
Showing posts from June, 2015

node.js - Error handling with Node Redis client -

I am using the node redis client library and looking to design the argument that handles my error. Can anyone help answer some of the following problems? In short, I must know whether a written process (including transactions and scripts) is successful or not. Specifically, I am thinking about the case where the client is disconnected. I am looking at three scenarios: 1) Customer disconnects before starting operation 2) Operation start (), but fail, but the client disconnects before informing the error message 3) Operation (s) are initially successful and, before the feedback is reported, the customer is disconnected In each scenario, a different action is likely to be required (1 bus command 2 can try again, 2 can understand why the command failed before retry, 3 In which case you are trying to resolve the suit for the promise library I You want to handle many different types of errors in this way. Are: try {// code} hold (e) {if (e instanceof whatiwantError) {...

android - Java: Correct Iterating through types -

"1", "short_name": "1", "type": [ " " "ABC Street", "typing": [ "path"]}, { "lamganama": "ABC Town" "laghunama": "ABC Street", "ABC", "type": [ "localism", "political"]}, { "lambenama": "ABC zone", "laghunama": "ABCL", "type" : [ "prasasanikareyalevala2", "political"]}, "", "sortanama": "CT", "sortanama": "country," "sortanama": "ABC L", "sortanama": "ABCL", "type ": [" Administrative_Re_Leal_1 "," Political "]},", "Type": ["Country", "Political"}}, " Mganama ":" 1234 "," laghunama ":" 1234 "," type ": [" postal_code "]} I have this JSON with Go...

c++ - Does `const &&` bind to all prvalues (and xvalues)? -

सी ++ मानक निम्न कार्यों को नष्ट कर देता है; टेम्पलेट & lt; class T & gt; शून्य रेफरी (कॉन्स्ट टी एंड amp;) = हटाना; टेम्पलेट & lt; कक्षा T & gt; शून्य क्रेफ (कॉन्स्ट टी एंड amp;) = हटाना; यह सुनिश्चित करने में सहायता करना है कि अस्थायी मूल्यों (रैवल्यूज़) को बाध्य करने से इन्हें अस्वीकृत करने से कार्यों का दुरुपयोग नहीं किया जाता है। const & Amp; amp; amp; & amp; amp; सभी rvalues ​​के लिए बाध्य, विशेष रूप से? const और amp; amp; सभी "ले जाया गया ऑब्जेक्ट" से बाइंड करें (xvalues; std :: move या समान)? मुझे लगता है कि यह चाहिए, लेकिन मेरे पास इसके लिए कोई "सबूत" नहीं है। या इसके विपरीत, क्या ऐसे मामले हैं जहां एक रैवल्यू (प्राइव्यू या एक्सवेल्यू) const और amp; से बाध्य नहीं होगा? यदि हां, तो ऐसा कैसे? नोट: टिप्पणियों से कुछ स्पष्टता, यह प्रश्न क्लासिक रैवल्यू, मूल्य वर्ग टी const & amp; प्रकार के rvalues ​​के लिए बाध्य कर सकते हैं T या const T । से 8.5.3 [dcl.init.ref] पैराग्राफ 5: 5 - प्...

SVN Ignore Files when propset and prop edit not working -

Each time I update I have an example of SVN DC2 D / flat image / IEpic.png.meta & gt; Local non-cooperative, incoming upcoming DC2D / Flame images / Yenjidari.XMTA & gt; svn propedit svn: ignore "png.meta" svn (and some other ) I can not believe that To ignore these different types of meta files and every time I update, manually 20-30 The issue will have to be resolved. Is there any wrong in such property settings or is there any other way that I can properly ignore all .meta files? You can not ignore those enterprises which have already been added to subversion. What should be expected of what is going on. You have an old amendment of the repository, and those two files were added locally later in the revision someone else added them anyway. When you update your revision, Subversion is telling you that there is a conflict. It wants to add these two files in the copy of your work, but you already have these files already present. The ea...

c++ - Why is a constructor necessary in a const member struct? -

मेरे पास इसके जैसा एक कोड है: वर्ग AClass {सार्वजनिक: स्ट्रक्चर एस्ट्रक्ट {}; AClass () {} निजी: const AStruct m_struct; }; Int main () {एसीलास ए; } यह इस संकलन त्रुटि (संस्करण 5.1 के साथ) को फेंकता है: त्रुटि: 'AClass' के लिए कन्स्ट्रक्टर यदि कोई सी ++ 11 डिफ़ॉल्ट कन्स्ट्रक्टर को struct aschruct के लिए निर्दिष्ट करता है, तो मुझे उसी त्रुटि मिलती है: > स्ट्रेट एस्ट्रक्ट {aschruct () = डिफ़ॉल्ट; }; हालांकि, यह एक खाली शरीर के साथ एक कन्स्ट्रक्टर लिखकर हल किया जाता है: struct aschruct {AStruct ( ) {} // तय}; मुझे एक खाली कन्स्ट्रक्टर निर्दिष्ट करने की आवश्यकता क्यों है? क्या यह स्वत: स्ट्रैक्ट्स के लिए सार्वजनिक पहुंच के साथ नहीं बनाई गई है? सी + + 11 डिफ़ॉल्ट कन्स्ट्रक्टर समस्या को हल क्यों नहीं करता? से § 8.5 [dcl.init] / 7: यदि कोई प्रोग्राम कॉन्स्ट-क्वालिफाइड के ऑब्जेक्ट के डिफ़ॉल्ट आरंभीकरण के लिए कॉल करता है प्रकार टी, टी एक उपयोगकर्ता द्वारा प्रदत्त डिफ़ॉल्ट कन्स्ट्रक्टर के साथ एक क्लास प्रकार होगा। AClass का डिफ़ॉल्ट कन्स्ट्र...

