
Showing posts from August, 2011

Amazon MWS Products SignatureDoesNotMatch -

When I run this code, I get a SignatureDoesNotMatch error. I am not getting the problem. I also comment on sort order to keep the order in natural order. Any help would be appreciated. array = $> $ params = array ('AWSAccessKeyId' = & gt; "********", 'Action' => "GetCompetitivePricingForASIN", 'Seller Id = & Gt; "********", 'Signature Version' = & gt; "2", 'Timestamp' = & gt; GMDT ("Ymd \ TH: i: s. \\ 0 \\ 0 \ \ '\ ",' Version '= & gt;" 2011-10-01 ",' signature method '= & gt;" HmacSHA256 ",' MarketplaceId '=>" ATVPDKIKX0DER ", 'Asynlist.1' => $ asin); $ Url_parts = array (); Forex currency (array_keys ($ params) as $ key $ url_parts [] = $ key "=" Str_replace ('% 7E', '~', crude nanode ($ params [$ key]); // type ($ url_parts); $ Url_string = implode ("& amp;...

html - Changing SAS ODS contentitem for PROC SQL SELECT statement -

When creating an ODS output in an HTML file in SAS, it is also possible to create table of contents with "content" and "content". frame "option: ODS HTML path =" c: \ path \ " (Url = none) body = "body.html" CONTENTS = "content.html" FRAME = "frame.html"; ... (make ODS output here) ... close the ODS HTML; The default output is quite common, and therefore, the material is better to change the protocol: ODS perlabel label for 'analysis'; It works in all cases It would also be good to change the content. PROC with GCHART It works as follows: proc gchart data = mydata; block datait / description = "description of graph"; run; but PROC SQL selection Summary of ods proclabel 'analysis variable' with I can change the contents of the list in the list list. , But how can the content change which is always by default in "query results" in "PROC SQL; SELECT ... f...

python - How to get currently selected item from QListWidget and not what it remembers -

QListWidget return on .selectedItems () is not there, even Only currently selected items (this previous item has been clicked or selected, so even if all of its items have been unselected, then it still remembers what it remembers). But I need to QListWidget to return the code that is currently selected .hasFocus () is not trusted because all the items are hidden Can be in QListWidget Focus. But it will still go ahead and return an item, while no one will be selected. I'm not sure why you do not think that . Selected () does not work I just tried this with the code given below and it is working correctly Import PySide Import from QtGui class MainWindow Sys (QtGui.QMainWindow) :. Def __init __ (self, parent = None): super () .__ init __ () self.resize (720, 480) central_widget = QtGui.QWidget (self) self.setCentralWidget (central_widget) layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout ( Central_widget) self.text_edit = QtGui.QTextEdit (central_widget) layout.addWidget (self.text_e...

wcf - Server Architecture of Real-Time Updates App -

I am creating a stock ticker which requires continuous real time updates Network speakers with WCF 4.5 Javascript on the client, which introduced support for WebSockets. Users' feeds vary widely; for example, many users adhere to popular large caps like FB, GOOG and MSFT, but each user follows several other "niche" shares which are for them Can be unique. We all know that some options are refreshing the browser in real-time. Polling Professionals: Easy implementation Cons: Primitive, primitive, do not scale the waste bandwidth and chakras. Long time voting professionals: skilled, scalable. Cons: Old? WebSocket Professionals Efficient, scalable Opposition: Nobody can think that they support them as the most modern browsers. Can anyone choose anything more than 3? 3. With, how is the track of open connection of the server kept? For example, if we design such that we maintain a pool of FB "followers" (i.e., customer connections interested ...

javascript - Google place Api find nearby place with distance between current place and nearby place with sorting -

I am trying to find nearby places and calculate the distance from the current place to the nearest places. And then I want to show everyone that the place in a table sorts the growing sequence of distance from the current location. Now I am Find nearby places Find the distance from the current place to the nearest place Every place and place Display the order in the order because it has been received as a response from Google. I have added the data as a Jason array and added it to the console I Sort the array as a serial array instead of a direct result, instead of step3. Can anyone help me out with this ??? JQuery mark = new google.maps.Marker ( {Status: obj.geometry.location, map: map, title: obj.nam e}); Warning (; Var lat = document.getElementById ('lat'). value; Var tall = document.getElementById ('LNG'). Values; // warning (lat); // warning (long); Var p1 = new google.maps.LatLng (latitude, long); Var p2 = new google.maps.LatLng (...

xsd - XML Schema causing XQuery error: 'text()' is not supported on simple typed element -

BAII ने निम्नलिखित XML स्कीमा (आंशिक) लिखा है: & lt; xs: schema & gt ; ... & lt; xs: तत्व नाम = "फ़ील्ड" minOccurs = "1" maxOccurs = "1" & gt; & LT; XS: complexType & gt; & LT; XS: अनुक्रम & gt; & Lt; xs: तत्व का नाम = "फ़ील्ड" minOccurs = "3" maxOccurs = "unbounded" & gt; & LT; XS: complexType & gt; & LT; XS: simpleContent & gt; & Lt; x: एक्सटेंशन बेस = "xs: स्ट्रिंग" & gt; & Lt; xs: विशेषता नाम = "शीर्षक" प्रकार = "x: स्ट्रिंग" / & gt; & Lt; xs: विशेषता नाम = "seq" प्रकार = "xs: int" default = "0" / & gt; & Lt; / XS: विस्तार & gt; & Lt; / XS: simpleContent & gt; & Lt; / XS: complexType & gt; & Lt; / XS: तत्व & gt; & Lt; / XS: अनुक्रम & gt; & Lt; / XS: complexType & gt; & Lt; / XS: तत्व & gt; ... & lt; / स्कीमा & gt; ...

