
Showing posts from February, 2015

tags - #DocuSign API: Tab label update from API -

"itemprop =" text "> We are trying to bring a tab label of a template uisng API call and that is said succesfull, but we are required . An update to the tab label name using the API Example:. While building tab labels in my DocuSign Administrator labels but the first name mentioned in the first name of the mapping label name is FirtsName We can login and search for the template and correct the tab label name, but We are here to update using API call. Please give a suggestion here .... Yes, you Modify the current recipient tab via the DocuSign REST API. The API documentation describes the details you need to call (page 19): Page / accounts / {accountId} / envelope / {envelopeId} / Recipients / {recipientId} / tab format: XML, JSON HTTP method: put parameter: tabId (required) example Request: put https: // {server} / restapi / {apiVersion} / accounting {{ACCOUNTID} / envelope / {envelopeId} / recipients / {recipientId} / tab...

android - How to load strings from sharedpreferences in EditText -

I am very new to this and hate to add so much code, but I have spent so much time on it that I Out of the option I have an activity / page which saves some user department. Now, I am trying to save these details so that the next time they open the activity / page, the data will be shown. I have tried to start the loaded processes in the current method. However, this is not working, and if I go back to the previous page and retrieve this activity then all of it has gone back. The answer to the code will be greatly appreciated. Java: Public class increases my_settings activity {edit test name; Edit text email; @ Override protected void saved create (bundled Instansstet) {Suprknkret (saved Instensstet); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_my_settings); Name = (edit text) search viviId (ridname); Find Email = (Edit Text) VVBIID (RID. Mail); LoadSavedPreferences (); } Public Zero Save (see view) {shared options user details = references received ("user description", refer...

ruby on rails - why am i getting method undefined? -

I'm trying to call a view from a model but I get this error undefined method # titles_by_timing for the title category: 0x0000010668db28 & gt; Why can not I get a call from Rail Console too? [6] Pv (main)> DeliveryCost.titles_by_timing NoMethodError: 'titles_by_timing' category for the exception # method #class: 0x00000106f397b8 & gt; /Users/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/activerecord-4.0.4/lib/active_record/dynamic_matchers.rb22: From Here Model is. Class Delivery Cost & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base Phle_steroy: Jivit_if_jobs Ha_maya: Naukri_dilavijn_costs Ha_maiyan: jobs, the job :: _ Dilivri_ through costs DRT Kitab_ Bay_timing Swynkdo end stuff private Diif survive_if_jobs jobs.empty? The view I am trying to call it does not correspond directly to the model or controller, its name is 'job delivery cost'. - jdc_array = (@ job.job_delivery_costs.any ?? [@ Job.job_delivery_costs, @job_delivery_cost] Fletn: [@job_delivery_cost]) -...

What is the difference between a symbol and a variable in Ruby? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 11 उत्तर मैं क्या समझने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ अंतर एक प्रतीक और रूबी में एक चर के बीच है। वे एक ऐसा नाम देने में सटीक समान कार्य करते थे जो एक वस्तु का संदर्भ देता है। मैंने पढ़ा है कि प्रतीक तेजी से कार्यक्रमों के लिए हैं, लेकिन मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि वे और कैसे वे किसी भी तरह से चर से भिन्न हैं। प्रतीक एक" आंतरायिक "स्ट्रिंग है, यह किसी चीज़ से स्थिर की तरह अधिक है विशिष्ट उदाहरण: account_details = {: name = & gt; 'बॉब' ,: आयु = & gt; 20} यहां एक चिह्न है जो कि : name और : age हैश के लिए कुंजी है। वे चर के साथ भ्रमित नहीं हैं। account_details एक चर है। रूबी में कोई चर एक प्रकार के ऑब्जेक्ट के लिए एक हैंडल है, और वह ऑब्जेक्ट एक प्रतीक हो सकता है। आम तौर पर आप स्ट्रिंग का उपयोग करते समय प्रतीकों को नियोजित करते हैं, जिसके परिणामस्वरूप कई पुनरावृत्तियों होंगे। ध्यान रखें कि तार आम तौर पर अलग-अलग ऑब्जेक्ट हैं, जहां एक विशिष्ट प्रतीक हमेशा एक ही ऑब्जेक्ट को संदर्भित करता है, उन्हें अधिक कुशल बनाने ...

docusignapi - Error making call "Invalid multi part request" Docusign API -

I am normally new to the API and I was hoping to get the other pair eyes on it. I have a document that I am sending through the call and want to apply the template I created. Until I left the XML to handle the composite template, everything worked. I'm not sure there is something wrong with nested information. If I have this in an improper order with any help you are ready to lend to everyone is very much appreciated. string xmlBody = "& lt; envelopeDefinition xmlns = \" http: // \ "& gt; + "& Lt; email subject & gt; keeping this document in mind & lt; / emailSubject & gt;" + "& Lt; status & gt; sent & lt; / status & gt;" + "& Lt; compositeTemplates & gt;" + "& Lt; Composite Templates & gt;" + "& Lt; server templates & gt;" + "& Lt; server template & gt;" + "& Lt; sequence & gt; 1 & lt; / s...

c - Segmentation Fault? getc function and arrays -

I am trying to write a program to compile with Xeon Phi and it says that there is a partition error ? I think that when I try to fill ARAC with the getc function I have written this code in many different formats, and I think it is not the most efficient, but I need to see if This will work by parallel to it #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; #include & lt; String.h & gt; # Include & lt; Time.h> # Include & lt; Sys / types.h & gt; # Include & lt; Sys / stat.h & gt; # Include & lt; Fcntl.h & gt; // # include & lt; Omp.h & gt; Int main () {struct stat buf1; Structure state buf2; File * FP1, * FP2; Int C1, C2; Clock_t has passed; Four fname1 [40], fname2 [40]; Printf ("Enter the first file name:"); Fgets (fname1, 40, stdin); While (fname1 [strlen (fname1) - 1] == '\ n') {fname1 [strlen (fname1) -1 '=' 0 '; } Printf ("Enter the second file name:"); Fgets (f...