lambda - Tool to Delambdafy Java code from Java 8 to Java 7 syntax? -

Java 7 is the address of any device to change code (at source level) that lambda and method in Java 7 Does the context use code that uses anonymous internal classes? I know, but it works at the bitcode level, not at the source level. For now, I have a version job that works as an intelligent plugin. Instead of changing the current Langdas into a package into a package, the current intelligence code has increased. Although the problem with this approach is that it can not work as a standalone tool, say a Maven plugin, because it requires an IntelliJ reference to work. EDIT: Note that the focus is on changing the lamda / method reference for anonymous internal classes. I'm not worried about API changes in Java 8 that will be caught by a Java 7 compiler and will report as compilation errors. Open the 'project structure' in IntelliJ Idea and set the project language level to 7.0. If you need to, then analyze your code again. This will help in most cases, but it lik...

sql - Get reply numbers in mysql -

I am working on a product review page where it has been submitted for many submissions Will display the number of comments. I thought as the title of review_title, COUNT (id_group) Approved_reply_number where approved and I can use as lt; & Gt; '0' Group by ID_ Group ' But read it that it is not possible to copy the ID values ​​to the second line in the process of inserting any review, if presented id_group field to be left blank for review here:. CREATE TABLE product_review (`id`int,` title 'varchar (21), `id_group` int,` valid` int); The value (1, 'AAA', Null, 1), (2, 'BBB', 1,1), (3, 'CCC') in the product_review (`id`,` title`, `id_group`,` approved`) ', Tap, 1), (4,' DDD ', 3,0), (5,' EE ', 1,1), (6,' FFF ', null, 1), (7,' ggji '6 , 1), (8, 'HHH', 1,1), (9, 'III', 6, 1); Those who have tap into id_group are the submitted reviews, the rest are answers and their res...

c++ - Setting a 3D environment reference -

I'm setting up a custom camera to create a virtual reality environment that looks like a window when I see it on the screen SoCamera, SoFrustumCamera, SoPerspectiveCamera and SoOrtographicCamera have checked all the documents, but my screen is not able to find the way to set my scene to match its boundaries with the boundaries of the screen. I want to do something like this ... The problem of my code is that the whole scene is instead of the "back" of the scene It looks like 3D looks, but does not look immersive as a real window. Is there any indication or can help me on that? I'm making my code in C ++, thanks using OpenEntent! I think you might need an off-center perspective camera like the perspective changes Look at the function in the YouTube clip that it can help.

javascript - Django - Load template with jQuery into variable -

I am working with a customer that has a view, after the user logs in, this view is a template Loads pulls the canvas with jQuery dynamically, and creates an image copy of the canvas. They want to preserve the Python code, hide the process in Python code. I do PyExecJS, but it does not support jQuery, because there is no DOM. I have also tried urllib2, mechanized and selenium, but none worked. Is there any alternative or am I missing something? If I understand correctly, then you are trying to hide jquery codes. You can not hide the jquery code from the user, because before it works the Python code before working on the template, there is no way to protect the jquery code with Python. In fact, the best part is that you can do to reduce and obscure the code, but it only makes it difficult to read human.

ruby - Deploying Rails application to cloud foundry like server -

I am trying to install Ruby on Rail application on server which is based on cloud foundry. Here's a sample app: which I've successfully deployed when I tried to install a 'Hello World' app, which worked locally with Built-In Server ('Rail Server' command) I had failed (errors were later told). At this point, I should give you some information about the development environment: Ruby v. 1.9.3 Rail vs. 4.1.1. Develop on a Windows machine. Then I tried to start from scratch and created a new default application with "Rail New Distance", in which you have been shown that the "Welcome to Screen" screen is shown. Then I created a manifest.yml file like this: Application: - Name: deploytest memory: 512 m Example: 1 host: deploytest domain: Path:. Then I completed the "CF push" command. Files uploaded, builder participated, and finally console-prompts ----- & gt; Droplet upload (34m) but after that t...

Javascript Timers not consistent -

I know that there are many topics on the javascript timer, however, my timers are doubling on my mouse all the time "doubling "To call a div a command, they are not compatible. The following devices show on-homeoverover events that call the function & lt; Div id = "Team_Container2" & gt; Div id = "image1" onmouseover = "area_hor1 (this); area_over2 (this)" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "Team_Container2" & gt; Div id = "image2" onmouseover = "area_hor1 (this); area_over2 (this)" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Function area_hur1 (obj) {var interval; ClearInterval (interval); Href = $ (obj) .attr ('href'); Url = href.split ('#'); Url1 = url [1]; Interval = set interval (set (array (set array (document.getElementById (url1), 'seating_ plan_image_canvas', '0,0,0', '0,0,0', '0.33', 0, 0, 0); }, 1000); return;} function area_mor...

c# Optional Func Parameter -

I have the following function definition in C #: public static TResult SomeParentFunctionName & lt; TSource, TResult & gt; (TSource SomeValue, & lt; TSource, TResult & gt; ChildFunction1 of the ceremony & lt; TSource, TResult & gt; ChildFunction2 of the ceremony) This function SomeValue According to my business rules, I always ChildFunction1 / Code> is required, but only need to run occasionally to childfun 2 . Can I do an optional parameter for ChildFunction2 ? How do I do this? And how do I know if it has been passed in the option I have considered. 1) I can create two with SomeParentFunctionName , ChildFunction2 and without one 2) I There is an empty ceremony that will just do nothing to transmit -. But it is not that good practice. Note: Those who want to start yelling on this question, if you can not help, then just do not do it. Sure, just set to null: public static TResult SomeParentFunctionName & LT; TS...

disassembly - How do I determine the start and end of instructions in an object file? -

Therefore, I'm trying to write an emulator, or at least understanding how it works. Understand, especially the Z80 and x86, but I have never understood that an object file (or in my case, a .gb ROM file) indicates the start and end of a command. I am trying to parse the opcode for each instruction, but it has not happened that there is a line break after every instruction. So how does this happen? For me, it looks like a bunch of bytes, in which there is no difference between opcode and its operand. For most CPUs - and I believe that catch 80 in this category - a The length of the instruction lies. It is,

javascript - Add local json file to rails app and use $.getJSON to get it locally -

