
Showing posts from August, 2010

html - How to provide multiple links in one cell of a QTableView -

I have QTableView in my project, in which many columns display data that contains hyperlinks I use a delegate class to set it so that when the cell is clicked in the column, it will open the linked page in the browser. This works great ... When only one page is being linked to a page For example, there may be a list of search values ​​for, where columns A, B, C, Etc. are worth. If user clicks on cell in this column with A, then it will open a hyperlink for mysite. Com / A (Again, this part works fine) However, now I need to add a column in which there are some things like "A, B", where A-B can search in the same cell Need to support links to which they click on. I'm searching online for a while and it seems that probably can not be done with a representative I have a line in a code somewhere in the QTextBrowser , where I call it HTML I can do this by: Caststring to show; For (int i = 0; i & lt; searchValueList.size (); i ++) {toShow.append ("...

Jenkins - add new build statuses -

Does anybody know that there is a way to add the status of the new build to Jenkins? For example, I have a job that checks out our build server whether a new build is available or not. I do not think this work may report 'failure' but instead if there is no new build available then instead would want to report a 'new build'. Thanks for any suggestions! Eric You can not define new "build situations" but you might find "unstable" for it ( Yellow)?

deployment - Deploying Rails application to multiple instances -

I am working to develop a Rail application for my company which we are preparing to deploy for the first time . Essentially, what I am trying to accomplish is the following: For each customer, there should be an example of our rail application Each application should install Nginx configuration files. A PostgreSQL database should be created in each application. I am able to get some information about doing this for an example on the server, or to deploy on multiple servers, but to deploy multiple locations on the same server How about going, while ensuring that the configuration is correct? I will not be opposed to creating a shell script I will leave Capistrano and will consider something like Ansible to manage the entire S erver. At that time, I can also use the responsibility to handle the deployment. (I.

angularjs - javascript component does not have a method named "available" when using transformrequest -

I am learning angular and I have a request object that is of this form: Var data = {destinationProjectId: proj.Id, item: $ scope.selections // it is an array} $ scope.selections gives me back the real javascript object, the endpoint Array hopes that only selection ID will be the same. I know that I can do something like this: var newItems = []; Select from $ scope. EEC (oBJ) = & gt; {New Etimespush (PerseInt (OBJIID);}); Send with $ http and but what am I trying to do: $ http ({method: "POST", url: url) , Data: $ scope.selections, transformRequest: (Data, Header) = & gt; {Var payload = []; var s = & lt; any & gt; data.ite; s.forEach ((o) = & gt; ; {Payload.push (parseInt (o.Id)}}}); return payload;}); In the firebug console, I'm getting: [exception ... "Javascript component does not have a method:" Available "is not a Javascript component Naming a method: When calling "available" method: [nsIInputstream ::...

excel vba - VBA Creat chart based on pass/fail criteria -

I have a code that creates a scatter plot (a column vs. time data). There is a third column that states whether the data is "passed" or "unsuccessful" (data comes through a group of samples going through the test). I am thinking, there is an algorithm which is called through the third column, and if it says "passed" or "unsuccessful", then does it connect the data and cells at that time, the series Are the offsets in the same line? There will be two series: one to pass another one to pass. X is the time value and y values ​​are data. My code is already written, to create a chart with this series and how it finds the limit of data (dynamically changes): sub-addcharts ( ) Dim TSht as worksheet dim chat with the charts as the chart 'Find the last row in the data LRO ='. = Chat with .Shapes.AddChart.Cht.Chart .CharType = xlXYScatter .SeriesCollection.NewSeries.SeriesCollection (1) .XValues ​​= TSht.Range (Cell (2, 6), Room (LRow, 6...

Standard PHP Page - incorporating Bootstrap.min.css AND original stylesheet // bootstrap is overriding main CSS -

I am adding a new page to an existing site - with php. I decided that for this new page, the ability to add the bootstrap was the addition of the column. This issue is override the original style sheet and bootstrap.mans CSS / both original style sheets What is the best way to keep the original style while integrating bootstrap capabilities? Basically, I do not want bootstrap to change the original style sheet - just increase it. By importing your original style sheet by its sounds, you are importing bootstrap css. The browser focuses on the stylesheet loaded order. You probably have something in your document & lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = "/ style.css" & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href "/bootstrap.min.css" & gt; Because you are importing bootstrap css after your style.css For example You are in your style.css Can p {color: red; } and this bootstrap.min.css p {color: blue; } The e...

angularjs ng-options select from nested json array -

मेरे पास मेरे दायरे में परिभाषित एक जेसन है $ scope.People = [ "[नाम]": "[नाम]": "मछली", "आईडी": 1} "प्रथम नाम": "जॉन", "अंतिम नाम": "डो", "विकल्प": [{"नाम": "रात्रिभोज", "विकल्प" {"नाम": "चिकन", "आईडी": 2}, {"नाम": "बीफ", "आईडी": 3}]}, {"नाम": "दोपहर का भोजन", "विकल्प": [ "नाम": "मैकरोनी", "आईडी": 1}, {"नाम": "पीबी एंड जे", "आईडी": 2}, {"नाम": "मछली", "आईडी": 3}]} ]}, {"प्रथम नाम": "जेन", "अंतिम नाम": "डो"}]; किसी भी ड्रॉप डाउन बॉक्स में किसी भी प्रकार के विकल्प नाम के नाम (डुप्लिकेट के बिना) को कोणीय कीजिए। ड्रॉप विकल्पों में मूल्य, मछली, चिकन, बीफ, मैकरोनी, पीबी और जे और लेकिन यह काम नहीं कर रहा है। कोई अंतर्दृष्टि की सराहना की ज...

