़ाइल नाम) के साथ च : File_list = f.readlines () file_list = [file_list में पंक्ति के लिए line.strip ()] # प्रारंभ और समाप्ति टैग्स के बीच डेटा को प्रोसेस करने के लिए फ़ाइल कोड की प्रत्येक पंक्ति से सफेद स्थान निकालें (इन टैगों में सफेद स्थान हो सकते हैं इसलिए मैंने उन्हें हटा दिया है यह कोड मेरे लिए ठीक काम करता है लेकिन अगर फाइल बहुत बड़ी है तो मुझे नहीं लगता कि इसकी सूची में संपूर्ण डेटा की प्रतिलिपि बनाने के लिए इसकी समझदार स्थिति है मैं सूची के विशिष्ट भाग के लिए सफेद स्थान कैसे निकाल सकता हूं ताकि केवल इतना हिस्सा मैं सूची में बचा सकता हूं? मैंने कोशिश की : खुले (फ़ाइल नाम) के साथ f: फ़्रीलाइन () में पंक्ति के लिए: यदि line.strip () == "प्रारंभ": start = f.readlines.index ("प्रारंभ करें ") यदि line.strip () ==" end "end = f.readlines.index (" end ") file_list = f.readlines [start: end] लेकिन इसकी दे रही त्रुटि शुरू = f.readlines.index ("प्रारंभ") विशेषता: त्रुटि: 'bui Ltin_function_or_me...

Parse parenthesized Boolean String Expressions with Java -

I need to evaluate the bracket expression found in a string. I need to deal with variable expressions So I need to find a way to parse it in Java in a Boolean expression to evaluate it in Java. I is an example for a string expression: string boolexp 1 = "(right! (Wrong) & amp;; ((true) ^ ( F)) ") are possible operator brackets, and, or, XOR, No. Since this is already a Java-processed expression, I thought it was easy to parse it I could not think of an elegant solution, I have got some code online, but it either deals with other operators, without any bracket or even complex. I use javascript Resolved: String Boolexp 1 = "(! (Right!); & Amp;; (true) ^ (true))" Boolean result = (boolean) New script engine manager (). GetEngineByName ("JavaScript"). Eval (boolexpr1); It can not be expected that it can be easy.

javafx 8 - How to make Maven Clean Install build JavaFX8? -

Every time I try to run my JavaFX8 project, I need to install a clean install with Maven, then create a project with eclipse. Only installing clean will result in an exception. How can I install a Megan and execute Eclipse Build in one command. If I want to add it to my pom.xml, should I put it in my parents pom.xml or her children? Thank you! I finally got my work done, I added this line of code to my parents pom.xml Have given. & lt; Build & gt; & Lt; Plugins & gt; & Lt ;! - All your dependencies will be copied to target / target Libs, which will be taken by the ant function below - & gt; & Lt; Plugin & gt; & Lt; Group & gt; Org.apache.maven.plugins & lt; / Group & gt; & Lt; ArtifactId & gt; Maven-dependency-plugin & lt; / ArtifactId> & Lt; Hanging & gt; & Lt; Execution & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; Copy & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Step & gt; Ready package & lt; / Step & gt; ...

css - Navbar links should be all tall like the taller one -

itemprop = "text"> I have a navigation bar with 4 links. While the width of each is 25%, the total width of the NAV is not fixed because the text of a link can be longer than the others and, like in the 2 rows, like Could stay. # first-level-navigation .mega-link {background: linear-gradient (180deg, #ffffff 0%, #ffffff 60%, # EEEEe 100%) Dual Scrolls 0 RGBA ( 0, 0, 0, 0); Limit: 1px solid #cccccc; Padding: 0; Text-transform: uppercase; Width: 25%; } # First-Level Navigation .mega-link a {color: # 00643c; Display: Inline-block; Padding: 10px; Text align: center; Text-decoration: None; Width: 100%; } I think the height of the small link will increase in my case to a tall height, in which the last line will be on 2 rows if the window is small how can it be obtained, High strength in PX? I tried with height: 100% but it was inappropriate You can use Display: Table / Table-Cell : # First-Level-Navigation {Display: Table; } .mega-link {display: table-cel...