user interface - Java SWT: Widgets(buttons, labels) used properly -

This is my first question but I'm really stuck. Maybe it's my exorbitance for the past few days, but now I looked at Google for a few hours and could not get any closer to the good answer. I know that SWT is running like all GUIs which I think and when creating widgets, I should keep in mind that they should be able to reach those people with whom they modify / talk Want to But I need to know that if my thinking is correct and if I am not good then what should I do? Let's say I add Eclipse + Window Builder + swt / jface java project then I add buttons and clawl + click listener (button button), so the generated code looks more or less (main only Method, above only main square and import) public static zero main (string [] args) {display display = Display.getDefault (); Shell shell = new shell (); Shell.set size (450, 300); Shell.setText ("SWT Application"); Button BTN Newton = new button (shell, SWT.NONE); BtnNewButton.addSelectionListener (new selectio...


I have found this problem several times in xcode 6. This thing is that I am running a ball and when he is a block he dies. He can jump though, but the first block always crashes as if I do not normally like in the air and hit the first block, it just freeze and closes. This gives me this error: Thread 1: EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code = EXC_1386_INVOP, subcode = 0x0) line number 2 and 7 have a green background (count of space). This error line is: func didBeginContact (contact: spspscactact) {died (func)} func died (if visual = GameScene.unarchiveFromFile ("GameScene ") In form of? SKYView skView.ignoresSiblingOrder = true scene.size = skView.bounds.size scene.scaleMode = .spectFill skView.presentScene (scene)}} as gameScene {skView = self.view} EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION means that there was a loud elsewhere in your code. The only line of code that you can provide is that it is: Let's skView = svView as self.view This self-reliant If self will The view ...

perl using function return value as if statement condition -

Is it possible to use the return value of the function as an expression in "Fe" statement in Perl? for example; I can write in C if (! Myfunction ()) {printf ("myfunction false. \"); } Other {printf ("My function has come true \ n"); } But in Perl, I think I should go through pain .. $ ret = MyFunction (); If (! $ Ret) {Print "myfunction returned incorrectly. \ N"; } As soon as I post it, I know that many other posts in this question will be redirected to me. But, obviously, what I'm looking for, I was not able or I will not write it! Then leave the messages "I have tried to search ...." Here my performance () looks. sub myFunction {my ($ run), $ runtime) = @_; Mine ($ code); Eval {$ SIG {ALRM} = all {dead "Operation time out";}; Alarm ($ run_time); $ EXIT_STR = `$ run`; Perform # $ and EXIT_STR $ code = $ ?; Save output in # Save CMD exit code. $ EXIT_CODE = $ code; # Set global values ​​(EXIT_CODE) a...

c++ - "does not name a type" error when appending to vector -

#include & lt; vector & gt; #include "Node.h" / संपादित करें: नोड नोड 1 जोड़ा (सत्य, 11); नोड नोड 2 (सत्य, 04); std :: वेक्टर & LT; नोड & gt; कमरा 1; room1.push_back (node1); मैं केवल नोड 1 को नामित नोड्स के कमरे में 1 जोड़ना चाहता हूं। मेरे लिए यह बिल्कुल ठीक दिखता है कि ट्यूटोरियल कैसे निर्देशित करते हैं, लेकिन मुझे एक त्रुटि मिल रही है "रूम 1 एक प्रकार का नाम नहीं है।" संपादित करें: हैडर से नोड को शामिल किया गया है। सभी नोड करता है (bool, int) में ले जाता है और इसे स्टोर करता है। (यह प्रोग्राम कई सौ पंक्तियां है जो सामग्री को प्रासंगिक रखने की कोशिश कर रहा है।) के बारे में त्रुटि room1 एक प्रकार का नाम नहीं देना आपके कोड से फ़ंक्शन या ऑब्जेक्ट विधि के अंदर नहीं है। आप अपनी फ़ाइल के बाहरी दायरे में परिभाषाएं डाल सकते हैं, लेकिन निष्पादित करने के लिए स्वैच्छिक कोड की पंक्तियां नहीं। कोड को चलाने के लिए एक संदर्भ की आवश्यकता है। #include & lt; vector & gt; #include "नोड" int main () {नोड नोड 1 (सच, 11); नोड ...

ios - MPMedia Query to filter playlists for songs not working -

I am trying to retrieve the playlist on iOS, but to remove any non-music content it was the original code, Which was returning some video items. MPMediaEizine * query = [[MPMDIECTIC ALLOCK] INIT]; [Query addFilterPredicate: [MPMDAPPropertyPrintEdview: _playlistIdentifier forProperty: MPMediaPlaylistPropertyPersistentID]]; [QuerySetSumming Type: MPMIDMplayplaylist]; So I changed it to: MPMediaQuery * query = [[MPMDIActic alloc] init]; [Query addFilterPredicate: [MPMDAPPropertyPrintEdview: _playlistIdentifier forProperty: MPMediaPlaylistPropertyPersistentID]]; [Query addFilterPredicate: [MPMDAPPertyDPDITED WITH VALYUE: [NSNumber NumberWithIntagger: MPMDiIPIP Music] For Property: MPMITTOPPartemediaType]]; [QuerySetSumming Type: MPMIDMplayplaylist]; However, no luck - one of our customers, who have video on the playlist (which are not locally available, just on iCloud) are still complaining that they can watch the video. Is there any reason why these non-music files are not be...