javascript - Upload file from HTML5 Filesystem by XMLHttpRequest -

Trying to upload some images stored in Google Chrome's file system. But I am not able to upload the image. How to do an idea? The server receives empty arrays. The code of posttest.php is print_a ($ _ POST) var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest (); ('POST', '/posttest.php', true); Xhr.onload = function (e) {if (this.status == 200) {console.log (this.responseText); }}; Window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL (image, function (fileEntry) {fileEntry.file (function) {var reader = new fileReader (); reader.onloadend = function {E} {var formData = new FormData (); formData.append (' Image ', this.result); xhr.send (formData);}; reader.readAsText (file);});}); This is a JavaScript function that worked for me in Chrome Function Upload (filename) {var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest (); ("post", "upload.fp", true); Window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL = window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL || Window.webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL; File na...

c# - DirectorySearcher does not return all AD group members -

I try to get all the members of an Active Directory group in C #. My code looks like this: var finder = new directory search {filter = "(memberoff =" + ["specific name"]. Value + ")" , Parsity = 1000, searchcope = searchcope. Shuttle, sort = new sorting ("SAM account name", sorting .exending)}; Var member = ALL (); The code still works, but the problem is that it does not return all group members. I'm not sure (I'm not sure that it can actually see for the "member" attribute in ADSI editing (according to all the questions, the group is big, but below 1000) , But these are not all members, users are according to user and user, if I look at the "member" page in the computer, which are not listed, then I can see the group, and through the group ACL Settings also affect unavailable users. However, they are not in the result set. The group in the question is the primary group, ...

javascript - Kaltura - onKdpReady never called -

मेरा HTML कोड & lt; html xmlns = "http: //www.w3 .org / 1999 / एक्सएचटीएमएल "& gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; मेटा http-equiv = "सामग्री-प्रकार" सामग्री = "पाठ / html; वर्णसेट = यूटीएफ -8" / & gt; & Lt; title & gt; टेस्ट & lt; / title & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & Lt; object id = "kaltura_player_1406237220" नाम = "kaltura_player_1406237220" प्रकार = "app / x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen = "true" अनुमतिनवर्किंग = "सभी" allowScriptAccess = "हमेशा" ऊंचाई = "333" width = "400" bgcolor = "# 000000" शैली = "चौड़ाई: 400px; ऊंचाई: 333px;" Xmlns: डीसी = "" xmlns: media = "" rel = "मीडिया: वीडियो" संसाधन = "https: //

java - Yahztee Full House -

I am trying to create a simple strategy program and checking whether there is a complete home or not. The counting array shown is an array of values ​​of dice [1] = 3 means that 1 value has a 3pair. Counting [3] = 2 means that there is a 2-pie of 3 originals to die. / ** * If the category is not yet taken, then the scorer space ensures * that there are two types and three * of others If this happens, then it puts the score of 25 * in the HOUSE category, taken as a category, * and adds 25 to the total score. * * @ Absolute count is the counting range of all dice values ​​* / private zeros scoring number (integer [] count) {if (! (!! (Category! HOUSE.ordinal (taken!) // checks that the home class is taken {Ii = 1; i & lt; 7; ++ i} {if (count [i] = 2] count [i] = 3) {if (count [i + 1] = 3) {Scores [Category.HOUSE.ordinal ()] = HOUSE_VALUE; // HOUSE_VALUE (25) Created score [Category.HOUSE.ordinal ()] = true; // Total = Total + HOUSE_VALUE sets the range to take; // adds total...

Gradle MavenDeployer GitLab -

I want to store artifacts for private libraries to set up a Git repository on my own gitlab server. I am not able to find a way to install gitlab + gradle to upload archives on my Git repository. Is there anyone who can post some kind of configuration or step by step guide? The only way to do this is to upload "archives" in this local Maven repo: itemprop = "text"> Feeling like and then push a Git + Git to the display. While I'm not a specialist on Groovy to post your artwork on my local repo, you need to include the following snippet in your construction. Gradle file: 'Maven group = "" version = android.defaultConfig.versionName archivesBaseName = "artifactname" artifacts {} {uploadArchives repositories.mavenDeployer: apply the plugin { Store URL: 'file: //' + new file (System.getProperty ('user.home'), '.m2 / localRepo') absolutePath.}} Install the task (Depends: UploadArtist) En...

Succinct way of specifying two or more values for an attribute in css selector -

मेरे पास एक सीएसएस चयनकर्ता है, जैसा कि निम्न है: #foo input [type = number] .form-control, #foo input [type = text] .form-control क्या कोई और अधिक सरल वाक्यविन्यास है: #foo input [type = number, text] .form-control यह काम नहीं करता, लेकिन कुछ करता है समान? नहीं, मुझे डर है कि वहाँ नहीं है। हालांकि, विशेषता चयनकर्ताओं में आपके उदाहरण के रूप में एन्यूमरेटेड मानों के लिए कोई प्रस्ताव नहीं हैं, लेकिन कम से कम आपको एक मिश्रित चयनकर्ता में या दो विशेषता चयनकर्ताओं की अनुमति होगी: #foo इनपुट: मैचों ([प्रकार = संख्या], [प्रकार = पाठ]) .प्रभाव नियंत्रण उस ने कहा, आपको शायद वर्तमान के साथ रहना होगा, निकटवर्ती भविष्य के लिए वर्बोज वाक्यविन्यास, जब तक कि ब्राउज़र : matches () ।

Why execute command in a Rails migration doesn't show up in schema.rb? -

I have a project that commands execute to direct some migration commands to the database I'm using this command, but I do not see these commands in Schema Rb. I am surprised that the executed command is excluded from a simple schema dump or not? There is nothing about this in the document. The only standard database structure is stored in schema.rbb You can call execute Depending on what you are doing with, you may have a better fortune dumping your database structure in SQL format. You can change the schema format in application.rb: config.active_record.schema_format =: sql You can find other useful information about Schema

ruby - Find element with attribute with value starting with an integer in capybara selenium -