Replace String Characters by Index in Lua -

If you have been hanged in every way, then you can easily understand what I am trying to do . I want to replace characters with other characters on some characters. This is what I am currently doing: word = getwordoflength (10) found = string.rep ("_", 10) while found ~ words = four getcharfromuser () temp = "" If I = 1, for 10 words: sub (i, i) == four then temp = temp..char else temp = temp..found: sub (i, i) found end end = temp end Now, I find it impossible to be stupid and inefficient, but there is probably no better way. Bottom line, what's the 'right' way to do this? where found ~ local word for local word = getcharfromuser (): gmatch ('()' .. char) found = found: sub (1, i-1) .. char..found: sub (i + 1) end end Another way: got it ~ ~ word word local char = getcharfromuser () in the word: gmatch ('()' ..c) found = found: gsub ('( ). ', {[I] = four}) End of End

MySQL tables "in use" on Mac, work on Windows -

I am trying to share my WordPress MySQL database to use Dropbox between Mac and Windows PCs. Database is on Dropbox and on PC and Mac and XMPP, both MMPs have been symlinked. Everything works perfectly fine on Windows, but some tables on Mac will not be loaded in Apache / MySQL version but I think this is not the case? Basically it was important if the database was created on Windows. What it looks like on the Mac: Similar DB on Windows: wp_users, wp_posts, wp_comments, wp_links tables - they are broken up notice. In addition, there is something weird about the size of other tables ... Repair tape ends with wp_users: "Your SQL query has been executed successfully" And below I get some error (phpmyadmin): table | Sahara | Msg_type | Msg_text mydbname.wp_users | Repair | Error | Incorrect information in file: './mydbname/wp_users .... mydbname.wp_users | Repair | MySQL, some data about Mac first: Database server server: localhost unix socket ...

html - css works on input text not text area -

This is a jsfiddle When I set up the CSS, I Did this: . Input form [type = "text"]. Inputform input [type = "email"], .inputform textarea,. Choose inputform {limit: none; Color: # 525252; Height: 30px; Line-height: 15px; Margin-down: 10px; Margin-right: 6px; Margin-top: 2px; Profile: 0 no; Padding: 2px 0px 2px 5px; Width: 400px; Boundary-radius: 2px; -Vibit-boundary-radius: 2px; -max-boundary-radius: 2px; -MOZ-BOX-SHADOW: Inset 0 1px 1px RGBA (0, 0, 0, 0.075); Background: #DFDFDF; Font-family: heirs; Font size: heir; } So you can see that CSS shows can be applied to both input text and text fields, but for some reasons, the label goes below the text field and the text Holder is not kept inside the area Please - 1- Why is this happening? 2- How to solve it Many thanks You have to use it: textarea {vertical-row: top; } The vertical-aligned CSS property specifies the vertical alignment of an inline or table-cell element.

biztalk - Promoting fields in HL7v2 Schemas for use in Correlation Sets -

Say I had created a property on an HL 7 v2 schema to correlate two messages in a parallel convoy I created this promoted property I want to use. I used a Dummy app without HL7 schema and used to do all the work relatively rarely This is really simple, that is why I am thinking that when HL 7 Comes to schema, so there is a catch. I created PropertySchema, the area I'm doing in the HL7's body schema after being propagated, everything compiled and deployed properly, I ran a question for subscribing on my received ports and they looked fine http: // == {D2F99A76-E28A-4B3E-AC52-F4E2F92453C3} and == Http:// and https: //myNS.ECGCorrelationPropertySchema.CommonAccessionID is present However, I could not be made a published message because no members were found. This error has n...

php - Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::beforeFilter() -

I am trying to restrict access to my account page in Laravel but continue to receive the above message. Code: Enlighten \ Auth \ UserTrait; Use Illuminated \ Auth \ UserInterface; Use Illuminated \ Auth \ Reminders \ RemindableTrait; Use Illuminated \ Auth \ Reminders \ RemindableInterface; Class user, apply besassodle, user interface, reminderable interface {public function __ composition () {$ this-> first failer ('at', array ('only' = & gt; array ('view account')); $ This- & gt; BeforeFilter ('csrf', array ('on' = & gt; 'post')); }} beforeFilter No model

ios - UIView animation completion block not being called -

I have a strange bug on which I worked in the app. 1 - Why can not be said block a UIView animation perfection 2 - Why UIView animation perfection blocks will then be added after being presented a model view? I have a view that starts after the view controller. They have complete blocks, most of the time the animation meets the blocks, but every time this app goes to the position where the blocks with completion are not called. In addition, when I present a new visual controller with the current view controller, once the app has come into this situation, the animation that never completes the blocks again Called, except that when I render the model scene again. My animation block is basically this: int i = 0; (See in UIView * self.cellImageViews) {[UIView animateWithDuration: CELL_ANIMATION_DISMISS_DURATION Delay: (i) * CELL_ANIMATION_STAGGER_INTERVAL Option: UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseIn Animation: ^ {view.transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate (see transform, 0,...

.net - Choice between two XSD groups with same name -

I have a schema that needs to allow one or more of the two groups of elements: & lt; Xs: element name = "parent" maxOccurs = "99" & gt; & Lt; XS: complexType & gt; & Lt; XS: Options & gt; & Lt; XS: Sequence & gt; & Lt; Xs: element name = "address" type = "x: string" /> & Lt; Xs: element name = "city" type = "x: string" /> & Lt; Xs: element name = "state" type = "x: string" /> & Lt; Xs: element name = "zip" type = "x: string" /> & Lt; / XS: sequence & gt; & Lt; XS: Sequence & gt; & Lt; Xs: element name = "address" type = "x: string" /> & Lt; Xs: element name = "state" type = "x: string" /> & Lt; Xs: element name = "zip" type = "x: string" /> & Lt; Xs: element name = "country" type = "x: string" /> ...

bash - String together awk commands -

I am writing a script that searches for a file, gets the information that stores it again in the variable , And executes a program. I was actually using those variables in the form of data, I'm actually doing all those work, but I have to take this one step further: I currently have What is #! For $ / bin / sh start = 0 end = 9 loop = 10 pass = 0, I get $ (sec 0 $ loop) by LEN = $ (awk '/ lane = / {print $ 3, exit;}'. /../Tests/shabittestvectors/SHA1ShortMsg.rsp) managing Director of MSG = $ (awk '/ message = / {print $ 3, exit;}' ../../Tests/shabittestvectors/SHA1ShortMsg.rsp) = $ (awk '/ MD = / {print $ 3, exit;} CIPHER = $ (./ cyassl hash -sha I $ MSG -l $ LEN' ../../Tests/shabittestvectors/SHA1ShortMsg.rsp) $ Len echo $ msg md = $ {:: 0 -1 md} echo) $ $ echo $ $ cipher echo if $ [md == $ cipher]; Then apply "Passed" pass = $ [PASS + 1] $ PASS Fiction if [$ PASS == $ [LOOP + 1]]; Then echo "All tests successful" fi and inpu...

