
Showing posts from March, 2012

msbuild - Programmatically (using C#) determine current Visual Studio build configuration -

My Visual Studio 2013 C # app needs to programmatically determine whether another studio solution "Build mode "Or" Release "mode." Is there an API to accomplish this? Alternatively, I'm thinking of using the MSBield API to create and view a solution Was that the app is a symbol of debug or not? When you create an assembly in debug mode, the compiler automatically [assembly: Debuggable-additives] you can use reflection to see if this feature is present in the assembly or not. Take a look here for details on how to read the properties of assembly:

Generating Android build with Gitlab CI -

I have just installed Geethalab as a repository for my projects and I want to take advantage of their Gitlab CI system . After each commit I want to automatically debug and debug. I googled but I did not get anything as tutorials or similar cases. If someone can guide me in some way, then it will be good. Thank you! I just wrote a blog post. The fastest way can be with .gitlab-ci.yml with the following content: image: openjdk: 8-jdk variable: ANDROID_TARGET_SDK: "24" ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS: "24.0.0" ANDROID_SDK_TOOLS: "24.4.1" before_script: - apt-get- - Some updates - yes - apt-get --quiet Install --yes wget tar unzip lib32stdc ++ 6 lib32z1 - wget --quiet --output-document = android-sdk.tgz / android / android-sdk_r $ {ANDROID_SDK_TOOLS} -linux. Tgz - tar --extract --gzip --file = android-sdk.tgz - echo wi | Android-sdk-linux / tools / android -silent update sdk --no-ui --all --filter android - $ {ANDROID_TARGET_SDK} -...

c# - How to turn a 3D array into multiple 2D arrays -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 3 जवाब मेरे पास मूल्यों की एक सरणी है एक 3-डी सरणी में, [x, y, z] के रूप में संग्रहीत। एक 3-डी सरणी पिछले फ़ंक्शन के लिए उपयोगी है, लेकिन वर्तमान फ़ंक्शन में, मैं [x, y] सरणियों के 'z श्रृंखला' चाहूंगा क्या यह संभव है? मेरे पास सरणी इनपुट [x, y, z] है, और मैं इसे 2-डी सरणियों में फिर से करना चाहूंगा एक्स और वाई 2-डी सरणी के लिए मान हैं। var dict = नया शब्दकोश & lt; int, double [,] & gt; (); फाइलें var dict = नया शब्दकोश & lt; int, double [,] & gt; (); (एन्टी फाइलें = 0; फाइलें & lt; input.GetLength (2); फ़ाइलें ++) {डबल [,] दो डी = नया डबल [इनपुट। गैटलांटा (0), इनपुट। गैटल लैंप (1)]; के लिए (int x = 0; x & lt; input.GetLength (0); x ++) के लिए (int y = 0; y & lt; input.GetLength (1); y ++) दोडी [x, y] = इनपुट [x, y , फ़ाइलें]; Dict.Add (फ़ाइलें, दो डी); } भी मदद कर सकता है। ध्यान दें कि यह मानता है कि आपका z मान अद्वितीय हैं।

c# - How to extract just the date from a DateTimeOffsetDateTimeOffset object -

एक DateTimeOffsetDateTimeOffset ऑब्जेक्ट से सिर्फ दिनांक कैसे निकाल सकते हैं? मैंने सोचा कि तिथि संपत्ति केवल तारीख भाग लौटाएगी। लेकिन, मैं पूरी तिथि रखता हूं, अर्थात 7/17/2014 12:00:00 पूर्वाह्न -04: 00 । मुझे केवल 7/17/2014 दिनांक भाग प्राप्त करना है। यह मेरा कोड है। Func & lt; DataRow, string, DateTimeOffset & gt; GetFieldNullableDate = (पंक्ति, फ़ील्ड) = & gt; {If (! String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace ((पंक्ति [क्षेत्र]? String.Empty) .String ())) DateTimeOffset.Parse (पंक्ति [फ़ील्ड] वापस। स्ट्रिंग ()) दिनांक; और नल वापसी; }; मदद करने के लिए धन्यवाद आप इसे केवल MM / DD / YYYY निकालने के लिए उपयोग कर सकते हैं दिनांकटाइमऑफ़सेट? चर। दिनांकटाइमऑफ़सेट? TestOne = नल; Var अंतिम = testOne.HasValue? TestOne.Value.Date.ToShortDateString (): शून्य; // रिक्त दिनांकटाइमऑफ़सेट? TestTwo = नया दिनांकटाइमऑफ़सेट (डेटटाइम। आज); Var notNull = testTwo.HasValue? TestTwo.Value.Date.ToShortDateString (): null; // 7/24/2014

actionscript 3 - HTML embeded swf behaving awkwardly -

I have recently completed a Flash Website and have tested it offline on the local host, and it is completely work done. I uploaded the website: and this happens when things get weird When offline, I put the music of the website in the loop. It works very well, the song will reach the end, play again. But online, it reaches halfway through the song, "It assumes" that it is finished, and loops Not all this, though, there are countless other problems, and they point to all the fact that Flash Website / Songs are not being fully loaded. I'm small and simple: I want swf and song to start playing after and they while They are loading how do I do this? In this way I am loading SDF at this time: & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Body marginwidth = "0" margin-light = "0" bg paint = "# 000000" & gt; & Lt; Embed width = "100%" height = "100%" name = "plugin" src = "RPG 33.swf" type = ...

Returning binary file from controller in ASP.NET Web API -

I am working on a web service using the new webapp of ASP.NET MVC which will complete the binary files, Mostly .cab and .exe files. The following control method works, which means that it gives a file, but this content type is Application / Jason : Public HTTPPRESS Pacemase & lt; Stream & gt; Post (string version, string environment, string file type) {var path = "" C: \ temp \ test.exe "; Var stream = new filestream (path,; new HTTPPRESS pacesmasters & lt; stream & gt; Return the stream, the new MediaTapHeader value ("App / octet-stream");} Is there a better way to do this? Its a content to use one with the property Shish: // Using System.IO; // Using System.Net.Http; // Using System.Net.Http.Headers; Public HttpResponseMessage Post (string Version, string environment, string filetype) {var path = "" C: \ temp \ test.exe "; HttpResponseMessage results = new HTTPPasspacemessage (HTTPPatus c...