I was trying to find an element with the element whose value is starting with an integer & lt; Div data-id = 2009ac> ... & lt; / Div & gt; And I use the CSS locator below to locate the element page.find ("div [data-id = 2009ac]" ) I think the element is not found or the exception is telling an invalid locator How to find such elements? We need to work with the quotation marks when it starts with integer page.find ("div [data-id = '200 9' ']") This will not work for features like ID and class . And for specialty values ​​that do not begin with integers, we can use it without quotation marks without having to use it. For example & lt; Div data-id = a2009ac & gt; ... & lt; / Div & gt; To find the above element, we can use page.find ("div [data-id = a2009ac]")

phpstorm - Why is my function declaration wrapping to 2 lines? -

I am using PHPStorm 7. When I write the following code, public function) {} and then reformat it, it outputs to the following format: public function () {} Why does the word 'function' wrap in the second line? I tried to change and close every setting in the PHP code style settings dialog without any success, where can I turn off? There is a setting called 'Wrap after modifier list' on a new line 'function 'The keyword might have examined it. As the name suggests, this modifier 'hides' after the list. Modifiers are such keywords as public / protected / private , summary , last stable etc. Last public static function bar () Last public static function bar () Note that the classes are also affected by this: abstract class Fu The setting should be under the 'Wrapping and Suspend' tab (Settings & gt; Code Style & gt; PHP), under the list below. Unchecking it should solve your problems.

javascript - Isolated scope directive with two way binding doesn't reflect changes in controller's scope -

सारांश: एक क्षेत्र चर (एक सरणी ) जो एक अलग स्कॉडेड निर्देश के भीतर दो तरह से डेटा बाध्यकारी के लिए निर्धारित किया गया है, पृथक क्षेत्र निर्देश के भीतर चर के संशोधनों में नियंत्रक के दायरे के भीतर परिवर्तन को प्रतिबिंबित नहीं होता है। खिलौना उदाहरण: वर्तमान में मेरे पास एक सॉर्टिंग डायरेक्टिव है, जो कि एनजी-दोहराव का प्रयोग कर रही तालिका पर परिभाषित करना चाहते हैं I एनजी पुनरावृत्ति तालिका बनाने के लिए ATableController नियंत्रक क्षेत्र में समान डेटा का उपयोग कर रहा है: $ scope.tableData = [{'col1': 1, 'col2 ':' एफएएफ '}, {' कॉल 1 ': 2,' कोलो 2 ':' एए '}, {' कॉल 1 ': 3,' कोला 2 ':' बीबीबी '}, {' कोलो 1 ': 4,' कोला 2 ': 'सीसीसी'}]; मैं सॉर्टिंग डायरेक्टिव को उसी डेटा को अपने पृथक गुंजाइश के भीतर से हेरफेर करना चाहता हूं। निर्देश के रूप में निम्नलिखित के रूप में सेट अप करें ... गुंजाइश: {tableSortData: '=', tableSortRowAccessor: '=', tableSortPrimer: ...

github - did a git commit, git pull and pushed my changes to the repo. How can i send a Pull request for the one that i committed -

I was searching this entire web, but the solution could not be found. This is my scenario, 1) I made my local changes. A git was committed, it calls a committed ID ABC 2) Now I pulled a git from my upstream. It was a merging conflict and after solving it, she made a commitment to it. Now I push them to my original place. From the original, I have to send a bridge request for upstream. 4) While trying to send a bridge request, I see that both of them earn. How I have only committed that I have done, which is to reduce ABC (from step # 1) The bridge request is made between branches - you ask the owner of the target repo dragging one of his branches. If you wish to request a bridge, after joining only one commitment, you will have to get a branch which is different from one in that goal only. The best thing you can do, I think, git fetch create a branch starting from one of your upstream remotes, and then from one of the branches, Code> upstream / master (but...

c# - LINQ 2 SQL Using Contains -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 7 जवाब मैं इसे बदलने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ SQL कथन को एक Link2SQL कथन के बाद SELECT * FROM Global.CustomDataWhere कस्टमडेटासोर्स की तरह '% Plugin%' मैंने इसे इस कथन में कनवर्ट किया है var क्वेरी = आइटम में से db.CustomDatas जहां item.CustomDataSource.Contains (dataSource) आइटम का चयन करें; और निम्न करने के लिए डेटा स्रोत सेट करने का प्रयास किया है: "प्लगइन", "% प्लगइन%", "/ प्लगइन /" और "% / प्लगइन% /" ये मैंने अन्य उदाहरणों से लिया है। दुर्भाग्यवश, यद्यपि टीएसक्यूएल कथन एक मूल्य वापस करता है, मैं कुछ भी वापस करने के लिए Linq2Sql कथन नहीं प्राप्त कर सकता। क्या कोई मुझे बता सकता है कि मैं क्या कर रहा हूं? आपको "plugin" कोड>, केवल एक चीज जो मैं सोच सकता हूँ वह केस संवेदनशीलता है ऐसा कुछ करने की कोशिश करें: जहां आइटम। CustomDataSource.ToLower ()। इसमें शामिल है (डेटासोरस .ओलावर ())

domain driven design - What does the choosing consistency type "Ask Whose Job It Is" guidance mean? -

Referring to how transactions or final compatibility should be used in Part II, it explains While examining the case (or story) of use, ask whether the user is the task of executing the case to be processed or not, if so, then it corresponds to the transaction. Try to create, but overall the rules follow the same. If this is the work of another user, or the system's work, then allow it to eventually be compatible. I do not follow. Is anyone a good example of implementing this rule of thumb? How do I get it here: Movable () on Chess Board gross => All responsibility should be taken in the responsibility of the user's responsibility within the ChessBoard limit. DecideGameOver () on chess games gross => The responsibility of the system decides to subscribe to some handler Chessboard > PieceMoved event and representative for chess games , To decide whether the game ended. We can tolerate the delay between the last step taken on the boa...