powershell - The term 'appcmd' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet -

I am getting the following error message: The word 'APCMD' is not a CMDlet Is recognized by the name of the function, script file or operative program. Check the spelling of the name, or if the path is included, verify that the path is correct and try again in line: 1 character: 7 exists at APIMC.XA space % systemroot% \ system32 \ inetsrv \ . To unzip your path variable to add path to % systemroot% \ system32 \ inetsrv \ such as SET path =% PATH%;% systemroot% \ system32 Required \ Inetsrv \ or you can use Set-Location first to replace Appcmd.exe set-location% systemroot% \ system32 \ inetsrv \ and then you run the command.

ruby - Is it possible to select or highlight a substring of text within a text box using watir? -

I'm relatively new to Ruby and water, but I am trying to create a Ruby script that answered a string The selected subset will select a text box out. Example string given: "here here!" "I here want to be able to choose the second instance of" I I water-Vebdraivr /'m thinking extensions /'m using select_text.rb that I can use it I can fulfill my goal but as far as I can tell, he can choose the first match text of only one element. I was hoping for things that could have started and ended up in the index and could only select those characters. Does anyone know that something similar in Ruby is like this? Save the text to a variable. You say your variable test_string = "here is here!" Now it .split to split it like Method word = test_string.split ( "") words is an array whose content here to index 0 and here! on index 1 (Array starts in zero in any language) Now you can call any instance you want...

nservicebus - In pub/sub model, how to make Subscriber pause processing based on some external state? -

I require the subscriber to stop processing to process messages, depending on whether the Web service is up or not is. Therefore, when the web service diminishes, the message should come from the publisher's subscriber queue and until the web service is back again (these messages should not go to the error queue, but the subscriber must remain on the queue.) I tried to use unsubscribe, but the publisher stops sending messages because membership ends on RavenDB to clear the subscription informationI have also attempted to set up the MaxConcertarian level on the transport class, if I set the worker thread to 0, then the incoming subscriber messages go straight to the error queue. Finally, I tried Defer, which looks at the current message in the queue of the audit and creates a clone of the message and sends it locally to the customer queue upon completion from time to time. Apart from this, since I have to check the status of the service and keep on defending, I can not control...

c# - element rectangle -

I'm trying to copy the status of a PictureBox from the screen. My code looks like this: Form1.cs: _recorder = New ScreenRecord (); _recorderkStartRecording (Picture Box 1, Picture Box 1. Rankangletoskrin (new Rectangle ()); Skrinrakrd CC: class Skrinrakord {private Skrinbitmap Skimmap ; public void Initialising (picture box camera, rectangle Rikt) {scBitmap = new Skrinbitmap (cAM, Rikt); Cam.Image = scBitmap.GetBitmap ();}} Skrinbitmap. cs: class screenbitmap {personal image box camera box; personal rectangle camera location; abstract Vjnik Skrinbitmap (Piccrboks camera, rectangle Rikt) {camBox = cam; CamLocation = Rikt;} public bitmap GetBitmap () {bitmap Skrinbitmap = GetScreen (); return Skrinbitmap;} private bitmap GetScreen () {bitmap scBitmap = new Bitmap (cambox. Width, cambox.Height); graphics g = Grafikskfremimej (Skibetmap); G.CopyFromScreen (camLocation.X, camLocation.Y, 0, 0, new shapes (cambox.Width, cambox.Height)); return scBitmap;} } I'...

c++ - Allow nested struct to have an instance of containing class -

I declare a path within a path square and a static example, around the constraints of the constants Constant Constant C ++ The path of the path I am trying to hang on also in the square: class path {struct StaticPathState {path executable path; } Static Static Pathstate s_staticPathState; }; ... Path :: Static Pathstate Path :: M_Static State; However, I am receiving the compilation error: C2079: 'Path :: Static PathState :: Executable' Using the Undefined Class 'Path' Any way to get around this? Do I have to declare structure outside the path? What am I doing // Path {static path s_executablePath; Static path initExecutablePath (); } //.cpp path path :: initExecutablePath () {...} path path :: s_executablePath = path :: initExecutablePath (); It seems silly to not do this in the first place C # was spent too much time in the land. Edit: That is the feature which I am trying to repeat. EDIT2: So this problem is that I need to run some code to ru...

How to tell Highcharts to set date on the x axis, and use a range of time (like 1 day) -

I am trying to understand this issue; I have a data file that includes dates for each of my values ​​i when I use it on x axis; The result is that the X axis will divide the values ​​evenly, so if any point is 2:30 2:31 and the second is at 2:32, the value will be equally at the same place; While I was hoping that X axis will be split on the first and last date (like in 2 days, 3 if 3 days is even more) Instead I would like to spend an hour, or one There is a limit on the basis of day, and see how many points fit in that category. Example of how data is organized: a, b, c, d 1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4 June 13 22:30, June 13 23:02, June 13 23: 05, June 14 1:10 I have typed the date time in X axis, and with the dates the third line is assigned to categories. Edit: The problem is that the date format is; I successfully convert the string to the date New date (value) gives me full date format: Wed Jul 11 ​​-001 17:32:10 GMT-0700 (PDT) The odd thing is that the tooltip, which...