android - Red mark over google play services lib in eclipse -

मैंने सेरेवल गाइड का पालन किया है, पुस्तकालय फ़ोल्डर को अपने कार्यक्षेत्र में कॉपी किया है और फिर उसे आयात किया है ग्रहण, मैंने इसे एक दर्जन बार साफ किया है और फिर भी यह लाल विस्मयादिबोधक चिह्न है जो मुझे जारी रखने में असमर्थ बनाता है जैसा कि आप देख सकते हैं कि बिन फ़ोल्डर में कोई .जर नहीं है और मुझे पता नहीं क्यों, एंड्रॉइड मैनिफ़ेस्ट। एक्सएमएल रिक्त है, मुझे नहीं पता कि यह क्या है। कृपया मदद करें, मैंने इस पर घंटे बिताई है और मैं इसे समझ नहीं पा रहा हूं। मेरे लिए , AndroidManifest.xml में निम्न शामिल हैं: & lt;? Xml संस्करण = "1.0" एन्कोडिंग = "यूटीएफ -8"? & Gt; & Lt; मैनिफ़ेस्ट xmlns: एंड्रॉइड = "" package = "" एंड्रॉइड: versionCode = "4323030" एंड्रॉइड: versionName = "4.3.23 (106972 9-030) "& gt; & Lt; उपयोग- sdk एंड्रॉइड: minSdkVersion = "9" / & gt; & Lt; / प्रकट & gt;

intuit partner platform - Does QBO v3 QueryService limit responses to 100 rows? Can I set a higher limit? -

I'm using QueryService to retrieve customer list is limited to a maximum of 100 lines, the number of rows . Here is my code: QueryService & lt; Intuit.pp.Data.Customer & gt; CustomerQueryService = New Query Service & lt; Intuit.ipp.Data.Customer & gt; (ServiceContext); & Lt; Intuit.Ipp.Data.Customer & gt; Customer = Customer Resource Service. (C => C) .Oolist (); How do I fix higher limits for the maximum number of returned rows? A large number of institutions in response A The maximum number of institutions that can be returned in response is 1000. If the size of the result is not specified, then the default number is 100. If a query returns to many organizations, then find institutions in the sections as described in the Surface. Using COUNT keywords in the query to determine the number of organizations that examine a particular query. See the calculation for details.

how to edit a line (overwright and replace) in python -

I have a file and I need to edit a specific line within that file This line needs to be edited: "file: /// c: /xxxxxxx/nameList.json#/" In: & lt; Xxxx = "xxxx: //" & gt; Name list / xxxxxx / How should I do this? Note that somehow I need to store "name list" I am writing a script and part of the "name list" is different for different files Additional information: Whatever is to be done in front of the name's name "and whatever" after the name list ".... But string "name list" is arbitrary for various files. For example, the first file will have name 1 list, the second name will be 2 ... etc. I need to keep nameListX for different files Regex = re.compile ("file: /// c: / ([^ /] +) /nameList.json#/") replacer = lambda g: '& lt; {0} = "{0}: // {0} .com / {0} //" & gt; Open the name list / {0} /'.format(...

html - alert window not working with angular -

I have the following code in which I want to display a warning when clicking a button: & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; & Lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body ng-app & gt; & Lt; Button ng-click = "alert ('test')" & gt; Display text & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; Script src = "angular.min.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Document.write ("& lt; base href = \" "+ document.location +" \ "/>"); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ Scope.alert = function (variable) {warning (variable); }; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; This console is being displayed as an error: Uncounted ReferencesArray: $ scope is not define...

javascript - Run multiple MSSQL queries in node.js -

I am trying to run multiple SQL queries. The problem is that the variable possibilities are going out of the fire and the forgotten node. Because of the use of JS. I am trying to work to wait for to do something like the keyword C #. Here's my broken code; It should clarify what is trying to achieve: function getTopicsForMessages (request, result) {// Get topic for this message var queryString = "SELECT ripple_messenger.TopicTypes. Name, ripple_messenger.TopicTypes.imageUri "; QueryString + = "Ripple_messenger.TopicTypes from Ripple_Messer. MessageType JO"; QueryString + = "On (Rhapsody_MessengerMessageType.PatIkID ="; QueryString + = "WHERE messageId =?"; (Var i = 0; i & lt; results.length; i ++) {mssql.query (queryString, [result [i] .ID], {success: work (subjects) results {results} [i] . Topic = topics; result;}, error: function (error) {console.error ("SQL read error:" + mistake); req...

Not understanding php code -

इस कोड 32 का आउटपुट क्यों है? & lt;? Php $ a = 4 & lt; & lt; 2 + 1; प्रतिध्वन करें $ a; ? & Gt; अंकगणित php में bitwise ऑपरेटरों पर पूर्वता है। के रूप में परिणामस्वरूप, 1 + 2 पहले क्रियान्वित किया जाता है। 4 & lt; & lt; (1 + 2) == 4 & lt; & lt; 3 == 2 ** 2 & lt; & lt; 3 == 2 ** 5 == 32 ।

java - Changing value of interface implemented by superclass from subclass affects all instances -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: पैकेज somepackage; आयात java.util.List; सार्वजनिक कक्षा SomeClass कुछ इन्टरफेस लागू करता है {सार्वजनिक कुछ क्लास (बूलीयन जोड़) {} सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {SomeSubclass sub1 = नया SomeSubclass (गलत); के लिए (स्ट्रिंग एस: सब 1.गेटलिस्ट ()) System.out.println ("इससे पहले:" + s); SomeSubclass sub2 = नए SomeSubclass (सच); के लिए (स्ट्रिंग एस: सब 1.गेटलिस्ट ()) System.out.println ("बाद:" + s); } @ ओवरराइड सार्वजनिक शून्य addToList (स्ट्रिंग्स) {someList.add (एस); } @ ओवरराइड पब्लिक लिस्ट & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; GetList () {someList वापस; }} कुछ पैकेज somepackage; पब्लिक क्लास SomeSubclass SomeClass {सार्वजनिक SomeSubclass (बूलियन एड) को बढ़ाता है {सुपर (जोड़); अगर (जोड़ें) this.addToList ("a"); }} कुछ पैकेज somepackage; आयात करें java.util.ArrayList; आयात java.util.List; सार्वजनिक इंटरफेस कुछ इंटरफेस {सूची & lt; स्ट्र...