javascript - Auto generate bootstrap dropdown menu on mouse hover using jquery -

I am trying to create a dynamic Bootstrap 3 dropdown menu to share on Mouse Hover. See this photo Instead of creating a lot of HTML code, I decided to generate dynamic menus. Here's what I did: HTML & lt; Div class = "dropdown dropup" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" class = "Open-dropdown" data-link = "" & gt; Dropdown & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Ul class = "dropdown-menu" role = "menu" & gt; & Lt; Li id = "link1" & gt; Link a & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li id = "link2" & gt; Link two & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li class = "carat" & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; $ (function () {$ ('.option-dropdown'). Hover (function () {$ ('# link1' Html ("Share link 1" + $ (this) .data ('link'); $ ('# link2') .html ("shared lin...

CSS - Paragraph styling with a DIV class -

Simple CSS but I think a class may not seem to control the style of my paragraph tag . Here's the example: .body-content-white, div.body-content-white p {color: #FFFFFF; Font-family: helvetica, gotham, ariel, non-serif; Font-size: 14px; Bgcolor = "# 52c2e9"} & lt; Div class = "body-content-white" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Welcome to the First Newsletter & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; This is what I've tried: div.body-content-white p, p .body-content-white, .body-content- White P was to add the solution! Important; The CSS color in the tag is as follows: . Body-content-white, div.body-content-white & gt; P {color: #FFFFFF; ! Necessary; Font-family: helvetica, gotham, ariel, non-serif; Font-size: 14px; Bgcolor = "# 52c2e9"} I can also fix this topic by removing and adding the contents of my content. If you actually have & lt; Div class = "body-content-white" & gt; &...

visual studio 2012 - How to build installshield project using devenv bypassing MSbuild in the build template? -

आईडीई: विजुअल स्टूडियो प्रीमियम 2012 setup.exe उत्पन्न करने के लिए हाल ही में अपने समाधान के लिए installshield परियोजना जोड़ा गया है जब मैं मैन्युअल रूप से निर्माण करता हूं, तो सब कुछ काम करता है और setup.exe बिन के तहत उत्पन्न होता है समस्या: जब मैं टीएफएस 2012 निर्माण का उपयोग कर निर्माण को ट्रिगर करता हूं, ड्रॉप फ़ोल्डर के तहत setup.exe जेनरेट नहीं किया जाता है और लॉग फाइल में मुझे लगता है कि installshield प्रोजेक्ट MSbuild के साथ नहीं बनाया जा रहा था। लॉग त्रुटि: .isproj MSBuild द्वारा समर्थित नहीं है और बनाया नहीं जा सकता आगे के विश्लेषण और अनुसंधान पर मुझे पता चला कि एमएस बिल्ड कुछ परियोजना प्रकारों का समर्थन नहीं करता है। इसके बाद के संस्करण के समाधान के बाद भी मैं अभी भी एक ही समस्या का सामना कर रहा हूं, setup.exe लॉग फाइल में एक ही समस्या उत्पन्न नहीं हुई। किसी भी मदद की सराहना:) क्या कॉन्फ़िगरेशन और प्लेटफ़ॉर्म है जिसे आप कॉल करने के लिए Devenv को निर्दिष्ट कर रहे हैं, स्थापित प्रोजेक्ट बनाने के लिए सेट है? उस सेटिंग के लिए समाधान...

java - Android convert JSONArray to String Array -

I get data from Jason and have a Jason array. I want to change that Jason array to string array, so I I can send it to another activity and show it in the ListView . Here is my Java code if (jsonStr! = Null) {try {foodsFilter = new JSONArray (jsonStr); // Looping for all contacts (int i = 0; i & lt; foodsFilter.length (); i ++) {JSONObject c = foodsFilter.getJSONObject (i); If (c.getString ("category_name"). Equals ("food")) {string category_name = c.getString (TAG_CATEGORY_NAME); String filter_type = c.getString (TAG_FILTER_TYPE); // string item_list = c.getString (TAG_ITEM_LIST); JSONArray Item List = New JSONArray (c.getString ("item_list")); String item_list = itemList.toString (); // TMP Hashpe Hashmap for Single Contact I try that code to replace JSONarray , but I realized that the code JSONArray is passed to Is to convert to string . JSON data here [{"category_name": "food", "filter_type": ...

How can I add an object into a set in Java? -

I'm writing some junket test for a bus stop but try to create an object to use through tests Having trouble doing: Public Class Rococats {BasRout RTE = New Bus Route ("250"); Set up & lt; BusRoute & gt; Set = new set & lt; BusRoute & gt; (); Bus Stop Stop = New Bus Stop (00000, "Staples Center", 90.0, 90.0, Set); ...} My problem is that the test will not compile because Eclipse says "new set ()" can not be done immediately, my intention is to 'set' RTA to 'set' To add so that 'stop' can be made without compilation errors, but I am stumped on how to do it. I tried to like it: public class rostastes {bus route = new bus route ("250"); Set up & lt; BusRoute & gt; Set = new set & lt; BusRoute & gt; (); Set.add (BusRout RTA); Bus Stop Stop = New Bus Stop (00000, "Staples Center", 90.0, 90.0, Set); ...} But Eclipse gave me another error about not having an identifier ...

