Amazon MWS Products SignatureDoesNotMatch -
When I run this code, I get a SignatureDoesNotMatch error. I am not getting the problem. I also comment on sort order to keep the order in natural order. Any help would be appreciated. array = $> $ params = array ('AWSAccessKeyId' = & gt; "********", 'Action' => "GetCompetitivePricingForASIN", 'Seller Id = & Gt; "********", 'Signature Version' = & gt; "2", 'Timestamp' = & gt; GMDT ("Ymd \ TH: i: s. \\ 0 \\ 0 \ \ '\ ",' Version '= & gt;" 2011-10-01 ",' signature method '= & gt;" HmacSHA256 ",' MarketplaceId '=>" ATVPDKIKX0DER ", 'Asynlist.1' => $ asin); $ Url_parts = array (); Forex currency (array_keys ($ params) as $ key $ url_parts [] = $ key "=" Str_replace ('% 7E', '~', crude nanode ($ params [$ key]); // type ($ url_parts); $ Url_string = implode ("& amp;...