I get JSON data using a local, stable JSON file in my Rail app and then using $ Trying to do .getJSON inside the second javascript file in the same rail app. So far I tried to add it to assets / javascripts / and public / and then bundle app rake objects: precompile is running, though I still have not successfully loaded the JSON file in my second JavaScript file. You must be able to install a static JSON file in the public directory and load it directly. static.json in the public directory, you need to load it: $. GetJSON ('/ Static.json', function (data) {console.debug (data);});

plot - output high resolution filled.contour figure in R -

I like my filled campus plot as high resolution (& gt; 600dpi) piture (png, jpeg ..) I'm trying to save. ..) However in Rstudio, when I use the "export" function in Rstudio's interface, the resolution is very low (this figure is only around 20kb). Then I tried to use the "PNG" command to save my plots, but I failed. Can I ask if anyone has to get this? Thank you for your help! I think you want to do this to keep the resolution to do so when the image is very To achieve this, using the png (...) function, you can see the size ( height and width parameters ) And also solution in the PPI ( res parameter), so in the code below 600 ppi or 11,600 x 5100 pixels on an 11 x 8.5 A PNG file of an inch image has been created. The file is 435 kb. Open the png graphics device png ("volcano.png", res = 600, height = 8.5, width = 11, units = "in") ## fill the following: Contour (...) Documentation x & Lt; - 10 * 1: Nero (V...

sprite kit - iOS testing game center leaderboard with different test users -

I have created 3 ~ 4 test users through iTunes - to see if my Leaderboard implementation is correctly Working, I played my game with 2-3 different accounts on one game. But every time I log in with an account and report the score, I only see my score on the leaderboard and it is the only participant, is it expected or should all the accounts I have reported should be on the leaderboard ? #pragma icon Leaderboard - (zero) authenticationlocal player {GKLocalPlayer * localPlayer = [GKLocalPlayer localPlayer]; LocalPlayer.authenticateHandler = ^ (UIViewController * viewController, NSError * Error) {If (viewController! = Void) {[Auto Present ViewController: Animated View Controller: Yes Completed: Zero]; } Else {if ([GKLocalPlayer localPlayer]. Certified) {_gameCenterEnabled = YES; // the default leaderboard identifier [[GKLocalPlayer localPlayer] loadDefaultLeaderboardIdentifierWithCompletionHandler: ^ (NSString * Leaderboard identifier, NSError * error) {if (error! = Nil) {NSLog (@...

Relationships in multilanguage TYPO3 extensions -

Just assume that you have domain objects product and color, each product can be assigned in different colors and each Color has been assigned to multiple products (M: N); Assignment products are controlled in back-end. Next, suppose we translate every product After making and producing all the products and colors on each color one, it went on translation. The first color and then the products are translated. In the case of A I think if I am translating a product, then all the selected colors in the standard language have to be replaced by this translation: Manual translation for large numbers of products and colors Will be suicidal! Since all relationships for each language of each product and for each color also need to be rebuilt. But there is no need for it because relationships are the same in all languages. If in the B I think it is possible to relate to the colors of the original language: But on the changes I'm not only going to change the product ...

html - Why is my RSS feed showing up on the bottom when I'm floating it to the right? -

लिंक: JSfiddle: & lt; html & gt; मैं अपना आरएसएस फ़ीड निपटाए जाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, एनएवी के बारे में जितना ऊंचा है इसके बजाय, यह नेवि के नीचे है। मैं इसे कैसे ठीक करूं? मैंने अपने आरएसएस फ़ीड को दायीं तरफ खड़ा किया और यह अभी भी नहीं चलेगा। जो स्थिति मिली: रिश्तेदार और फ्लोट: बाएं

ios - NSTimer won't fire with code optimization. Works fine without -

I have some code that sets timers and then blocks the main thread type: self.waitingForCompletion = Yes; Dispatch_Assoc (Dispatch_Get_Global_QUU (Dispatch_QUPRRIITLLE, 0), ^ {[NSRON Loop CurrentArun Loop] Run]; NSTIMER * Timer = [Animation Timer with Time Interval: 2.F Target: Self Selector: @Selector (Waiting for complete termination) User Inc. : Zero repeats: no]; [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer: mode for timer: NSRunLoopCommonModes];}); While (self.waitingForCompletion); . . . - (zero) Awaiting expiration: (NSTimer *) Timer {TFLog (@ "End waiting timer timed out"); [Invalid timer]; Self.waitingForCompletion = No; } When I run it with optimization (-O0), the timer fires and unblocks the main thread. When I run it with the fastest, smallest (ii), the timer never sets a fire and the main thread is blocked forever. Is the problem really timer? Is this threading? Is this the wrong way to block and unblock the main thread? If a timer is created this way, you ...

Angularjs date input allowing null input -

New to fingerlings I have read the date input document here: This model ( However, in my application, I want to display a date input field which is initially blank (except for placeholder prompts) if the user chooses not to enter a date, then this is a Acceptable situation. I understand that Javas The crypt date object always describes some dates so the date is input, because it is bound to the model, always will display some dates and if the user displays the date input or left I do not want to do this. I think the only solution is to use a text editing field that can be empty or a date And then I have to parse the user input somehow but this will not be a good date picker. Any suggestions on how to solve this problem? $ scope.value = undefined will not get any errors. P> are working plunkr: (edited by the previous reply by OP.)

javascript - Displaying JSON Array using AngularJS -

I have this as my .json file and I was wondering how I got my "IP" array to its own. "" "" "" "" Network ":" net 1 "," ip ": [" "," "]," field ":" WiFi "}] Currently, I have this .html file / P> I want to leave it "[] on my performance. You must use ng-repeat to iterate on the array do this & lt; tr ng-repeat = "zones in view"> gt; & lt; td & gt; {{}} & lt; / td> & lt; td & gt; ; {{}} ul> {{zones.ipv6}} & gt; Lt; / TR & gt;

html5 - Embed Gfy into HTML -

I am trying to embed an image in my HTML from gfycat but I'm having trouble. I have tried to add it to my HTML but the image will not appear. & lt; Img class = "gfyitem" data-id = "blushingweepydartfrog" /> How can I embed an image from gfycat in my HTML? Thanks in advance. how & lt; Img class = "gfyitem" is about data-id = "$ 1" /> Here's the link I do not know what you mean But I think the links will be helped.