svn - Obtain Subversion Revision from Previous Jenkins Build -

I have a Jenkins job, which routinely demolishes the vote when build cakes, then I'm Jenkins job I would like to get SVN Rev # for "File X" from the previous Junkins Build. The reason I want this amendment number so that I can implement a script is that if there is a difference between the previous Jenkins build "File X" and the copy of the work "File X" between the "File X" So you need to execute "File X". If there is no difference then it can leave the "Y" file. These files take a long time to run :) when If a job runs, you have access to SVN_REVISION_1 (for the first SVN URL) as the environmental variable. You must save it as an artifact On Windows: % SVN_REVISION_1% & gt; Myrevfile On Linux: $ SVN_REVISION_1 & gt; Myrevfile At the end of the build, archive this file (you can also create other archived artifacts). In your next build, you have one step "". In that phase, you ca...

javascript - Angularjs-UI sortable multiple div list -

I'm trying to sort to work. & lt; Ul ui-sortable = 'Data.sortableOptions' ng-model = "" class = "list-volatile" & gt; & Lt; Li ng-repeat = "c in" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; {{C.field1}} & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; {{C.field2}} & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; {{C.field3}} & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; I can not catch and drag the important part of this question is in the 3 div in the I accept, I do not know what this line is in the docs : "The ui-sortable element should have only one ng-repeat and not any other element (above or below)." And I am able to work it with a table. Any insights? Yes, docs say "Only one ng-repeat should be in the uriy-sortable element and someone There should not be other elements (above or below). " Which makes it harder to divide 3 in the li, however, th...

cql - How many tables/Column Families are created in cassandra for this example -

I'm reading it on the schema in CASADADRA. The author creates two tables: Create a tablet tweet (Twitter_ID UUID primary key, author negotiation, body behavior); Create table timeline (user_id varchar, tweet_id uuid, author varchar, body varchar, primary key (user_id, tweet_id)); Note: For the tables are worried, they do not know that both tables can be "joined" on tweet_id in each table, tweet_id is seen as a unique column name of the UUID type. goes. If I have my understanding of my post, then the author says that no two pillar families have a physically produced table. This is just a large table that contains information for both the logical column family. But when I think that is selected from where tweets_id = "xxx" (there is an internal marker for determining the column is for tweets) Please look at this post, because the author shows up with good examples. My question is how does the table timeline should be aware that in table tweets, ...

java - Linkedlist recursive method -

I am trying to write a recursive method which prints the linked list in reverse, but I get a stack overflow error is. When the last element of the array reaches the law, then the method should be abolished, and it will have to restrain the method to be called back, and then that method will be printed and it will be returned to someone coming back. Public Zero Print (node ​​node) {if (! = Null) print (; System.out.println ("+ + node.value +" ");} Convert your code to public zero in print (node ​​node) {System.out.println ("+ + node.value +" "); If (node.exe! = Null) print (node. Nxt); } If it still fails with one exception, it means that you have a cyclical linked list if If this is not a failure, it means that you are filling your app with fixed default memory heap, you can try to increase the size of the pile to make sure that it fixes the issues Once you locate the problem, you restore the original code President ...

mysql - Insert (multiple) new rows into a table from another table using a subquery? -

So this is what I am trying to do, definitely does not work. The subkey gives 3 rows, which I want to copy in the new table. Enter the retired values ​​(selection from question * where position = 'r'); I was sure that I was doing it wrong, but here's a special question: Do I need to list all the columns separately, or Is there a way to tell it to move completely? Table characteristics and columns are the same. If the question and retired If there is only the column (quantity and type), then it should work: Enter the retired SELECT * from the query where the position = 'R';

I made a Swift extension to use frames like I would on iOS but Can't compile while using it -

I created this extension in NSV so that it is easy to work with the scenes. import Cocoa public extension NSView {var Inverted Frame: NSRect (get {return NSRect (x: frame.origin.x, y: superview.bounds.height - frame.origin.y, width: Bounds.isize.width, height: bounds.size) .height)} set {self.frame = NSRect (x: newValue.origin.x, y: superview.bounds.height - newValue.origin.y - newValue.height, Width: newValue.width, height: newValue.height)}}} But whenever I try to use it, I get an error compiling time ... commands / applications / Xcode6- However if I computed in a class implementation Cut and paste the A variable so it works fine. P> I'm not sure why this is something wrong with my code? Can anyone do this work? Your property setter newValue as a method parameter, Rather than saying that, the compiler is clearly crashed. Remember that a bare set is only found in an protocol property declaration.

python:How to print the character from a variable with unicode string -

How do I print Unicode in Python My question is: How do I code the following Can I edit just to translate to Unicode for printing on 2014-07-16? Print 'day:% s \ n'% (release) My original output: Day: [u2014-07- 16] ] I want the result: day: 2014-07-16 I will try print u'day:% Please teach me thank you if prints In the output, you can: 1) From that list Get the first element print 'day:% s \ n'% releaseey [0] 2) Insert all elements from the list Print 'day:% s \ n'% ''. Add (Relay) 3) Repeat elements from the list and print it separately Relay X: Print 'day:% s \ n'% x But this is the basic knowledge in the "pure" python and it is not treated in any way. - Insert mutiple unique rows into a table -