c# - Why is it a bad practice to lock the object we are going to change? -

Why is it a bad practice to use lock as the following code, I'm assuming it's a bad one Practice is in the answer Private Zero DoSomethingUseLess () {List & lt; IProduct & gt; OtherProductList = New List & lt; IProduct & gt; (); Parallel.ForEach (myOriginalProductList, product = & gt; {// some code has been removed for summarizing / some other code here :) Lock (Other product list) {otherProductList.Add ((IProduct) Product. ); }}); } In the answer it is remarkable that this is bad behavior, but they do not say why Note: Please use utility Ignore the code, it's just for example purpose and I know that it is not useful at all. Language reference from C #: In general, avoid locking on a public type, or example beyond the control of your code. , lock (this) , lock (typef (mfofip)) , and lock ("mylock") violation of this guideline : lock (this) is a problem if the example can be accessed publicly. lock (typeof (MyType...

android - How to check if a cell tower connection exists? -

In my Android app, I have to gather a lot of information about network names like cell tower, network code, First I start capturing all those things which I have to ensure that cell tower connections are present ie GSM or CDMA, but I want to make sure that there is a connection otherwise I would just like to go back. For example, as we do in the case of Wi-Fi, WifiEnabled () method, with the help of WifiManager, ensures we first hand whether we have WiFi running or not. Similarly, for the cell tower. As you can see in the post, you can find it as below Boolean Havanwork = android.telephony.TelephonyManager.getNetworkType ()! = Android .telephony.TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_UNKNOWN; // True, if the phone is connected to any type of network i.e. signals is another way from the same link, but is not marked as a solution, then the network operator Regional Boolean Hammoby is available (Reference apconnectext) {Telephony Manager Telecommunication = (Telephony Manager) Apc...

sublimetext3 - LiveReload on Sublime Text 3 -

LiveReload is not working on grand text 3 when I download it from package control. I found this link on Gitobb, but there is no information on how to do this on windows (I am on W7). Is it possible, and if so, how can I do this? Thank you! The answers given by kslstn and NEKEY are correct, but if you are working on a local project , Then a critical phase is missing. Therefore, after installing the loyalload on the great text and setting up the Chrome extension and enabling both of them, make sure, in the Chrome extension page, to enable access to the file URL. Visualization of what to do

Is Android capable of managing microphone/input volume? -

I searched everywhere, including the root tools source. There is nothing to manage the microphone, it does not even have to mute it altogether. There are no indications inside the AudioRecorder.setMicrophoneMute (bool) method ... There are some posts about this issue, but none of them ever goes (there is no mistake of OP through) whether it is (legally) override the OS and directly to Mike hardware Can be reached? thanks, -pri you directly Can not set the recording volume, but what you can do with the byte data received from AudioRecord (see Audiotrak's class to reduce the amount of track) Edit: I do not forget to tell It was gone that if you are having trouble with Volume Spikes, you can see the automated gain control. Some devices activate it automatically, but you can enable it manually.

sql server - How to return NULL or false value as false -

I have a problem that calibrate the column is blank or incorrect, it 0 is returned, otherwise it returns 1 is, here is my column want bit type to see my statement where I below: FROM [dbo]. [M_AttributeSet] AttributeSet WHERE (@AD_Org_ID IS NULL or ID AttributeSet.AD_Org_ID IN (fnSplitter (@AD_Org_ID))) and (@ Attelston value has NULL or Attributsat.aletstonvelu = Attlastonvlyue) How can I do this? Thank you for your comments in advance This is false or 0 and 1 when right: 0 ISNULL (your column, 0)

javascript - How can I be able to post one image and 'two textareas values to database simultaneously using AJAX and PHP? -

Revision in this script so that I can insert images and texts together (JSON) together. With the Jquery.form.js plugin, I want to insert both image and text values ​​... Let me know if there could be any other option to do this without using the jquery.form.js plugin. I am new to Ajax .. Now help me. The image goes to ajaximage.php and the texts go to ajtest.php, when I upload the image and text together, the image is inserted, then the text is inserted, a two lines Uses (when Textarea and Image fields are not empty), first line is used for the image and second line for text fields, this is my problem, I want to insert images and texts in a line Script: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "script / jquery.min.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "script / jquery.form.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" ...

ios - how to pass collection of data using an nsarray to a javascript function from Objective C code -

I'm trying to present both the HTML and the original Objective-C code together. My aim is to identify an html element (a button appears) and pressing the button will call the original (Objective C) warning. And I've successfully implemented it. Now I'm getting a Jason. Now from JSON, I want to send two objects back to Javascript, using Js Function being called from Objective-C. My question is if special characters (like \, '' etc.) And when I remove all the special characters from the string, I am able to call the function. This is my code int i; (I = 0; i & lt; [arr number]; i ++) {image_path = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "http: //", [[arr Objektatindeks: i] valueForKey : @ "ImagePath"]]; Str_title = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% @ & lt; img src = \"% @ \ "& gt;", [[args Objektatindeks led] Velforः: @ "title"], Cvi_pth]; NSString * newVar = [[Stro_taitl Gtkonsperet...

How to get Consumers Current and Messages Total queue parameters by uploading JSP (with java code in it) at WEBLOGIC server? -

I need parameters like congruent current and messages, from the queue table, I want to create a JSS with this kind of functionality It needs to be uploaded to the server and run on the server. As far as I got it, it would be a clean Java code inside the jsp file. And here's the question: Do you want to put that code inside to get the necessary parameters? How do the queue parameters use Java and print them on the server? Can anyone help me? Update: I found this code. But I do not know what is to be included instead of "123" and do I need all the properties for connection if I put JSP on the server? Public Numeric Messaging (Nominating Expressions), {properties env = new property (); Env.put (Context.PROVIDER_URL, "http: // 123"); Env.put (Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "123"); Env.put (references. SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "123"); Env.put (reference INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "123"); Initial Content CTX = New Initial Contex (NV); ...