Three.js + Firefox 31 on OSX = skewed renders? -

My three Working on the JS app, I saw three of my three JK Canvas starts to do something different. Exploring, it happens on OSX under Firefox 31 and not only my work, but three. In many instances of JS: Anyone viewing this Also, and maybe an alternative solution? Is this a bug in Firefox Shader Compiler of 31? three. Js version does not seem to be the same either ... It seems to be a bug in Firefox itself:

javascript - Galleria using full size images instead of thumbnails -

When I observe the element, it indicates that Galleria is using a full-sized image instead of the thumbnail . Example from Galleria documentation & lt; Div class = "galleria" & gt; & Lt; A href = "/ img / large1.jpg" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "/ img / thumb1.jpg" data-title = "my title" data-description = "my description" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A href = "/ img / large2.jpg" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "/ img / thumb2.jpg" Data-Title = "Other Title" Data-Details = "My & lt; em & gt; HTML & lt; / em> Details" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; My code is & lt; Div class = "galleria" & gt; & Lt; A href = "" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "

python - Where is multiprocessing.Process -

I am porting a working application from Python 3.3 to 3.4 and faced a strange situation. The class multiprocessing process does not exist in the download from Instead, multiprocessing. In the process module, I get a class multiprocessing. Process .base Process I can find the only trace of the old process class, new multiprocessing. Context is in the module, where multiprocessing.context.The process is basically a cover function for the bass process. None of these are described in Python 3.4 for documentation. Can anyone tell me what is happening on some documents and possibly indicates me If you are using Eclipse and PyDev you are forced to create Python interpreter as' Multi-processing '.

Awk Record separations and loops -

Here I have the following data in a file to keep some minded information: with Confusion Removed to avoid The between separator (for example, using the date) and a column amount, to put data in I On the top row, I have a date: NAME -delim: with variable 2014, I can use Trying to say: "????" Read this file, when you get a sample data ???? Just go through those lines, and type in column 7a awk -RS ???? Line Line -F: A ???? I have an estimate / sample data / '{sum = = $ 2} END {print sum}' filename.txt My guess is (to convert it to no byte), I Loop through them, MBS to store them, take them together, take GBS in the store, and add them too. Any sign? Wish Thinking: awk 'BEGIN {2014 = ""} {if ($ 8 == one [0-9] GB ") Size = amount + = $ 8 "GB"; and a ?? | Blah Blah Blah [0- 9] MB} a ---- Edit I have tried Here's the more accurate data that I'm working on (sorry, but I'm trying to reduce the data exposure he...

c# - Styling or formatting json data in xaml -

I am working on a Windows Phone 8.1 app but as I am starting a new one and on my background websites It is more where I write CSS and magic works. I find it difficult to format JSON data which is tied in my xaml. My JSON code {"group": [{"UniqueId": "BasicxGroup1", "title": "startup", "subtitles": "testing subtitles 1 "," ImagePath ":" Assets / Startup 1. JPG "" Item ": [{" Unique ID ":" Group1 Item -1 "," Title ":" Item Title: 1 "," Subtitle ": "Testing details", "Content": "Testing requires some formatting"}]}}} " " Item subtitles: 1 "," ImagePath ":" Assets / LightGrey. "," Details " Pre> I can use other options such as my own Add another key to the moha item and then you can tie it in your xaml and then I can style differently but is it necessary ...

image - Bounded handwritten character segmentation in matlab -

I'm involved in handwritten character recognition research in MATLAB, which takes a system input that looks like a scanned handwritten character It is: Currently Divide the partition first according to the form line, and then the individual row will be split according to the different handwriting characters. This partition is done entirely by scanning the image using horizontal and vertical image projections. I am still not satisfied with this process and I am surprised that there is no alternative in this division process which may be less than that. Using the cost of segmentation process , each character and each rectangle will be removed as a connected component. . Then you can use to remove those features that may be useful.

c# - How to force the OpenFileDialog to be opened at a certain location across all the OS from my WPF application -

Is it possible, from my WPF application to set the preferred position, which will open the Windows Openphilidio No matter the application, it will fire, if possible, how can I get it? Open dialogue status can not be set to WPF to create a custom open dialog box in a WPF form And after that you can determine the position or margins according to WPF.

c# - Why does the ToolTip not display in the WebBrowser control? -

I have assigned the ToolTip to WebBrowser control, but Tool tip is not showing. // Create tooltip and associate with form container. Tooltip tooltip 2 = new tooltip (); // Set the delay for ToolTip ToolTip2.AutoPopDelay = 5000; ToolTip2.InitialDelay = 3000; ToolTip2.ReshowDelay = 500; // Show the tooltip text, whether the form is active or not. ToolTip2.ShowAlways = True; Set tooltip text for // button and checkbox ToolTip2.SetToolTip (this.WebBrowser1, "My web browser"); Tooltip that you want to display must be part of your HTML page. You use the attribute for example: & lt; P & gt; & Lt; Abbr title = "world health organization" & gt; WHO & lt; / Abbr & gt; Was established in 1948. & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; A title = "click me" href = "http: // blah" target = "_self" & gt; I'm a link & lt; / A & gt; When you hover the mouse over it, WebBrowser control will automatic...

AngularJs - element.on('submit') is not working in my directive -

I am trying to use an NG-deposit call to fire an event for my custom instruction, But it is not firing. Here is a problem that describes my problem. & lt; Div ng-controller = "MyCtrl" & gt; & Lt; Form name = "loginForm" ng-submit = "login ()" novalidate = "" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" class = 'please-wait' value = "submit me" /> & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; JS code: app.directive ('please wait', function () {return {restricted: "c", compiled: function (element } {Element.on ('submit', function (e) {alert ('submit');}) element.on ('click', function (e) {alert ('click called');}); ;}); What am I doing? "submit" There is no event on a input element, but There is an incident on form , so the instruction is listening for the event that it will not be received.