I am not familiar with SQL as much as I'm trying to insert multiple rows of data in a table, if No line exists BusinessFilterPhrase duplicate values ​​in the column, do not just insert. I if (filterCategoryList = null!) {Foreach (KeyValuePair & LT; string, filter the integer & gt; filterCategoryList). {Insert Cmd.CommandText = "tblBusinessName (BusinessFilterPhrase, BusinessCategoryID) selected tblBusinessName as" + "t1 @ BusinessFilterPhrase, @ BusinessCategoryID" + "" + "is not the" + "(select * as d1 from tblBusinessName Where d1.BusinessFilterPhrase = @BusinessFilterPhrase) "; Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@FilterFilterPhrase", filter.Key); Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@ BusinessCategoryID", Filters. Value.ToString ()); Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery (); }} Your code looks right as I wrote it: tblBusinessName (BusinessFilterPhrase, BusinessCategoryID) select @BusinessFilterPhrase, putting @Bus...

mysql - How to dynamically change the name of column in the sqlstatement to be used for retrieving data using a combobox -

I want to change the name of my column dynamically all the time, whenever I select the same item name as the column Use the Cmbcategory combo box then use it to move your data into cmbparts comboBox. Is this possible? This is my sample code: public sub cmbpartfill () sqlstatement = "select '" & amp; Cmbcategory.Text & amp; "Connect to Tblparts" (command) = New MySqlCommand (sqlstatement, connection) Reader = command.ExecuteReader while the reader. Read cmbpart.Items.Clear () cmbpart.Items.Add (reader.Item (0) .ToString) while finished disconnect () and sub I appreciate any help thank you . This will work I think .............. sqlstatement = "Select" & amp; Cmbcategory.Text & amp; Edited by "Tblparts" : Just try not to believe me ............ sqlstatement = " ["& Amp; Cmbcategory.Text & amp; "] From Tblparts"

java - How to get the authorization from Nest via firebase API? -

I am new to programming for nest and how do I get authorization from the nest through the Firebase API I'm confused. I want to write an app in Android to access device information. I have already registered an account with Nest and have created a customer with the web interface. I've found the authorization URL on the customer page and I have used the Chrome extension to create 2 virtual devices. //home.nest? .com / login / OAuth2 client_id = CLIENT_ID & state = state "); Logs. I (tag, "getuprums" + ref.gettarm ()); I log in for this information, so I found the following logs: getParams {} UPDATE I have read the website RIT but there are some things that I am still confused about. My Client Page has the following information: Client id: b4bf4721-2 *** - 4 *** - *** *** - c1a **** ***** Customer Secret: S578in ***** ******* Authority URL:***-4** * -a *** - c1a **...

javascript - Bootstrap Input group not the same? -

So, I'm running the example of signin, and I do not know that I was wandering. Here's a picture when I run my code locally, I get the top picture in my browser - but the example of the bootstrap site looks like the second one, which I want. What am I missing? Cheers, Simon Here is the code I am using, as well: Custom CSS in the example entry form is embedded in the page. body {padding-top: 40px; Padding-down: 40px; Background-color: #EE; } .form-signin {max-width: 330px; Padding: 15px; Margin: 0 auto; } .form-signin .form-signin-heading, .form-signin .checkbox {margin-bottom: 10px; } .form-signin .checkbox {font-weight: normal; } .form-signin .form-control {status: relative; Height: auto; -WebKit-box-size: border-box; -MOZ Box-Size: border-box; Box-size: border-box; Padding: 10px; Font-size: 16px; } .form-signin .form-control: focus {z-index: 2; } .form-signin input [type = "email"] {margin-down: -1px; Border-bottom right-radius: 0; Border...

vba - Word Macro Find Last Line of current page -

Macro using a macro in Word, I would like to find the last line of the current page and add a "page break". Although it should be easy I can not find the script for the last line of the current page. sub last Panktiinsrt () Select-end is supposed to work to select the last row. Type: = wdPageBreak Using EndSub The easiest way is probably to choose. Take a letter backing GoToNext (wdGoToPage) and then so: Selection.GoToNext (wdGoToPage) Selection.MoveEnd wdCharacter, -1 Selection.InsertBreak Note that doing so where words can already be added to the result blank page of a page has a brake. If you are trying to loop, be careful about this.

Nginx Rewrite working except for root directory -

I would like to pass all requests that do not match on a file from / framework / root / for all requests except for example http: // // localhost . This is my Nginx configuration: PS: Only today the NGX coming from the upgrade has been started. server {80 says; Root / var / www / html; Server_name localhost; Location / {try_files $ uri $ uri / @ root; } Place @ Route {rewrite ^ (. *) $ / Framework / root.php? Path = $ 1; } # To pass the PHP scripts to the FastCGI server at the place ~ \ .php $ {try_files $ uri = 404; Fastcgi_pass Unix: /var/run/php5-fpm.sock; Fastcgi_index index.php; Fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $ document_root $ fastcgi_script_name; Includes fastcgi_params; } # .htaccess denies access to files, if Apache's documentation is related to a # location of route # NGN ~ ~ / {reject all; }} OUO found try_files $ Uri $ uri / @root; should be try_files $ uri @root; without $ uri / part because it matches the base / direc...

jsp - How can I use or any other tag instead of in struts2? -

I have a text field in my jspage page. I have an edit button for this text field, which is a popup Opens and updates the text field. I have to convert it like a text. When I joined & lt; S: text & gt; , I can not save the updated value in DB, I am using struts2 ... & Lt; S: TextField maxlength = "3" size = "3" name = "Credential Expiry" readonly = "true" /> Each Straits tag is processed server side: When it is sung in the page (Read: when a JSP is translated into an HTML), it becomes a standard HTML tag From that moment, Forget About Tag Since this question is not completely clear: If you are textfield like it is still editable, cssStyle = "border: None; Background: Transparent; " ; If you have to type text in a label, you need to use Javascript, target the source object and replace it with the new, desired HTML.