setter - C++ NIM game logical error -

** The display is not working properly, the board will not show properly if applied within the main. The code for this NIM game has been updated & lt; & Lt; Winner function and display function is not working properly ** I need help finding out how to get a display function to work properly. class cboard {private: int sticks; Bull player; Public: // Default Constructor Cyboard () {sticks = 10;} // cursor with the given parameter (int x) {sticks = x;} // stick set zero setstick (int m) {sticks-= m;} / / Display stick carrier int_ get_sticks () {return sticks;} // display function, aka bard gesture blank display board (for (int i = blackjack; i>, i--) {cout Text "> Your problem is in displaycboard () . To read loop Change your code is not a loop that requires a variable to be changed. (int i = bars; i> i;) i ...) } And it works fine due to repeated calls in the loop, it still outputs two lines (since the loop is iterative, and the begi...

android - Disclaimer popup after pressing the app icon -

How to keep a disclaimer pop-up (terms and conditions) when the user opens the app for the first time. I mean if he accepts the click then it will not be shown again. Can anyone help me with logic in Android? You can use a boolean variable inside a shared appendix. By default, it will be wrong, once you click on "OK" you will change it right. Every time a user opens the app, it checks to see what the value is. Unless the app is uninstalled, the value of that boolean will not be removed within the shared priority. A good example of using shared references.

linux - Using python to launch an ncurses process -

I am trying to call ct-ng () from a SCons SConstruct script, so basically from Python . Use the following method: ret = (["/ mnt / build / pw_build / crosstool-ng / bin / Ct-ng menuconfig crosstool-ng uses ncurses to present the user with a menu: Unfortunately when I try to get the menu I get what I get: I see arrow keys Using the cat to display scenes while using: : / mnt / build $ cat> / dev / null ^ [o ^^ ^ [OB ^ [O. O ^ [OB ^ [OD ^ [OC ^ [OY ^ [OB It seems that it is possible to separate the characters who escape the order. When I call the CT-NG script in the terminal from the command line it works correctly, this happens when I () Things are bad Not. My environment includes: xfce4- Terminal 0.6.3 Linux 3.13.0-32 -Decor # 57-Ubuntu SMP prepaid Tuesday July 15 04:08:59 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU / Linux Python 2.7.6 NCURSES_VERSION "5.9" Make GNU 3.81 CrosTotal-NG Versio...

jasper reports - Why there is additional space for a textfield? -

Why do I add additional locations to the text field check with the Overflow property? i have this configuration on: Height in height in textfield = 12px - width is equal to page (572px) - font size = 10 px Each row in your image is a field, and except the line 4 does not include the line breaks, after additions line 1 and 3, adds an extra for space and line 4 . Issue: I have a report On compiling windows and when I do not generate reports on windows, but it happens on Linux Add a spring file and For ARIL Set font Make sure that Right moves AX

python - codec can't encode character: character maps to -

Im trying to read a docx file in Python 2.7 with this code: import docx Document = docx.Document ('sim_dir_administrativo.docx') docText = '\ n \ n'. (Paragraph text for paragraph in the document). (Code '' utf-8 ''). Paragraph]) And then I am trying to decode the string inside the file with this code because I have some special characters (like à pounds): print docText.decode ("UTF-8") But, I am getting this error: return codecs .charmap_encode (input, errors, encoding_map) Unicode encoded error: 'charmap' codec character U can not encode in '494457': Character Maps can be encapsulated with & lt; Undefined & gt; How can I solve it? Print functions are only printed characters that are in your local encoding You can find that What is with sys.stdout.encoding To print with special characters, you must first encode it in your local encoding. # - * - Coding: UTF-8 - * - Import system prints sy...

html - PHP GET submission error -

OK, I'm trying to program a php page that gives the user a season and an episode with a form Will allow you to choose. Then it sends it to a page that plays them all. Here's a form: & lt; Form action = "view" method = "get" & gt; & Lt; Gt selection and; & Lt; Option name = "s" id = "s" value = "1" & gt; 1 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; Gt selection and; & Lt; Option name = "e" id = "e" value = "1"> 1 I will add other weather and episodes later when submitting the form to page VIEW, it is sent to the URL and adds the question mark, but they do not define the variable Does show / view /? I have never met this issue before, how do I get to define the variable using the GET in the URL? I'm sure I'm missing something simple ... Besides, I have manually define the variable in the URL and play...

Ruby on Rails: How to change the Foriegn Key values on a collection_select drop down? -

I have drop down on my form which is a foreign key for any other table: & lt; Div class = "field" & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt;% = f.label "# {column_name}"% & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> & Lt;% = f.collection_select "# {column_name}", table. All ,: id :: message_id% & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / Div & gt; In the "table" there is a column "message_id" which is a foreign_ for a separate table "message". The "Message" table contains all the text / string in my application. When I load this code on my page it will give me a drop list of all records but it will only show the foreign key ID number, pointing to the "message" table. How do I change the foreign key ID number in the drop-down to switch to the message content in my message table? Try this: f.input "# {column_name}" ,: archive = & gt; ; Table. All Select {| T | [Messages...

How to delete a specific array item from PHP session -

One session is attempting to remove an item from the shopping cart. I used no set () Like it did not work link & lt; Td width = "100" & gt; & Lt; A href = "? Id = & lt ;? php echo $ id ;; & gt; and action = delete" & gt; & Lt ;? Php ek $ ide ;? & Gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Td> Unset if (isset ($ _ GET ['action']) & amp; ($ _ GET [ Verb '] == "delete")) {$ new_id = $ _ GET [' id ']; Not set ($ _ session ['item'] [$ NEW_ID]); Unset Sessions See this code result properly array (1) {[" Id "] = & gt; Int (10)} & lt ;? Php $ _SESSION ['item'] = array ("id" => 10, "new_id" => 6); Not set ($ _ session ['item'] ["NEW_ID"]); Var_dump ($ _ session ['item']); ? & Gt;

oracle - the good way to retrieve data from two db -

Let's say that I currently work with Hibernate with an Oracle database "Webunit", and I need some data from the database link, which is 1. Can I hibernate link queries of "gateway" to "Webunit"? 2. Or is it better to create a "gateway" process with my query, then call it "Webunit"? What is the user's privilege of "webbook"? If you create a query for the database link located in "GATEWAY" which is private, then you can not throw the user "WEBUNIT". Appropriate in another way.