Call C function inside a C extension in Python[solved] -

I have tried to make Python a C extension. My problem is that I have the C function inside the call C function, I have created the C extension. For example, I am using C function, which is inside PMDH and usb1024LS.h inside these C functions. When I try to run my script, I get errors such as "Undefined Icons: HID_Inte", where hid_init is a function, I tried to run the program in C main program, and it works. Thank you! My code: - test script: code> import Sitiaipi Import myTest_1024LS ctypes_findInterface = ctypes.CDLL ( '/ home / oysmith / NetBeansProjects / MCCDAQ / usb1024LS_with_py_my/Test_1024LS.So '). FindInterface ctypes_findInterface.restype = ctypes.c_void_p ctypes_findInterface.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p] ctypes_findInterface () Distutils.core import setup extension setup (name = "myTest_1024LS", version = "0.0", ext_modules = [/ code> extensions ( "myTest_1024LS", [ "myTest_1024LS....

gsm - Send Unicode (USC2) SMS with AT commands -

I am trying to send commands and USC 2 Unicode SMS encoding. But that does not work, because I get errors, here is my input: AT at + CSCS =? + CSSS ( "IRA", "GSM", "UCS-2") AT + Sissis = "UCS-2" OK AT + Simjif = 1 OT AT + Sismpi = 1,167,0,8 // so it does not work , let's try 17,167,0,8 error + Sismpi = 17,167,0,8 Well + CMGS = "+ 370 ********" error or maybe Should I use the PDU mode to get it? I have tried to use the old modem, and USC 2 does that work in one, however, do not use an IM. But I'm sure this paradoxical modem supports USC2. I found that I encode my number in AT. UCS 2 CMGS, and now it works: + CMGS = "002 b 003 300 370 030 ******************** * "

jquery - Deactivate popover over form in modal bootstrap -

I'm new to bootstrap. I am trying to create a membership form, and when I get an indication that an area is not correct, thanks for the popover. I have forced a blurred event in my area when the event is removed, so I check with a Rijkspepe if the field looks correct, if not, then I print popovers. works fine :). Now, the user comes back to fix the error, so I bind the input event, and every time he enters a letter, I check with regexp again and if it is correct, then I Close the popover. Work very well. Now my problem is, if the user clicks on the field after that second step (i.e. the mistake is fixed), the popover appears again ... I have tried to bind This is not working on click event to hide pops again. $ ("# inscriptionmail"). Dam ('blurred', function () (if (! Remail.test ($ ("# inscriptionmail"). Val ())) {console.log ("email invalide"); $ (this). Popover ('show ');}}); try it $ (document). Ready (function...

php - Response::json() returns text/html as content type -

I am currently experiencing a strange problem and I can not narrow this issue. In my large application I am recovering the data via AJAX. Therefore, answer parts of the application with the application / JSON content-type. Return response: json (['message' = & gt; few messages']); Everything works fine on my local webserver. I get a content-type: application / jason as a response. I deployed the application on the server ( also the epee ) and tested it. But here's the problem I'm not getting the proper content type anymore, instead I get the text / html . So there is a bunch of potential problem sources and I am not very much in server configuration. Why did the checker check the source for the indication that he will not return? Feedback on local content and on server (this is not different) I noticed that the set locally in the feedback header -cookie which includes the following: laravel_session = [...] while the server does ...