build - Unsuccessful building wxWidgets sample ( widgets sample ), in CodeBlocks -

I am using CodeBlocks 13.12 on a Win 7x64 machine. My intention was to learn something about the creation of the wxWidgets project in CodeBlocks, so I created a new wxWidgets project, where the location of wxWidgets was indicated for "C: \ wxWidgets-3.0.1". Then I added all the source files from the sample in the project and was trying to create a project in the IDE, I get these errors: === Build: Debug in widgets editor (compiler: GNU GCC compiler) === | Ld.exe || Can not get- lwxmswd_core | Ld.exe || Can not get- lwxbased | | Ld.exe || Can not get- lwxpngd | Ld.exe || Can not get- lwxzlibd | || === Build fail: 4 error (), 0 warnings (0 minutes (s), 1 second (second)) === | How can I improve so that these errors are missing and the project is created? As an additional information, I downloaded and followed it, a YouTube tutorial for compiling sources with CMD and Amingav 32-Mac, I do not think this is a big difference Making is only produced because And files i...

ios - Call ViewController method from App Delegate -

My view is in the controller, which opens a different view on the basis of a pin, it works when a button One end view, I can also put it in the viewdead mode, although I am using storyboards and the view of this method is firing on each view load from the loadload of the loadload loaded from the loadload of the system, so instead I was done with my app delilete. Function c To'm looking FinishLaunchingWithOptions it is basically redirected based on the presence of a stored PIN value on the app launch. I've imported the View Controller in App Rep. #import "ViewController.h" FinishLaunchingWithOptions using the current code: ViewController * RootViewController = (ViewController *) self.window.rootViewController; [RootviewConverter Inventview]; I do this but I am getting the error Does not the visual interface selector announce 'interview' for 'visual controller'? Here's my whole view controller. #import & lt; UIKit / UIKit.h ...

android - Go to page option.. find page -

I created an app that contains 100 pages and there is a change through swipe, but I add the "go to page" option I want to go so easily on a specific page. Expand the public class ViewPagerExampleActivity Activity {@Override Creates a Public Undertaken (Bundled Saved Instance) {super.onCreate (savedInstanceState); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_viewpager_example); Extended viewpages mViewPager = (Extended ViewPager) findViewById (; MViewPager.setAdapter (new TouchImageAdapter ()); } The Static class Touch ImageAdapter pager adapter {Private Static Int [] extends images = {R.drawable.page3, R.drawable.page4, R.drawable.page5, R.drawable.page6, R.drawable.page7, R.drawable.page8, underscores. Page 9, Armwetting. Page 10, Armwetting. Page 11, Armor Page 12, Armor Page 13, Armor Page 14, Armwetting. Page 15, Armor.Page16, R.Drive. Page 17, Armowwet. Page 18, Armwatching. Page 19, Armwetting. Page 20, Armowwet. Page 21, Armor Page 22, Armor Page 23, Armwet...

python - How to determine that every object has been deleted from a Tkinter canvas? -

I am using the tanker to design a snake game. The snake is drawn on a canvas in which the rectangular is used sequentially and it is updated using an alarm callback according to the following conditions: def move (self) : #Take the snake #here #Root Up Level Levels self.alarm_id = self.root.after (500, own.) A player completing a stage in the game After that I want to remove the snake from canvas using canvas .delete method and advanced facilities Drag the new snake with users. I tried to do it, but before the old snake canvas is cleared it, the new snake is being pulled, even though I'm operating gradually. Is there any way I can avoid overlap of this operation? As a program, I was thinking of a way of deciding that every rectangle in the old snake has been removed from the canvas. I looked through the documentation, but I have not succeeded so far. Assuming your canvas is called self.canvas , I think That you can use self.canvas.find_all () , which currently gi...

Frameworks for distributed Go (like Erlang OTP)? -

It seems that Go is gaining traction and there are many interesting projects in it. However, I have repeatedly heard a conclusion that the primary focus is a single machine, unlike Erlang OTP, it does not support good for the distribution of distributed systems. Therefore, what frameworks and access are available to create trusted distributed systems? Important thing - such a structure should be tested in war and is used in production with heavy load, which is not popular on GitHub only. : P> To some extent, unlike Erlang, where the distributed operating system is below the OTP language, we insist that the distributed OS should be made up and used in the language : And with your previous release, including distributed computing, so that you can run Sky in multiple nodes and do it on a linear scale. : and NSQ is a real time distributed messaging platform, fully built in Go , Which promotes distributed and decentralized topology without a point o...

math - Expression Simplification Algorithm -

I am currently working on a calculator app and I think the output should be in both a simplified expression and a decimal second needed. An example would be sqrt 2 * sqrt 3 = sqrt 6 which can also be output as 2.44948 ... what is the best way and what is a well-established algorithm for doing so? Yes, what is the likelihood of you, which are clearly composed of artifacts of math rules Understand formulas in the form. Mathematica and MacSayma are such applications that do this. However, these are sophisticated systems and it is not easy to see how they "work". What do you have to do: Representations of sources as abstract syntax trees Text formulas in this type of tree (your example equations) Encoding a set of tree-manipulation rules that represent algebraic operations Apply these rules to your algebra tree When done If you go, print algebra trees beautifully as text Rules of algebra are written in the best form in the syntax (Mathematics does not d...