R package, size of dataset vis-a-vis code -

I am preparing a R package to run Wang-We-Zhu export decomposition (). The entire package is only 7 9 kilobytes. I want to give an example dataset, especially because the input objects are complex, a relevant real-world dataset is available, however, the total size of the Radiata object will be approximately 1 megabyte. My question is, would it be nice to include this relevant dataset, is it bigger than the package? The code is not much smaller than the data. However, I will not be the only one to give the following suggestions (especially if you want to submit to CRAN): Consult the manual. Specifically, make sure that the data file is in compressed format and use LazyData when applicable. There is one or two things to say about data files, there is a maximum of 5 MB for documentation and data. If the code is likely to change and there is no data, consider creating a separate data package. can also be distributed, so it is possible to write "vignette...

matlab - Ignoring certain number of rows while reading text file -

I want to read a text file in matlab, but when I read that I have to leave a certain number of headers, The number should not be fixed then I want to start over again from the last non-deleted line in a certain number. So for example, I would like to ignore the first 7 rows and start from the 8th row to the next 100 rows. How can I do this easily? Thank you! Assume that you have a text file with the number of header numbers in the N_header There is a data.txt in which 5 integers per line and you want to read N_lines from this file. Create a link for the first file so that you need MatLab: ('Data.txt')% Create a File ID Now you can set the N_lines lines You can read and use textscan except N_header headerlines: N_header = 7; N_lines = 100; FormatSpec = '% d% d% d% d% d'; Whitspace C = five integers per line, separated by textscan (FID, formatSpec, N_lines, 'HeaderLines', N_header); Fclose (FID) Columns in your text file are stored in C {...

javascript - return statement in forEach won't stop execution of function -

I am trying to determine whether there is a certain object in an array or not. If this happens, I want to capture the function, otherwise it should be added. function addPacking (item) {data.packings.forEach (function (entry) {if ( == {return;}}); Data.packings.push (item); } Unfortunately, the data is pushed even when the condition is found. How do I stop this behavior without using the else status? (I do not want to use else because my actual code is very complex by this and I want to keep it readable) Edit: Does for execute asynchronous? Older ways are sometimes the best, that is because you .forEach passing a delegate function while calling In the representative return is lost, and is not applying to do anything. To get your desired result, you want to exit the calling function addPacking , it can only be done by using for the loop. prefix function addPacking {item} {for (var i = 0; i & lt; data.packings.length ++; i +...

php - prevent back button after logout page -

I have php logout page when the user clicks on the logout link, then view this page and redirect to the index page. But when I click on the backup button I see a preਿਵise page with user data. Of course, when I refresh the page, I do not see the preਿਵise page and the data. After click logout, I checked the second code (drupal) and click on the back button, I do not see the previs page and see the login page. Where is my problem, how did it fix? LOGOUT Page: if (isset ($ _GET ['req']) and $ _GET ['req'] == 'logout') {session_start (); Session_destroy (); Header ("location: index.php"); Go out(); } thanks The code is right No need to stop by clicking on the button. If you really think this is important, then you can save a few more cookies or logout.php and check with the main page AJX whether this cookie is set or not. And if you can reload the page with JS (and of course the cookie is not set) but in reality there are no safe methods. ...

Java Application of Arrays and For-loop -

यहां सवाल है: लिखें एक प्रोग्राम जो कि दस पूर्णांक को किसी सरणी में पढ़ता है और मूल्यों की सरणी का योग करता है, सबसे बड़ा एक को छोड़कर (सुझाव: राशि के बीच का अंतर और सरणी का सबसे बड़ा मान) और यह दिया गया नमूना है जिसे आपको प्राप्त करना है: कृपया 10 पूर्णांक इनपुट करें: 3 4 1 9 2 10 8 6 7 5 अधिकतम बिना जोड़: 45 नीचे का कार्यक्रम मेरा व्यक्तिगत प्रयास है: import java.util.Scanner; सार्वजनिक वर्ग SumWithoutMax {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] args) {स्कैनर = नए स्कैनर (; System.out.print ("कृपया 10 पूर्णांक इनपुट करें:"); Int [] एक्स = नया इंट [10]; के लिए (int i = 0; i & lt; x.length; i ++) {x [i] = in.nextInt (); } Int max = x [0]; Int sum = 0-max; (इंट आई = 0; आई & lt; x.length; i ++) के लिए (if (x [i] & gt; अधिकतम) {max = x [i]; }} के लिए (int i = 0; i & lt; x.length; i ++) {sum = sum + x [i]; } System.out.println ("अधिकतम बिना योग:" + योग); }} और मेरे प्रयास का नतीजा ऐसा ही है: कृपया 10 प...

regex - html5 pattern for first and last name -

I have an input box where the user can input first name and last name I used the html5 pattern for verification . But when you insert "Simon" it's okay, but if you type "Simon Simon" then this is not (maybe the problem is between two words). 1. Username 2. First and last names. My code is & lt; "Id =" user_full_name "onfocus =" this.value = '' onblur = "" (This.value == '')? This.value = 'First name lastname': this.value; "value =" First name Last name "required /> 1. What's the first name? Do you mean a given name? If so, please remember that only one part of the global population writes the name of their family in the form of last names. You should actually use the word "given name" and "family name". Think about »AI Weiwei« A ???? Family name is »AI«. 2. There are so many options for the name [a-zA-Z] does not cover all North Ameri...

github - Git push error: RPC failed; result=56, HTTP code = 200 fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly fatal -

Git is pushing "text" itemprop = "text"> Git is pushing while I get this error: Newbie password for 'https: //': 'https: //': Count of items: 11507, using Delta Compression up to 4 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (8210/8210), done. Writing commodities: 100% (11506/11506), 21.75 MiB. 0 bytes / s, total 11506 (delta 2213), 11504 (delta 2211) epherol was reused: RPC failed; Result = 56, HTTP code = 200 Atal: Remote end unexpectedly cut deadly: remote end unexpectedly chopped everything up-to-date I also do the doing Tried: Git config http PostBuffer 524288000, but still error. Try it apart: referring to Git config --global http.postBuffer 2m Please anyone can help me with this look here:. The problem is most likely because your Git buffer is too low Will you need to increase the GIT's STP buffer by setting the GET Config Wair? Http.postBuffer Up to 524288000. git config http.postBuffer 52...