c# - How to set datetime variable to null -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 15 उत्तर मेरे पास 2 टेक्स्ट बॉक्स हैं और लागू किया जाने वाला टाइमपैकर्स यहां मैं पाठ बॉक्सों को रिक्त करने के लिए छोड़ रहा हूं। मैं किसी भी तारीख को नहीं दे रहा हूं और डीबी को एक प्रेषण और प्रेषित मापदंडों के रूप में भेज रहा हूं। एमएसएलएल में संग्रहित कार्यप्रदर्शन यदि प्रतिदीप्ति और प्रतिदिन रिक्त हैं, तो एक कार्य किया जाता है। उस कार्य को करने के लिए मैंने 2 चर लिया है दिनांकटाइम प्रेषक; दिनांक समय की तारीख; और codebehind में एक Datetime के रूप में घोषित किया गया है। fromdate = Convert.ToDateTime (txtfromdate.Text); Todate = कन्वर्ट। ToDateTime (txttodate.Text); जब मैं डीबी fromdate = Convert.ToDateTime (txtfromdate.Text) भेज रहा हूँ; Todate = कन्वर्ट। ToDateTime (txttodate.Text); यह त्रुटि हो रही है। अपवाद अपवाद क्या datetime वेरिएबल के लिए नल लागू करना संभव है? हाँ, उपयोग करें: दिनांक समय? FromDate = null; आपकी टिप्पणी में प्रश्न का उत्तर देने के लिए, आप इस तरह से एक नल योग्य & lt; दिनांक समय & g...

javascript - PDF.JS in Mobile apps Access-Control-Allow-Origin issue -

I am trying to develop an app for mobile devices using Sechecha and Cordova. As PDF support is not available in the browsers of Android, I decided to use PDF. Js This is working fine while loading local PDF files, but when trying to open remote files it is throwing an error http: // Please tell me about how to fix this problem. Is there any way to fix this in PDF? Js I need a PDF file locally because the app also requires offline capability. thanks in advance when downloading PDF.js document for WebWorkers If using, then the problem is happening. Corrections in WebWorkers is a complete mistake in the whole browser. (CORS is a mistake IMHO.) This will not work: & lt; Solution: Ajax itself with Feedback type arraybuffer , then PDF to access original = "*" subdomain = "true" /> Give feedback on JS: .success (buffer) {PDFJS.getDocument (buffer);})

php - How do I remove the "/web" from my URL? -

I am using crud-admin-generator () to generate quick backend for my web app, which That Silex Framework My app structure is: MyApp -> index.php - & gt; Some_other_files - & gt; ... - & gt; Admin (crud-admin generator git clone) - & gt; General - & gt; Src - & gt; Dealer - & gt; Web - & gt; Controllers - & gt; Resources - & gt; View 1) Administrator I currently need to use http: // localhost / MyApp / admin / web . I / web I want to remove part I tried to create a custom htaccess in the admin folder like this: & lt ; Ifmodule mod_rewrite.c & gt; Option - Multi View RewriteEngine Rewrite / Web RewriteConnect% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f Rewrite rules ^ index.php [QSA, L] & lt; / IfModule & gt; But I get an error: The requested URL / web / index.php was not found on this server. 2) The generated admin panel uses the Silex framework, is it an easy way to use the principle component or framework for my fronte...

How to merge multiple django south migrations into one migration -

We use South to manage migration for a long time, and now we have around 100+ migrations. It took a long time to run the Python migrate on a fresh DB. I wonder if I can merge all existing migrations into a single migration It is a new management command that has been resolved in Django 1.7+. /manage.pySquashmigration appname, check this link -

emacs - how to process the buffer character-by-character in elisp? -

I am trying to write some alips to process each character in the current buffer (I know this is a little bit Will slow down, but it seems that this is the best way). How do I do not want to use a regular expression? The function buffer-string returns the current buffer as a string, it can be used and can redirect / reset each character. I can not understand how to remove the result in buffer. Can a person show an example of walking on each character, can change it in a few simple ways, and bring the result back into buffer? use a while loop and forward-char All characters in the buffer: (goto-four) (while not (eobb) (let's * ((current-character (four- After ()) (new -character (some-current-character)) (deleted letter 1) (insert- four new characters)) (forward-char 1)) the loop moves forward By the time the buffer ( eobp ) is gone, the character once. Four-After gives you the character The current term. Delete-variable / insert-char calls changes th...