sql - I have a table that looks something like this: -

tblCust लिंग नर महिला पुरुष पुरुष महिला और मैं इस तरह अपडेट करना चाहता हूं कि पुरुष के स्थान पर और महिला की जगह नर सेट करना चाहते हैं। लेकिन यदि मैं अपडेट करता हूं तो महिला को पुरुष कहते हैं। अद्यतन tblcust सेट लिंग = 'पुरुष' जहां लिंग = 'महिला' सभी पंक्तियाँ अब पुरुष हैं, इसलिए मुझे पता है कि मूल रूप से महिला और मूल रूप से पुरुष का आंकड़ा खो गया था। मैं इस समस्या को कैसे हल कर सकता हूं? यह दो चरणों में नहीं किया जा सकता है, क्योंकि एक प्रकार का अद्यतन अन्य प्रकार को प्रभावित करेगा। आपको एक केस का उपयोग करके एक क्वेरी में दोनों प्रकारों को अपडेट करने की आवश्यकता है बयान: अद्यतन tblCst सेट लिंग = केस लिंग जब 'महिला' तब 'पुरुष' और 'महिला' अंत यदि आपके पास था अन्य लिंग, आपको थोड़े शोधन की आवश्यकता होगी: अद्यतन tblCust सेट लिंग = केस लिंग जब 'महिला' तब 'पुरुष' जब 'पुरुष' और 'महिला' और लिंग अंत - अपरिवर्तित छोड़ दें अगर न तो पुरुष और नारी

html - Javascript wrong redirecting when submitting -

My JavaScript code to see if the user entered the value for the user name and password field. When I run it, it shows me the right warning message, but the form is being presented, it also gives false returns. Can somebody help me out? & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Function loginValidate () {if (document.getElementById ("user name") value == '') {window.alert ("Please enter your username"); If (document.getElementById ("password"). Value == '') {window.alert ("Please enter your username and password"); return false; }} If (document.getElementById ("password"). Value == '') {window.alert ("Please enter your password"); return false; } Back true; } & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Form onsubmit = "loginValidate ()" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" name = "submit" id = "submit" value = "login" /> ...

sql - Rails: Eager loading and advanced query on has_many :through -

Overview Whenever a new product is added to the database, So to determine whether it is a potential duplicate, it is examined against all existing products of the database. If a newly added product is found to be a potential duplicate, then a duplicate warning association is created for the newly added product (pending_product_id), and potential match (existing_product_id). In addition, an integer match score is stored on duplicate warning, which indicates the strength of probable matching between the two products. Model class product & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base has_many: matches, through :: duplicate_warnings, source :: current_product has_many: duplicate_warnings, foreign_key: "pending_product_id", Depend on dependent :: and class duplicate alarms & lt; ActiveRecord :: Connected to Base: Pending Product, Category_name: "Product" related_to: existing_product, class_name: "product" end problem How can I create the following que... - Two web project in my solution which one to deploy -

मेरे पास इस तरह की संरचना तैयार की गई है Proj.Soln Proj.Api.csproj Project .Web.csproj मैंने microsoft azure के साथ कॉन्फ़िगर किया है I जब मैं जीआईटी के माध्यम से बिटबकेट को काम करता हूं, तो नीला यह ऊपर उठाएगा और मेरे आवेदन की तैनाती करेगा। मैं कैसे निर्दिष्ट करूं कि मैं Proj.Web.csproj को तैनात करना चाहता हूं और Proj.Api.csproj? मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि प्रोजेक्ट को चुनने के लिए कोई दूसरा तरीका है, लेकिन आप अपना लक्ष्य हासिल करने में मदद करने के लिए कुछ कदम उठा रहे हैं (ध्यान दें: यह परीक्षण और काम करने की पुष्टि है): सतत ​​कॉन्फ़िगर करें एफ़टीपी के माध्यम से अपनी साइट से कनेक्ट करें (यदि अनिश्चित है कि कैसे) सुनिश्चित करें कि विन्यास ठीक है और काम कर रहा है अपनी वेबसाइट के लिए अपने जीआईटी भंडार (बिटबकेट) के लिए तैनाती FTP: / site / deployments / tools में निम्न फ़ोल्डर पर नेविगेट करें - ध्यान दें कि यह फ़ोल्डर छिपा हुआ हो सकता है यदि ऐसा है, तो उसे अपने एफ़टीपी क्लाइंट सॉफ़्टवेयर में टाइप करें उस फ़ोल्डर में आप deploy.cmd फ़ाइल उस फ़ाइल को ...

css - How to change word color? -

I want to do this so that when the text is loaded in the dome, the text is red randomly, each letter On the first load begins to animate fade / change in blue color. Is it possible only in CSS3 or is it to include JavaScript? I think it can be done with CSS, it's easy to use jQuery By way: you should and then: $ (document) .ready (functiom () {// It may be that any event $ ('#your_div_id'). Animate ({Color: 'blue'});}); Your question is not clear, if you want to get random color then create an array of colors and randomly choose a color, this is what I used for my site: var color = new array ("blue", "green", "#ffffff", "color4", "color5"); Var Rand = Math Floor (monastery.) * 5); and in 'blue' you color [rand] , make your question a little more common so others can also use it.

How can I store an indefinite amount of stuff in a field of my database table? -

is a simple version of the website that I'm designing: users can be related to one or more groups as soon as They want as many groups as they log in when they log in. Ideally, in my user table, I should get an array or something that I will continue to add the ID of those groups which the user Join In addition, although I know that this is not necessary, I need a column in my group table that contains the indefinite amount of user ID in that group. (Side Q: Is the user related to a particular group ID more user-friendly than getting all the users of the group?) Does my question come in handy? Mainly I want to be able to fill a column with an indefinite list of IDs ... the only way I can think is that it is making something like a super-long mantra and in that list JSON is there or in some It is encoded, but ewww please and thank you Oh and its a mysql database (my website is in php), but for 2 years php development I have decided to waste php recently and i Refuse it And ...

http - Splitting a dictionary in python based on memory size -

I am in the process of moving a distributed file system to ALS SERE using BOTO, and I run into a problem I am not aware that I have a clear solution: The current status of my code is as follows: def insert (documents): data = {hash_doc (d): _decode (d) The hash_doc (d)} domain for. Batch_put_attributes (data) The real issue is that I am hitting that the request to make up AWS in is batch_put_attributes function is the maximum size of 1 MB . Obviously I want to reduce the number of requests I am doing, but I can not even stop the limit of 1 MB. There is a good python way to say originally Split this split into separate pieces that are below certain memory size, but possible As an affair in some form I do not like to include more code, but I did not find anything that is sensitized on this one and I think there is a There should be a very straightforward solution. maybe do something K, in data.items () for V size_d = defaultdict (list): preprocess it to slight...