c# - FluentValidation SetCollectionValidator for derived types -

How do I set assumptions on the collection types of derivative types? Class BaseClass {} Class DerivedClass: Base Class {} Class SomeClass {Public IEnumerable & lt; BaseClass & gt; Base Classes {Get; Set; }} Category DerivedClassValidator: abbetvilidetter & lt; DerivedClass & gt; {} Class SomeClassValidator: abbetvilidetter & lt; SomeClass & gt; {Public SomeClassValidator () {RuleFor (x = & gt; x.BaseClasses). Line SetCollectionValidator (New DerivedClassValidator); }} Just wondering ... Is this a way to insert it as a special type RuleFor (x = & gt; x.ComeCollection) .CastTo (SomeDerivedType) SetCollectionValidator (New SomeDerivedValidator ()); You can use conditional rows of rules to validate the collection, In which the various derivative objects type. Assume that your next class hierarchy is: public class BaseClass {public string name {get; Set; }} Public class DerivedClassOne: Base class {public int count {get; Set; }} Public ...

wx - Animation with wxWidgets -

In WxWidgets, what is possible on wxPanel, an object that has a mouse click event that moves the objects to another When is active? The movement should be seen as an animation, e.g. Sliding from its initial position to the next location (using wxTimer?) Is it possible in any way? Actually you need to change the position of what is easily displayed, therefore 25 Please update the timing of the timing of a timer on Hertz and every time the position of movement, like if you need to move from 0 seconds to 100,200 with ease in 4 seconds, by + +1 your position + 2, each timer event is well You should find that you have a display Sector needs to recognize that before the transfer position and it has been forced to re-apply, but without trying it first.

cordova - How to specify platform (iOS or Android) with "sencha build app native" -

I am creating a mobile app for both iOS and Android and it is configured to use PhoneGrap . I have a test device for each platform, both are plugged via USB, deployment of iOS is quite simple because IOS is the default platform. But I used to use the "sencha app build native" command, about the creation and deployment of Android There is a problem in knowing about The guide out there seems to be wrong or only eclipse. Thank you! If you are using a root code in your project, type a cordova. should be a file. Inside you will find: # Documentation can be found here ( Line% 20 interface) # # The following file is supported as publishing this file # ios android blackberry10 wp7 wp8 # # This property can be a single platform or a delimited list of a place cordova.platforms = ios This is where you will change the build environment. Then will compile the app for people ...

r - Sorting a column into category -

I have a table with the names and height of two columns. I want to classify those who are above 6 feet below 4 feet and are classified as tall, small and average respectively between 4 to 6 feet. I am trying to do this in R-Studio. One way to classify them in a different column is also fine. ** name height ** james 5.6 john 3.7 ron 6.8 to 5.2 Your data: name & lt; -c "to") height & lt; -c (5.6,3.7,6.8,5.2) dat & lt; -data.frame (name, height) You can do this by adding and adding a new variable according to your criteria: $$ Group $ lt; - "average" data $ group [$ $ height = 4] & lt; - "Brief" $ $ [$ $ height = 6] & lt; - "Long" # Name Height Group # 1 James 5.6 Average # 2 John 3.7 Small # 3 Ron 6.8 Long # 4 To 5.2 Average

tortoisesvn - Unable to remove tortoise svn link from a drive. Mistakenly checked-out the whole drive instead of a specific folder -

Instead of providing a folder I used D: Drive as my local repository. I.e Unknowingly, I have given the url path as D: Check the drive for svn. Now all the folders inside my drive have been added to the svn repository. And how does the drive completely change the problem in svn control? I tried to export the folder inside the drive to remove the link. And I tried to remove the folders. But the problem is still prevalent. To unlink your drive from the episode, delete the SSN folder from it. Br> I think you did not make any changes to the SVN server. If you have, delete it from there too.

javascript - I want to add timer control in my online examination project -

I want to make timer controls for my online exam's website I want to make a timer control for my website of the online exam, as the code is above. And for me, my written javascript has been written, but the bitmaker You have an error here wrong ID : document.getElementById ("lblCtime.ClientID"). WinnerHTML = h + ":" + m + ":" + s; ^ Error: Unkit type error: can not set property 'internal HTML' blank Try this code: document.getElementById ("lblCtime"). InnerHTML = h + ":" + m + ":" + s;

html5 - remove margin / padding space from canvas -

I am working on the canvas object which I made the cylinder canvas object. But I'm getting white space left, right, up & amp; How to remove those people below I tried to add CSS as the following css canvas {margin: 0 pixels; Padding: 0px; } Still, it was not removing the white space. Here are my suggestions for finding out my canvas object Thanks in advance> Great Edit: Just move that yellow round to the right place. Code changed: var cx = 40; Var cy = 60; It was var cx = canvasWidth / 2; Var cy = CanvasHight / 2; The witch takes it to the center of the canvas I had taken it almost to the very left border, now only you need to move that yellow thing I think it is by you Not written?

angularjs - How to change the routing based on url in Angular js -

मेरे पास 2 urls / dev और / app हैं मेरा कोण मार्ग निम्नानुसार है $ routeProvider जब ('/ घर', {templateUrl: 'homeTemp', नियंत्रक: 'homeCtrl',}) जब ('/ home /: pageId', {templateUrl: 'homeTemp', नियंत्रक: 'homeCtrl'})। जब ('/ apps', {templateUrl: 'devTemp', नियंत्रक: 'devCtrl',})। जब ('/ app /: appId', {templateUrl: 'devAppTemp', नियंत्रक: 'devCtrl'})। अन्यथा ({redirect redirect: '/ home'}); अब जब मेरे यूआरएल / dev # / apps यह देव नियंत्रक को लोड करता है और जब यह / apps # / home यह घर नियंत्रक को लोड करता है मैं क्या परिवर्तन अपने मार्गों में जोड़ने की जरूरत है ताकि यूआरएल केवल / dev है जब यह dev नियंत्रक को लोड करता है वर्तमान में इसकी वजह से / dev # / home आप एक रूट लेवल कंट्रोलर बना सकते हैं जो सिर्फ यूआरएल की जांच करता है और आपको आवश्यकतानुसार पुनर्निर्देश करता है। अपने $ रूट प्रदाता में तब में isDevCtrl यूआरएल को देखो और तदनुसार रीडायरेक्ट करें / P> y...