ios - Retain PFUser current user post application termination -

प्रीम्बल मैं एक बैकएंड के रूप में का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ। मैंने पीएफयूसर को साबित करने के लिए पंजीकरण और प्रमाणीकरण कार्य स्थापित किए हैं। मैंने PFUser मान को 0 (शून्य) पर रीसेट करने के लिए लॉग आउट बटन की स्थापना की है। यह फ़ंक्शन मूर्त दृश्य नियंत्रकों पर मौजूद है जो कि आवेदन के नाभिक से अलग है। प्रश्न मैं चाहता हूं एक उपयोगकर्ता अनुभव बनाओ जिसमें: जब एक पीएफयूएसर साबित हो गया है, तो आवेदन रद्द कर दिया जाना चाहिए: अगली बार जब अनुप्रयोग खोला जाता है: PFUser को चाहिए आवेदन के नाभिक के भीतर एक विशेष दृश्य नियंत्रक को बहाल और निर्देशित किया जाएगा। अतिरिक्त मुझे निम्न कोड को लागू होने पर संदेह है: [स्रोत से:] पीएफयूसर * चालू उपयोगकर्ता = [पीएफयूसर चालू उपयोगकर्ता]; अगर (वर्तमान उपयोगकर्ता) {// शो एप्लिकेशन नाभिक दृश्य नियंत्रक} और {// साइनअप / लॉगिन दृश्य नियंत्रक दिखाएं} निम्न के साथ संयोजन के साथ: [ स्रोतः से: आईफ़ोन एप्स डेलगेट] - (रिक्त) आवेदनविशेषता: (UIApplication *) अनुप्रयोग {// जब आवेदन समाप्त होने वाला होता है अगर उपयुक्त हो त...

javascript - Interceptors for managing restricted pages in AngularJS -

I started with AngularJS a few days ago and I'm having problems with my interceptor which 401 Prevents situations. When it returns 401, then it transmits the message of "loginRequired" in such a way and a redirect is triggered on that event. The problem is that if I try to access the restricted page, while not being logged in, I see the page flash for a moment before being redirected to the login page. I'm still starting in asynchronous stuff, promises etc. Will someone tell me what I am doing? Here's my interceptor. As you can see that it's really simple, but I slowed it down to clear it on my side and I tried to understand things before developing it I am doing Interceptor var services = angular Modules ('Services', []); Services.factory ('myInterceptor', ['$ q', '$ rootScope', function ($ q, $ rootScope) {var myInterceptor = {'responseError': function (rejection) {$ rootScope. $ Broadcast ('event:...

laravel serve a page using http instead of https -

मेरे पास ऐसा फिल्टर है यदि (! अनुरोध :: सुरक्षित ()) {वापसी पुनर्निर्देशन :: सुरक्षित (अनुरोध :: पथ ()); } यह फिल्टर मेरी साइट का प्रत्येक मार्ग https पर सेवा करने के लिए करता है, जो अच्छा है, एक मामले को छोड़कर मेरे पास एक मार्ग है, जो तीसरे पक्ष के सर्वर (जो एम्बेडेड किया जा सकता है) से सामग्री प्रदान करता है ये एम्बेड करने योग्य सामग्री सभी http हैं मैं बस इस मार्ग का उपयोग http के बजाय http का उपयोग करना चाहूंगा। क्या ऐसा कोई तरीका है, मैं लारवेल का उपयोग कर यह कर सकता हूँ। धन्यवाद आप अनुरोध :: url () यदि ((अनुरोध: सुरक्षित ()) & amp; amp; अनुरोध (यूआरएल)! == '/ आपका / एकल / पृष्ठ')) {वापसी पुन: निर्देशित :: सुरक्षित (अनुरोध :: पथ ()); }

c - How to read data form WinCE 5.0 's Debug Serial port? -

In my project, I need to input some command in my WinCE device via debug serial port. But I know Let's run that I can only use "printf" or "retailmg" to use my debug info, but I can not just call "scanf" to get data from the debug serial port After watching MSDN, I have a function called "OEMReadDebugByte" It is a kernel function of WinCE, but when I try to call this function in my WinCE application, the platform builder posts " error LNK2019: Unsolved external symbol referenced in the function wmain OEMReadDebugByte " Can I use to insert a case in kerneliocontroll? how ? Thank you very much !!! Thank you! This function is used to set the input mode from the user to use in the bootloader , Network configuration, etc. This is not used by the kernel Serial debug is used for output and there is no easy way to change it. The application you can apply is to apply an application that provides serial console And removes...

Merging CSV tables with Ruby -

I am attempting to join Ruby with CSV files with Stock Indexes, and there is a surprisingly difficult time Understanding the documentation. let me read my Ruby script every "Date" column, and Write a new CSV Bonus: Ideally, I would like to add all other column data ("Open", "High", etc.) to this new CSV. The file is divided by a column, in which for the reference is the filename of the following CSV. Thanks for any thoughts given on this. What I really want to do, help me understand the meaning of documentation by sitting with Ruby Sensei. How can I use () or CSV.foreach (). X | Fictional: CSV Read ("Data / Data / DOW.csv"). Output | Returns the end of the output Returns: [["date", "open", "high", "low", "off", "Volume"], ["2014-07-14", "71.35", "71.52", "70.82", "71.28", "823063.0"], ["2014-...

image processing - How to apply chroma key filter with any color to live camera feed ios? -

Actually I want to apply a chroma key filter for the iOS live camera feed but I want the user to choose the color Another color that will be replaced will be replaced. I got some examples of using green screen, but I do not know how to change the dynamic color instead of green instead of color. Any ideas how can I get it with the best performance? /p> You have asked about your structure before, so I think you are familiar with it. There are two filters within that framework, a GPUImageChromaKeyFilter and a GPUImageChromaKeyBlendFilter. Through both the -setColorToReplaceRed: green: blue: method, using threshold sensitivity property, the threshold set will be the key for both of the things you specify . The former filter only changes the areas of color in alpha 0 within the threshold, after which it is actually mixing between input image or video video or video source based areas of video, which match filter showcase The example app shows how to make it green, but yo...