functional programming - Variable within `do` block not found PureScript -

यह काम नहीं करता है: itAsync "subscribeEventedOn किसी भी संलग्न डेटा प्राप्त करना चाहिए" $ \ किया - & gt; Do w & lt; - getWindow subscribeEventedOn "foo" (\ event - & gt; fprint घटना की उम्मीद करते हैं (unwrapDetail ईवेंट) `toDeepEqual` डी यह किया गया है) em नमूनाएवेंट की उम्मीद सच` करने के लिए सच 'करने के लिए सच है अज्ञात मान 'w' लेकिन यह काम करता है: w & lt; - getWindow itAynync "subscribeEventedOn किसी भी संलग्न डेटा प्राप्त करना चाहिए" $ \ done - & gt; ईसवींटेड ऑन "एफू" (\ इवेंट - & gt; एफप्रिंट इवेंट की उम्मीद है (अपलिपि डिपेट इवेंट) `toDeepEqual` डी यह किया गया है) डब्ल्यू एमीट नमूनाएवेंट की सच्चाई की अपेक्षा सच` ए 'सच मान क्यों? यह मुझे समझ में नहीं आता है (बीटीडब्ल्यू मैंने अपने यूनिट परीक्षणों में do ब्लॉक किया है) मैं था अपने उदाहरण कोड में नामों के प्रकारों को अनुमान लगाने से इसे पुन: उत्पन्न करने में सक्षम है, और ऐसा लगता है कि यह शुद्धलेखन लेक्सर की ख़ासियत के कारण होता...

javascript - Find out which individual item changed in an Ember ArrayController -

After In a Ember.ArrayController , I have a function that is .observes () A property on the entire array of models for a property change on FoosController = Ember.ArrayController.extend (Ember.Evented, {observesEachFooBar:. Function () {var less important Things = this.get ('model'); foos.forEach (function (foo) {// test, if this foo has changed, do something}}.}.} () .observes ('.model @ '),}); Here I'm testing each Foo in my model manually. How can I avoid this, and only that person has given one (or something) that has changed? After the This makes you with the same pattern as the Amber Sourceal Mixin foreach (sortProperties, function (sortProperty) {addObserver (item, sortProperty, this 'contentItemSortPropertyDidChange');}, this). ; }, this); } Come back. Super (array, idx, deleted quote, added number); }, InsertItemSorted: function (item) {var arrangedContent = get (this, 'arrangedContent'); Var length = get (s...

python - RESTful API using OAuth where authentication tokens are sent as part of the HTTP request -

I am new enough to develop APIs. This is part of my class project and aims to create a restalty API in the target python, Where delegation is done by OAuth and these tokens should be sent as part of the HTTP request. I was advised that I should make an API that involves applying the OAYUTH model to a proxy-like approach, where authentication tokens are sent as part of the HTTP request. What does the proxy-like approach mean? Any ideas? I really appreciate it if someone can help me with this and how to make an API (even though this dragon is not unique, I can quote from it). > If you are new to REST services, a good kick will start for you. So what is oh? OAuth may contain many things: It is usually used by an application (consumer) to access the data or services that the user (the resource owner) has with any other service provider , And it is done in a manner that prevents users from logging in. Credentials with the user's provider For example, consider a websi...

javascript - How do I use 'this' when converting code into an object? -

So I can reuse the code on more than one place on a web page, I want it to be in Object Oriented JavaScript I am converting. The original code looks like this: foo = 42; Function bar (a, b) {foo = a * foo + b; } ... bar (1,1) I think I want to see it like this: function example () {this. Foo = 42; = function () { = a * + b; }} Var = a new instance (); Var two = new instance (); ... One. Bar (1,1); (2,3); However, I'm not sure that I am using 'this' correctly within the nested function. I have noticed that some of the functions I'm going to convert are event handlers which already mention 'this' in my body. How can I differentiate this 'event' already in this 'event' , I want to use to reach my local variable? Create a local var in the example class / function and then click the appropriate this object. function example () {var self = this; = 42; = function () {self.f...

python - geocoding 6000+ addresses using pygeocoder (not working because it limited the queries to be used) -

I am using Pygcoder in Python to remove longitude and latitude of multiple addresses, but there is an error saying, That query was exceeding the limit. Does anyone know any other open source devices to geocode multiple records at once? Thank you. pascooder uses the Google Geocoding API Which applies. You have your limitations using the free API: 2,500 requests for a 24-hour period. As a result, you can spread your request within three days without changing your code. If you actually

joomla2.5 - virtuemart2 and sh404sef url -

I am using virtuemart 2.5.6 and sh404sef in joomla2.5 My problem is that, sh404sef url generates child foreign printing system, I need it but it displays for the main category This Displaying correctly but for this, the hair category and products, the URL is displayed as mentioned above. I have tried to change the settings in Vm2 configuration, the SEF has been disabled, using the product id, sh404sef is uncontrolled in the configuration, unable to allow id in the url How to overcome this problem? If these subcategories are present and disable them to check whether the problem is fixing, So check your menu. If you do not want to check and modify sh404sef on the plugin: /components/com_sh404sef/sef_ext/com_virtuemart.php If none of the above works are done, then you sh404sef plugin Can disable and use virtuemart router by setting sh404sef configuration - & gt; By component - & gt; Com_virtuemart - & gt; Use the Joomla router. To work you h...

jQuery to return the wrapper of the content instead of only the content -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 26 उत्तर मान लें कि मेरे पास निम्न HTML है & lt; लेख & gt; & Lt; लेख आईडी = "ए 1" & gt; & Lt;! - आईडी = "a1" - & gt; के साथ लेख की सामग्री & Lt; / लेख & gt; & Lt; लेख आईडी = "ए 2" & gt; & Lt;! - id = "a2" - & gt; के साथ लेख की सामग्री & Lt; / लेख & gt; & Lt; लेख आईडी = "ए 3" & gt; & Lt;! - आईडी = "ए 3" के साथ लेख की सामग्री - & gt; & Lt; / लेख & gt; & Lt; / लेख & gt; jQuery का उपयोग करके, मैंने निम्न किया var x = $ ("# a2")। Html (); अब, वैरिएबल x Contian होगा: & lt;! - id = "a2" के साथ लेख की सामग्री - & gt; हालांकि, मुझे x होना चाहिए: & lt; लेख आईडी = "ए 2" & gt; & Lt;! - id = "a2" - & gt; के साथ लेख की सामग्री & Lt; / लेख & gt; मैंने कोशिश की: var x = $ ("# a2")। माता पिता ()। H...