php - Array formatting doesn't look correct -

In the code given below, I am dragging a CSS file and trying to return to an array. It's working, but my appearance looks odd What I'm doing Array ([body] => array ([width] => 100% [ Background color] = & gt; # e6e6e6)) My code: $ file = file_get_contents ($ _ SERVER ['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. ' ../parse-css-upload/ '. $ This- & new; newFileName); $ Element = explosion ('}', $ file); $ Css_array = array (); // master array to hold all the elements $ element = explosion ('}', $ file); Foreign currency ($ element as element element) {// Get the name of the CSS element $ a_name = explosion ('{', $ element}); $ Name = $ a_name [0]; // Get all keys: value pair style $ a_styles = explosion (';', $ element); // Remove the element name from the first element element $ a_styles [0] = str_replace ($ name '', '', '', $ a_styles [0]); // loop through each style and split the key from $ count = count ...

java - How do I write to a YAML file using SnakeYaml? -

निम्नलिखित कोड पर विचार करें: सार्वजनिक स्थैतिक शून्य डंप ओब्जेक्ट टयोयल (स्ट्रिंग कुंजी, ऑब्जेक्ट ओ, स्ट्रिंग पथ) IOException फेंकता है {मानचित्र & lt; स्ट्रिंग, ऑब्जेक्ट & gt; डेटा = नया हैशमैप & lt; & gt; (); Data.put (कुंजी, हे); फ़ाइल एफ = नया फ़ाइल (पथ); F.mkdirs (); F.createNewFile (); // डेटा को फाइल में लिखना} इस विधि को दिए गए ऑब्जेक्ट ओ को दी गई कुंजी पर लिखने का लक्ष्य है, YAML फाइल में दी गई पथ पर। (अगर यह अस्तित्व में नहीं है, तो इसे बनाया जाता है।) लेकिन जाहिर है कि मुख्य भाग अभी भी लापता है। अब निम्नलिखित, एक YAML बनाने के लिए मुझे केवल एक नक्शा बनाने और ऑब्जेक्ट्स को सही पर डालनी है चाबियाँ, जो मैंने किया था। लेकिन कहीं नहीं (कम से कम मुझे यह नहीं दिख रहा है) बताता है कि कैसे एक विशिष्ट पथ पर एक yaml फ़ाइल बनाने के लिए! केवल एक चीज जो मैंने पाया था: "यमाल डंप (ऑब्जेक्ट डेटा) विधि एक जावा ऑब्जेक्ट स्वीकार करता है और एक YAML दस्तावेज़ का उत्पादन करता है" सार्वजनिक शून्य testDump ) {नक्शा & lt; स्ट्रिंग, ऑब्जेक्ट & ...

html - why print screen takes default value -

I need to print the value of the date in millimeters, while I print the default head value on the screen but I can do padding and Set margin top too to value 0 So the top value is different than I absolutely need. IE, 12.7mm from the top will be printed on 31/7/14. & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div style = "margin: 0 mm; padding: 0 mm;" & Gt; & Lt; Table & gt; & Lt; Tbody & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td style = "padding-top: 12mm;" & Gt; 31/3/14 & lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Tbody & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; Leaves default padding for the body and table elements of the code you give ; Throwing Your Space There is no need for table elements. Using "*" in the CSS matches all the elements to remove margins and padding. & lt; Html & gt; For this, a square can ...

c++ - Time when the Heap snapshot is taken when dumping Core -

Text after " We have a POSIX mutli-threaded C ++ program running on Linux 2.6.32, the core in one of the threads - Dump. + 208>: lwz r0,8 (r9) 0x11491178 & lt-core file analysis of pre & and registers at frame show: (gdb) info reg r0 0x0 0 â ?? | R9 0xdeaddead +3735 9 36685 Which makes sense, in terms of r9 process / thread, an invalid address value (actually we write in the hyper-clear pattern). It is confusing that r9 is filled in such a way 0x1149116c & lt; GDB gives me the following information about data: + 196> lwz r9,0 (r4) and r4 value (first and only) function parameter "data": $ 6 = (TextProcessorIF *) 0x4b3fe858 (gdb) P * Data $ 7 = {_vptr.TextProcessorIF = 0x128b5390} (gdb) info icon 0x128b5390 for text processor Vetel & Lt; Unsigned minor & gt; In section + 8 Rodata which are all correct in this context, then there is a value of 0x128b5390 instead of the r9 pattern "0xdeaddead" which is written whe...

Passing two parameters to Javascript function -

Actually there is really silly question, but I can not get it to work: Function ShowOn (guardian, childish) {alert (guardian); Childid; } & Lt; A href = "#" onClick = showOne ('div1', 'div2') & gt; 91 & lt; / A & gt; Actually I want to pass two parameters on the function, but I have found: "Unwanted syntax error: unexpected token" to verify JavaScript Is there a smart site for? I.e. leaving the desired error in reporting Chrome to error. / Patrik You need a quote around the attribute value: & lt; A href = "#" onClick = "showOne ('div1', 'div2')" & gt; 91 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt ;! - here ----- ^ and here ----------- ^ - & gt; In HTML, an attribute value can not contain quotes only if it does not have space (or some other letter) since there is a place in the value you want to set , You have to put it in quotes. Is there a smart site to verify JavaScrip...

objective c - how to adjust subviews height in iOS -

I have 2 subview A and B Place in Scrollview. The first placed in the scrollview and then in the Place BA Subview, Uiimageview B Subview contains only Uttextfield. In a subview, I can upload an image for the gallery. Before uploading the image to UIImagePickerController.I need "A" Subview before uploading the image to uiimageView. No need to show up. U is the first time on uuscrollview. Upload an image comes first on a subview uiimageView and then the B subview is placed. - (zero) viewDidoadload {[Super ViewDidoadload]; Score = [[UIScrollView alloc] init]; Scrol.frame = CGRectMake (0, 100, self.view.frame.size.width, 250); Scrol.delegate = self; Scrol.scrollEnabled = Yes; [Self.view addSubview: scrol]; Scrol.contentSize = CGSizeMake (221, 650); Scrol.backgroundColor = [UIColor blueColor]; A = [[UIView alloc] init]; Ephraff = CGRactam (10, 10, 221, 100); A.backgroundColor = [UIColor yellowColor]; [Scrollsviewview: A]; B = [[UIView alloc] init]; Beeframe = CGRactam (10, ...