How To Reference an Excel Table Cell by Row Number or Horizontal Header Using Table Notation? -

I want to reference a single cell in the table from the outside table class-bracket sheet- Formula formulation Something like this: [MyTable [Myfield] 3] or [MyTable [Myfield] 3: 3] - To reference the third line of the Mifield column, or [MyTable] MyRow] - To reference the MyRow row (left-row-header) of MyField columns. Need to work out of the table, i.e. can not use @ or #ThisRow MATCH, INDEX, OFFSET, etc. Do not seek ways to find. Do not look for VBA methods. Just direct table-notation not to designate named categories manually Why? Because, Tables :) Pre-2013 Excel (Pre-tables were not used in terms of cells by PS, line and column headers? I think that this is probably called "auto-naming", or Something like this.) Hey, it works well: = Table 1 [Column 2] 3: 3 So this is progress :) Content will be just horrible to refer to the row Left-most column Thx!

firefox addon - Mozilla: openTab fails in recent version -

In a Firefox extension, I open a new tab: var tab = gBrowser AddTab (url, referrer, blank, postdata, blank, blank); With Firefox 30, this sometimes fails, after opening 9 tabs: typeError: this.selectedItem is empty However, the number of tabs increases by 1 (checked with gBrowser.browsers.length). I tried this alternative code, but after some time I get the same error: var wm = Components.classes ["@ /window-mediator;1"].getService (Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator); Var my_browser = wm.getMostRecentWindow ("Navigator: Browser"). GetBrowser (); Var tab = my_browser.addTab (url, referral, blank, postdata, blank, empty); In some way it was determined that some changes to custom CSS # navigator-toolbox {/ * display: none; * / / * Crashes !!! * / Max-height: 0; Hidden flurry; } #TabsToolbar {/ * Display: None; * / / * Crashes !!! * / Max-height: 0; Hidden flurry; }

man - mdoc(7) markup for accumulating options with arguments -

Is there a "proper" or "canonical" markup for a command (section 1) with the "accumulated" option? (Or without that matter) A stored option can be given multiple times and add effects: GCC's -i or -W Thinks Assume that I am documenting ssh (1) , I can save -v and -o I want to get SYNOPSIS , usually with oval: ssh [-o option] ... [-v] ... I want to solve idiocyte alipisis open fl ore option closest to me . FOr Or Option OC NS & amp; ... As the shorthand op raises it. What other people do? I'm a newbie on the man page, but apart from my work, I can get the closest : . OP [fl or option] no ... However, the result of: [[-O option] ...] It is not absolutely ideological or exact that you are expecting, but it does not seem obvious. (See for other examples of how this can be expressed.)

php - What types are possible in error_get_last() -

I'm looking for a list of possible " types " of errors For example, the method gives this array: Array ([type] => 1 [message] => accepted memory size 268435456 bytes (72 bytes Tried to allocate) [file] = & gt; /dir/file.php [line] => 123] So I think that " 1 "One" Fatal Error " What are the other? These types are just that.

java - Setting a DatePicker's height -

How can I determine the height of a DatePicker ? Normally, you will set prefHyight or maxHyight as you would with a button or label but this is the DatePicker Is not working with. Date picture date picture = new date picture (); Add pane.getChildren () (datepicker) .; DatePicker.setMaxHeight (16); Note, I am only interested in the height of "Input Field" popup calendar is fine. scaley set the functions of the property, but of course all things are destroyed ... I think you set the setPrefHeight () method to set your preferred height for DatePicker the wanted. Here are some example codes: import javafx.application.Application; Import static javafx.application.Application.launch; Import javafx.scene.Scene; Import javafx.scene.control.DatePicker; Import javafx.scene.control.Label; Import javafx.scene.layout.AnchorPane; Import javafx.scene.layout.HBox; Import javafx.scene.layout.vbox; Import javafx.stage.Stage; The public class expands the ...

php - Apache Not Showing Folders and Directories -

I was reading, so I used a script without understanding it. i.e. & lt ;? Php ob_end_clean (); Header ("connection: off"); Ignore_user_abort (); // Optional ob_start (); Echo ('text users will see'); $ Size = ob_get_length (); Header ("content-length: $ size"); Ob_end_flush (); // Strange behavior, flush () will not work; // Until both are called! // processing here (30); Echo ('text users will never see'); ? & Gt; Where it goes, i.e. the localhost is not showing any files and directories when I try some other link, in the directory, this file does not show. I did not find any such issue but I can not find much information in connection headers in php. In addition to that I also tried, 1. To restart Apache 2 : FILED. 2. Reinstall the entire lamp-server: Random 3 Completely remove the lamp server, has been reinstalled: failure If anyone can do then I would be grateful Come work with the solution. System: Lubuntu + Apa...

c++ - VS Express 2013 - Add .h file to each new project by default so that it is in the same directory? -

Currently working with Burling Stroustströg's "Programming: Cements and Practice C using C ++" is. For most of the book (up to twelfth chapter) each exercise and the example code used is "std_lib_facilities.h" file. My problem is making a new project, every time I want to start, how to code a bit of code to understand how to coding a program, I'm going to project header files To add a file to the part and then to find the file on my system and copy a version of it to my project directory. When you use the "Add existing item" option, is there a way to copy VS Express 2013 to a file in your project directory? Or is there any way to include IDE in .h file in every new project as an alternative? You can create a project template. First of all, create a new project, in general terms. Import the file into your project, add #include to class1.cpp. Go to File Now - & gt; Select the template in the Select project template drop-down se...