Generating multiple CSV files on hourly basis in Python -

I have a python module, called HariseSecGeneration_JPi. I have some data that is generated on hourly basis. Sample.txt is Sample.txt is sampled in data here: - 2014-07-24 15: 00: 00,1,1,1,1,1001 2014-07-24 15: 01: 00,1,1,1,1,1001 2014-07-24 15: 02: 00,1,1,1,1001 2014-07-24 15:15, 00,1,1,1, 1, 1001 2014-07-24 15: 16: 00,1,1,1,1,1001 2014-07-24 15:17-17: 00,1,1,1,1001 2014-07-24 15:30: 00,1,1,1,1,1001 2014-07-24 15: 31: 00,1,1,1,1001 2014-07-24 15: 32,101,1,1, 1,1001 2014 -07-24 15: 45: 00,1,1,1,1,1001 2014-07-24 15: 46: 00,1,1,1,1,1001 2014-07-24 15:47:47, 1,1,1,1,1001 As you can see that 4 intervals are 00-15, 15-30, 30, 45 and 45-59 and the next hour starts And so on I am writing code that will read data in this txt file and generate 4 CSV files for each hour in one day. Therefore, the analysis of the above data should be generated by 4 CSV files, which should be named Conference 2014-07-24 15: 00 CSV, which contains 15:00 and 15:15, 2014-07-24 15:15 data containing CSV 15:1...

Android - ignore parent view touch on child view touch -

मेरे पास एक लेआउट है RelativeLayout_Parent - & gt; RelativeLayout_Child दोनों दृश्य स्पर्श ईवेंट वाले हैं लेकिन जब मैं RelativeLayout_Child पर स्पर्श करता हूं, तो पेरेंट के लिए टच ईवेंट को भी निकाल दिया जाता है। बच्चे के दृश्य स्पर्श पर माता पिता के दृश्य स्पर्श को कैसे अनदेखा करें? बहुत सरल है, अपने बच्चे के दृश्य पर ओन्चौचलाइस्टर को कार्यान्वित करें, और टच इवेंट प्राप्त करने के बाद सिर्फ सही बच्चे को वापस आइये, यह सुनिश्चित करेगा कि टच इवेंट अन्य लोगों के लिए प्रचारित नहीं है। child_view.setOnTouchListener (नया ऑन-टचलिस्टनर () {@ ओवरराइड पब्लिक बूलियन ऑन-टच (देखें आर्ग0, मोशन एवेंट आर्ज 1) {// यह सुनिश्चित करेगा घटना अन्य लोगों के लिए प्रचारित नहीं है, एक ही दृश्य क्षेत्र को सही रीसेट करना;}});

android - onclick listview in oncreate() -

I have to set the adapter to the values ​​of my async work and onpostexecute () and when I click on the items in the list view Oncraete () It's not showing anything and I'm trying to show a toast to test it. Crate on public void (bundle extractor) {super.onCreate (icicle); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_main); Lv = (ListView) findViewById (; New Ftpclient () Executed (); lv.setOnItemClickListener (New OnItemClickListener () {public void onItemClick (AdapterView & LT ;? & gt; parent, and see, int position, long id) {if (state == 0) {Toast.makeText (getApplicationContext ( ), "clicked", 500) Kshow; string f = "FILE54.pdf"; file = new file (environment .getExternalStorageDirectory () + '/ FtpFiles "+ f), if (Filekexists ()) {Uri filepath = Uri.fromFile (file); intent intent = new intent (Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.setDataAndType (filepath, "application / pdf"); intent.setFlags (Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP); try...

javascript - Web content is not loading in iframe -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 7 जवाब मेरे पास एक आइफ्रेम है पृष्ठ जो स्थानीय एचटीएमएल सामग्री को लोड करेगा लेकिन दूरस्थ वेब सामग्री को लोड नहीं करेगा। यहां कोड है: & lt; iframe id = "frame1" src = "http: //localhost/test.html "width =" 520px "height =" 400px "स्क्रोलिंग =" ऑटो "& gt; & lt; / iframe & gt; "Http://" width = "520px" height = "400px" स्क्रोलिंग = "ऑटो" & gt; & lt; / iframe & gt; कृपया किसी भी मदद Google एक्स-फ्रेम- IFrames में अपने पृष्ठ डालने की अनुमति देने के लिए विकल्प HTTP हेडर: लगभग सभी आधुनिक ब्राउज़रों ने एक आईफ्रेम में इस HTTP हेडर के साथ पृष्ठों को डालने से इनकार कर दिया होगा। ऐसा कुछ भी नहीं है जो आप कर सकते हैं।

android - Convert screen coordinate to OpenGL vertex float point -

When I touch the user screen, I am using OpenGL 2.0 Ess. In order to create an object, according to many samples, I need to define the top by using the float value of x, y, z in an array. I have stumbled on just one problem that I get these float numbers from the screen coordinates Can not Define I have made a line class based on the triangle object class provided by the Android sample. For now, in my GLSurfaceView class I use the onTouchEvent method, so in my renderer, I use this formula to coordinate the screen for the float point. Float Line Coins [] = New Float [6]; Line quotes [0] = (float) (M.P.R. * 2.0 / WIDTH - 1.0); Line Coords [1] = (Float) (MPR-2.0 / HEIGHT + 1.0); Line quotes [2] = 0.0 f; Line quotes [3] = (float) (x * 2.0 / WIDTH - 1.0); Line quotes [4] = (float) (y * -2.0 / HEIGHT + 1.0); Line quotes [5] = 0.0 f; Originally the formula has followed the glotho array but the result is not satisfactory because it appears that there is a vertical mirror in the center...

javascript - Hiding HTML template from client side -

I want to keep my client-side code as clean and minimal as possible My project uses the knockout JS and this template engine: I have created the template in the lower section of my source code according to the team value given in the "Pre" section (I really do not want to appear). Is there a way to hide the template and when it loads the DOM? To load your template from the server, give them your own small .html files, and then on the client, you can use them to bring them into one variable: // Variables We are putting the template into var myTemplate; $ .ajax ({async: wrong, type: "gET", url: "/templates/myTemplate.html", success: function (data) {myTemplate = data;}}); Then when you want to use the template, you can call templ () with the template: Var results = Tmpl (myTemplate, data); Note: I have forced jquery to synchronize to use async: false because you make sure You want to say that the template is present there.