Utility method to convert Boolean into boolean and handle null in Java -

क्या जावा में एक उपयोगिता विधि है जो बूलियन को boolean में परिवर्तित करती है? / P> बूलियन x = बूलियन.TRUE.equals (मान); ? यह एक एकल अभिव्यक्ति है, जो केवल सच्चा के लिए मूल्यांकन करेगा यदि मान गैर-रिक्त है और एक वास्तविक-प्रतिनिधित्व बूलियन संदर्भ।

Understanding Server Set-up for Using ImageMagick and PaperClip with Ruby on Rails -

I am new to Rail on Ruby (coming from C # / ASP.NET). My question is about changes related to the server when using paperclip and imaging. I followed the tutorial to learn about using paperclip, so when I installed the ImageMagic on my laptop Mac OS to use the paperclip gem, things were very straight forward obviously That means that ImageMagick was installed on your local machine during development, before pushing for production on Heroku. Is there anything in my ruby ​​app for ImageMagick (code, configuration changes, etc.)? When I push Ruby App to Heroes, things work only for both imaging and paperclips. How and how is the magic of the magic set of images pushed to the halook? ImageMagic is not a gem, so I am trying to understand that local development software such as ImageMagic is transferred to a production environment like everyone. ImageMagick, except for the paperclip gem on the Harekoc Server (or any server for that matter) has been installed, when I push Harkooo? J...

Golang: custom template function "capture" -

I want to type a template function such as smerty capture . How can I capture HTML {{capture}} ... ... {{/ capture}} How to do this? You will do this in the application: Use the template for the HTML snippet that you want to capture, Render it, save it in a string, and use it in subsequent templates rendering.

quickfix - entry must be roll rate entry type? -

marketDataRequest while recovering server I responded with the error message. entry must roll rate entry type I do not understand I why s error. Here is my code MarketDataRequest mkrReq = new MarketDataRequest (New MDReqID ( "Mkar-12345"), new SubscriptionRequestType (SubscriptionRequestType.SNAPSHOT_PLUS_UPDATES), New MarketDepth (0)); NoMDEntryTypes group1 = new nomination type (); Group1.set (new MDEntryType (MDEntryType.BID)); MkrReq.addGroup (GROUP1); Group1.set (new MDEntryType (MDEntryType.OFFER)); MkrReq.addGroup (GROUP1); MarketDataRequest.NoRelatedSym symGroup = New MarketDataRequest.NRelatedSym (); SymGroup.set (new symbol ("EUR / USD")); MkrReq.addGroup (GROUP1); MkrReq.addGroup (symGroup); This opposition is specific error, not right or QuickFix looks like. Only someone with your counterparty can answer this question. Simply put, you are sending a message that is technically correct and syntax, but also want to see whether your coun...

Amazon AWS in browser security and alternatives -

I am creating an application that saves S3, Dynamody, and SNS (like other SWS services) Other than) is going to use. What was with me in my mind, that we can connect to the browser directly with these services and leave the need for a proxy server that I used to map between the client and these services. My concerns are: The customer (browser) will know that the use of the data source / services is Amazon AWS, and further, if not properly configured, for unwanted intruders Do not open all the doors Not all browsers are expected to be ready for the CORS Using services like Dynamo DDB, SNS extends a lot of details for the needs of the customers Will be That all database fields we have been using, enter what kind of data / read what is sent notifications, etc. Authentication provided for the ADS Browser SDK depends on Facebook, Google, and Amazon, but my requirement is always to authenticate the user, and even if there is also authentication This will not be the provider. ...

php - TCPDF justify text with dynamic underline/border bottom -

I have trouble implementing this design to TCPDF, there is a screenshot on output attached image. (TCPDF keeping limited HTML markup in mind) Underlined by the value of a field that will be dynamic, there will be no default default graphs with some text that will fit the layout Should you be able to provide a sample HTML, should you be able to planker it or other Add to the online tool, will be highly appreciated TY About using HTML2PDF! HTML2PDF handles HTML compared to TCPDF. This allows you to use CSS classes and it has more fun work, especially for dynamic content that does not do good TCPDF Download or visit your website and see examples. / P>

scala - Get first n elements from List -

मेरे पास सूची val परिवार = सूची ( "1", "2", "11", "12", "21", "22", "31", "33", "41", "44", "51", "55") मैं अपने पहले एन तत्वों को लेना चाहता हूं लेकिन समस्या यह है कि माता पिता आकार तय नहीं होता है। val familliar = list "1", "2", "11") // n = 3 आप ले scala & gt; का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। Val सूची = सूची (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) सूची: सूची [इंट] = सूची (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) स्केला & gt; List.take (3) res0: सूची [इंट] = सूची (1, 2, 3)

php - Adding posts to WP db from another db -

I have ~ 44k lines of database and I want to post each line one so that I can display them in WordPress and Can manage them easily I executed the following code and added it only ~ 21k lines to wp_posts and they stopped. Should I have a way to move the entire DB to wp_posts Any ideas? $ result = $ wpdb-> Get_results ("choose 'wp_doctors' command'` nume` ") ;; Forex Currency (Results as $ $$) {// Create Post Object $ my_post = Array ('post_ title' => gt; $ r-> NME, 'post_ content' = & gt; $ r-> ; Spec. '& Lt; / br & gt; $ r- & gt; Institute.' & Lt; / br & gt; '. $ R- & gt; Judet.' & Lt; / br & gt; $ R- & gt; Localization, 'Post_States' = & gt; 'Publish' 'PostIistor' = & gt; 1, 'Postcard' => Array (8,39)); // Enter the post in the database and return the post id $ post_id = wp_insert_post ($ my_post, $ wp_error); } I also think that...

android - onTouchListener warning: onTouch should call View#performClick when a click is detected -