ruby on rails - passing parent id into hash for options for select -

I have a method that takes two columns from the DELIVERYCOST database and the column 'title' group Under 'Time' . It turns into a hash def self.titles_by_timing self.pluck (: id,: time, title: .group_by (& amp;: first) .each {| _, v |! (End: Final)} and Delivery Coast. Titus_by_timing => {"Install" => [["Luton Day (07: 00-07: 00)", "LWB Day (07: 007: 00), "Luton Overtime (7am-7am)", "LWB Overtime", "Assistance Day (7am - 7pm)", "Assistant Overtime"], "Analyze" => ; ["Luton Day (07: 00-07: 00)", "LWB Overtime", "Lutton Overtime (7am-7am)", "Assistance Day (07: 00-07: 00)", "H Lupter Overtime "]," Fuel "=> [" Consonance Charge "," Fuel in London Zone 1-2 "," Fuel in London Area 3-4 "," Fuel to Mileage (outside M2)]} This work is section by form for distribution cost =...

javascript - chai is not defined in Karma-mocha -

I have successfully used my trial cases in Mozilla-pharmaceutical configuration. Now I am running these exams using Karma Launcher. But I get this problem is not defined . This is my configuration file. module.exports = function (config) {config .set ({client: {mocha: {ui: 'tdd'}}, basepath: '', frameworks: ['Mocha'] , Files: ['Web / JS / * .js', 'Test / Lib / * .js', 'node_modules / chai / chai.js' // added it on the suggestion of reply in StackHowflow), not out: [ ], Preprocessor: {}, Correspondents: ['Progress'], Port: 9876, Color: True, Loglevel: config.LOG_INFO, AutoWatch: True, Browser: ['Firefox'], SingleRane: Fotal,}); }; My I installed karma-chai plugin for tea for this Change frameworks. Frameworks: ['Mocha', 'Tea'] And add these dependencies. NMM installed karma-chai --save-dev Now I have solved my problem Hope it will help you too.

parsing - groovy.json.JsonSlurper parse JSON -

मैं अपने gradle कार्य में JSON-file को पार्स करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। CODE: def jsonFile = "../files/json/myJSON.json" def list = नया JsonSlurper ()। ParseText (jsonFile) JSON - FILE {"तैयार": {"स्थापित": [], "अनइंस्टॉल किया गया": []}, "config": {"files": []}} लेकिन कोड मुझे निम्न अपवाद देता है: लेक्सिंग लाइन पर विफल: 1, कॉलम: 1, जबकि 'पढ़ने'।, कोई मान्य मान्य JSON मान या विराम चिह्न मान्यता प्राप्त नहीं हो सकता । और मुझे समझ में नहीं आ रहा है कि, मैंने भी अपने JSON फाइल को मान्य किया है और यह कहता है कि यह एक मान्य JSON है! ऊपर कोड स्ट्रिंग ../ files / json / myJSON.json को JSON के रूप में पार्स करने की कोशिश कर रहा है। इसके बजाय उपयोग करें: def jsonFile = नया फ़ाइल ("../files/json/myJSON.json") डीएफ़ नक्शा = नया JsonSlurper ()। पार्स (jsonFile)

Send GET request with 443 userid password prompt authentication using Java HttpClient -

I want to get feedback from url by sending examples such as ur parameters (GET parameters). $ MerchantId / ConversionDetailReport.xml When I hit the server, I am prompted by a user-id, password dialog box. I can get the answer manually by entering the ID, password. Final HTTP Client httpClient = New HTTP Client (); How can I get the code given below HttpClient.getState () Set credentials (new AuthScope (tap, 443), new username password certificate (username, password)); HttpClient.getParams () SetParameter ("http.socket.timeout", integer.valof (10000)); HttpClient.getState () setAuthenticationPreemptive (true). Final GetMethod method = New GetMethod ("$merchantId/ConversionDetailReport.xml"); Final input source = new input source (new bytereinputstream (method.getResponseBody ()); When I do the procedure. GetResponseBody I get empty I should get a fair response because I receive the r...

html - Move Social Icons from Header to Content Area -

मैं सोशल आइकॉन हेडर से कंटेंट एरिया तक ले जाता हूं header.php का हिस्सा & lt; div id =" main "& gt; & Lt; div id = "फोरॉटम" & gt; & Lt;? Php cryout_forbottom_hook (); ? & Gt; / * इस हुक को निकालें * / & lt; div style = "स्पष्ट: दोनों;" & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt;? Php cryout_breadcrumbs_hook ();? & Gt; चूंकि आप सामग्री क्षेत्र में सामाजिक शेयर आइकन प्रदर्शित करना चाहते हैं, इसलिए इसे पृष्ठ। Php में जोड़ें & lt; अनुभाग id = "container" & gt; & Lt;? Php cryout_forbottom_hook (); ? & Gt; / * सामाजिक चिह्न प्रदर्शित करने के लिए यहां हुक जोड़ें * / & lt; div id = "content" भूमिका = "मुख्य" & gt; & Lt;? Php cryout_before_content_hook (); ? & Gt; & Lt;? Php get_template_part ('सामग्री', 'पृष्ठ'); ? & Gt; & Lt;? Php cryout_after_content_hook (); ? & Gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & lt;! - #content - ...