ios - "const" In Objective-C and Cocos2D: Is It Me, Or Does It Seem To Be Taboo? -

I'm not sure this is the right place to ask, because this is not really a technical question, but a And of the question style and coding practices ... I have always used fans to use "cons" to determine the variables that will not change in their lifetime, especially when they use functions / methods It is probably from my history that C ++ is born with , Where the object can be passed from the context instead of the pointer, but you want to make sure that the original value has not been changed by mistake, either by you or by someone else on your team Was the same code snippet When looking at headers for general purpose and especially coco 2D, then I have noticed that the lack of use of this item is worth noting . Now, I leave'm not against developing the code as soon as possible, and the developers are leaving barriers option to modify the value of developing your code and develop, but there are some instances where I believe That it is not loose. For examp...

mysql - How to format sql query to get month without leading 0 -

I am trying to format mysql queries to show months without major zeros. I know that % m will give me months leading zero, but I was thinking that it is anyway to get it without major 0. Use % c - month, numeric (0..12 ) (Source :) Specified details% name of a brief week (Sun .. sat)% b The name of the contracted month (January .. DC)% C Months (0, 1, 2, 3, one ??)% d day of the month with numerical (0..12)% D English suffix, numerical (00.31)% e day of the month, Numerical (0..31)% F microseconds (000000. 99 99 99)% h hour (00..23)% hH (01. 12)% i hour (01.12)% i minute, numeric A (00.5.5)% of year J (001.366)% K Hour (0..23)% L Hour (1..12)% M Month Name (January .. Dec.)% Month, Numerical (00.12 )% P AM or PM% R Time, 12-Hour (HH: mm: SS, AM or PM later)% S second (00.5.5)% S second (00.5.5)% T Time, 24-Hours (HH: mm: SS)% U Week (00 ..53), where Sunday is the first day of the week; Week () mode 0% V Week (00..53), where Monday is the first day of the week; Week () mode...

java - Morphia ArrayStoreException BigDecimal and Integer Array -

I get the following stack trace while retrieving a document. The document contains a buggy field that is successfully parsed while running on the debugger. However, the program crash when parsing an array of five integers. I keep in mind the use of the commercial because there are other posts mentioning BigDisk and Arraystore exposition. This error indicates that the array is being parsed in a list. If I write POJO from Java code, error is never seen. > But, if I add BigDecimal as a string it shows this error. How do I solve this? java.lang.System.arraycopy (Native Method java.util.ArrayList.toArray exception "main" java.lang.ArrayStoreException org.mongodb formula) ( 361) org.mongodb.morphia.utils.ReflectionUtils.convertToArray ( Titer38) on .morphia.converters.IntegerConverter.decode (IntegerConverter.java35) org.mongodb.morphia.converters.DefaultConverters.fromDBObject (DefaultConverters .java: 133) on org.mongodb.morph...

merge - Clustering in Matlab -

Hi, I'm trying to cluster using linkage (). Here is the code that I am trying to do. y = pdist (data); Z = Linking (Y); T = Cluster (Z, 'Max Clust', 4096); I'm getting the error as follows The number of elements is greater than the maximum allowed size in MATLAB. ==> Error 135 Z = linkgamex (Y, method); The size of the data is 56710 * 128. How can I apply the code to a small part of the data and then I can better match these groups ?? Or any other solution to the problem Maybe it can not cluster many objects with algorithms. Mostly they use distance matrix in their implementation. The pair distance for the 56710 object requires the matrix 56710 * 56709/2 = 1,607,983,695 entries, or some 12 GB RAM; Most likely also need a copy of a work. It is possible that default matlab data structures are not ready to handle this amount of data (and you do not want to wait to finish the algorithm; perhaps that's because they allow "only" a cert...

runcommand - Is Run command in Windows executable file? -

Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text"> Suddenly I have one thing in my mind that the windwos version (winver), calc and execute most of the win applications all the way There are files that will be in Windows or System 32 folder. Similarly, the run command which we are using Win + R shortcut, is also an executable file? Is it available anywhere in the Windows system folder as an executable file? When I tried to click to open the file, it is opening the desktop, where exactly do we click on the shortcut, starting from that time? No, this is not an exe, it's a dialog window that you get in the dynamic link library C shell: \ Windows \ System32 \ shell32.dll you can call it this way VBScript: dim objShell set objShell = CreateObject ( "shell.application" ObjShell.FileRun from JScript like this: objShell = new ActiveXObject ("shell.application"); ObjShell.FileRun (); In this way VB6: private sub fnShellFileRunV...

html - Using CSS for a link output by PHP? -

OK, so I have an HTML form and I use that form to upload the link to my database and then I want to do the link displayed on an updated page, all is well, but my problem is that whenever the link is retrieved and displayed from the database, I am unable to make changes to the CSS. For example: & lt; A href = "" & gt; This is a great site & lt; / A & gt; I will enter the form, this database will be saved, and the output will be: My problem is, I have color and other inline I am unable to change any link style beyond CSS options. What would be the easiest way to go about this? I am unable to change the thing on which the link has been clicked or how the action has been taken. Is there a simple CSS solution that I am missing, or is I working a bit more complex? Thanks in advance. I do not get your question. Your link is ''. You can get your link as output & lt; A href = "www....