ios - how to order kif testcase sequences? -

I have used the latest version of the KIF framework and have made many test cases (sub-class of expertise). Do I know there is any way to change sequence of sequence running tests? For example, let me testA.m testB.m testC.m ... how to test a sequence like testb.m testC.m testA.m hit a CMD + U? This is described alphabetically, example: - (zero ) TestB {} The second test will be - (zero) testA {} will be the first test - (zero) testC {} third test will be

PHP GET variable with dash -

यूआरएल something.php? Id = 123-10-1 अगर मैं गूंज करता हूं, तो यह केवल 123 प्रिंट करता है, लेकिन मुझे इसकी ज़रूरत है 123-10-1 मुझे लगता है कि समाधान बहुत सरल है लेकिन मैं इसे देख नहीं रहा हूं। Php और फ़ंक्शंस का उपयोग करें।


I am trying to use a macro recorder in Excel to record a macro to fill a column of cells Each time there is a different number of cells which are either too short or too long and it appears that because the macro identifies the cell range and it is fixed. I need Auto or Auto filling from below: ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "= CONCATENATE (RC [1]," "", RC [2] Select "Range" ("C1"). AutoFill Destination: = ActiveCell.Range ("A1: A261") ActiveCell.Range ("A1: A261"). File is not always 261 why? Why can I keep a command to select / auto fill the last column? Blockquote sub WMEHOT_Cleaner () '' WMEHOT_Cleaner Macro '' column ( "a: a") .: = xlToRight, CopyOrigin: = xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove Selection.Insert shift: = xlToRight, CopyOrigin: = xl FormatFromLeftOrAbove column (Select to Selection.Cut column "L") SelectionkInsert shift ( "B.: B Select"). ActiveSheetkPaste Select ...

c++ - Call derived method which does not exist in base class from base class -

In this example, I make the original object globular (2), and the class pointers generated with one type of conversion Assigns your address. Then I can call the fun () function which is not present in the base object area (2). And I think that this is quite strange, because there is no definition for fun (). But I can type typed and call it. Can anyone explain this? Thanks in advance. PS: Output "Haha I'm a ball with radius 2" // --------- sphere.h ---- - --------- #ifndef SPHERE_H # Defined SPHERE_H square area {Private: Double _radius; Public: Area (double radius) {_radius = radius; } Double getRadius () {return _radius; }}; #endif // ----------- -ball .h ..---------- #ifndef BALL_H # Defined BALL_H # contains & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include "Sphere.h" using the namespace std; Class ball: public sector {private: string _ball name; Public: Ball (Double Radius, String Bottle Name): Area (Radius) {_ballName = ballName; } String getName () {Return ...

c# - LINQ Advance Query 3 Level -

यह मेरा ऑब्जेक्ट है: कंसोल: प्लेस्टेशन प्रकार : PSX मूल्य: 100 उपलब्ध में: ["संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका", "जापान"] प्रकार: पीएस 3 मूल्य: 250 उपलब्ध में: [] टाइप: PS4 मूल्य: 500 उपलब्ध में: ["यूएसए", "जापान"] कंसोल: एक्सबॉक्स प्रकार: Xbox 360 मूल्य: 100 उपलब्ध इन: [] प्रकार: एक्सबॉक्स एक मूल्य: 250 उपलब्ध में: ["यूएसए", "जापान"] टाइप: जीबीए मूल्य: 250 उपलब्ध में: [] कंसोल: प्लेस्टेशन हाय दोस्तों, मुझे सभी उपलब्ध कंसोल का चयन करने के लिए एक LINQ क्वेरी की आवश्यकता है यदि "उपलब्ध इन" नल नहीं है I प्रकार: पीएसएक्स मूल्य: 100 उपलब्ध में: ["संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका", "जापान"] प्रकार: पीएस 4 मूल्य: 500 उपलब्ध में: ["यूएसए", "जापान"] कंसोल: एक्सबॉक्स प्रकार: एक्सबॉक्स एक मूल्य: 250 उपलब्ध में: ["संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका", "जापान"] कोन्सो ले: गेमबॉय प्रकार: जीबीसी मूल्य: 100 उपलब्ध में: ["यूएसए", "जापान"] धन्यवाद, मैंन...

c# - How to determine if SearchPattern effects extension of file? -

I am currently directory from .NET from -class in me and I want to know Whether the search port is defining an extension or not. For example: If I "code"> GetFiles - I do as a pattern for the method to "Halo_warld" I clearly a detail. If I have * * * For this method, would allow all extensions that I have it "* .docx", then allow all dock-file. How do I get an extension from the search bar? What extensions ('.'). LastOrDefault () always in> only extension is - if no extension has been declared or in cases where Khojpatrn separate Allow different things and so can I find some solution in this solution? Regards "I like looking for patterns .. .. \ xyz" or "Xyz" can not think where your method will not work as expected. The first case is not permitted by implementation (see in the description of parameter searchPattern ). I do not know the second case is valid. Apart from this, only * and? Ther...

javascript - HTML5 validation not working On OnChange select box form Submit -

HTML verification is not working on submitting a box box on on-change. , but I need to submit the on change form and HTML% verification & lt; Form action = "do.php" method = "post" & gt; & Lt; Id = "myselect" name = "myselect" onchange = "this.form.submit ()" required = "" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "" & gt; & Lt; / Options & gt; Select & lt; Option value = "1" & gt; A & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "2" & gt; Two & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "3" & gt; Three & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "4" & gt; Four & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; Id = "myselect2" name = "myselect2" onchange = "this.form.submit ()" required = "" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "" & ...

php - insert an array into table using for loop -

I am trying to insert the rows of data into an array in the table in the mysql database. I am starting php, mysql and there is very little information about it. I just want to learn more if you can try it it would be great. The code I want to insert is below: for ($ x = 0; $ x & lt; 2; $ X ++) {$ Data [$ x] ['title'] = $ title- & gt; Items ($ x) - & gt; Nodeville; $ Data [$ x] ['titleHrefQuery'] = $ headerHrefQuery-> Items ($ x) - & gt; Nodeville; $ Data [$ x] ['food'] = $ FOODGRAIN- & gt; Object ($ x) - & gt; Nodeville; $ Data [$ x] ['locality'] = $ locality-> object ($ x) - & gt; Nodeville; $ Data [$ x] ['rating'] = $ rating-> object ($ x) - & gt; Nodeville; $ Data [$ x] ['cost'] = $ costQuery- & gt; Items ($ x) - & gt; Node valve; } I am tring to insert using the code given below: $ query = "Include in the table (` title`, `Link`,` value ($ ') - & gt; item ($ ...