I have created a onTouchListener unfortunately the touch () method throws A warning to me: com / calculator / activitys / calculator $ 1 # Click on # is? I have not received any information about this warning. Here's the full code: Linear Lowe clayter content = (linear layout) fragmentView.findViewById (; LlCalculatorContent.setOnTouchListener (see new OnTouchListener) {@ Override Public Boolean On Touch (see V, Motion Event Event) {Tools.hideKeyboard (getActivity (), getView ()); GetView () .CleefFocus (); Return Refund; }}); Here you can go: public Boolean On-Touch (see V, Motion Event Event) {Switch (event.getAction ()) {Case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: // Some codes .... Break; Case Motion Event Action_up: v.performClick (); break; Default: Break; } Back true; }

javascript - animate canvas up and down based on cylinder height and variable value which i enter in the code -

Animating top and bottom canvas (line) based on variables value. Here I've added the variable name's name will be below the default my line cylinder. When I enter value as 20, then it grows up and is sub-work if I put value 15, then it has to come down like 0 - 100. So what I tried, I created a variable inside a new function call function animatecurve () {var status = 0; Warning ("status" + status); Var bottomcylin = $ ('# canvas'). Event (). Top + $ ('# canvas'). External heights (true); Warning ("cylinder bottom" + bottom line); If (condition1> 0) {warning ("inside position" + condition1); $ ('# MyCanvas') Chetan ({Head: "- 10px",}, 300); } And {$ ('# myCanvas'). Animate ({top: "0 px",}, 300); }} Here I got the outer side of the cylinder. It should not be more than the cylinder if I am located at the 30th position then my curve has to be taken over the cylinder. Please guide m...

routing - Rails link a tags -

I have a code and I want to create a tag between the div with the square box. I can not just use the link_to method because I want this link to include all the HTML code on its related closing. Therefore, anyone who clicks within that box is taken to its equivalent: & lt;% = link_to ('go', {action: edit, id:})% & gt; I tried to find this more, but failed. & lt;% @ courses.in_groups_of (3, false). Group | & Gt%; & Lt ;! - Group of three courses - & gt; & Lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt;% group.each do | Course | & Gt%; & Lt; Div class = "colonel-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-lg-4" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "box" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "icon" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "image" & gt; & Lt; Span class = "glyphicon glyphicon-list-alt btn-lg white" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "info...

Pack empty rows in Excel -

इस तालिका को कॉलम XY और Z; & lt; b & gt; XY Z & lt; / p & gt; ए बी सी डी ई एफ मैं एक साथ डेटा "पैक" करना और इस परिणाम प्राप्त करना चाहूंगा: & lt; b & gt; एक्स वाई ज़ेड & lt; / b & gt; ए बी सी डी ई एफ एक मैक्रो जो चयनित सेल / तालिका लेता है और एक बटन के क्लिक के साथ "पैक" करता है महान होगा। कोई भी विचार? आपकी मदद के लिए धन्यवाद। आपको इसके लिए एक एक्सेल मैक्रो की ज़रूरत नहीं है, बस का उपयोग करें To- & gt; विशेष-> रिक्त स्थान, फिर कोशिकाओं को ऊपर स्थानांतरित करके सभी रिक्त कोशिकाओं को हटा दें। आप एक्सेल में एफ 5 दबाकर या होम टैब के अंतर्गत ढूंढें और चयन कर सकते हैं।

Builds failing on tfs because workspace cannot be populated with files that the changeset deletes -

I made a change in MyBranch of MyPrject, which I am trying to build on TFS. These changes include removing the "source-deleted" folder I have tried to put it in the shelf and make it and I have also tried one. However, it has failed both times with an Activity Log which looks like this: Build a build process agent build (MySqlBase) builder on the Running Agent (build build agent MyBuild01 - Agent3) Get Workplace item $ / MyProject / Mabrint / Source-Deleted map is not matched. Item $ / MyOfix / MyBanc / SourceDelete / Client is not mapped. Etc. Exception Message: TF400889: is more than 25 9 characters allowed in the following path: D: \ Builds \ 7 \ MyProject \ Dev_Nightly \ Sources \ __Unmapped __ \ 12077 \\ source-deleted \ customer \ #### etc # ## # \ Somthing.datasource Specify a short path (type InvalidPathException) Previous Builds have not shown anything under the workspace item (i.e. they just worked) And I do not believe anything wrong with my changes, bu...

php - 2 arrays, need the result to be what i show -

This is my array, I want this result below, but can not understand it. The result is a number that is the number of times from the date of 2014-06-01 to the last day of the months 2014-06-xx "My [1] "In my array with dates, there are incorrect dates in only 6-7-8. 1] => 2 [4] = & gt; 2 [7] => 3 [9] => 1 [12] => 1 [13] => 1)) Array ([0] = & gt; Array ([0] = & gt; 4 [1] => 4 [2] => 7 [3] => 1 [4] = & gt; 7 [5] = & gt; 7 [6] => 3 [7] => 3 [8] => 4 [9] => 9 [10] => 12 [11] ] = & Gt; 2 [12] => 13 [13] => 1) [1] => Array ([0] => 2014-06-18 [1] = & gt; ; 2014-06-10 [2] = & gt; 2014-06-05 [3] => 2014-06-05 [4] => 2014-06-12 [5] = & gt; 2014 -06-11 [6] = & gt; 2013-12-12 [7] = & gt; 2014-07-23 [8] = 2014-05-13 [9] => 2014-06 -01 [10] => 2014-06-12 [11] = & gt; 2014-06-04 [12] = & gt; 2014-06-04 [13] => 2014-06-11 )) hope for the following act...

c# - Scanning online directory using regular expressions -

Looking at a directory on a website where all the files have the same substrings (i.e. "AAA") and then the date An Excel file extension, how do I use a regular expression to match one of those files? For example, a file should be "aaa-2014_14_09.xlsx" or "aaa-2014_25_11.xlsx" . I have a look at C # regex , but have not done any solution till now. You can try the reggex given below but it will not check for an exact date. \ baaa- \ d {4} _ \ D {2} _ \ d {2} \. Xlsx \ b