php - Encoding for SMS messages -

I am currently creating an application that uses users to send SMS messages. But I'm having some problems with the encoding of messages. Probably metonizing; I am using to connect with their API. A simple text message of 160 characters has been divided into 3 different messages. According to Nexmo support, this is due to the encoding of the message, so I received information about encoding to provide me some more information: The maximum number of messages per message depends on the encoding Is: - 160 characters (such as Latin-1/9 and GSM 8) for 7-bit encoding - 140 characters for 8-bit encoding (binary) - 70 characters for 16-bit encoding (Unicode) The maximum number of messages inserted The number depends on encoding: - 153 characters for 7-bit encoding (such as Latin-1/9 and GSM 8) - 134 for 8-bit encoding (binary) - 67 for 16-bit encoding (Unicode) Letter When I use 7 BIT encoding ( mb_convert_encoding ('message', '7bit') ), the entire message wil... - call code behind function from javascript with parameters -

मेरे पास .ascx में फ़ंक्शन के पीछे कोड है उपयोगकर्ता नियंत्रण ) निम्नानुसार सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शन GetCity (strCountry के रूप में [स्ट्रिंग]) स्ट्रिंग के रूप में मंद strCity स्ट्रिंग = String.Empty यदि strCountry = "USA" फिर strCity = "NewYork" अन्यथा strCity = "OtherCity" अंत अगर Return strCity End Function मैं इस फ़ंक्शन को जावास्क्रिप्ट होवर इवेंट से कॉल करना चाहता हूं। मैंने निम्न पद्धति का प्रयास किया है लेकिन यह पैरामीटर फ़ंक्शन पॉपअप (e) {var params = e के साथ कार्य के लिए काम नहीं करता है। getAttribute ( 'alt'); Var s = & lt;% = GetCity ()% & gt; } जावास्क्रिप्ट आर्गुमेंट्स को जावास्क्रिप्ट आर्ग्यूमेंट्स को जावास्क्रिप्ट साइड से कॉल करते समय फ़ंक्शन के पीछे कैसे पास किया जाए। मैं पेज मेथड्स डॉन "पाठ"> आप जावास्क्रिप्ट में छिपे हुए फ़ील्ड में मान सेट कर सकते हैं। पोस्ट बैकअप बटन में सीएसएस डिस्प्ले: कोई भी सर्वर ईवेंट नहीं है और पोस्ट बैक बटन के पोस्टबैक फ़ंक्शन को उत्पन्न करते हैं। आ...

jquery - prevent only horizontal scrolling on touch -

I have created a very simple slider with basically the overflow for hidden container The only way I can see the horizontal scrollbar and slide on the next screen is by clicking on a handle (in this case a span ). It works fine on desktops but you can still touch swipe on the screen horizontally, is there a way to stop it? Here's a sample: I do not test to make sure Try to set HTML and body width to 100% such as: html, body {width: 100%; }

sql - How do I get distinct grouped data? -

निम्न तालिका संरचना के लिए: नाम | आईडी जॉन 111111111 रॉबर्ट 222222222 रॉबर्ट 333333333 जैक 444444444 स्टीवर्ट 555555555 स्टीवर्ट 666666666 लाना 777777777 एक चुनिंदा क्वेरी का उपयोग करके मैं निम्नलिखित आउटपुट कैसे वापस कर सकता हूं: john 111111111 रॉबर्ट 222222222 जैक 444444444 स्टूवर 555555555 लाना 777777777 चुनें नाम, न्यूनतम (आईडी ) तालिका 1 नाम से समूह से

wso2esb - WSO2 ESB integration SAP -

We are using the WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus. We would like to know that we can integrate through the SAP JCO Library or SAP BAPI which is published as web services using the WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus products? Thanks Karthik Look at the ESB document: and the configuration of the ESB adapter:

java - JSP Servlet Multithreading Qustion -

I have a service which receives the request from the client, then the service has 5 different through HTTP request / feedback - Collected data from different servers (1 second required to answer each server) and sends data back to the customer. The problem is that when the customer has to wait 6 seconds for the response then it is too long so 5 requests of 5 servers should be sent at the same time. Thoughts: Multi-threading in servlets, such as in normal Java applications. One volunteerlet for each server (request), so that the Servlet 5 consisting of 1 main service number 5 "Receive data" and collect Servlets send data to the main servlet and main servlet back to the customer. I am scared about the problem, that a thread / servlet gets a response from another request because its same time and only one IP. How to solve this? Thanks! multithreading in servlet Which can put this request in asynchronous mode, and starts its AsyncContext with the origin...

Programmatically set android:windowIsTranslucent -

I was able to create floating activity after following this tutorial However, For, I had to add this line to styles.xml : & item name = "android: windowIsTranslucent" & gt; True & lt; / Item & gt; Is it possible to use only Android / Java code to have the same effect? (For example, activity. Unprotected audio () or such ...) Thank you in advance for your help. [edit 01] styles.xml should not be changed (and I do not know what is in it ...). But for testing purposes, I am using the default: & lt; Resources & gt; & Lt; Style name = "appbashtheme" parent = theme "AppCompat.Light" & gt; & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; Style name = "Aaptim" parent = "appbashtheme" & gt; & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; / Resources & gt; [edit 02] I like what I want (according to the API description: "value new features in the theme" ) So I created the following custom_...

scala - PlayFramework 2.3.1 NoClassDefFoundError: org/fusesource/jansi/AnsiOutputStream -

I am studying Play framework 2.x and I installed the framework with the trigger 1.2.3 on my Fedora Is FC20 Now I am facing a strange error in launching the activator new , which I had never experienced before, with the java-1.7.0-openjdk- 1.2.fc20.i386 and also tried with openjedk 1.8.0, but this error is still here. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: jline.console.ConsoleReader.setPrompt ( on org / fusesource / jansi / AnsiOutputStream jline.console.ConsoleReader.stripAnsi ( 398) on jline.console.ConsoleReader.readLine jline.console.ConsoleReader.readLine ( to ( sbt.JLine.sbt $ JLine $$ readLineDirectRaw (LineReader.scala: 45) But on SBT JLine $$ anonfun $ readLineDirect $ 2.Apply (LineReader.scala: 37) sbt.JLine $$ anonfun at $ readLineDirect $ 2.Apply (LineReader.scala: 37): sbt.Signals0.withHandler on SBT (87 Signal.scala at) sbt.JLine.readLineWithHistory (LineReader.scala:...