sql - Get the first instance of a row using MS Access -

संपादित करें: मेरे पास यह क्वेरी है जिसमें मैं पेटीबल । SELECT id, pet_ID, FIRST (petName), पहले से (विवरण) पेटीबल से एक रिकॉर्ड का पहला उदाहरण> चुनें पालतू_आईडी द्वारा ग्रुप; समस्या मेरे पास बहुत बड़ी रिकॉर्ड है और यह क्वेरी बहुत धीमी है मुझे पता चला कि ग्रुप बाय क्वेरी को धीमा कर देता है क्या आपके पास कोई भी विचार है जो इस क्वेरी को तेज़ी से कर सकता है? या बेहतर, एक क्वेरी जिसमें मुझे GROUP BY का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है? "समस्या यह है कि मेरे पास बहुत अधिक अभिलेख हैं और यह क्वेरी बहुत धीमी है। मुझे पता चला है कि ग्रुप बाय क्वेरी को धीमा कर देता है। क्या आपके पास कोई भी विचार है जो इस क्वेरी को तेज़ी से कर सकता है ? और pet_ID पर एक सूचकांक, फिर इस क्वेरी को बना और जांचें: SELECT pet_ID, न्यूनतम (आईडी) एएस MINOfid से petTable ग्रुप द्वारा pet_ID; एक बार आपके पास यह क्वेरी काम कर रही है, तो आप उसे मूल तालिका में वापस शामिल कर सकते हैं - तो यह केवल मूल पंक्तियों का चयन करेगा जो कि id पर आधारित होता है। और आप उन मिलानों की पंक्तियो...

amazon web services - i need to retrieve customer review for product using amzon api -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 8 जवाब सी # का उपयोग कर, मैं चाहता हूँ अमेज़ॅन से उत्पादों पर ग्राहक की समीक्षा प्राप्त करने के लिए मुझे वेब खोज के द्वारा कोई एपीआई, फ़ंक्शन, विधि, उदाहरण नहीं मिला। ऐसा करने के लिए, क्या अमेज़ॅन एपीआई में कुछ सुविधाएं हैं? यदि हां, मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूं यदि नहीं, तो मैं कैसे शुरू कर सकता हूं? आपको उपयोग की आवश्यकता है कई अन्य वेब सेवा एपीआई उपलब्ध हैं - आपके पास पूरी सूची है। अमेज़ॅन बाज़ार वेब सेवा - उनकी साइट से जानकारी अमेज़ॅन बाज़ार वेब सेवा (अमेज़ॅन मेगावाट्स) एक एकीकृत वेब सेवा एपीआई है जो अमेज़ॅन विक्रेताओं को लिस्टिंग, ऑर्डर, भुगतान, रिपोर्ट्स और अधिक पर डेटा के आदान-प्रदान करने में मदद करता है। अमेज़न के साथ एक्सएमएल डेटा एकीकरण स्वचालन बेचने के उच्च स्तर को सक्षम बनाता है, जो विक्रेताओं को अपना व्यवसाय बढ़ाने में मदद करता है। अमेज़ॅन मेगावाट्स सेकेंड का उपयोग करके, विक्रेता बिक्री क्षमता में वृद्धि कर सकते हैं, श्रम की जरूरतों को कम कर सकते हैं, और ग्राहकों के लिए प्रतिक्रिया समय में सुधार कर सकते हैं। अमेज़...

java - Production mode not enabled in Jhipster Application -

I am using Jhipster to develop a spring application. When I need to deploy, Code> MVN-Prodod package . This command generates two battle files: xxx.war and xxx.original.war . I deploy the xxx.original war file in a local talket. Although I am convinced that this is the right process, this application still behaves when the DEV profile is used. Is production mode supported or not? The output mode is supported by Jhipster, this process is up That's just not perfect, that's just not perfect. Cause -Pprod is used to create logic production mode profiles, but it is used to make tomcat Actually does not tell that mode to be enabled, so it returns to default `dev 'mode. Solution As mentioned, to enable production mode, simply = prod to your JAVA_OPTS . For example, you could call your & lt; Tomcat-home & gt; / Bin / / .bat by editing the file.

rest - RESTful alternative to 3xx responses for JavaScript based clients -

Many of our REET services need to indicate that further action should be taken by the customer to complete the request. (Often the response to the request can be found under another URI) In general, this HTTP is achieved through 3xx responses. However, in the case of JavaScript-based clients, the browser is redirection even before javascript code is reached. Basically what I want is a lush way to inform the client (JavaScript code) that the response I am thinking of two solutions: The URI with HTTP 200 OK has a URI that the URI is not adhering to me, I just do not like the creation of a whole unit bringing the whole URI. I want to get it through the HTTP header HTTP 204 has no content response with the location headers given URI. But here I am not sure that this "rest is obedient". Is it OK that HTTP 204 has no content with a space title, which is mainly used in redirection (with HTTP 3xx responses), or when a new resource has been created? Or is there a...

.net - C# Use instance of a class made in Form 1 in Form 2 -

I want to use an example made in Form 1 in a square form 2 a list of simplicity (i Change in example code:. Not only this, I want to be able to modify Form 2 (clear it at some point), I got the advice I got, although it was because of how I "No spoonfeeding was told permission" name space automationControls.FileTime {public class Form_Main: for In & out {public listing lt; String & gt; folderList; // & LT; ---- I want to use this ..... private void button_showForm2_Click (object sender, EventArgs e) {Form_Log ConfirmBoxForm = new Form_Log (this); ConfirmBoxForm.Show ();}} // form_Main opens form_Log namespace automationControls.FileTime {public partial class Form_Log: form {public Form_Log (form_Main _f1) {InitializeComponent ();} private void Form1_FormClosing (object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) {How.Do.I.AccessForm_Main.folderList.Clear (); // & LT; ---- ............ in this function}}} Answered: In the manufacturer of Form_Log, you can store...

runtime error - IOS 8 Simulator unable to boot -

When I try to run my app with Xcode 6 Beta 4 on simulator iOS 8.0, I always get this error : Unable to boot the iOS simulator Actually I have found some similar questions on this site and I tried all the answers and I Could not even solve it. I had the same error with the beta 2 version of Xcode 6, so I decided to wait. But now it's not normal. Did anyone know why this is happening and got the solution? I'm so glad that my problem has finally been resolved. Thanks to apples that helped me For those who are still looking for solutions, here it is the one who has helped me: DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES environment variable not just unset in / etc / launchd has been done. Conf or ~ / .launchd.conf file that you can edit with the command sudo vi /etc/launchd.conf Save the above flag by "ZZ" (Cadillac Z) and reboot the system. It works like a charm. For reference:.