There was a issue when i use a admob id on 2 android app -

I have published an app named "code"> adobe with id "ad_A" with "A" is. Again, I added "ad_A" for the second app, which is the name "B". But ads appear only on B and are not visible on A. I have replaced the endomb id with the second endomb id, but AIN I again advertise on A How can I show? Edit: I have received an email with the following content: Hello, This email notifies you that none of your applications is currently following our AdMob program policies and its As a result, the advertising service has been disabled in your application. Issue ID #: Advertising Service Current Account Status: Active What do I have to do now? Help me. I've changed the admob_id on App B. to serve any list in AdMob / DFP backend Has not been left for> NO_FILL returned by AdMob . First of all, I was requesting an ad for size AxB , but no ads were shown for this backend. It is important that AdMob / DF...

Migrating from Winforms to WPF: OnLoad event -

Winforms में, हम सामान्यतः OnLoad ईवेंट हैंडलर (या बेहतर, OnLoad का उपयोग करते हैं () विधि ओवरराइड) के साथ काम शुरू करने के लिए, क्योंकि हम जानते हैं कि उस समय सब कुछ तैयार है। क्या हम WPF के साथ समान दृष्टिकोण का उपयोग करेंगे? धन्यवाद पी> हाँ, लेकिन हमें एक्सएएमएल पक्ष में "लोडेड" ईवेंट के लिए पंजीकरण करना चाहिए लोड किया हुआ "" विंडो_लोडेड " और पंजीकरण के परिणामस्वरूप, हम .cs पक्ष पर निम्नलिखित विधि का उपयोग करें निजी शून्य विंडो_लोडेड (ऑब्जेक्ट प्रेषक, RoutedEventArgs ई) {} मुझे आशा है कि आप पूछ रहे थे

php - MySQL Search Query - "Keep" not working -

I am a bit confused with follow-up queries that I have been using for some time, the following tasks " Fire Product "by Product Name (Product '' Fire '' in Boolean Mode) by the name of the product related to the search query LIMIT 5 Return Fire Storage 31020 S1E Fire Storage 31020 S1 Fire Storage 31021 S 1E Fire Storage 31021 S1 Fire Storage 31022 S 1E However, the query for the "Keep" query Product related to the product - select Wikipedia against the product (the product) in 'Keep' * in Boolean mode * 5) No return results Although we have products in the table like "Fire door keep shut sign", "clean sign" The only such word that I have found so far "search"> is a stop-word : Compass Ting, words to stop the words that are filtered before processing the data of natural language or text (). [...] Certain tools avoid specifically excluding them to support phrase search, any group o...

android - How to resize image by using seekbar? -

I want to resize the image using the seekbar. Seekbar is working, but it is not giving any good results, with the following code, the image has been resized, but when you first change the progress of the explorer. Please help listener seekbar seekBar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener (New OnSeekBarChangeListener () {@Override public void onStopTrackingTouch (seekbar arg0) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub} @ public override void onStartTrackingTouch (seekbar arg0) {// TODO auto-generated method stub} @Override public void onProgressChanged (seekbar seekbar, ProgresValue integer, boolean fromUser) {// TODO auto-generated method stub progresValue = progress; resizeImage (image, Progas Vel);}}); Function Image resizing public void resizeImage (Bitmap Bitmap, int stride) {bitmap bitmapSource = bitmap; Float bHight = bitmapSource.getHeight (); Float bWidth = bitmapSource.getWidth (); Float Factor H = Progress / (Float) BHEight; Float factor w = progress / (float) bewd; Float Facto...

c++ - OpenGL 4.4 rendering just white screen -

I'm trying to create a OpenGL 4.4 Windows application. That I'm receiving pointers to use wglGetProcAddress manually; I.e. not using GLEW, GLEE or FreeGLUT . The code is prepared correctly, but I get white screen and nothing else, that is, the triangle is not drawn on the screen. : NVIDIA GTX 750 Ti Driver: NVIDIA 337.88 (latest) OS: Windows 7 SP1 64bit Li > Here is the Visual Studio Project file: It seems that you never Do not call setdata () function in your program How can you get any results on the screen In your Win32_Window.cpp : ... ShowWindow (hWnd, nCmdShow); UpdateWindow (hWnd); SetupPixelFormat (); InitGL (); SetData (); // Add this line to set data for VAO and VBO

bash - [: -gt: unary operator expected -

I do not write too many bashs, so I'm a little bit stumped about how to fix it. I need to check that the value returned by a command is greater than x when it runs, I get the [: -gt: unary operator required which is I'm unable to fix This is my script, #! / Bin / sh Error = 0 PHPCPDLevel = 100 # PHPCPD "PHP CopyPaste Test (at least $ {PHPCPDLevel}%" PHPCPD = "phpcpd" if echo "[$ PHPCPD echo. Grep"% "| Cut-D ' -f1` -gt "$ PHPCPDLevel"]] Then $ PHPCPD ERROR = 1 else resonates "... - & gt; Only $ PHPCPD | grep"% "| Cut-D" resonates. "-f1 % "Fix buzz" is over! "Exit $ ERROR Update: I think I did it: PHP code = "PHPCPDLevel = 25 # PHPCPD resonance" PHP CopyPaste probe (limit maximum $ {PHPCPDLevel}%) "PHPCPD =" phpcpd. "PERCENTAGE = $ ($ PHPCPD | grep"% "| Cut-d '. -f1) if [$ {PERCENTAGE} -gt $ $ PHPCPDLevel}] Then $ PHPCPD ERROR = 1...

sql server 2008 - I have changed default schema of a database from dbo to something else but when I wrote query it still took dbo as default schema -

I have changed the default schema to do something else from a database's DBO, but when I wrote the question , It still takes the default schema I am using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and there are some problems. Please help me at: I have a database in which there is two schemata, a debbo and the other student is student. I was entering studentlinkweb First of all, the default schema is Dabo, then I have already successfully set the default schema for DBO login schema studentlinkweb for studentlinkweb . (I & dd; database_name & gt; User & gt; Properties (right-click)> General & Database & gt; Security & gt; Login it & # 39; Login ID & gt; Properties (right click) I've already checked it under & gt; User Mapping) However, when I wrote the SQL script, Did not work in conformity. Under the schema studentlinkweb, I have a table name table_name. When I wrote written by name and ran away, he returned a message: invalid...