c# - UI stuck until background process has completed -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 1 उत्तर मेरे पास एक .cab निष्कर्षण उपयोगिता मेरी मुख्य विंडो में, मैं .cab का नाम निकालना चाहता हूं, जो फ़ाइल को अभी निकाला जा रहा है, और निष्कर्षण का प्रतिशत किया गया है। मैंने गुण लिखा है प्रत्येक फ़ील्ड अर्थात् फ़ाइल नाम , प्रतिशत , आदि ... जो मेरे ViewModel पर हैं। सभी काम कर रहे हैं ठीक है लेकिन यह यूआई MainVindowViewModel : सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग FileExtract {get_fileExtract; } सेट {_fileExtract = value; NotifyPropertyChanged ( "FileExtract"); }} सार्वजनिक int प्रतिशत {प्राप्त {वापसी _परेंट; } सेट {_percent = value; NotifyPropertyChanged ( "प्रतिशत"); }} निकासी के लिए विधि निजी शून्य एक्स्ट्रेकैब (स्ट्रिंग आउटपुट डायरेक्टरी) {m_CabinetFile.FileExtractBefore + = नए इवेंटहाँडलर (कैबिनेटफ़ाइल_फाइलएक्सट्रैक); M_CabinetFile.FileExtractComplete + = नए इवेंटहाँडलर (कैबिनेटफ़ाइल_फाइलएक्सटेक्चर); } उपरोक्त दो घटनाओं से पहले और बाद में फ़ाइल को निकाला जाता है। निम्नलिखित विधियों के साथ मुझे वह जान...

java - How to make runnable Jar programs that do not fail silently? -

To create, I can read the unmatched exception if I run it from the command prompt ( java -jar Myprogram.jar ). Example code: Public static zero main (string rule []) {try {EntireProgram ()}} Catch (throttle T) {new error ("somehow There are errors in our error handling code "); }} Public static zero EntireProgram () {System.out.println (1/0); } Command line output: double-clicking it (most end-users expect), then unconstitutional exception remains quiet . I have noticed that this "root" Windows Programs ", which I believe are exceptions handled by OS default handler (modal dialog message): unread exceptions The advantage of handling this method is that the user address something went wrong (and maybe report it, hopefully). How do I uncheck the unused exceptions of my program in this way Can I be handled? Why not add a line like this in your catch block, which will show you how you run your app, even though error message. j...

java - Have issues while trying to access specific URI in Websphere 7.0 version -

Websphere server has some update activity. After the update, I am not able to access my specific URI present in the specific package, but I am able to use other links in my application it throws the error down Error: 404: javax.servlet.UnavailableException: SRVE0202E: Servlet was found, but is corrupted: SRVE0227E: Check that the square stays in the appropriate package directory. Done SRVE0228E: Check that the classname is defined in the server using the appropriate case and fully qualified package. SRVE022 9E: Check that the class was transferred to the file system using binary transfer mode. SRVE0230: Check that the class was compiled using the appropriate case (as defined in class definition). SRVE0231E: Check that the class file name was not changed after it was compiled. I have examined the naming conventions, package covers, compiled the file and put the file in the field but unable to find what is wrong Please suggest some solution The problem is resolved now....

php - Upstart - Job starts but then stops immediately -

I am trying to establish an upstart job, but for some reason it stopped immediately after starting it I have my files here: /ect/init/test-daemon.conf Code> Shutdown Ridework script sudo -u root ppp -f / usr / share / test_admani.start on startup stop on FTP script / usr / share / test -daemon Php & lt ;? Php // worker will execute every X seconds: $ sec = 2; // We create a micro-second to be used by the 'sleep' function. $ Subtraction = $ sec * 1000000; While (true) {// We again 'cycle' before, we will sleep for a bit ... sleep ($ subtle); } I have found this file: (which I found on the forum that logged event) /tmp/log.file Debt / Debt / Debug / (/ dev / fd / 10): 19735: Fri 25 July 11:52:40 AST 2014: Job Test Demon / Starting Environment was: TERM = linux PATH = / Usr / local / sbin: / usr / local / bin: / usr / bin: / usr / sbin: / sbin: / bin PWD = / JOB = test- daemon SHLVL = 1 UPSTART_INSTANCE = UP APPS = UP is starting. JOJB =...

python - how to deal with numerous elements in a condition? -

I sometimes need to use several elements in one condition, all of these are the same type Args = list (if not in "A"), or in args not in "R" or "c" in args: print ("something is missing") It becomes complicated when the number of elements for testing grows, I tried to combine them into a list but the end result is ugly: args = For the list () which ["a", For "b", "c"]: If not in Arg: Print ("Something is actually missing") break A python to codify this type of condition The method will be (multiple components, all one, one for ) The typical way to do this is as follows: If not all (R "A", "B", "C"), RG for RG (RG in Arg): Also, consider raising an error instead of printing a message.