javascript - Login via AJAX, no errors but no results -

मेरे पास यह कोड है: & lt; form name = "login" class = " लॉगिन-फ़ॉर्म "एक्शन =" "विधि =" पोस्ट "& gt; & Lt; h2 & gt; प्रवेश करें & lt; / h2 & gt; & Lt; div class = "error" style = "display: none" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" id = "लॉगिन-उपयोगकर्ता नाम" प्लेसहोल्डर = "पूर्ण नाम" / & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "पासवर्ड" id = "लॉगिन-पासवर्ड" प्लेसहोल्डर = "पासवर्ड" / & gt; & Lt; बटन onclick = "सबमिट करें लोगिन ();" & gt; प्रवेश करें & lt; / बटन & gt; & Lt; / प्रपत्र & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; Function submitLogin () {username = $ ("# login-username")। Val (); पासवर्ड = $ ("# लॉगिन-पासवर्ड")। Val (); $। एजेक्स ({type: "POST", url: "login.php", डेटा: "name =...

android - download ftp files to sd card and show in a list view onclcik -

I downloaded the files from FTP and saved the SD card. So I click on SD card with listview. But this is not working for me. This is my code public file f; Crate on public void (bundle extractor) {super. Cottage SetContentView (R.layout.activity_main); Lv = (ListView) findViewById (; New Ftpclient () Executed (); Lv.setOnItemClickListener (New OnItemClickListener) {public void onItemClick (adapter view NPE in this line displays string uri = f.toString (); The six Thanks always to thank you Try with LV inside Lv.setAdapter (arrayAdapter) PostExecute after invalid ()

java - Extra Carriage Returns while reading CSV -

I have some CSV files that I am trying to use Java. For the first time I send a line from the CSV file and send it to another method for processing with the following code: ( file: filesToBeRead) {file csvFile = new file (for file TempFile); Scanner scanner = new scanner (csvFile); Scanner.useDelimiter ("[\ n \ r]"); (); While (scanner.hasNext ()) {string temp = (); Println (temporary); // datastorage.enterRow (temp); }} The output of the above code is: A AI277 | DEL | MUB | 05-12-2013 | 0600 | 4.10 | 5500 | Y | EB AI279 | MAB | 10-12-2013 | 0630 | 4.30 | 4900 | Y E AI289 | MAB | 10-12-2013 | 0830 | 4.00 | 5650 | Y EB AI278 | DEL | MUB | 17-12-2013 | 1830 | 4.20 | 5300 Y E AI278 | DL | Mub | 20-12-2013 | 1430 | 3.45 | 6500 | En | EB Where should the output be: A AI277 | DEL | MUB | 05-12-2013 | 0600 | 4.10 | 5500 | Y EB AI279 | DEL | MUB | 10-12-2013 | 0630 | 4.30 | 4900 | Y E AI28 9 | DL | Mub | 10-12-2013 | 0830 | 4.00 | 5650 | ...

android - action bar menu - move icons to the right side -

I have added icons to submenu items in the action bar, but icons appear on the left side, and I want them to Show the right side Screenshots: Code: & lt; Menu & gt; & Lt; Item Android: id = "@ + id / item6" Android: Title = "×? × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×? × ¨ ×? × ×? ×? × ×?? ×? ? × × "Android: Icon =" @ Drable / Christmas "& gt; & Lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Android Android: id = "@ + id / item1" Android: title = "× ?? × × ¢ × § × ??" Android: Icon = "@ drawable / iconinfo" & gt; & Lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; / Menu & gt; You mean the navigation drawer, you have to fully navigate the navigation drawer in a video tutorial You can also see the source code You only have to change the custom_drawer_item.xml file with this code & lt; ? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; RelativeLayout xmlns: Android = "htt...

With a WP8.0 app in the Windows Phone store. What does the user's Win 8.1 phone display if there is a Universal App with same name? -

If I have a WP8.0 phone app in the Windows Phone Store, and later a universal app with the same name Make the two phone apps appear in the store next to each other in Win8.1 phones? Or does the user's phone display only one app - the universal phone app for a Win 8.0 phone or WP8.0 for a Win 8.0 phone? If you've submitted two different apps, then it's just two separate apps for Windows Phone will show in 8.1 itself. The idea here is just one app, and in that app you can press two versions: which only supports Windows Phone 8.1, and that supports Windows Phone 8. In that case only the versions of every device (regardless of version) will only be what they currently support.

Stripping out fields from Variation in Woocommerce -

I am going ahead with what I'm suggesting here, but I thought I would try any idea At the same time Cutting Fat I have many products with 700+ variations . It is WordPress's product savings because it's nervous when it comes to 8000+ areas Tries to save and intermittently causes savings and ends up losing data to become a problem The expertise. However, considering the change in the backend, there are many virtual downloadable Share price Sale price (and schedule) etc. If I remove these, at least 6 x 700 fields = 4200 less fields that have to deal with WordPress, which will save the real potential. I am going to ignore Gods for this one and I will tempt the template to test the template directly. I'm not 100% sure how to create a function, which at the moment will remove these areas without harming woocommerce, if anyone knows it will be fantastic I will let you know your results. I just class-wc-meta-box-product-data.php There is ...

Android, sqlite database finding two values in the two columns and the resulting value -

improduct = "text"> im creates an Android application that uses a large pre-populated database of 910,000 records which include 4 columns . These columns are Windspeed, Latitude, Longitude and _id. What is trying to do is create a SQLite query, which has a single value in the latitude column and these two columns with long (longitude) values ​​and winds in the longitude. The table will appear something like this: _id .............. latitude ............. ..... longitude .... ......... Windspeed 1 .................- 9.486 9 363 .... ......... 61.3704805 ............. 7 2 .................- 7.6257292 ... ......... ..60.9958851 .............. 8 3 .....................- 9.486 9 363 ............ 60.9958851 .............. 10 So if I use the above table I have to find out - 9 486 9 363 and long value will be 60.9958851 and thus will be Windspined line which meets both table row 3 and thus wind speed is 10 Trying to use this line of code to do this, but I think this ...