html - image gallery or image carousel in jquery -

I am trying to create a very simple image gallery / carousel but with IM the problem is still working for IM I tried to search in Google for the proper word I used for that carousel but I was not able to find it. This is a sample image of the carousel that I want to get I should end up looping images And I want umlimited images in that carousel, as long as there are images in the folder, it will appear in the carousel Just follow the easy steps you. This example can be customized to see that after you, if you need help in customizing it after working, then I know.

sql - Index was out of range c# when checking against AD -

उपयोगकर्ता को सक्रिय निर्देशिका के विरुद्ध जाँचते समय, मैं उनके मेल विशेषता को भी एक सत्र चर में संग्रहीत करने की कोशिश करता हूं हालांकि, जब उपयोगकर्ता एडी खाते में मेल पता नहीं होता है, तो मैं इसे उनके लिए स्क्रीन पर प्रदर्शित करना चाहूंगा। इस समय सूचकांक के लिए एक अपवाद पकड़ा जाता है मैं इसके लिए कैसे जांच सकता हूं ताकि मैं लेबल की संपत्ति सेट कर सकूं? मैं स्पष्ट रूप से इसे कैच में सेट करने से बचना चाहता हूं। try {var मेल = adsSearchResult.Properties ["मेल"] [0]; अगर (मेल == नल) {Label3.Text = "blablabla"; वापसी; } अन्य {सत्र ["ईमेल"] = विज्ञापनसशोधआरक्षित। प्रॉपर्टीज़ ["मेल"] [0] .ओस्ट्रिंग ()। टूलावर (); }} पकड़ (अपवाद पूर्व) {Response.Write (पूर्व); } आप केवल अशक्त और लंबाई की जांच जोड़ सकते हैं, वास्तव में यदि ऐसा हो संभावना। try {if adsSearchResult.Properties ["मेल"]! = नल और amp; adsSearchResult.Properties ["मेल"]। कोई भी ()) {var मेल = adsSearchResult। गुण [ "मेल"] [0]; अगर (मेल == नल) ...

php - Zend Framework forward request with post http method -

ज़ेंड फ्रेमवर्क 1.7 का उपयोग करना POST विधि के साथ एक अनुरोध को अग्रेषित करना संभव है? ऐसा कुछ: $ this- & gt; _forward ('क्रिया', 'नियंत्रक', 'मॉड्यूल', सरणी ('विधि' = & gt; 'POST')); हां यह संभव है, निम्नलिखित का उपयोग करने का प्रयास करें: $ इस- & gt; _request- & gt; सेटपोस्ट (ऐरे ('param_name' = & gt; $ परमवाले)); $ This- & gt; _forward ('actionName', 'नियंत्रक', 'मॉड्यूल');

css - Unable to make border around form -

I am trying to create a limit for my form. As we can find around the input group of the example, my code is: As you can see, I'm trying with settings: Border-color No effect With limit radius, can someone suggest me how to do this? Why do you send your form directly through the CSS file Can not add it to? form [role = search] {border: 3px solid red; Padding: 1am; }

vba - User defined types in arrays/collections and for each loops -

In a popup, VBA shows that I do not have permission to iterate through an array with user defined types. I wrote a little code and wondered how I can work about it. Here is a small example that I want to be able to focus on. Option Clear Type Information Source string Destination as string Expiry type Sub-specialCopy () Dim Target Version as AllTargets Information (as information): AllTargets = SetAllTargets () AllTargets CopyValues ​​each target (target) in the next End Sub function for SetAllTargets () as information () dimmed as an information: A = SetInfo ("A1", "B1") Dim B information form In: B = SetInfo ("A2", "B2") Dim AllTargets () Info Set AllTargets = Sir VI (A, B) as the termination function SetInfo (source string, the target string) information as the SetInfo.source = source SetInfo. Destination = destination end function sub-copy (target as information target) range (target.source). Select the selection. Border range (target....