java - Run Apache CXF Client from command line -

I have generated a CXF client (this is my first webservice client) that runs on eclipse but I do not know how to Run from the command line. The client was generated using the top-down approach: Java file where wsdl2java and WDSL files were created, then I modified them. I want to execute it from the command line, but I do not know how to set a classpath or if it is to set up some other set up. There are some libraries in the properties of Eclipse Project that I do not know how to use from the command line: Apache CXF Library, ER Library, Web App Library. I am a customer from the Apache CXF command line? Is there a better way of executing it in a production environment? I've heard of Maven, but I have not used it. I had similar issues trying to run with CXF embedded & amp; Configure JT, it is finally working: In Eclipse: Export - Runnable Jar File - and select the required scripts in the subfolder! On CMD: java -jar yourunablejar.jar My jar is too small, but t...

oop - creating rational class constructor in matlab -

Suppose we have the following category, I want to declare a rational number square in the matab, I'm going to do object-oriented programming in matlab languages. And I want to learn the basic classdef ratnum% rational number class properties (access = protected) n% fraction% d% denoter end methods work r = ratnum (fraction, denomenator) = fraction; R.d = denomenator; End end How can I create a constructor with specific values ​​in the matlab body? Should I use the class name? Thanks in advance You can use it to instantate the object of this class: MATLAB does not have the overloading method that is based on the quantity of input passed, you can select nargin to select the correct position / Code> can be used: classdef ratnum% rational number class properties (entry = protected) n% / fraction number d% // interval end methods work R = rattanam Sh, denominator) switch Nargin Case 2 RN = digits; R.d = divisor; Case 0% // Whatever you want for end-end ending i...

java - CmisUnauthorizedException: Unauthorized - error using Apache Chemistry library interfacing to Sharepoint 2013 -

I'm using Apache Chemistry Library is worried when he joined SharePoint 2013 through CMIS. I'm getting unauthorized error , but I used credentials (U / P) are correct. I used it to log in to SharePoint online, so it should work on my code. Hope someone can help me solve this. Thanks! See below my code I'm using to make the session in Sharepoint: public session fillParams () {// connection to define a value for the string Rest_base = "http: //" server> "/ sites / _api / web /"; String repository_id = "C 1013 B 776-4821-48 9F-9A1C-1D 43 BFC1C32"; String atompub_url = rest_base + "/" + repository_id + ""; String Username = "Notaub Shona"; String password = "notTobeShown"; Session Factory Factory = SessionFinal IMPL.Newinstance (); Maps & lt; String, string & gt; Parameter = new hashmap & lt; String, string & gt; (); Parameter.Put (session Parameter.ATOMPUB_URL, rest_base); ...

javascript - JSONP Ajax Syntax -

I am trying to alert my webpage visitor with the country code provided by the JSONP endpoint. However, I can not seem to do this work! And all the answers on the web seem confusing! has returned from the end point: {"pcCartCt": 0, "pcCountryCode": "au", "pcCountrySite" False, "pcIsTrusted": false, "pcLanguageCookie": "en-us": "pcIsCdc": "pcIsCdc": false, "pcIsDiscount": false, "pcIsGdEmployee": false, "pcIsTrusted": " "PcRodEmail": "pcRepEmail": "" "pcRepExt": "" "pcRepName": "" "pcSelectedCurrFullDesc": "United States Dollar $ (Transactional)", "pcSelectedCurrType": "US Dollar "PcSetLanguageLogo": true, "pcShopperId": ""} To make this work, I need to specify a for the first time "microgid" and a callback ...

javascript - How to avoid duplicate cookie for my application -

I am using a client side cookie to keep a database (string), when the user reopens Browser is helping to use the same data. My concern is that many cookies are created with the same name on the same URL (the user only feels that) Ex URL: - But the user URL typing-ascentive, typing in the form of beer in the past. Test applications There is no difference to user interfaces, but various cookies were created internally. Can anyone help me avoid such a duplicate? Thanks Pavan Cookie names such as Chrome and Firefox for some browsers -Sensitive. To avoid this, you should use a helpful method to create a cookie, so that the name of the cookie will be relevant to your site. / P> For example, public class cookie helper {public static zero set cookie (string cookie name, string cookie value, int day) {cookieName = cookieName.ToLower (); Var Cookies = New HTTP Cookies (Cookies) {Value = Cookie Value, Exposures = Datetime. Now.AddDays (Days)}; HttpContext.Current.Response...

sql - Insert data to tables -

I want to realize the order operation with inserting data and user input data. I have made this applause: order | OrderID - PK | Customer ID - FK | Order date | Order Details | OrderID - PK, FK | Manufacturer - PK, FK. Volume | Customer | Customer ID - PK | First name Last name | Address Products | Manufacturer - PK | | SuperverID - FK | | Volume | Supplier | Supplier ID - PK | Name | I want to use the stored procedure to insert data, but I have trouble creating T-SQL If I understand the question correctly, then you want to know which order to insert the data in the table to ensure that it is correct ? From your post, it seems that you enter this order: Customers / Products / Suppliers (these can all be put in any order). Order - This can only be done in the Customer Table because it requires a valid customer Order Details - Requires Entry in the Order Table and Product Table for it . The volume column will be on the OrderDetail table, because you can be more...

python - Efficient way of exporting large R dataset to excel -

As a title, I have a dataset with approximately 13000 rows and 255 columns (in fact I have more than 255 columns but I tried RODBC / P> Code> and xlsx package takes more than 5 minutes to export. I wonder if there is a more efficient way to do this? I knew a little dragon (listed emails in the mailbox Instead of using a python to connect to the point of view), if there is a way to export using python, instead it is also welcome. Update 01 There is a lot to suggest for using CSV, in my case this is not possible because it has a field with free fields which I can not control Update 02 Thanks for the suggestions, but me So if that R package rightly Detafrem is relatively small and slow with a character all columns Detafim any suggestions? There are several options: Code> XLSX > With multiple sheets (you have tried to do it and it is very slow, I know) Use write.csv and should be fast and excel it Read by Use bigmemory to use RODBC ...