java - Woo-commerce add to cart button missing. (yep, another one) -

I have a problem where with the goods where there are many options (T-shirt size, etc.) that are called 'add to cart' button It's okay, where there is only one option - for example a CD. I have recorded all the information, stock number, price etc. The problem persists if I turn off all the other plugins I do not see any errors in the Java console (I'm trying to use a plugin that is correct in some way by Java errors. ) And the Add to Cart button appears, if I switch to the second theme, there is the greatness of a person who has lowered this path, I can start finding solutions. Thank you for your help! On turning on debugging I can see the following error: Notice: wp_enqueue_script was incorrectly called scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, or login_enqueue_scripts are not hooked. Please see debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in ...

gitignore - Git 1.9 double asterisk in negated pattern not working? -

हमारी फ़ोल्डर संरचना इस तरह दिखती है: x â ???? एक ?? ???? ???? एक "एक" ???? ए???? एक। ???? config.xml एक ???? ए???? एक "एफ़" एफ़ फाइल। ए???? एक और। एक और फ़ाइल। एक â â â â â â ??? ए???? एक। ???? config.xml एक ???? ए???? एक "एफ़" एफ़ फाइल। ए???? एक और। एक और फ़ाइल। एक "??????" config.xml एक "पी" एक "????" (???) ?????? config.xml मैं Git को सभी config.xml जोड़ना चाहता हूँ रिपॉजिटरी। मैं इसे निम्नलिखित के साथ करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। Gitignore को repostory के शीर्ष स्तर पर रखा *! ** / config.xml केवल फ़ाइल, यह कि git स्थिति सूचियों x / config.xml है दूसरों को अनदेखा कर दिया जाता है हम गीट 1.9.0-आरसी 3 का प्रयोग कर रहे हैं। कोई सुझाव? *! ** /! ** / config.xml और यह न्यूनतम जवाब लंबाई पैडिंग पैडिंग पैडिंग है।

Excel macro help using a forloop -

I am trying to learn macros in Excel. I have worked on the edge edges (if we put other equations in the statements and cells) and now I need help with loops. I have a macro which is a cell in the following cell (2 , 31) Enter. Formula = "= (iftext (E2)," "yes" "," "no" ") I need to basically insert this equation directly into 50 cells, I would like to use the loop to do. Can someone help with this, I can not seem to do this work. Category should be from E2 to E50. Thank you! Just loop lines through all: dim row line = 2 50 Cells From (Punk Formula = "= = (iftext (e" and "line"), "if you use a formula in r1c1 format, you can do this without a loop Because the R1C1 formula is the same as the line you are on: range (cell (2, 31), cell (50, 31)). Formula 1 c 1 _ = "= (Iftex (rc5)," "yes" "," "no" ")"

python - Reiterate a for loop? -

I want my loop to start from the beginning instead of starting from the place where it was left Was there. primes = [2] cur = 3 count = 1 count & lt; 10: For the prime number: If CUR% number == 0: CUR + = 2 primes.append (CUR) print CUR CUR + = 2 count = 1 print prime number I could not understand what was wrong for a while and I was getting 27 as Prime Minister. Putting it into PythonTutor I came to know that it was marked as the Prime Minister because it was investigated To repeat after 27 to see if it was divisible by 3. To see There are some ways to repeat from the beginning, or should I try to find something more realistic? Thanks You can fix this by adding while loop and To properly control the flow, break and else : primes = [2] cur = 3 count = 1 count & lt; 10: While this is true: For the prime number of: and for the loop 'CUR + = 2 breaks # restart: #' while 'loop breaking the prime number # For the loop without restarting the holiday...

php - where method not working in laravel -

I'm trying to use the where statement in laravel, but in return I get Having a blank value Here is the code $ vehicles_make_id = $ _POST ['vehicles_make_id']; // Getting "Audi" $ vehicles_name_trim = $ _POST ['vehicles_name_trim']; // Getting "A3, 2.0t premium automated" $ vehicles_name_trim_ar = explosion (',', $ vehicles_name_trim); $ Model_new = $ vehicles_name_trim_ar [0]; // Getting "A3" $ model_trim = $ vehicles_name_trim_ar [1]; // ("model_name", $ model_name) - & gt; Where ('model_trim', $) "$ 2.0 t premium automated" $ vehicles_body_ar = array_filter (array_interprise (model :: where ('model_make_id', $ vehicles_make_id) - & gt; Model_trim) - & gt; lists ('model_body') )); Print_r (2.0T Premium Automatic); I checked and value exists in the database but I am getting an empty array I think where your wrongs are, they are not missing '='. ...

knockout.js - Observing Properties of a User Defined Javascript Object -

I know that we can not see the properties of an object just by looking at an object. But I want to know that my understanding is correct. Can we do something like that? function person (name, age) { = name; This.age = age; } $ (Function () {var vm = (function () {var person = ko.observable (new person ("ABC", 23)); Return {person: person};}) (); ko.applyBindings (vm );}); This is not working so we can not guess. I do not even know where this character comes from 'C'. You are not far away, when you refer to it in your markup, your person Observation must be opened: & lt; Input data-bind = "value: person () .name" /> & Lt; Input Data-Bind = "Value: Person (). Age" /> Edit from a comment You can see the properties of person So that they can track such changes: function person (name, age) { = ko.observable (name); This.age = ko.observable (age); }

smart mobile studio - Style property name format -

I have noticed that a style property name used in smartphones is a different format than the one used in the CSS file. Example: In the CSS: style properties in smartphones in line-height, text-overflow, white space - 'is ​​not a mark and therefore Camel Cass is: linehit, textoverflow, whitespace Why are these differences? The lower-case format (such as line-height) is used in CSS files Standards for browsers. The camel's format (eg linehit) is used internally on JavaScript objects in the browser. This format is also a standard for all browsers. But some browsers support low-case formats. To be consistent with cross-browser, always use the camcorder format on the JavaScript object!